Nightmare’s Call

Chapter 635 Pollution 2

Just when the Northern Angel Federation was preparing to pool a large amount of resources and clone clones to attack the governor.

Among the many cities in the north, there is a place called Yuanguang City.

Just ushered in the lucky sight of a huge cloud whale swimming slowly in the sky.

The occasional swimming of cloud whales, once seen by people on the ground, will be regarded as a symbol of luck.

It is said that seeing the cloud whale will bring good luck.

Although no one has actually proven it, there are still many men and women who believe it.

In Yuanguang City. On a bench in a public park.

Two couples who are not more than 20 years old are embracing and snuggling together, looking up at the huge cloud whale that slowly swings its giant tail and flashes past.

"Look! That's a cloud whale! What a big tail!!"

The girl is tied with twin ponytails, and she has a cute and cute expression. She is clearly in her twenties, but she can dress up as if she were fifteen or sixteen years old.

"Yeah. So beautiful." The man's mind was completely wrong, and he put his arms around the girl and became dishonest.

"It's so beautiful, if only I could be a cloud whale, swimming in the sea of ​​clouds every day, and taking a nap in the atmosphere sounds so romantic." The girl looked forward to it.

"Yeah, it's really romantic." The boy was working hard when he suddenly felt something was wrong.

Under normal circumstances, girlfriends are soft, fragrant and cute girls, but just now, when he touched her, he felt that her body was getting colder and harder.

"Brother!" Suddenly the girl threw herself into his arms, "Don't talk, kiss me!"

The boy was stunned, then blinked his eyes, and his heart suddenly became hot.

He closed his eyes and kissed the girl's lips with his mouth.

Soon, he felt that he touched his girlfriend's lips that were as soft as rose petals and fragrant.

Immediately afterwards, the lips opened, and three lilac tongues slipped into his mouth, entangled with himself.

etc! !

Three small cloves.

The boy suddenly trembled all over, and opened his eyes suddenly.

The girl who was snuggling in his arms opened her cherry lips at this time, and three black tree root-like tongues were greedily stretching out, connecting to her own mouth.

"Me me me me!!!!!!"

The boy's whole body was instantly icy cold.

"Help!!!" He suddenly roared. After pushing his girlfriend away, he stumbled and fled.

At the same time, outside Yuanguang City, a large piece of hazy black fog is gradually changing from light to thick, slowly spreading towards the city.

The initial black mist shrouded it was only because the concentration was not high and not many places were involved. Not much variation is caused.

The black mist was quickly dispelled and neutralized by the Angel Federation through special means.

Of course, they thought they were neutralized after being dispelled, but the Kuroshio had already lurked deeply in the bodies of many creatures they had come into contact with.

The black mist on the edge of the city was dispelled, but in the wilderness area, a large number of wild animals and insects were mutated and assimilated by the black mist in unknown places.

The more lives and souls devoured, the greater and stronger the power of the black mist.

In a blink of an eye, more than half a month has passed.

The research department of the Northern Federation of Angels, after mobilizing a large amount of resources, finally successfully cloned and cloned a powerful individual that looks like Tiangong Xia Linsheng. There are more than four hundred people in total.

Each of these clones has about six levels of Tian Gongxia's strength. Lin Sheng couldn't compare, but he wasn't weaker than the former either.

Their strength comes from pure physical clones, but even so, they far exceed the physical fitness of ordinary holy angels.

More importantly, due to physical problems, these clones were not affected and restrained by the scattered holy light near Dushi.

This is the true purpose of the Northern Angels Association.

Holy Spirit Palace.

Lin Sheng propped his cheek with one hand, calmly watching the circular light curtain floating in front of him.

What appears in the light curtain is the overall trend of the angel world. It's not just Dushi.

In more than half a month, the undetectable holy spirits scattered and flew away, gradually spreading to five nearby cities.

With Dushi as the core, a total of six cities were gradually and secretly brought under the influence and control of the Holy Spirit Palace.

"It seems to be developing well." Kadulla said in surprise.

"It's really good. The key is that no one there has studied the soul level. Relying solely on genetic technology to develop the technology tree is too distorted and partial. So the weakness is also very clear." Nurgna slowly closed the book in her hand, with the same expression Calm evaluation.

"Does brother have any overall plans and plans?" Kadulla glanced at Nuergna, not intending to answer her words at all, but looked at Lin Sheng again.

"I named this world the Angel World." Lin Sheng said calmly. "This world is different from the world of corpse demons.

The strength of the boundary source here far exceeds the former, and it has even reached the level where entities can be condensed and used as an attack method.

You must have seen the power of the lightning nail before. "

Lin Sheng recalled the previous scene, and now he still has lingering fears.

He gently touched the bloodstain on his forehead, and there was a trace of coldness in the corner of his mouth.

"What does that brother mean to use the Kuroshio to weaken and suppress the will of the world?" Kadulla frowned. "It's just that this is a bit too slow? Let's wait so slowly. When will we wait?"

"That's why I went out a while ago." Lin Sheng said leisurely. Spreading out his right palm, more than a dozen small gray-black beads slowly floated and danced in his palm.

"This is the thirteen God-level monsters that I sealed and protected before. The Kuroshio tide in this world has been upgraded, and there are more and more monsters at the God-level.

So I decided to let friends from another world help us share a little pressure. We are all human after all.

Since the world will of the Angel World is so strong, the greater the power, the greater the responsibility. Isn't it unreasonable not to take on more things? "

Thirteen-headed gods.

Although they had already estimated Lin Sheng's narrow-mindedness, Nurgna and Kadulla still underestimated Lin Sheng's shamelessness.

Wanting to rob someone's boundary source, but was beaten back, and blamed others for resisting, not only causing a catastrophe, but also adding extra fuel to the catastrophe

"Okay, now, let's release these wild gods back to nature." Lin Sheng smiled and pushed his hand.

The black beads in the palm of the hand flew up immediately, and rushed towards the circular light curtain in front of him.

In a blink of an eye, all the thirteen Yanshen beads fell into the light curtain, and flew away in all directions under Lin Sheng's control.

In order to find these thirteen gods, Lin Sheng has been getting up early every day lately, wandering around the Kuroshio every day, and even used prophecy crystals to see how many they can get together.

It can be said that in a short period of time, there will be almost no monsters of the God level in this world.

It was because of this trip that Lin Sheng was caught.

"In addition, the remaining communication ports have also been set up, all of which are set up in the depths of the Kuroshio Current.

As long as it is activated, the Kuroshio current in our world can be evenly drawn over.

Anyway, the will of the Angel World is so strong, it is not a matter of course to help other worlds share some pressure. " Lin Sheng said calmly.

Nurgna and Khadulla were relatively silent.

"Don't worry, the place I am attracting is the most concentrated place of the Angel Federation. In the rest of the places, I have arranged the holy light to protect and hide the people. It will not hurt innocent people." Lin Sheng explained.

Of course, war will eventually kill people, but what Lin Sheng can do is to reduce the number of dead people, that's all.

"The Angels Association also has its own hole cards. You all try not to go there recently. Don't be caught and attacked." Lin Sheng gave a final warning.



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