Lin Sheng observed carefully, and suddenly slowly moved the Eye of God to his cloak.

The tens of thousands of massive Kuroshio monster sand grains on the cloak all lit up.

The original white cloak seemed to be inlaid with a large number of black crystal gems for a while. Numerous gem crystals glow colorless and fluorescent.

Under the watchful eyes of God.

Lin Sheng stretched out his hand lightly, and squeezed nothingness.

He grabbed a handful of colored silk threads, tore them off abruptly, and moved them to the large number of guardian crystals sealed on the cloak.

The moment he tore off the colored thread, Lin Sheng clearly felt a little weak in himself.

But when the colored wires were immediately connected to the black crystal grains, this feeling of weakness quickly faded away.

Instead, a strange feeling of fullness.

And under the gaze of his God's Eye, the originally colorful lines are now being dyed into jet-black silk threads by the black energy flowing out of the black sand crystals.

"These guarded monsters, the wishes they produce are essentially of the same type. In this way, the wishes I get are also the purest."

Lin Sheng ended his operation with satisfaction.

For him who just ignited the divine fire, arbitrarily moving the believer's will force will cause the nature of his own divine fire to change.

It can even affect the nature and ability of divinity.

But these are nothing to him.

He doesn't want to be bound by believers, so. No matter what price he paid, he had to find a better way to break free.

And this method of diverting the source of will power is one of the methods he has planned for a long time.

The monsters eroded by the Kuroshio are not soulless, but their souls have been eroded and transformed into a special kind of existence without intelligence and wisdom.

Despite the absence of intelligence, basic biological instincts are present.

So Lin Sheng took advantage of this to try to transfer his power of will, using the monsters in the Kuroshio as the source of his power of faith.

Here's a try.

An extremely dangerous attempt, if successful, he will gain an indescribably powerful will.

And this wish will be combined with the Kuroshio as one.

If the Kuroshio is not extinguished, he will not be extinguished.

But once he fails, he will become the next demigod to be attacked by the Kuroshio. Just like the dream weaver in the Pillar of God.

The reason why Lin Sheng went into space and chose to come to such a far and high place to ignite the magic fire was because he considered the possible danger.

"The Kuroshio tide will erode even the gods. But I should be different." Lin Sheng recalled the root of his continuous rise from the beginning.

Yes, he is different.

From the very beginning, he obtained the capital to become stronger from the Kuroba World where the Kuroshio was destroyed.

His dreams continued to go deep into the world of Heiyu, and he got all kinds of magical knowledge from it.

From then on, he really embarked on the road of becoming stronger step by step.

It's just that as his strength increased later, he gradually didn't pay as much attention to dreams as he did when he was weak.

Looking back now, apart from him, no one else seems to be able to explore freely in the Kuroshio as an ordinary person without fear of infection.

Lin Sheng didn't know why he had this difference. Perhaps Anseria, the light of hope back then, was the same as him.

At this time, he was keenly aware that he could use this to build his own god system.

"There is light in the world and there is darkness, so light and darkness complement each other. If there is any difference between me and other gods, then this difference must be my divinity."

Everyone's divinity is unique, and perhaps roughly similar in nature, but in details, it's like no two identical leaves in the world.

So is divinity.

That's why Lin Sheng thinks that his patron saint nature, its uniqueness, is very likely to be unique as well.

This time, he planned to try it with his speed and divinity.

Lin Sheng stared at the black energy rushing towards him continuously along the colored lines.

There was no tension, no sense of crisis, and no sudden warning.

He had already predicted it once before with the power of turning the evil wheel.

The results were not unexpected.

After the black energy completely poured into Lin Sheng's body, nothing happened. The color of the colored fire gradually changed from bright seven-colored to a deeper and denser colored flame.

That feeling is like the monitor has raised the contrast to the limit at once.

Countless pure desires, wishing to break free from shackles and longing for redemption, poured into the flames continuously and turned them into fuel.

This wish is so pure and powerful that its quantity and density are obviously the same as the colored wishes just now. But for the burning effect of the divine fire, it is like adding burning gasoline, and the fire suddenly doubles in height.

Lin Sheng didn't move, there was no accident. Just observe calmly.

He was observing to see if his divine fire would be polluted by the Kuroshio.

But ten minutes passed, and twenty minutes passed.

An hour passed.

The sacred fire was still burning slowly and firmly, and there was no sign of being polluted by the Kuroshio at all.

Lin Sheng suddenly understood.

Why is he able to keep coming and going in and out of the Kuroshio, and he doesn't feel attacked at all.

"It seems that I, like Anseria, should also have a certain resistance to the Kuroshio."

If he stays in the Kuroshio for too long, he will still experience symptoms of discomfort, but compared to other people, an existence like Lin Sheng is already an individual far beyond common sense.

Being able to have a longer-term innate research on the invasion of the Kuroshio is a great help to the entire alliance against the Kuroshio.

After repeatedly confirming that the source of the wish power is replaced by the Kuroshio monster in the guardian bead, Lin Sheng has time to experience the various abilities he has acquired after becoming a demigod.

He opened his right palm.

A group of pure colored flames naturally appeared in the palm of the hand.

"Simple divine fire can be used to burn the opponent's soul. Once activated, the power is about thirteen times that of my previous full-strength explosion."

Lin Sheng withdrew the flame in his palm, and then looked at the blue lines on his left arm.

That is the speed and divinity, after being completely ignited, the strange patterns appear on the surface of the body.

"Extremely fast." Suddenly, Lin Sheng activated his previous supernatural ability.

boom! ! !

All the surrounding space and time, at this moment, all stagnate and freeze.

At this moment, the huge rotating planet is completely still and motionless.

Lin Sheng stretched out his hand to grab, and the light flying in the air around him was caught by him, like pieces of bundled gold threads.

"The previous super speed, for high-level opponents, can still react. Barely keep up with the speed.

But the current speed. Compared with before, the speed has increased by at least ten times! "

Lin Sheng recalled that he fought against the previous speed and divinity holder, Big Fly.

Although the speed of the big fly at that time was fast, it was impossible for him to be completely unable to keep up.

but now it's different

Lin Sheng felt quite satisfied with the stagnant space around him.

He looked at the wish power that was rapidly burning and consuming.

"On average, the consumption is two to three times that of before. But the power has increased by at least ten times!"

With this ability, Lin Sheng can finally leave the Holy City and explore other places.

"Physical strength, the increase is not much, about 30% of the previous one. But it can sense the wishes and desires of believers at any time."

Lin Sheng felt a little clumsily the threads of wish power in those guardian beads.

The wishes of the guarded monsters are very simple.

That is to escape the seal.

This strong desire, formed by the will, allowed Lin Sheng's divine fire to continuously receive more nourishment.

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