Nightmare’s Call

Chapter 648 Planning 3

Looking around, the roommates all went to the Internet cafe outside to play games.

Just Zhao Hongjing studied hard in the dormitory alone.

Don't let other people find the problem!

Zhao Hongjing raised it nervously.

He is probably the only person in this world who has this opportunity to transcend the extraordinary.

Therefore, when he is not strong enough, outsiders must not be allowed to discover his specialness.

Otherwise, if he is discovered and taken into a research institution for slice research, it will be really miserable.

Like carrying a bottle of liquid bomb, Zhao Hongjing left the dormitory as if nothing had happened, and then quickly walked towards the hotel in front of the school.

He planned to open an hourly room to formally try the effect of holy water.

As soon as he got out of the dormitory, he saw Zhang Chengwei, the squad leader, standing at the door of the dormitory, talking to two boys in the class. It seems to be a school festival celebration, and each class submits a program.

Seeing Zhao Hongjing come out, Zhang Chengwei blinked.

"Zhao Hongjing, how are things going with you? The teacher is still waiting for news from us, so we have to report the schedule quickly."

Zhao Hongjing is the monitor of the boys' side, although he occasionally stays up late to go to Internet cafes, and occasionally plays cards, drinks and eats hot pot in the dormitory.

But in the eyes of the teacher, he is still a good student.

"Eh, something happened to my family. I may not have time to help these few days. Cheng Wei, please help and take care of it. I will treat you to dinner later."

Zhao Hongjing is in no mood to engage in any celebration programs now. After realizing that everything on the rainbow light may be true, he has now put all his energy on it.

If he didn't know how to seize such an opportunity, he would be so stupid.

The ponytail behind Zhang Chengwei's head shook, and his big eyes stared at Zhao Hongjing carefully.

"If you have something to do at home, you can go to the teacher to ask for a leave, don't hold on, you look very tired"

Yes, the current Zhao Hongjing looks extremely haggard. He has been exercising too much and his mental strength has been drained. Now he can stand and talk without fainting, which is considered to be his usual physical foundation.

"I know I know!" Zhao Hongjing waved his hand, "I'm leaving first. Thank you Cheng Wei."

"En." Zhang Chengwei watched Zhao Hongjing leave, and only turned around to discuss the follow-up arrangements with the other two until he was out of sight.

Somewhere in the realm of the Holy Spirit.

Lin Sheng was walking in the sky, and with a flick of his hand, a huge white light flew out and hit the ground like a cannonball.

After successfully ascending to demigod, he is experiencing various changes in body and soul.

In addition to the changes and improvements summarized before, his overall control and operation of energy has also reached a new height.

"The holy light of an ordinary unit can actually exert more than three times the effect in my hands. It really deserves to be the body of a demigod."

Lin Sheng looked at the rugged land covered by the holy light below, and was quite satisfied.

The frenzied transfer of the wish power line in the past few days made him finally transfer all his wish power to the guardian Kuroshio monster.

After the completion, he now has an extremely huge black power of desire at all times, and these powers of desire are continuously injected into the divine fire, and then turned into fuel.

The flame of Shenhuo is more than three times stronger than it was at the beginning.

Shenhuo itself will continue to forge and strengthen Lin Sheng's body.

This strengthening, according to Nuergna, will continue until a limit value.

"A divine fire ignited by divinity, strengthened to the limit, can reach the limit strength of a normal demigod.

If there are two divine fires ignited by the divine nature, then after the first kind of divine fire is fully adapted, the body can still accept the second divine fire, and the intensity can be increased to a higher level.

This kind can almost be regarded as the elite of demigods. "

Lin Sheng organized his thoughts.

The more divinity, the more divine fire properties, and the stronger the flame intensity. The strength that can be achieved by forging the body is also stronger.

But again, it is not that the more types of Shenhuo, the better.

The more divine fires there are, the more difficult it is to integrate them into a complete godhead. Simply put, it is more difficult to break through the realm.

So Lin Sheng didn't intend to pursue the ultimate physical strength, but only focused on protecting the divinity. Supplemented by speed and divinity.

Suspended in mid-air, Lin Sheng felt the comfort of being continuously roasted and forged by the powerful fire in his body.

"Ordinary demigods, how can I have such a luxury? They can always burn the divine fire with all their strength and forge their bodies. They have exhausted all their strength just to keep the foundation of the divine fire burning."

A steady stream of vows can bring a steady stream of divine fire.

And what can Shenhuo burn?

Artifacts can be forged!

The first thing Lin Sheng thought of was the Yin-turning evil wheel that he had always relied on the most.

This artifact, in fact, by now, its maximum power can no longer keep up with his footsteps. Gradually reduced to an auxiliary tool.

So taking advantage of the continuous flow of wish power now, he can just forge and strengthen the Yin-turning-evil wheel.

With a heartbeat, a small dark red circle automatically appeared behind Lin Sheng.

This is the ordinary materialized form of today's yin-turning-evil wheel.

It looks very ordinary and inconspicuous.

Lin Sheng played with it, and gently tossed the ring upwards.


The ring flew high, then fell down, suspended in the air behind him.

With a whistling, a group of colorful flames automatically emerged from the bottom of the ring out of thin air, and began to burn the evil wheel from bottom to top, little by little.

This is Lin Sheng's divine fire. In theory, any object calcined by his divine fire should have two characteristics.

One is the characteristic of speed, and the second is the characteristic of protecting the seal.

"Anyway, it's starting to be calcined, so it's better to burn more things at once."

Lin Sheng's heart skipped a beat, and the armor he was wearing all over his body began to burn out of thin air.

The colorful divine fire rippling majestic, terrifying huge fluctuations. In an instant, his whole body was dyed into a colored torch.

While sintering the artifact, Lin Sheng turned on the rainbow light, boredly checking the situation of the Invincible Superman.

This is the next source of boundary source that he is about to acquire.

Judging from the previous chat with the Invincible Superman, the opposite world seems to be in an extremely peaceful environment.

No threat, no cannibalistic race.

In this completely peaceful world, if he wanted to seize Jieyuan, if he really wanted to set off a turmoil and cause countless deaths and injuries, that would not be Lin Sheng's will.

His purpose is to save, not to conspire.

So this time, he plans to slowly cultivate a real spokesperson. Then preach in that world and spread the Holy Light.

Change the mainstream of the world through ideological changes, thereby forcing Jieyuan to appear.

Every world has its own destiny trajectory.

This is why many prophecy abilities can see the future. Because the future of many worlds is fixed.

But if fate is greatly reversed by external forces in the future, the world will instinctively try to correct it.

If it cannot be corrected, then the appearance of Jieyuan is almost inevitable.

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