Nightmare’s Call

Chapter 659: Robbery 2

Snapped. The voice is gone.

This time Zhao Hongjing didn't press the button, it was the signal on the other side that was suddenly disconnected.

Putting down the phone, he reached out and scratched his hair,


Suddenly the door of the study room was gently opened.

A boy with a handsome face and slightly blue eyes stood at the door, looking at him with a smile.

"Student Zhao Hongjing, can you come out and play? Someone is looking for you outside."

Zhao Hongjing frowned, stood up, and walked out through the opened door.

"Over there." The boy pointed to a corner not far away, and there was indeed someone waiting there.

Zhao Hongjing was a little puzzled, and walked slowly.

The two slowly walked to a blind corner where people around them couldn't see much.

The moment Zhao Hongjing walked into a blind spot. Two people surrounded him at the same time, blocking his back.

"Zhao Hongjing? Nice to meet you." The waiting man stretched out his hand with a friendly face.

Zhao Hongjing shook hands with him, and looked at the person in front of him suspiciously.

Wearing a suit and leather shoes, with oily hair and a fake smile on his powdered face.

"We are also sorry about your parents. Your father, as the leader of the third organization, unexpectedly stumbled in a small high-star mission.

This is beyond anyone's imagination. After all, he was once the top player ranked fourth in the world. "

When the man in the suit opened his mouth, there were a bunch of confusing words that Zhao Hongjing didn't understand at all.

"After the accident, we also investigated the location of your mother's disappearance, and there was nothing there except an automatic smart reply machine.

You call and the voice you receive must be the smart answering machine your mother prepared in advance. "

The man in the suit sighed.

"For this matter, our alliance side is also very sorry, and now we are also sending people to search and rescue your father's whereabouts. Once there is news, we will inform you as soon as possible."

"Wait, why can't I understand what you are talking about?" Zhao Hongjing was a little stunned.

He hesitated for a while, then repeated: "My dad disappeared? When did it happen?"

"You don't know? It was two weeks ago, when we came this time, your father mentioned it. He put two important pieces of information here and asked you to pass them on to us. I don't know if you have any impression." The man in the suit solemnly said.

"Important information?" Zhao Hongjing was even more confused, why didn't he know what important things his father had?

"Think about it again, is there any? This is very important for finding your father's whereabouts." The man in the suit said seriously.

Zhao Hongjing frowned.

"I'm sure, nothing important is given to me. What did my dad do?? Tell me clearly! Where did he disappear?"

What he cares about is the real whereabouts of his father. After realizing that something was wrong at this time, his expression suddenly became wrong.

"This. We too." The man in the suit winked at the few people behind.


A hand knife cut precisely on the back of Zhao Hongjing's neck.

Zhao Hongjing was taken aback for a moment.

Bang bang bang! !

The man on the back of the neck seemed to be in a hurry, and slashed continuously.

"Dizzy! Why don't you faint!!?"

The man's voice trembled a little.

Zhao Hongjing's expression gradually became dull.

Originally, he still didn't believe what Zhu Xingchu said before, that his father was missing and his mother was missing.

All along, he thought that the other party was lying to him.

but now.

He took out his mobile phone and dialed his mother's phone number as if no one was there.

After two beeps, the call was answered.

"Mom, I'm surrounded by people, and someone wants to arrest me." He immediately explained his state.

It's a pity that the person on the other side was completely wrong. He murmured about a lot of busy things, and then promised to send him money, and then hung up.

Zhao Hongjing fell silent.

He seemed to understand something. Looking at the men in suits with weird complexions on the opposite side.

They were holding a bottle, releasing anesthetic gas, and spraying him wildly.

"Ask a question, was someone protecting me before?" Zhao Hongjing's voice calmed down.

The man in the suit squinted at him.

"Of course, Shen Xuehua's ranked killer Silent Lion, and Zhu Xingchu each brought a group of people to protect you."


The tranquilizer pistol he drew out fired bullets. But the bullet hit Zhao Hongjing, and nothing happened.

hell! !

Even if it hits the steel plate and body armor, it should be a little loud! ! ?

The few of them took a step back involuntarily, with beads of sweat oozing from their temples.

"Shen Xuehua took the lead, is it a beautiful woman with long golden hair?" Zhao Hongjing asked again. His face has gradually turned cold at this time.

"Yes. She... She is one of the two leaders, Shen Xuehua's ranked killer Zhu Xingchu." The man in the suit swallowed, his voice trembling.

After all the clips have been loaded, the other party is still standing quietly and talking less than one meter away from him, it's a hell! !

"So, where are they now?" Zhao Hongjing finally asked.

"She and the others won't be able to come. The strongest of the organization, Green Emerald has already arrived and now probably stopped them. She will definitely not survive!"

The man in the suit felt his tongue was a little knotted, and he couldn't speak easily.

It's just that he didn't notice at all that the pupils of Zhao Hongjing's eyes had gradually changed from the original gray to a trace of blood.

"Teacher, I may understand what you mean a little bit." Zhao Hongjing lowered his head, his state was slightly wrong.

"This is evil. Have you seen it?" A deep and faint voice came from beside his ear.

"Evil needs to be purified."

"Purification.?" Zhao Hongjing closed his eyes. His expression gradually became a little dazed.

"Yes. You are the purifier of destiny, the nemesis of all evil, the mortal enemy of darkness, and the destroyer of conspiracy!" Lin Sheng's voice kept lingering in his ears.

"Go. Go and show the world your power. For your parents, for justice in the world. For the bright world that everyone yearns for. Spread justice and light."

"Justice. And light?"

Zhao Hongjing slowly opened his eyes again.

Bang bang bang! ! !

In an instant, the heads of all the men in suits around them exploded in an instant.

The red and white paste, accompanied by bone fragments splashing around, completely dyed the surrounding walls and ground in another color.

Before they even reacted, they were spread and affected by some kind of strange force. In an instant, it turned into a headless corpse and fell to the ground dead.

Zhao Hongjing's pupils had completely turned red at this time.

He glanced indifferently at the corpse on the ground.

In the dark, he felt a trace of mysterious power flying up from the body of the man in the suit, guiding him to fly into the distance.

ah! ! !

Behind him came the sharp screams of witness students.

But at this moment, Zhao Hongjing didn't care about anything.

The disappearance of his parents, and all the information Zhu Xingchu gave him before, all connected together at this moment.

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