Nightmare’s Call

662 Building 2

"Young master, what do you want to do?" Zhu Xingchu, who was behind him, felt a little uncomfortable, and carefully organized his words before asking.

"It's not what I want to do." Zhao Hongjing's voice at this time and the teacher's voice sounded next to his ears, one after the other, almost overlapping into one.

"It's what this world needs!"

"Let's go." Zhao Hongjing ignored the bewildered Zhu Xingchu and several surviving own killers.

He walked in a new direction with a calm expression.

The group of people who came to assassinate him had their own footsteps. Whether it was Emerald Emerald or the people from the previous school, they were actually members of an organization.

It's just that the order of shots is different.

After killing three waves of people in a row, Zhao Hongjing simply planned to kill the grass. He got the position of Silent Lion directly from Zhu Xingchu.

In order to help her delay the time, Silent Lion has already led many killers to another city.

At this time, scattered gunfire erupted from time to time in the distance.

"Teacher, compared to the ideal world you described, the world I live in is too filthy."

On the way, Zhao Hongjing looked at the two twin boys and girls hiding behind the trash can on the street.

The moment they were discovered, they buried their heads, trembling like ostriches. If you think you can't see it, others won't see you.

Their parents fell not far away, covered in blood, with their eyes wide open, they had been dead for a long time.

"Has the order become so chaotic?" Zhao Hongjing sighed inwardly.

He thought he was in the so-called peaceful and prosperous age.

Unfortunately, in the blink of an eye, facing a stronger force, everything was peaceful, like fragile porcelain, which was easily smashed and turned into pieces all over the place.

Withdrawing his gaze, he grabbed it casually. Just pinched a bullet fired from the left, let go and let it fall to the ground.


Behind him, Zhu Xingchu and the others reacted sharply, and immediately shot and killed the killer who was sneaking up in the distance.

"There are still fish that slipped through the net." Zhao Hongjing speeded up and walked quickly towards the location on the Silent Lion.

Just as he was crossing the road, a black van roared and rushed towards him.

In the driver's seat, a black-clothed killer was bleeding from his chest, his eyes were full of crazy twists. Obviously, he has put his own life and death aside.


Zhao Hongjing already had an extremely clear understanding of his own strength at this time.

He grabbed a small car next to him, and the huge and terrifying force made the car creak in an instant.

call! !

In an instant, a huge force was launched, and the car weighing nearly one ton was grabbed by him on the spot and shot out at high speed like a cannonball.

From quiet to fast, the speed of the car suddenly exploded so fast that Zhu Xingchu and the others only felt a blur in front of them,

The entire car has been inlaid and smashed on the front of the truck.

boom! ! !

The loud impact made the ground tremble.

Several people were numb all over, their ears were slightly tingling, and they felt as if their heads had been tumbled countless times by a drum washing machine. Feel sick and want to vomit.

The fast-moving truck was hit by this and jumped up on the spot. Half a meter above the ground, he bounced back a few times, then turned 180 degrees before slowly coming to a stop.

The car has been abruptly integrated with the truck.

In the front of the two cars, there is me in you and you in me.

The fire hydrant on the side of the road was affected and smashed, and a large amount of white water sprayed out, making a hissing sound, and at the same time wet the ground.

The glass of the shops on both sides, the closer ones were all shattered.

One can imagine how violent the impact was just now.

"This is the strength of the extraordinary level?" Zhao Hongjing himself was startled by the loud noise.

"That's right. This is transcendence. It's higher than ordinary people. Even ordinary guns are no threat to you now." The voice of the teacher Shengguang rang in his ears again.

Back when Lin Sheng was still weak, the summoned monsters summoned at that time were of a very low level, and they could still face a car speeding at high speed.

Not to mention the current Zhao Hongjing, with the blessing of a new type of sacred power, his strength is infinitely close to the peak of the single wing.

And it's the single-wing apex of the Holy Warrior.

Holy warriors are generally stronger than other system powerhouses of the same level.

Wearing heavy armor, they are impeccable in defense and recovery, and their strength is amazing. They can also use holy light for medium-range strikes and purification and recovery.

Apart from being slightly weaker at long range, today's holy warriors have almost no weaknesses.

Zhao Hongjing himself was taken aback, let alone Zhu Xingchu and others whose eyelids twitched wildly and swallowed their saliva.

The group of people did not dare to talk too much, and followed Zhao Hongjing to speed up all the way.


Everyone stopped in front of a dilapidated and abandoned parking lot.

There are already many corpses lying on the ground in the parking lot.

There are a lot of abandoned vehicles here, and most of them are abandoned cars without gasoline, so they are very suitable for concealment.

It is also reasonable for the silent lion to draw people here.

When he arrived at the place, Zhao Hongjing strode in, and before he had time to glance around, a barrage of light machine guns fired at him.

"Even the machine gun came out?"

His palm was covered with divine power, and he completely blocked all the bullets with ease.

Compared with the poisonous sting speed of the pollution bird monster, the speed of these bullets is not as good.

At least the penetration and shooting speed of the stinger are several times that of these bullets.

"It's just a slightly stronger concealed weapon." Zhao Hongjing easily blocked the machine gun bullets all the way, allowing the opponent to keep shooting.

All bullets cannot come within one meter of him.

Soon, a figure with two guns rolled from one car not far away and jumped under another.

"Is it the silent lion?" Zhao Hongjing asked.

"No. It's the opponent's person. It should also be a ranked killer." Zhu Xingchu was talking, when he suddenly saw the man sticking out a hand, and a black metal thing flew towards him from a distance.


Zhao Hongjing in front of him kicked on an abandoned car,

Amidst the huge impact sound, the abandoned vehicle roared fiercely and flew out in a circle. Hit the black metal in the air.


The abandoned car in mid-air exploded into a ball of yellow flames, and the whole car was completely turned into a yellow fireball, still with a huge momentum, it fell heavily.

Boom! !

The area where the figure with two guns was located was hit hard by a burning car. There was no interest on the spot.

"Solved. Next." Zhao Hongjing threw away the twisted bullet in his hand, and kicked another abandoned car again.

The same loud noise was accompanied by several screams of fear.

Another killer who was hiding behind the car was smashed to death.

Soon, after several times in a row, the entire abandoned parking lot was reduced to complete ruins in an instant.

It could be seen that it was a parking place before, but now it has been completely transformed into a place to collect scrap iron after Zhao Hongjing's random smashing.

A group of people quickly searched and rescued, and after a while, they found Chen Shi, the silent lion who had passed out, behind an abandoned car.

He seemed to be blasted by a huge shock and was stunned on the spot.

Others were unharmed.

"Everyone is here?" Zhao Hongjing asked directly as he watched the crowd rescue the Silent Lion.

"It's all set, it's all set!" Zhu Xingchu quickly replied. "Now we are short of the first rank of Wulunhua, Sunflower. They should be the real black hand who joined forces with Emerald Emerald."

By now, she was also a little numb.

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