A dark and dark metal chamber.

The walls are covered with metal pipes like creepers.

The ground is full of blood vessel-like red lines, and patches of red light continue to spread and flow along the lines.

The secret room is about 20 meters long and wide, and there is a circular metal platform like a clock in the middle.

A light, a white light, fell on the platform.

This is the only light in the entire secret room.

Sha You pushed open the door of the secret room. The secret room, which looked full of technology, actually used the most primitive mechanical switch door lock.

The golden mask he wore revealed a pair of wild and aggressive eyes.

"The person was not caught, something happened." On the platform of the secret room, a clear and clear female voice came unexpectedly.

Shayou didn't reply, just ticked the corner of his mouth, walked to the platform, stretched out his hand into the light, and stood silently.

"Don't you want to ask why?" The woman's voice sounded again.

"I already know." Sayu smiled. "I didn't expect the key to be Zhao Hongjing himself."

"You mean that Zhao Linzhen has already set foot in the hidden area of ​​the secret vault?" The woman was a little stunned.

"Of course, otherwise why is Zhao Hongjing so powerful?" Sha You smiled.

Take out a small memory card from your pocket, gently find the slot on the side of the platform and insert it.


With a slight crisp sound, a projection circular screen slowly emerged from the light above the platform.

The screen clearly showed the complete scene of Zhao Hongjing killing the emerald before.

Looking at the scenes and scenes that he had seen before, Sha You couldn't help showing a hint of envy in his eyes.

"What did you say that there is a great horror hidden in the secret vault, and it must not be opened, but I have been secretly applying it to my son for so many years.

Zhao Linzhen, how can I convince you? How can I believe everything you say? "

It seemed that he had found a more reliable reason for his betrayal, and the smile on Shayou's face became much more sincere.

"Is this the body transformation technology in the secret vault? It's hard to imagine. How strong and hard the human body must be to achieve such a terrifying level?"

There was also a sound of admiration from the female voice.

"Let's evaluate it." Sha You said lightly.

"The destructive power is roughly equivalent to the marshal level of the Yuangu project, very strong, but not unstoppable.

Powerful sniper rifles, targeted special compound bombs, special poison gas, wide-area vacuum incendiary bombs, shock bombs, etc., can kill this level of evolution. "

The female voice was relatively calm and answered questions quickly.

Obviously, she should have had relevant knowledge reserves for this kind of secret information very early on.

It's even very possible that it's not the first time she has come into contact with an opponent of this level.

"Very well, you are more experienced in this area." Shayou said with a smile. "Then, there is still a possibility for our cooperation to continue."

"No problem. Although such an evolutionary is powerful, it is not impossible to solve. Beyond visual range assassination can easily solve any problem. After all, he does not have any anti-detection capabilities." The female voice said calmly.


Sayu smiled with satisfaction.

Many people believe that the difference between the top ten world's strongest killers and the killers in the back ranks lies in skill, experience and luck.

But in fact this statement is wrong.

What really determines the gap between the two grades is physical fitness.

Almost every one of the top ten killers has strong physical fitness.

Just like the emerald jade before, she can suppress any opponent standing in front of her in all directions with just fists and kicks.

The speed at which the gun was pulled down was not even as fast as she raised her foot.

"However, what if this can't solve it?" Shayou asked again suddenly.

".The alliance will do it themselves, and they are very interested in the evolutionists who are not their own."

"That's good."

No one knows how strong the killer alliance is. They have spanned the world for thousands of years, and the oldest history is even closely related to the history of human civilization.

But Sayu is clear that the reason why the Assassins Alliance can always stand on top of the world is the group of real monsters standing behind them.

They make the rules and run everything.

And these monsters have a common name - Luo Jia.

Hitman groups openly carry out terrorist attacks on the streets.

Even though things calmed down later and the killers withdrew, the authorities promptly dispatched troops to patrol to reassure the public.

But everyone can see it.

This incident has thoroughly exposed the long-term corruption and incompetence of the national government.

It's not that they failed to respond, but because of various reasons, they couldn't send troops in time.

Corrupt and embezzled officials have the audacity to break through the sky, and they don't care about international influence.

Factional struggles within the government are intensifying.

The homicide at Ming'an University and the terrorist attack in the surrounding urban areas became the trigger for the entire country.

In a short period of time, some people of insight, dissatisfied with the darkness of the national government, uploaded the videos they took on the Internet one after another.

A series of videos that shocked everyone quickly spread on the Internet like a virus.

The parade begins.

The social conflicts that had accumulated for a long time finally broke out in one fell swoop under the stimulation of this trip.

Zhao Hongjing's name quickly became famous because of street cameras and videos captured by others.

His terrifying and exaggerated strength was exposed in front of everyone without any disguise.

Especially the vehicle that he threw out caused an exaggerated chain reaction.

But Zhao Hongjing couldn't see these anymore.

At this time, he was already on the plane to the headquarters of his father's organization.

Although the organization has supporting private jets, this incident has the handwriting of the Killer Alliance.

So there is definitely no way to use the public identity.

Zhu Xingchu specially arranged a make-up and disguise course for Zhao Hongjing, gave him a brief training, and then gave him a makeover, almost a different person.

After making all the preparations, Zhao Hongjing officially headed for the Shen Xuehua headquarters.

The passenger plane descended slowly, landed gently on the runway, and began to slide before landing.

After a while, the sweet radio female voice echoed in the airport.

Zhao Hongjing pulled the box and walked out from the covered bridge.

Someone in the airport was already holding a sign and watching from afar.

He had just walked out of the exit when a cute girl with a red ponytail ran over.

"Excuse me, is this Mr. Xin Xiaorong?"

Xin Xiaorong was Zhao Hongjing's disguised identity, and he nodded slowly when he heard the question.

"It's me, are you?"

"I'm the staff responsible for picking you up. You can call me Xiao Yin."

The red-haired girl looked young, wearing a black work skirt uniform and black silk. The appearance is beautiful, and the temperament is more like a school student, with a slight immature feeling.

Not far behind her were three young girls who were dressed like her, all under twenty years old.

Obviously, these are special lineups specially assembled by the organization to welcome him.

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