Nightmare’s Call

667 Pushing 1

The speed at which Zhao Hongjing spread the Holy Seed was much faster than expected.

Lin Sheng closed his eyes and rested for a while. When he came out, he had already seen the spread network of the Holy Seed, which had spread over half of the state.

The country where the god Xuehua lives is a developed country called Xisha Country. It advocates the distinction between ethnic groups and believes that people are born with different ranks. It is a racist country with the supremacy of blood.

But after Zhao Hongjing spread the Holy Seed, this kind of thinking was quickly subverted under the power of the same Holy Seed.

All the propagandists of the holy seed are called brothers and sisters. Regardless of high or low, regardless of occupation, everyone is making contributions to the peace and development of the world.

On the next day, when Lin Sheng checked the Infinite City entry investigation report, Zhao Hongjing's progress suddenly accelerated. In a blink of an eye, not only the state was covered, but also spread to other states.

"So fast?" After washing up, he picked up a volume of knowledge and subject books that he had just sorted out, and while he was projecting a rough map of the distribution of the sacred species in his field of vision.

Compared with yesterday, today's expansion is slightly slower, but it is also spreading rapidly to several surrounding states.

The momentum of development is so fast that it is much stronger than the original Saint Power.

Opening up the angle of view through the technique, Lin Sheng saw at a glance that Zhao Hongjing had officially entered Shenxuehua's headquarters.

It was a special safe house buried deep underground.

When Lin Sheng looked over, Zhao Hongjing was spreading the Holy Seed to a group of senior executives in the headquarters.

He sat on the wooden chair, held down the right hand extended by the other party, and lightly carved a special imprint completely different from the previous technical symbols on it.

White light shines on the imprint, under the condition that the opponent actively cooperates.

In just one day, Zhao Hongjing used the Holy Seed to pull all the people in Shen Xuehua into his own.

Except for Sha You and a few extremely vigilant guys, everyone else has become Zhao Hongjing's loyal supporters.

Realizing that the situation was not good, Sha You and others began to use violence, trying to take Zhao Hongjing away.

It's a pity that before Zhao Hongjing could make a move, Sha You and others were completely defeated by the desperate resistance of Shen Xuehua and others. Flee in embarrassment.

"This speed." Lin Sheng looked at the situation over there through Zhao Hongjing's perspective strangely.

Zhao Hongjing was flipping through the files in front of him, trying to find out the truth about his father's disappearance.

It's a pity that there are no records of the last mission, even in these files.

"Is that all?" He sighed.

"Yes, that's all. The mission files for the last two months are all here." Xiao Yin whispered on the side.

"Actually, our organization advocates the theory that the more original, the stronger the confidentiality. So many things are recorded in the original original paper.

If there is nothing here, it means that the task of the previous leader was not taken through the transcript. "

Although Xiao Yin is a newcomer, he has been working as a clerical worker in the organization before, so he is very familiar with these basic common sense.

Zhao Hongjing rubbed his eyebrows. It feels like my head is going to hurt.

"Speaking of which, how's the situation outside?"

There are no records here, so we can only look for clues that may be left behind through the newcomers who developed outside.

The development of the sacred species exceeded Zhao Hongjing's expectations.

With his spare no effort to develop and spread, today's sacred species group has expanded to more than 113,000 people.

The spread of the sacred species only ended in the fifth generation.

Further down, the ability to spread is lost.

As for the owner of the fifth-generation sacred species, the increase in strength has been weakened to the same level as ordinary holy light.

The owners of the five generations of sacred species don't have the characteristics of super speed and protection, but simply have the basic characteristics of holy power. Such as quick healing, purification of body and mind.

"A lot of letters and messages were sent from outside. Because there is no unified communication method.

Many new members of the Sacred Society sent news through their own means. "Xiao Yin replied quickly.

"Oh, let's take a look." Zhao Hongjing said quickly.

Soon, after Xiao Yin left the office, he walked in with a lot of envelopes, postcards, magazines and newspapers.

"It's all here." She put a bunch of things on Zhao Hongjing's desk.

Zhao Hongjing was expressionless, and quickly looked through.

Contrary to his expectation, after only looking through a few pages, he gained a lot.

The holder of the sacred species will have a strong energy and spirit that surpasses ordinary people. He only needs to rest for four hours 24 hours a day, and can conduct intelligence activities crazily during the rest of the time.

What Zhao Hongjing didn't expect was that the letter here actually contained side information about his father's mission.

Especially the letters sent back by the two killers who wanted to assassinate and attack him, after being influenced by him.

It was mentioned in the letter that an organization named Luojia had been in collusion with Shayou and other high-level officials in Shenxuehua for a long time.

Luo Jia is also the real behind-the-scenes mastermind of the World Assassins Alliance, and has a long history that is almost the same as human history.

Most importantly, it was mentioned in one of the letters.

Luo Jia once carried out a huge research project called the Yuangu Project. Although it's discontinued now. But the original equipment and institutional facilities are still there. and not destroyed.

And in some of these facilities, it is very likely that there are powerful secrets that are rumored to be evolutionaries.

It is said that the former leader of Shen Xuehua, that is, Zhao Hongjing's father Zhao Linzhen, also accidentally explored an abandoned ruins, obtained a large amount of information, and then combined these materials, using Shen Xuehua's own organization, to research an unimaginable Technology.

It's just that he didn't use these technologies, but kept them secret in a hidden facility somewhere underground. It was a facility called the Secret Vault.

"Evolutionary? Luo Jia?" Zhao Hongjing looked at the information in front of him.

These are all the information sent by the assassins who had assassinated him before, and then repented, and became brothers and sisters with him.

It also introduces the specific situation inside Luo Jia in great detail.

Even among the top five killers in the world, there are two from Luo Jia.

They are all specially modified monsters.

The essence of Luo Jia is actually a genetically modified monster passed down from generation to generation.

From birth, they have to go through the first transformation, and then they have to go through three transformations intermittently in their long lives.

Only when they succeed in the end can they be honored as a real Lorja.

Under Luo Jia is the marshal, which is a title for a powerful evolutionary, and it is a kind of rating.

Further down, there is the level general, after that is the feather team, and then down, it is the ordinary top killer.

The people Zhao Hongjing met were at the level of generals under the marshal.

Generally, ordinary generals can only accept small-scale transformation, and their strength is stronger than ordinary killers, but not much stronger. Mainly rely on thermal weapons to perform tasks.

But the marshal who goes further up is different, he is a real powerful evolutionary.

"These materials... Take them to look through, and then destroy them. They are only allowed to circulate within us, and are not allowed to be circulated outside." Zhao Hongjing ordered.

"Understood." Xiao Yin said solemnly.

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