Nightmare’s Call

Chapter 671 Situation 2

The man in black was slightly taken aback, as if he was overwhelmed by the cruelty and chaos in the spirit hunter children's circle.

"So... what about the dough you're holding? Why don't you eat it when you're starving to death?" He suddenly asked again.

Faust fell silent.

"I have a younger brother. He's still young"

The man in black was also silent.

He didn't expect that the place where the Soul Breaker lived would be so cruel and chaotic.

"You are very good." He stretched out his hand, not disliking Fasd's messy hair, and gently rubbed his head.

"This is for you." The man in black threw a small object.

That thing is like a piece of black coal, irregular, and there is no point to watch. It's not like eating.

Faust caught it, a little puzzled.

"Thank you very much for your gift, but, what is this?"

"A small gift. You will like it." The man in black smiled, turned around and walked away quickly.

In the blink of an eye, he became less and less visible in Faust's field of vision.

In less than a few seconds, it disappeared into the air without a sound.

Fasd opened his mouth slightly, even though his face was always paralyzed, he couldn't help but be overwhelmed by the other party's elusive tricks.

"That's a real big shot!" He was very sure at this moment.

Not long after the man in black left.

An invisible distortion suddenly emerged a kilometer above the entire city.

While twisting, slowly stretched out a thick arm wearing a delicate white armor.

After the arms, yes, the torso, the rest of the limbs.

It wasn't until all of the person's body was completely out of distortion that his whole body was fully displayed.

He was wearing white exquisite armor, and his body exuded a wonderful aura of majesty and luxury.

There is a translucent red round wheel behind it all the time, slowly turning, sending out strange and holy cries and prayers.

"The place where the prophecy crystal predicts is here?"

This person is Lin Sheng who just came out of the Great Star Pond.

In Daxingchi, he originally planned to predict when the next zero-spending crisis that might occur in this world would break out.

But I didn't expect that there would be some changes outside the holy city in this world.

A top powerhouse who is destined to grow and rise in the future is currently in the darkest moment of his childhood.

It is also the tempering at this time that will allow him to truly become the only leader of the underground resistance army who can fight against the dominance of the Night Lord and Night Mother in the future.

Faust black mold. The future leader of the rebel army is just an ordinary wandering boy.

Lin Sheng's powerful eyesight penetrated the Kuroshio and landed on Fasd.

He was running back with the black coal-like thing. The movements are light and delicate, like a fast running cat.

"The soul hunters didn't expect such a cruel scene to develop outside the holy city."

Lin Sheng sighed slightly. He saw the cruel laws of survival below.

But he can't do anything, these soul hunters are individuals who have been completely corroded and polluted by the Kuroshio, and many of them are on the verge of becoming monsters at any time.

Even if it is him, he can only choose some soul hunters with better health and low pollution for rescue.

For the rest, like Faust, pollution is even a part of supporting their lives.

Once the pollution is removed, they are afraid that they will die immediately.

"The caretaker of this world?" Lin Sheng stared at Fasd, and didn't intend to take the initiative to take him under his wing.

One purpose of his trip here was to see where the man in black who gave Fasd something went.

Because the world source was absorbed before, in order to improve the world's resistance, Lin Sheng not only did not absorb the world source, but also continuously extracted the world source from other intact places and injected it into the present world.

Today, the source of the current world has almost recovered compared to before.

As for the man in black who granted the mysterious object to Fasd, no matter how you look at it, his behavior is a bit suspicious.

This is one of the reasons why Lin Sheng took the initiative to come here. As for the other reason, it was just that he wanted to relax.

Illusion Tea House.

This is a tea house that only exists in illusion.

The man in black looked up at the translucent double-storey building, surrounded by a blur of colorful mist like chaos.

It seems that there is only such a small building in the whole world.

"Aren't you going to come in and sit down?" A voice came from the small building. Can't tell the difference between men and women.

The man in black laughed.

"You should know how dangerous your teahouse is."

"You underestimate yourself too much. If it were you, my teahouse wouldn't be able to hurt you at all." The voice in the building continued.

"Stop talking about that." The man in black changed the subject. "I checked it just now. The boundary source in this world is very thick, but it's hidden deep and covered by the Kuroshio. It's a bit difficult to get. What can you do?"

"Of course there is a way." The voice in the small building smiled. "Based on my observations here for a week. The most powerful force of the natives in this world is the holy city."

"The holy city has wealth, supplies, drinking water and food, and a sense of security that is completely incomparable in other places. The sense of security brought by the tall city walls and strict protection measures.

I haven't found a way to check it out yet. But this has little effect. "

"And then?" The man in black continued to ask.

"Then... Jieyuan will only appear when the world is in great turmoil. Or when the world thinks that something is enough to cause a world-level shock, there will be suppression.

Therefore, Jieyuan is not only a source of blessing, but also a great danger! "

The voice in the small building continued: "The power of the holy city should be very different from the outside world. In a short time, we can't shake the other side unless we come down completely. So..."

"So...we need to cause unrest from within the human race."

"Hehe. It's very simple. Although the human beings here have some abilities, they are far inferior to our supreme blood power." The man in black laughed softly.

Yes, they are the supreme and powerful blood race.

It is the supreme existence that broke free from the age of mythology, ravaged the world, and spread blood.

Men are their sheepdogs, and the world trembles beneath them.

"However... there is a kind of existence called soul hunters here. They have good potential, but because of pollution, they are excluded from the core holy city.

"The man in black continued. He thought of the young soul hunter he met just now, and his heart was slightly touched.

"you mean?"

"Gather soul hunters and form Night City." The man in black said calmly. "I waited rashly to send high-level powerhouses in, which would cause a strong rebound in this world. Therefore."

"I understand what you mean. It is indeed a good idea to train soul hunters as our blood servants."

"Then, it's settled."


Neither of them cared much about the natives of this world.

Just arrived here, after investigation, the aboriginals here have almost no knowledge of the source of the world.

Most people can only rely on a power called Holy Light to resist the Kuroshio. However, after their rough investigation, the holy light is not very powerful, and it is more inclined to assist treatment. And only the holy city has more.

Most of the defensive cities in the outside world rely on low-level psychic powers such as fel energy to resist foreign enemies.

The most important thing is that the proportion of people here who have mastered the ability is frighteningly low. It's not like in their blood clan world at all, every clansman has the incomparably powerful ability of turning blood into shadows.

Every one of their clansmen can be unscrupulous and rampant in this world.

Although it is impossible to contact the core forces inside the holy city. But the power of the outside world is only at such a level, even if the Holy City is ten times stronger than the outside world, it is meaningless.

Because, their blood race possesses a hundred times more power than here!

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