Nightmare’s Call

673 Blood Shadow 1

"Well, let's see where Sin Dragon Mother has gone today."

The salted fish king, oh no, it's the king of the night lying on the green grass with a piece of dog's tail grass in his mouth. Lazily basking in the sun.

Since chasing and killing Sin Longmu, his legs don't hurt anymore, his waist doesn't hurt anymore, and he feels that he is not in a good state.

Every two days, I went to chase away the sinful dragon mother and let her run for a while. Then find a place to rest by yourself, and recover a lot of physical strength consumed by the journey.

"Oh~~ These days, I live really comfortably~~~"

The Night King reached out to take the iced watermelon juice on the grass, and took a sip of it into his mouth.

Then he looked up at the white clouds floating slowly in the sky.

"I don't know what the boss is doing now? Sigh, I haven't been back for a long time. The report of the last arraignment was written too hard. It's a bit unreal, and I have to make a better one this time. Uh"

He began to think slowly.

Alas, that's how people are. Once there is one lie, there will be a second and third lie.

If it weren't for the fact that there are too many isolated worlds and too far away, he can't even communicate with his soul, so he wouldn't be able to take such a leisurely vacation.

"From this point of view, I have to thank Dragon Mother more." The Night King spat out the grass roots in his mouth.

"Well, I feel a little tired again. I have to sleep for a while. Why do I feel tired from sunbathing recently? Am I entering old age early?"

Woo! !

Hengrikala at the soul level.

Lin Sheng held a pure white holy light sword and waved it forward.

Under the action of the speed and divinity, the hundreds of meters long giant sword turned into a phantom, stretching out a terrifying and slender white sword mark, splitting the second zero flower in two in an instant.

"hywk (greedy)!"

The huge black sub-small flowers also healed the wound instantly.

Like all the Gods before it, it also has the strongest immortality. A terrifying demigod who cannot be killed.

An unkillable demigod who also possesses the infinite power of Kuroshio.

If it's not facing Lin Sheng, if you switch to any other demigod, you will only be consumed by the second zero flower.

"It's a pity. In a sense, I restrain you quite a lot."

Lin Sheng didn't care that the sword just now had no effect.

In fact, it was just an attempt on his part.

The new divine power only exploded to one-tenth of its strength, and easily cut off the demigod-level sub-spora body.

This kind of divine power has the characteristic of super speed, so it seems to be quite powerful in terms of attack.

"Then, let's try a trick that combines the characteristics of speed and protection."

Lin Sheng took advantage of the holy river, and instantly used his incomparably powerful calculations to deduce a powerful move for himself that combines two characteristics.

Countless data flowed rapidly in his soul, and soon, the great sword of holy light in Lin Sheng's hand naturally spread out.

He opens his arms. As if to hug something.

A trace of translucent white lines rose rapidly from his body.

All the lines are flying around him at high speed, the speed is getting faster and faster, more and more urgent.

Soon, more and more white lines converged into a huge white tornado, and this tornado was still expanding rapidly.


Lin Sheng's voice shook.

The entire white tornado flashed and disappeared out of thin air.

This terrifying tornado, which was so huge that it reached the ground and was thousands of meters high, completely disappeared in place in an instant.

At this moment, the counter attack from the opposite side was also launched.

All its petals turned rapidly, and countless black lamp god-like monsters were thrown out from the end of its petals, flying towards Lin Sheng crazily.

at this time.

The white tornado suddenly appeared, and when it reappeared, it was directly around Sub Linghua, wrapping it together with all the lamp gods.

The huge whistling sound of the wind was like countless saints praying and singing, and the huge white tornado faintly lit up with white light.

The tornado storm, which was clearly extremely tyrannical and could tear everything apart, softened at this moment, revealing a trace of sacred serenity faintly in the violent rotation.

Zi Linghua let out a weird roar inside, trying hard to resist the tearing and enveloping of the white tornado, but he still couldn't break free.

"The power seems to be good." Lin Sheng was very satisfied with the effect of this move. He counted the time.

The launch time is less than one second. But the effect was to control the demigod-level sub-spend for more than five seconds.

"But the lethality seems to be insufficient, and the control is not bad. Then, this move is called embracing the world."

Lin Sheng smiled.

Then quietly watched Zi Linghua being forced into a posture with open arms by the white storm.

Yes, all its petals were twisted into something like two arms, and then pulled apart abruptly, and put into a posture embracing the world by the huge storm force.

"What a good pose!" Lin Sheng laughed with satisfaction. "Since you have such an awareness and want to be protected by me, then I will accept it without hesitation!"

A colorless flame suddenly burned behind him.

It is the powerful divine fire produced by the combination of countless holy lights and perfect guardian divinity.

It is pure guardian spirit fire.


Shenhuo flew out directly. A thin layer of flames covered Sub Linghua's body.

Directly mobilize the divine fire to wrap the opponent.

If Lin Sheng's actions were seen by other demigods, he might be envied and envied.

Directly use the most powerful divine fire to roast the opponent, this kind of power is indeed the strongest.

But the consumption of divine fire and wish power is also unimaginable.

If they were replaced by other demigods, who worked so hard to accumulate the divine fire, they might hide the divine fire as if they were their lifeblood. Don't dare to waste.

It was Lin Sheng, who was now guarding millions of Kuroshio monsters, who dared to waste so much.

Anyway, the Kuroshio monster on his body provides him with wish power all the time.

Their frantic desire to break free from their guardianship was continuously absorbed by Lin Sheng and turned into his purest divine fire.

In desperation and fear, there is a trace of pure wish power, which is the fundamental source of Lin Sheng's wish power.

And the Kuroshio monster is born in despair. They are eternally tortured by the seal of the Kuroshio, and they instinctively hope that one day they can break free from all this.

And this trace of desire, the formed will power, formed Lin Sheng's source of power like a perpetual motion machine.

In essence, the wish power of the Kuroshio monster is not unlimited. Its source is transformed from the absorbed Kuroshio mist.

So this forms a cycle.

Lin Sheng absorbed the Kuroshio monster, and the Kuroshio monster absorbed the Kuroshio mist. The Kuroshio mist absorbs the world's creatures.

And the wish power absorbed by Lin Sheng, in turn, protects the creatures of the world. Used on a large number of creatures.

This is called taking from the people and using it for the people.

Lin Sheng is very satisfied with his theory.

"Go again!"

With a thought in his mind, the white translucent divine fire behind him condensed again and flew out suddenly, turning into a terrifying fire wheel hundreds of meters high in mid-air, and pounced on the huge sub-zero flower.

Although the steamer is huge, it is still much smaller than the sub-zero flower.

The complete volume of the sub-zero flower is even as large as the entire Hengruikala.

In front of it, the small white steamer is as inconspicuous as a small bean.

But the moment the fire wheel touched it, the whole sub-zero flower was ignited suddenly, and a huge white flame burned all over its body.

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