Nightmare’s Call

695 Acceleration 2

In addition to the infinite city and the description of the Kuroshio, there are a little more notebooks here, which record the tricks on how to quickly pass the level.

'In the Flame Tower, if you really can't defeat the two-headed lizard lord, you can go left and enter a staircase, and at the end of the passage inside, you can find a helper. '

'The helper was an inhuman girl named Vera. She has been waiting in Infinity City for many years, and you only need to agree to take her out of here to get her help. The difficulty of defeating the Two-Headed Lizard will be greatly reduced. '

The notebook also recorded many weaknesses, unique moves, killer moves, etc. of the two-headed lizard lord.

What surprised Lin Sheng was that at the end of the notebook, there was a reminder in red text.

‘Attention, after successfully clearing the level, the girl Vera must not really take her away. She is a non-human cosmic race belonging to the War Helm Clan. You must kill her to obtain a special War Helmet enhancement.

Only in this way can you get more survival rates in the stronger upper infinite city.

Remember, you must not take Vera away from Infinite City, she is one of the most critical keys to conquer Infinite City. '

Lin Sheng frowned, as if he understood the role of the girl named Vera in this place.

"Interesting. This person." He glanced at the mummy.

Then, he walked to the corpse of the two-headed lizard lord, and found the same scroll as the previous layer from him.

Unfold the scroll, and the content recorded on it is obviously more than the previous one.

'The sea of ​​black mist, the sea of ​​primordial chaos turned out to be the original source of dimensions and dimensions? ? ! incredible'

‘Vera, the clansman expelled by the War Helm Clan that I brought back, seems to have some kind of secret hidden in her, the secret of immortality. If I can study the mystery of undying, maybe I can’

That's all for the extra content on the scroll.

Lin Sheng couldn't look any more.

He put away the scroll, turned around and walked up the secret stairs on the left side familiarly.

Go up the stairs and soon enter a passage.

And at the end of the passage, there was another huge black box. The keyhole of the box is shining with colorful fluorescent lights.

Lin Sheng stretched out his hand a little.


With a crisp sound, the box automatically popped open the lid. The beautiful girl in the black dress curled up inside was exposed.

As if awakened by the sound of the box lid being opened, the girl slowly opened her eyes, her eyes were red and fluorescent, staring at Lin Sheng like burning flames.

"Am I not dead?" The girl seemed to recognize Lin Sheng, "Did you save me? Dad?"

"Do you still remember what happened just now? How did you get up here?" Lin Sheng narrowed his eyes and scanned the girl carefully.

"I don't remember. But we should go to the upper floor. My name is Vera, thank you for saving me. It seems that you are my real father."

The girl stood up from the box, Yingying bowed to Lin Sheng.

Lin Sheng stared at the girl.

According to the records in the notebook, this undead girl should have been bound here as one of the props for the game of conquering Infinite City.

"It's just that this kind of statement and record is a means to deliberately induce me and guide my thinking. It is not yet certain."

Lin Sheng was expressionless.

"Please be careful, there is also an ownerless phantom knife, which may attack you at any time." The girl Vera reminded.

"Phantom Light Knife?" Lin Sheng recalled the strange blade that Vera blocked before.

His mental strength was like a storm, sweeping past the end of the entire passage in a blink of an eye.

Immediately found a trace of clues.


Huge soul pressure materialized in an instant, pressing on that wrong space position.


After a crisp cracking sound, the Mirage Knife was easily dealt with by Lin Sheng before it showed up.

Then it was the same again, Lin Sheng took Vera out of the flame tower, stood outside, and watched the entire flame tower fall apart, revealing the core black portal.

After confirming that there was no problem with the portal, Lin Sheng looked back at Vera.

According to the records in the notes, he should now kill Vera, who exists as a prop, and then be strengthened by the battle helmet condensed by Vera's life, and his strength will go further.

Only in this way can the chances of conquering a higher level of Infinite City be increased.

It's just that the infinite city at this time is still very weak for Lin Sheng.

He couldn't even feel the resistance, and the Ensharon people released were still slaughtering around the city.

"It's only the 754th floor of Infinite City, I want to try how many floors I can get to."

Lin Sheng ignored Vera. He paused and rushed into the black vortex.

This time he didn't stop at all, and as soon as he landed, he went straight to the flame tower.

The whole time did not exceed five minutes, and the flame tower exploded with a loud noise. A new black vortex emerged again.

When Vera hurriedly followed, Lin Sheng had already rushed into the black vortex on the upper floor.

Continuously, in the infinite city layer by layer, the white humanoid monsters and the so-called inspectors could not stop Lin Sheng from breaking through.

Soon Lin Sheng broke through the 700th floor and entered the 699th floor.

And the strength of the layers of the infinite city, also in his induction, rapidly increased.

From the 699th floor, the strength of all white humanoid monsters has been raised to the level of wings.

And the inspector has reached the four-wing level. The two-headed lizard lord is only five-winged.

In addition to breaking through the level, the girl named Vera has been sprinting with Lin Sheng. In the beginning, she was barely able to catch up with Lin Sheng's speed. Later, she could only climb up layer by layer, but she couldn't even see Lin Sheng's back.

But the strange thing is that Lin Sheng can meet a Vera on every floor, and as long as he doesn't kill Vera, the Vera on each floor will mysteriously merge into one, and then continue to follow.

As Lin Sheng continued to tackle key problems, Vera also gave him some practical help on the details, and soon the Infinite City was broken down to less than the 300th floor.

At this level, the strength of the white human figures in Infinite City has all been raised to the six-wing level, and the inspectors are even closer to rank-level envoys, and the two-headed lizard lord has reached the peak of rank-level envoys.

At this point, Lin Sheng did not continue to break through.

Just judging by the ratio of strength increase, I am afraid that with his current strength, there is really no way to conquer Infinite City.

In the end, it is estimated that it will be stuck within a hundred floors.

boom! !

Infinity City on the 202nd floor.

The flame tower has turned into pure purple red, and the terrifying high temperature seems to be able to burn through and melt the surrounding space.

Lin Sheng and Vera stood side by side in front of the tower, looking up at the completely exploded flame tower.

Soon, a black vortex slowly emerged.

"Are you still going? Dad?" Vera asked cautiously in a low voice.

"Not going for now." Lin Sheng said flatly.

Although Vera had gotten to know him well along the way, she never showed any aggressiveness.

But he still didn't completely trust the other party.

Seeing his indifferent expression, Vera didn't dare to say more, but turned around with Lin Sheng and walked towards the edge of Infinite City.

After a while, Lin Sheng stopped in front of a somewhat remote alley.

He reaches out a little.

A small metal bag on the belt automatically flew out and fell to the ground. A large number of silver parts scattered from it, and were automatically assembled into a small silver metal array.

With the sound of rattling metal friction, soon, the entire array disk automatically rotated, and the surface lit up with rainbow-like seven-color light.

A colored oval light gate appeared in front of Lin Sheng.

He took a step forward and was about to go in.

"Can I come with you?" Vera suddenly asked with longing eyes.

Lin Sheng turned his head and glanced at her with narrowed eyes.

"what ever."

The existence of Vera is dispensable to him, and he has also tried to kill the other party to get that kind of enhancement.

Unfortunately, that reinforcement is too weak. The boost is very small for him.

After replying casually, he ignored it and walked straight into the light gate.

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