Nightmare’s Call

Chapter 703 Layout 1

A group of gangsters looked at Vera walking in front of them, feeling a little inexplicable, but at the same time a little overwhelmed by Vera's beautiful and delicate face.

Generally, such a beautiful appearance is rare even in the ice special.

They were a little hesitant, worried that they might encounter a Bingte with identity.

As the boss, Brunsimier felt that if he softened for a while, he might not be able to restrain the other bastards.

So he straightened his chest, and stepped forward two steps regardless.

"I" didn't know why, the cruel words he originally wanted to say, but now under the gaze of the girl opposite, he couldn't speak at all.

The most important thing is not this.

It was the emotion that he had obviously just been blown up in his heart and was about to explode. Standing in the bookstore at this moment, it seemed like the wind was blowing away, and it disappeared without a trace in a blink of an eye.

A kind of tranquility rising from the bottom of my heart, slowly gushing out.

Unknowingly, Brunsimir's expression softened, and a harmonious smile slowly appeared at the corner of her mouth.

For a while, the protection fee is not important, and the girl in front of her is not important anymore. The little brother around him is even less important.

His heart was empty, without sadness or joy, and the past life flashed through his mind like a slideshow.

"Let's go, we're going back." Brunsimir suddenly had a wonderful realization in her heart.

The other bastards around him were taken aback when they heard this, and were about to ask why.

Suddenly, several people trembled in unison, and an impulse gushing from the bottom of their hearts permeated their whole bodies.

"Yeah. It's time to go back."

"It doesn't matter what the protection fee is. It doesn't matter if the other party pays or not. As long as the money is enough."

"It doesn't matter whether you eat or not. It doesn't even matter whether you sleep or not. People are going to die anyway. Die when you go back and wait for decades, it's actually the same."

"Go back and jump into the river."

"It's better to hang yourself. If you jump into the river, you have to find the river."

"This body is just a skin, and you have to waste food while you're alive. It's better to commit suicide and liberate your soul. It's more free."

A group of gangsters slowly walked out of the bookstore with enlightened smiles on their faces.

Leaving Vera with an inexplicable face standing there, not knowing what happened.

It's just that she was about to turn around and go back to the counter, when she suddenly saw those punks who had gone out tremble violently.

Not far from the bookstore, his face suddenly turned pale.

The leader, Brunsimir, looked back at the bookstore with a look of horror on his face, and ran away without daring to say a harsh word to the rest of the bastards.

Vera blinked and looked back at Lin Sheng.

Lin Sheng smiled at her, and continued to deduce the special training method copied from Cassie with his eyes closed.

The holy light particles emitted by the current sacred power are more powerful than he imagined.

It seems to be because of the extra speed characteristics. As soon as he was released, it took effect quickly.

However, perhaps because it took effect too quickly, the effect of the divine power seemed to no longer be a permanent change.

You must know that although the previous Holy Light Particles affected people a little slower, once symptoms appeared, it would be a completely irreversible impact.

It wasn't like now, when those gangsters realized something was wrong as soon as they left the range, they ran away in fright.

"Okay, let's continue working." Lin Sheng said calmly.


The day passed quickly.

The business of the bookstore is still the same, deserted and deserted, but with Vera's ability to control electronics, Lin Sheng's point card has more money than most people can spend.

So the bookstore doesn't care whether it is profitable or not.

He was either reading books all day long or closing his eyes to study the special training techniques he stole from Cassie.

Early the next morning, just as Lin Sheng opened the door, he was surprised to see the gang leader who came yesterday.

The other party was sitting by the door of the bookstore with a haggard face, as if he had been waiting for a long time.

Lin Sheng just glanced at him, didn't say anything, went back to the counter and sat down to rest after opening the door.

Brunsimir also walked into the bookstore with some trepidation. After he went back yesterday, he felt something was wrong.

Thinking carefully about the whole process, I immediately knew that I had met an expert.

He was never one to settle for the ordinary. Facing those high-ranking ice specials, he has had strong unwillingness and jealousy since he was a child.

Later, as he was constantly stimulated by the superiority of Bingte in the social environment, his unwillingness became more and more distorted, and gradually turned into resentment towards his parents.

Yes, he resented why his parents weren't rich and rich, and why they didn't genetically adjust him before he was born to make him a real ice special.

This resentment made his temper even more surly. In the end, he gave up his studies and embarked on the road of mixed society.

But now, after encountering setbacks in the bookstore, he really saw the power to affect his thinking.

Under the horror in her heart, Brunsimir felt more bursts of ecstasy.

He is well aware that this is an opportunity, albeit one that carries enormous risks. But if you want to get it, don't think about taking no risks.

So he thought about it all night, and ran over early in the morning, just to really get in touch with and find a chance to learn that terrifying power.

As soon as he walked into the bookstore, he didn't feel the horror of yesterday. Immediately my heart relaxed.

The bookstore in the early morning was extremely deserted, and there were no people reading books at all.

Only Vera, Lin Sheng, and Bruncimier were there.

Brun didn't dare to speak rashly, for fear of offending Lin Sheng.

It's just that Lin Sheng had already seen his intention clearly through the soul tentacles.

This is an ambitious, adventurous guy. And he is also a bad embryo who is extremely unwilling to be ordinary and has no gratitude.

He wants to stand out and be extraordinary. I want to get superhuman power from the bookstore.

Lin Sheng, on the other hand, just planned to experiment with his modified special training method.

After stealing from Cassie, he integrated the special training method of this system into the energy rune system he mastered. Combined with the basic scientific system of this world.

As a result, three brand new energy runes were created.

Three special energy runes that can only be used in this world.

These three runes are the Heart of Explosion, the Heart of Ice, and the Heart of Integrity.

The three energy runes represent that Lin Sheng has initially integrated into the power system of this world.

You only need to perfect one or two, then collect materials, and get the battle helmet shaping method, and you can complete the creation of the battle helmet belonging to the Holy Light.

But before that, he had to test it a little bit.

Looking at the gangster Brun in the bookstore, the other party's ambitious eyes.

Lin Sheng's heart skipped a beat, and a strange symbol suddenly appeared on a piece of waste paper in the cracks of a book in the old book section.

It was a magnificent pattern that looked like a lion.

Unexpectedly, Bren turned the pages of the book boringly, and inadvertently, an invisible force affected him, and precisely pulled out the book with the symbol.

After a while, Bren trembled all over, as if he had discovered something. He looked up at Lin Sheng who closed his eyes and meditated. He seemed to understand something, with a look of ecstasy on his face.

He bowed far away, and quickly went to the counter to let Vera settle the bill. Take the book and leave in a hurry.

It wasn't until he left completely that Lin Sheng slowly opened his eyes.

The lion-like symbol has a powerful ability to give people a short-term strength and speed multiplication.

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