Nightmare’s Call

Chapter 713 Cohesion 2

No matter how powerful the battle helmet is, it is only a foreign object manipulated by the soul.

Although it is a foreign object, it can unscrupulously incorporate a large amount of materials to build various weapon defense systems.

But this is not its own strength and evolution.

Moreover, this does not mean that those ordinary people and ice specials who do not have the qualifications of war helmets will never have further hope.

Mecha helmets are only powerful weapons. And weapons can be used by people.

Therefore, as long as they are strong enough, even humans can use these ultra-technical weapons.

In this way, Lin Sheng followed the basic science of the world he had absorbed, as well as the battle helmet shaping method. Combined with the previous research results of the blood race world.

Soon, a combat system corresponding to mechas and helmets quickly took shape in his mind.

That is a stronger and more perfect fierce fighting system than the previous holy warriors.

Cassie dragged his tired body, slowly pushed open the glass door of the bookstore, and walked in.

"Hi. Vera, good morning."

He moved towards the counter of the bookstore and raised his hand to say hello without looking at it.

Sosu Simon, the young girl behind the counter, looked bewildered.

"It's changed." Cassie didn't come back for a long time, but she didn't expect the bookstore clerk to change.

"Well, yes, is there anything I can help you with?" Sosu Simon asked carefully and softly.

These days, since she came to the bookstore, she has reorganized nutritional supplements and sufficient rest, and she looks much better now.

At least it looked like a young girl.

"Oh, nothing, I want the latest Green Lake Star."

"A little price, thank you."


Cassie handed over the point card and picked up the latest newspaper, but her heart was not at all stable and calm as usual.

The woman named Shen Qiusha suddenly disappeared a few days ago.

Without any message, without any sign, it just disappeared for no reason.

Obviously he has reached the most critical moment to condense the helmet. Can

"If you want to find the boss, you can go to the church behind. He often goes there to pray and rest." Seeing his haggard look, Sosu Simon took the initiative to remind him.

"Um, okay, thank you."

Cassie was already a little confused.

The helmet failed to condense, but the teacher suddenly disappeared, and he could only wait in a daze.

Holding the newspaper, he walked out of the bookstore, walked around the street, and unknowingly came to the church behind the bookstore.

Contrary to what he had imagined, this gray and white church had been remodeled not long ago, but it looked quite popular at this moment.

Many people came out of it with satisfied and peaceful faces, and it seemed that the atmosphere was very good.

Just as he was about to go in, black cars slowly stopped on the side street.

Two well-dressed middle-aged men got out of the car. They wore star marks on their chests that only officials of the Green Lake Star could wear.

As soon as the two got out of the car, a group of bodyguards rushed up, surrounded the two, and entered the church with protection.

"Isn't that President Hills of the West French Chamber of Commerce?"

"Sills, the public opinion representative, even he knows that this church is very effective?"

"Well, I've been there a few times, and when I'm in a bad mood, it's really much better to rest inside for a while. The effect is obvious."

"Is it exaggerated?"

"Try it yourself and you'll know."

Some passers-by on the side also saw this scene and started chatting in low voices.

Cassie frowned and stood on the side of the road, looking at the church again, using his skills in soul perception.

Immediately felt different.

The whole church seemed to be shrouded in a cool and peaceful magical force field.

"Come in and sit down?" Suddenly a familiar voice sounded beside Cassie.

Startled, he turned his head to look.

Lin Sheng, the owner of the bookstore, was standing next to him at some point, quietly watching the door of the church where people came and went.

"Okay." Cassie was taken aback and stammered.

The two, one behind the other, quickly entered the church through the side door under Lin Sheng's guidance.

The establishment of the Holy Light Church, driven by the Twelve Holy Sons, soon became popular throughout the surrounding urban areas.

As long as people who have come in have experienced the effect of calming the spirit and healing the weak discomfort of the body.

They all chose to promote and recommend to people around them crazy.

Under the powerful effect of the Holy Force Field, the Church of the Holy Light has already begun to secretly connect with several wealthy and influential officials and rich people in the city.

Erosion, starting from the upper layer who are greedy for longevity, is always the fastest way to attack.

Among the twelve Holy Sons, three of them spontaneously discovered the transmission and absolute control of the Holy Seed without Lin Sheng's instructions.

Thus, the second-generation Holy Seed appeared.

These influential officials and rich people are the best targets for obtaining the second-generation holy seed.

They will start to promote the third generation of holy seeds, and the fourth generation of holy seeds

Because the Holy Seed can prolong life, improve mental health, and cure diseases.

It only took two short weeks, under the unscrupulous spread.

At least 50% of the upper class in the entire urban area have become supporters of the Holy Seed.

And ordinary people, also because of the gathering of faith and willingness, the holy light force field is getting wider and wider.

As a result, more and more civilians are getting the benefits of the Holy Light Field.

This snowball-like sweeping method made Lin Sheng look forward to it.

If there is no external force to intervene, the Holy Light Church is likely to grow rapidly like the previous world. Then sweep the entire planet.

Cassie followed Lin Sheng into the church.

Soon, under the cover of the force field, the hidden injuries and fatigue on his body were quickly relieved.

"Looking at you, what should have happened?" Lin Sheng sat between the rows of benches, looked at the pure white sacred armor statue in the innermost part of the church, and asked softly.

"My teacher, Shen Qiusha is gone." Cassie had long felt that the owner of the bookstore was mysterious and not an ordinary person.

So he didn't hide anything, and directly spoke out about his troubles.

"And then? What do you want?" Lin Sheng still had a tolerant attitude towards Cassie.

After all, the basic training method of the battle helmet he brought gave him a lot of inspiration.

The early common sense of the battle helmet's condensed shaping method even improved his overall strength a lot.

It further integrated the conflict between the external power of his soul and the internal power of the guardian pearl.

"I want to find her!" Cassie replied seriously.

"I can't help you find someone. However, my original promise is still valid."

Lin Sheng stretched out his finger, seemingly slowly, but at an astonishing speed, and touched Cassie's forehead.


Cassie had no time to react, so he was tapped on the forehead. The mind was in a trance for a moment. Suddenly, he felt that his perception became extremely sharp.

"Meditate and feel with your heart, maybe you can find the clues left by your teacher."

Lin Sheng left a word, got up and left.

The soul breath of Shen Qiusha remained on Cassie's body. As long as he sensed that breath, he should be able to find clues.

Of course, while doing this, Lin Sheng also left something, near Cassie's soul.

This is an anchor point for him to observe the complete cohesion of the helmet, and he will not give up so easily.

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