Nightmare’s Call

Chapter 718: Siyuan 1

Denis Alloy has only appeared three times so far.

However, all three appearances caused a huge sensation. One piece was acquired by an unknown organization, and other special things were added.

Thereby greatly increasing the number of Denis alloys. Although it is only equivalent to an alloy with sand added.

Dukaente and Hongrui quickly made an agreement to help them once.

From the very beginning, Dukaent trained himself according to the standards of a helmeter.

Therefore, his grades and strength in school are top-notch.

Coupled with the special training and encounters in the family, as well as the increased burst of divine power, Dukaente at this time has an actual combat lethality far exceeding that of ordinary adjusted battle helmets.

"I can dig out a piece of Deni alloy for you. It's about three standard units.

Also, in exchange, I would like to ask you to do one thing for us. "

After confirming the deal, Hong Rui was not polite, and spoke bluntly.

Dukaant's expression was flat.

The other party still thought that he was wearing an invisible helmet that day and killed the enemy's mecha.

But he didn't bother to explain.

Anyway, when the time comes, it will be clear at a glance whether he is wearing a helmet or not.

"Tell me, what's the matter?" With a calm expression, he came down from the stairs and walked up to the two women.

"I want you to protect us until the 30th of this month." Hong Rui replied seriously.

Dukaente pondered for a moment, calculating the time.

"No, it's too long. Now until the 30th, there are at least 13 more days!"

"Add another piece of rare metal!"

"I want Wellman liquid gold."

"I'll give you ten standard units!" Hong Rui gritted his teeth.

The price of Wellman liquid gold is only slightly weaker than Denis alloy, but this is a metal with completely different properties.

It has a special property of being very tough at room temperature.

It is one of the toughest materials that can be found on the market.

Although it is not the top toughest material. But if you can't find the others, using this instead is also the best choice.

"Yes." Dukaent nodded slightly.

Then he walked straight to the door. He didn't care about Hong Rui who agreed to deal with him only behind him.

"Hey! What are you doing?" Hong Rui was stunned.

"Get rid of the little trouble." Dukaente slipped out a black short knife from his sleeve, and swiped forward before reaching the gate.


In an instant, the silver knife light collided with the suddenly burst security door.

boom! ! !

The huge impact and collision force exploded a large golden spark in front of Dukaente.

That was the effect of the huge impact of the alloy knife and the metal door.

Countless shattered slag flew everywhere.

Dukaente's body glowed with gleaming white light, and his right arm was like lightning, weaving a huge silver network in front of him.

This silver network perfectly blocked all the impact.

Clank! !

Amid the continuous sound of metal impacts, Dukaente was like an absolutely impenetrable fortress, easily suppressing the exploded anti-theft door.

The battle broke out very suddenly.

Before Hong Rui and Sha Lu could react, they saw the door explode, and Dukaent suddenly blocked the blast wave.

After a few seconds, everything quieted down.

The living room, which was originally quiet and tidy, has been completely reduced to dirty ruins.

The ground and walls are full of various traces left by the explosion and collision just now.

The scum that exploded was like machine gun bullets, instantly ruining the living room of this gorgeously decorated small building.

"No! This is an isolation space!!? When!?" Hong Rui suddenly woke up.

Feel something wrong around you.

They didn't know when they were pulled into the isolation space by the other party.

Isolation space is really only for high energy objects. But if the expander actively corrects the target, it can also pull ordinary targets into it.

Moreover, the war helmets of different forces have different isolation spaces and fluctuation scales.

Just like in front of them, they don't even know that they have been involved in the isolation space.

But that's not what shocked them the most.

What really made them feel unbelievable was that Dukaente didn't seem to have the action and posture of summoning the helmet just now.

He swung forward like lightning.

Without any breath fluctuations from the helmet at all, an impenetrable and powerful protection network was formed.

"I seemed to be dazzled just now." Hong Rui stammered dryly. "Dukante, it seems that he didn't summon the helmet?"

"No, you're blind." Sha Lu's usual confusion and pretending to be stupid also disappeared completely at this time.

"He does not have a helmet."

During these times, Shalu had already tested Dukaente with various instruments, either explicitly or covertly.

He really doesn't have any helmet qualifications.

even say. He doesn't even have the qualifications to pilot a mech.

Because his mental power is not suitable for connecting to the mecha control system.

"No helmet???!!"

Hong Rui took a deep breath.

She stared at Dukaent stiffly, watching him walk out of the big hole at the door calmly holding a knife.


Suddenly, the scream of a rocket launcher came from afar.

Dukaent raised his right arm, and the black knife in his hand suddenly disappeared.

Instead, a silver disc suddenly appeared in front of him.


As soon as the silver disc appeared, it abruptly nailed the flying rockets into the air.



The entire projectile body of the rocket was completely broken into countless pieces, without even exploding, it fell to the ground and became scrap iron.

"Invisible Helmet!? Get rid of him!"

A low electronic sound came from outside.

Amidst the loud humming sound of breaking through the air, two black mechs swooped down from the sky, with a huge impact, holding shields in both hands, and slammed into Duka Ente ruthlessly.

The two mechas were even still in the air, and they brought up a faint white air wave.

That is an air effect that only occurs when the speed reaches a certain threshold.

Dukaente's eyes drooped, and he also held a black alloy knife in his other hand.

Raising the double knives, he gently covered his cheeks.

"Holy Sword Art"

The white light on his body suddenly brightened, and the holy and gentle holy power was like a spring, spreading around him with him as the core.

"Black Feather!"

Chi! !

The two knives parted, and suddenly all the holy power on Dukaent's body turned into black feathers, covering his whole body.

The black feather fell off in an instant, quickly gathered into a ball, and burst out towards the sky like lightning.

In the flash of black light, the surrounding environment was suddenly dyed black.

A black feather disc with a diameter of tens of meters flashed past everyone's eyes and flew out into the sky.

The two black mechas were holding battle shields, and they rushed halfway, when they were hit head-on by the black feather disc. Just pass through.

Without any explosions, swings.

The two machine bodies were like meteors burned and destroyed by the atmosphere, and began to rapidly dissipate into particles in mid-air.

"what is that.!!?"

Inside one machine, the driver asked the last sentence before disappearing with panic and confusion.

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