
Chapter 591 Return of the King

The theme of this small court meeting is "snow disaster". Since the beginning of winter, the temperature has dropped sharply.

Affected by the cold wave, families that could barely survive by tightening their belts had to spend more money on charcoal fires, cotton coats and other supplies.

But for the poor farmers who earn so little a year, they have to worry about food and clothing. .

Spending money on charcoal and cotton-padded clothes means that there is no money to buy rice.

Many poor people failed to survive this winter, and countless people suffered from hunger and cold.

One after another, the imperial court received papers from various local governments, which described the horror of the disaster as "no household left in ten villages".

The Prime Minister of Dali Temple immediately came out and bowed:

"Your Majesty, you can ask the Ministry of Households to mobilize money and food for disaster relief. If the people lack clothing and food and cannot survive the winter, it will definitely turn into refugees and bring disaster to the states.

"People who have been looted by refugees will also become refugees. If the disaster cannot be quelled as soon as possible, there may be serious disasters."

Before Emperor Yongxing could speak, the Minister of the Household Department came out in panic and said loudly:

"Your Majesty, the treasury is empty, and there is really no extra money and food for disaster relief. Please think twice, Your Majesty."

Every year, the time of disaster relief is a storm that shakes the official hat for him, the Minister of the Ministry of household affairs.

Sure enough, the household department quickly stood up to make up for the incident:

"Your Majesty, I want to impeach the Minister of the Household Department for using power for personal gain, corrupting the law, and sucking the bone marrow of the imperial court with his followers, so that the treasury will be empty."

Hubu Shangshu knelt down and said loudly: "I beg for the bones!"

The corner of Emperor Yongxing's mouth twitched violently, and he looked down at the ministers expressionlessly.


To this day, there is still a party struggle!

It is you group of scholars who only know how to fight in the nest, united with the late emperor, and made the people who have been harmed so much miserable. Emperor Yongxing tightly held his hands in his sleeves, and said with a gentle smile:

"As I said yesterday, the disaster is serious. The whole court should be united as the monarch and ministers to discuss countermeasures together. Please calm down, dear friends."

Hubu Shangshu and others immediately silenced the flags and drums.

Emperor Yongxing nodded in satisfaction, and said in a loud voice, "How are the charity warehouses in various places?"

Hubu Shangshu said: "All warehouses have been opened for disaster relief. It's just that during the autumn harvest, the imperial court fought with the Witch God Cult, and their vitality was seriously injured. The food and grass were collected from various places that day. Therefore, there is not enough food in the charity warehouses in various places."

Emperor Yongxing thought for a while and said, "What about the official warehouse?"

After the words fell, all the princes in the hall looked at each other in dismay, and Liu Hong, the censor of the right capital, came out and said:

"Your Majesty can't. If you want to stabilize the situation in various places and let the subordinates and officials act normally, the official warehouse cannot be moved."

Yicang is specially used for disaster relief in famine years.

Guancang is to distribute salaries to officials.

If the official position is moved, if the imperial court cannot pay the salary, then the world will be in chaos.

Emperor Yongxing's face darkened: "Then what good strategy does Liu Aiqing have?"

Liu Hong pondered and said: "The northern monsters still owe the imperial court countless furs, salt, and iron ore. Your Majesty can send envoys to the northern border to ask for them."

Emperor Yongxing's eyes lit up, and the princes below were also discussing, but Wang Shoufu walked out of the formation, bowed and said:

"This is impossible!"

The princes immediately retorted:

"Why not?"

"I think Mr. Liu's plan is very clever."

"Yes, there are herds of monster cattle and sheep, with countless furs, which can just keep out the cold and solve the urgent needs of the court."

Wang Shoufu waited patiently for the princes to finish speaking before continuing:

"The affidavit was drawn up on that day, and Xu Nian, a scholar of the Hanlin Academy, held the pen, and the minister personally supervised it. It was written in black and white that the fur, cattle and sheep given by Yaoman were three years later.

"Now that the war has subsided for only two months, Yaoman is still waiting to be rebuilt, and supplies are in short supply. At this moment, let them fulfill the contract."

Wang Shoufu didn't continue, but the princes understood.

This is forcing Yaoman and Dafeng to turn against each other.

Emperor Yongxing was a little annoyed, and asked, "What's the best plan for Mr. Shoufu?"

Wang Shoufu sighed in his heart, even if he didn't turn his head, he could still feel the staring eyes behind him.

As the chief assistant, there are some things he can't avoid, so he said in a deep voice:

"Although the national treasury is empty, there are rich and wealthy people inside and outside the capital, and even all over the Central Plains. Your Majesty can call on righteous people from all over the world to donate."

The princes' hearts sank when they came.

In fact, as early as many days ago, there were rumors in Beijing that His Majesty wanted to call for donations to fill the emptiness of the treasury, and wanted to cut their flesh from them.

Emperor Yongxing was waiting for this moment, and laughed:

"This method is very wonderful, Lord Shoufu thinks how to call."

Wang Shoufu said: "The princes should take the lead in donating money, and I am willing to donate half of the family wealth to help the victims."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone in the hall was in an uproar.

Several members of the Wang Party and the former Wei Party responded immediately, saying that, like Wang Shoufu, they donated half of their family wealth to fill the treasury.

But more ministers took an opposing attitude.

"Your Majesty, this is impossible."

"I'm waiting for the wind in my sleeves and barely getting by, how can I get a fortune?"

"Businessmen seek profits, and asking them to donate money is like cutting flesh, which will definitely cause an uproar."

"The national treasury is empty, so don't publicize it. If the Witch God Sect finds out, there may be military disasters. Inside, let the people know that the imperial court is strong and the middle is weak. At that time, the refugees will turn into bandits, and the disaster will be endless."

As soon as the emperor called for donations, Wang Shoufu took the lead in donating half of his family's wealth. The princes responded greatly and stood in the same camp in an incomparably tacit understanding.

Even if they are like fire and water on weekdays.

Emperor Yongxing raised his hand to silence the noise of the ministers.

This is the Imperial Study Room, not the Golden Luan Hall, and there are no eunuchs lashing out with whips.

After the princes were quiet, he looked at the Cheng of Dali Temple and said:

"Master Si Cheng, what is your intention?"

All the princes present are the core figures of the party, and if they are dealt with, most of the parties can be dealt with.

And Dali Sicheng is now the leader and the only leader of the Qi Party. If he nods, the Qi Party can win, at least half of it.

"Your Majesty!" The Prime Minister of Dali Temple came out and mourned:

"I have been an official for twenty years. I work hard and work hard. I have a breeze in my sleeves. I have no ice in the scorching heat and no charcoal in the severe cold. I just barely make ends meet."

As he spoke, he shook his hands, letting the wide sleeves slip off, revealing a pair of hands full of frostbite.

"For the sake of the court, I would like to die. But I pity my wife and children and don't want them to freeze to death on the street. If your majesty insists on doing this, I will beg for bones."

The old fox, Emperor Yongxing, felt a "chug" pain in his brain, and quickly waved his hands:

"Not so much, not so much"

If this is the case, he will become a greedy emperor who forced officials to donate money and caused the ministers to resign. His reputation will be rotten, and if the history books record it again.

Well, not much better than the first emperor.

Emperor Yongxing believed that such scholars would definitely write like this.

Because they are the ones who are forced to donate.

Emperor Yongxing asked other ministers again, and encountered different soft nails.

Either crying poor or begging for bones.

The young emperor's face became more and more ugly, he was unable to get off the tiger, and finally slapped the table.

"This won't work, and that won't work. What's the use of the court supporting you? Within three days, I want a perfect plan. If I can't get it out, I'll get out of here!"

"Your Majesty calm down!"

The princes knelt down one after another.

The Xiaochao will end early because of Emperor Yongxing's gaffe and fury.

Wang Shoufu straightened his official hat, put his hands in his sleeves, and walked side by side on the spacious road paved with bluestone slabs with Wei Yuan's successor, Yushi Taiyoudu Yushi, and the leader of the watchmen Liu Hong.

Ahead is the Meridian Gate.

There were guards standing guard in the distance, and the imperial army patrolled. Wang Shoufu's gaze was chasing the imperial army boredly. After a while, he withdrew his gaze and said slowly:

"Your Majesty exposed the weakness of his love of fame too clearly, how can he fight these old foxes?

"Your Majesty is still too young."

"There is a heart to strengthen the country and work hard, but the level is not good." Liu Hong did not hide his disdain.

Wang Shoufu took a deep breath, his nose turned red from the cold, and said lightly:

"The methods are immature and the scheming is not deep enough. You can learn all of these. If you change to the fourth prince, you will not be much better than him."

Liu Hong said without thinking: "It's a pity that His Highness Huaiqing is a girl."

Wang Shoufu sneered and said, "The idea of ​​Erlang's memorial to the court to call for donations was given by His Highness Huaiqing. Do you think I don't know?"

Liu Hong said calmly: "Master Shoufu is as insightful as a torch."

"She didn't ask merchants to donate alone, but asked His Majesty to mobilize the officials to donate to set an example. She still has some foresight."

Wang Shoufu snorted, his face turned cold:

"You tell Huaiqing that you want to try your own way in the future, don't use my future son-in-law as a weapon. Your Majesty is destined to lose face because of this matter. At that time, Erlang will have to be angered."

Liu Hong did not speak.

The two walked side by side for a while, Wang Shoufu calmed down his anger, and said lightly:

"The treasury of the imperial court is empty, and the household department is unsustainable. The reason why your majesty does not move the money and food is to guard against the rebels in Yunzhou."

Liu Hong said in a deep voice:

"However, if the disaster is allowed to expand, the number of refugees will increase day by day, causing disasters everywhere, which is also what the rebels would like to see. Misappropriation of military funds is in the hands of the rebels. If it is not embezzled, the rebels are still happy to see it.

"Although I haven't dealt with Xu Pingfeng before, I know that this person is so clever that it makes one's scalp tingle."

If the army cannot be paid in war, the army will mutiny.

But regardless of the disaster, if the growth rate of refugees is not curbed, the situation will become more and more chaotic, and the consequences of a fire in the backyard are equally dire.

"Your Highness Huaiqing can't think of it." Liu Hong sighed: "I thought that after the late emperor left, the imperial court would usher in a brand new era, but it turned out to be a mess."

Wang Shoufu looked far away, seemingly touched.

After a while, he said in a deep voice:

"If this plan is feasible, it will indeed solve the urgent need. But she overlooked a key point. To make these old foxes and officials of all walks of life willingly pay for it, you need a person who lives in the town.

"Looking at the imperial court, the supervisor counts as one, the late emperor counts as one, Wei Yuan and I count as one, and Xu Qi'an counts as one.

"Jianzheng doesn't care about government affairs. The late emperor and Wei Yuan are old friends. Xu Qi'an traveled all over the world. I asked Erlang a while ago, but there is no news about him."

Liu Hong was startled. Wang Shoufu had already seen through and understood this strategy. Before anyone noticed, he had already secretly probed and deliberated.

Jingxiu Palace.

Emperor Yongxing arrived in a big horse, surrounded by eunuchs, and entered Jingxiu Palace.

He paused in the yard, took a deep breath, pinched the center of his brows, and made his expression less serious.

With a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, he walked across the yard, stepped over the threshold, and saw the concubine mother and sister who had been waiting for a long time.

Concubine Chen Guifei, who ordered the maid to heat up the dishes several times, reprimanded softly:

"Although your majesty is in the prime of life, you should also pay attention to the dragon's body and don't work too hard."

"Mother and concubine, don't worry, Lingbao Temple has a lot of panacea for health and nourishment." Lin'an waved his little hands, smiling like a flower:

"Brother Emperor, come and eat."

Emperor Yongxing smiled, swept away the gloomy atmosphere in the court, and began to eat under the service of the maid.

He ate a few mouthfuls, and then chatted with his mother, concubine and younger sister about family gossip.

"A few days ago, I heard from Zhi'er that a little girl came to Shang's study, and it was from Wang Shoufu's residence. Changkang accidentally provoked her and was beaten.

"Zhier avenged his cousin, and was beaten all over his head."

"Zhier" is the third son of Emperor Yongxing, who is ten years old this year.

Changkang is the second son of Lin'an Sixth Brother.

When Concubine Chen Guifei heard that her grandson had been beaten, her expression changed drastically, and her brows stood on end: "Why didn't I know about this?"

"I was suppressed."


Concubine Chen Gui doubted, unable to understand what her son was doing.

Emperor Yongxing smiled wryly: "That's Xu Qi'an's younger sister, fortunately she was sent out of the palace that day, and she didn't read the book."

Chen Guifei fell silent immediately.

As everyone knows, Taifu escaped unharmed.

After eating for a while, Concubine Chen Guifei saw that Emperor Yongxing was always unhappy, and said softly:

"Your Majesty, is there any difficulty in court?"

Emperor Yongxing hesitated for a moment, then sighed weakly:

"The national treasury ran out of money, and the war had just ended, and the granaries in various places were insufficiently prepared, unable to provide relief to the victims. As a result, refugees everywhere turned into bandits.

"My country is in a mess."

He also spoke out about the setbacks he encountered in calling for donations.

Emperor Yongxing pinched the center of his brows, "Only when you sit in this position will you realize how difficult it is. Everyone in the court is an enemy."

Although he has not long been enthroned, he has already felt numerous obstacles and the involuntary powerlessness of government orders.

This is something that I could not personally experience when I was a prince.

The atmosphere on the table suddenly became solemn.

Emperor Yongxing hurriedly said: "Don't think about such bad things, mother and concubine, I respectfully offer you a toast."

After drinking, Emperor Yongxing picked some light topics, trying to make Concubine Chen laugh and make the family dinner more relaxing.

Lin'an silently looked at his elder brother, feeling a little sad.

In the past, she felt that the prince's elder brother wanted to inherit the throne, and many thoughts and concepts made her uncomfortable.

But time has changed, she has experienced so many things, and she has matured a lot.

The prince's elder brother is so obsessed with the throne, apart from his own desire for the throne, most of the reasons are due to their mother and daughter.

The concubine mother could not hold her head up under the pressure of the queen, and she was often bullied by Huaiqing. In addition, the fourth prince had Wei Yuan's support in the court.

The prince's elder brother just wanted to win the battle, so that the mother and concubine could hold her head high in front of the queen, so that she could show off her might in front of Huaiqing.

After lunch, Lin'an went to Dexin Garden in the name of taking a walk to eliminate food.

As soon as he entered Huaiqing's territory, he saw a handsome and tall young official coming out of it.

His eyes are like stars, his lips are red and his teeth are white, his cheeks are much firmer, making him look more masculine.

"My minister has seen His Highness."

Xu New Year stopped and bowed his hands.

"Why is Master Xu here?"

Lin'an's amorous and charming peach blossom eyes rolled, looking up and down.

Xu Xinnian said: "The minister came to His Highness Huaiqing to discuss knowledge."

After a pause, he asked, "By the way, has my eldest brother sent a letter to His Highness recently?"

When Lin'an heard it, he felt very resentful, and snorted softly:

"I don't know who your elder brother is, so don't block the way."

The skirt fluttered, and Xu Xinian passed by.

The dog servant left Beijing for more than a month, and there was no news of her, obviously he didn't take her seriously.

All the way to the inner courtyard, under the guidance of the maid, came to the inner hall, saw Huaiqing sitting behind the desk drinking tea.

"I just met Xu Cijiu outside, why is he here?"

Lin'an asked.

Generally speaking, those who can be invited into the mansion by the princess are people with extraordinary relationships.

Regardless of women, men are basically confidantes.

But Lin'an knew that Xu Xinian was the future son-in-law of the Wang family, and Wang Shoufu was her emperor's elder brother.

"Discuss learning."

Huaiqing was perfunctory, and then asked: "What are you doing here again?"

She doesn't welcome Lin'an very much, this sister is chirping like a sparrow, if you don't pay attention, she will fly over and peck your face.

Although the combat power is still as bad as ever, Emperor Yongxing is still in power now.

Huaiqing would be somewhat apprehensive.

Although Lin'an was defeated in the battle and was not convinced, he never complained to Emperor Yongxing.

Lin'an came to the table, sat down with his skirt up, and said:

"Huaiqing, you have a lot of ideas, let me ask you a question."

Huaiqing nodded coldly.

Lin'an talked about the donation, and frowned slightly:

"How can you make those old foxes pay for themselves?"

Huaiqing said indifferently: "Other people want to rob your property, will you give it or not?"

Lin'an thought for a while, and said: "It depends on who, if the dog slave asks me for money, I will give it to you."

Huaiqing took a sip of tea, "So, you have to be someone close to you. Your emperor's elder brother asked for money, so of course he won't come."

Lin'an felt that it made sense, and asked tentatively, "Threat?"

Huaiqing shook his head:

"This is the best way, and it is also the stupidest way. The stupidity is that His Majesty cannot do it, otherwise there will be a huge backlash from the ruling and opposition parties.

"But some people can do it, but the officials have nothing to do."

Lin'an's eyes lit up: "Who?"

Huaiqing was once again disappointed in this younger sister's intelligence, and it was really boring to play games with her.

"How do you feel about prison?"


"What if the No. 1 Martial Arts King of Dafeng back then was King of the North?"

"Yes, okay"

"Then who is the number one martial artist in Dafeng now?"

Lin'an finally understood, suddenly realized, and slapped the table with his little hand:

"You call a dog slave!"

Immediately, his face collapsed, and he said disappointedly: "But he is not in the capital."

PS: Continue to code the next chapter. It is recommended to watch it tomorrow.

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