
Chapter 690

The walking corpse put the wooden box in front of Xu Qi'an, turned and left.

"Click it!"

Xu Qi'an pressed his fingertips against the copper lock, and the air machine replaced the key, allowing the bolt to pop open.

The moment he opened the wooden box, he smelled the smell of antiseptic and insect repellant powder. Inside the box was a roll of animal skin. .

If it wasn't for deliberately using animal skins as the material, then the age of this map must be more than two thousand years. In the era of Confucian saints, the carrier of books was bamboo slips, and animal skins were older than bamboo slips. Xu Qi'an thought to himself, and unfolded half a roll of animal skins.

It can only be seen after unfolding that the map is torn from the middle and is the left half of a complete map.

The way the map is drawn is very strange, with distorted and irregular lines all over it, a bit similar to the map of Xu Qi'an's previous life.

There are no fonts except lines.

I remember when I was studying in the past, the topographic map was also such a mess of lines. Xu Qian looked at Youshi and said:

"Has this picture been decrypted?"

Of course, this volume of map cannot be the same as the topographic map of the previous life.

Yushi shook his head:

"My father has researched it, and thinks that the lines in the picture symbolize the mountains, rivers and leylines, and only warlocks can understand them. And even for warlocks, if they want to find the corresponding area in the Kyushu continent, it is still a needle in a haystack."

Because it was almost impossible to find, he happily traded it to Xu Qi'an.

Anyway, if it stays in the Corpse Gu Department, there is a high probability that it will only be sealed forever. In this case, it is better to exchange that ancient corpse and keep it in the tribe for a few days.

Thinking of that perfect corpse, Youshi's heart beat faster and his blood boiled.

Xu Qi'an's ears moved, and he heard the woman's groans in the depths of the yard suddenly became louder and more intense.

He didn't take it seriously, and took out the coffin from the fragments of the book on the spot, and then put away the wooden box containing the half-rolled map.

"By the way, I advise you, don't do strange things to it, so as not to be contaminated with cause and effect. Although I think the cause and effect on it has been completely eliminated."

Xu Qi'an reminded with a smile.

"You Shi" glanced at him with white pupils, and said:

"In our Corpse Gu department, there is an old saying - those who can't hold back their desires can't achieve anything.

"Anyone who is expected to rank four can resist the temptation of natal Gu. Although our clan has not prohibited this aspect of things, those who violate the rules with corpses are all ineffective dogs."

Xu Qi'an's face gradually became stiff.

"You Shi" didn't notice his abnormal expression, he was engrossed in admiring the ancient corpse, and waved his hand:

"Let's go, don't bother me."

Xu Qi'an returned to the Force Gu Department, the warm sun was hanging high, the time was three quarters of the hour, he went back to the house first to meet Luo Yuheng.

The national teacher sat cross-legged, breathing out and practicing, watching him come in, opened his beautiful eyes, and smiled sweetly, like a stunning beauty who loves to smile among flowers in spring.

Oh, Xiaoxi. Xu Qi'an heaved a sigh of relief. Xiaoxi, like Xiaoai, has a positive personality, always smiling, without any negative emotions, and is willing to follow his wishes when doing double cultivation.

"Southern Xinjiang is really nice, the climate is warm, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, I am very happy."

Luo Yuheng said with a smile.

"It's just that there are a lot of mosquitoes. Last night, I swatted the mosquitoes for the national teacher, and my buttocks became red."

Xu Qi'an laughed.

Luo Yuheng shot him a look, a bit shy, but he didn't get angry, and his face was still full of joy.

Switching to the "angry" personality, I was sent to heaven with one sword Xu Qi'an then looked at Xu Lingyin who was sleeping soundly on the bed, and asked:

"Why did Lingyin come back here to sleep?"

Luo Yuheng said helplessly:

"Not long after you left, she ran in, saying that she suspected that Master Lina wanted to eat her, and came to look for you in fear, but you were not here."

Xu Qi'an murmured, "Did you find bite marks on your wrist?"

Luo Yuheng nodded.

After Lingyin was promoted, her appetite increased significantly. When she returned to the capital, her aunt was about to cry. Xu Qi'an didn't know how to evaluate it, so she had to pray for her aunt in her heart.

On the third day, the soldiers from the Heart Gu Department, Corpse Gu Department, Power Gu Department and Dark Gu Department were assembled.

Among them, there are 500 flying beast troops from the Heart Gu Department, 400 warriors from the Power Gu Department, 600 mature corpse controllers from the Corpse Gu Department, and 800 elite from the Shadow Department. Extremely powerful walking corpse puppet.

The mighty team of more than 3,000 members left southern Xinjiang and headed for Qingzhou.

It is worth mentioning that Lina's elder brother Mo Sang is also in the team of the Force Gu Department.

As for Lina herself, she intends to consolidate the strength Gu, and after absorbing the energy and blood of the Gu God, she also goes north to Qingzhou to participate in the war and hone the Gu Dao.

The Force Gu Department was both happy and worried about the 400 elite going to the expedition. The happiness was that the rations of this group of people would be handed over to Dafeng in the future. The elders secretly ordered the young and strong who went to the expedition:

"You can eat hard, eat the granary of the poor Central Plains people."

What is worrying is that after this group of people left, there will be a shortage of hunting manpower. The old people who used to only farm or not work at all, now have to roll up their sleeves and go hunting in the mountains.

late at night!

In the military tent ten miles away in Songshan County, Zhuo Haoran was sitting at the conference table, with a copper basin in front of him, in which was freshly roasted leg of lamb.

He held the leg of lamb in his left hand, biting hard, and the long knife on his right was stained with blood.

On both sides of the conference table were silent generals.

A great battle had just ended, and Zhuo Haoran's Yunzhou Army repelled the Dafeng garrison who attacked all night. Such attacks have happened frequently in the past few days.

The generals secretly glanced at Zhuo Haoran, but did not dare to speak, the atmosphere in the military tent was frozen, only the sound of Zhuo Haoran biting the leg of lamb.

The five-day deadline has long passed, and Songshan County still hasn't won it.

Not only did it fail to win, but the Yunzhou Army suffered heavy losses.

Zhuo Haoran is a fierce general, his personal combat power is valiant, and his ability to lead troops is also outstanding. His strategy for capturing Songshan County is to organize refugees to consume the enemy's shells, crossbows and arrows in the first three days.

And garrison armaments such as wood kerosene.

During this period, masters were sent among the refugees, waiting for an opportunity to board the city wall and destroy the artillery and bed crossbows.

This trick has achieved excellent results.

In the siege battle on the third day, the defenders had only two cannons and a bed crossbow left, which was difficult to achieve. They could only use wood, kerosene, and archers to fight against the attacking Yunzhou army.

Seeing this, Zhuo Haoran immediately dispatched elite infantry who had been dormant for three days to attack the city.

However, when the elite infantry of the Yunzhou Army rushed into the range of the artillery, there was a sudden burst of artillery fire from the top of the city, and thunderbolts from bowstrings. The ferocious firepower directly knocked out the elite infantry.

After the siege failed, they left seven or eight hundred people behind and retreated hastily.

Xu New Year still had a batch of cannons and bed crossbows on hand, but for the first three days, he refrained from using them, even though the defenders suffered heavy casualties in the process.

Just from the four words "compassion does not command soldiers", Zhuo Haoran has to admit that that guy is a qualified leader.

The general said that the essence of war is to win at all costs.

Unable to attack head-on, Zhuo Haoran secretly divided his troops and let the elite soldiers attack from the dangerous peak in the south at night, but they stepped on the traps all over the mountains and plains, and the deep pits with sharp wooden stakes.

Except for the masters who were able to break through the encirclement, the soldiers suffered heavy losses.

Zhuo Haoran was concerned that Songshan County hadn't rained for more than half a month, and the mountains were dry, so Xu New Year might set fire to the mountains, so he gave up his plan to bypass the dangerous peaks and attack the city defenders.

On the night of the fourth day, there was a sudden beating of drums at the top of the city, followed by the sound of horseshoes.

The siege failed during the day, and the exhausted Yunzhou army thought the enemy was attacking and led the army to fight, only to find that the enemy had shot a feint and did not attack at all.

After several times in a row, the Yunzhou army was exhausted.

At dawn, the drums sounded again, but the Yunzhou rebels didn't take it seriously, and only sent scouts and a small number of people out of the camp to check the situation.

As a result, a thousand Qingqi rushed into the battle, and the Yunzhou Army killed and injured more than 2,000 people.

One-third of the six thousand elites were lost.

On the fifth day, Zhuo Haoran forcibly attacked the city regardless of the loss, and returned home in a defeat, and suffered both defeats with the defenders.

But at night, the garrison army repeated the old trick again, disturbing the Yunzhou army unbearably.

Now it's the seventh day, the 4,000 troops of the refugee organization are all killed and injured, and only 3,000 of the 6,000 elite under Zhuo Haoran's command remain.

On the side of the city defense army, there are nearly 2,000 people.

Judging from the current comparison of the number of people between the two sides, Songshan County can't win.

Zhuo Haoran swallowed the last bite of meat, coldly swept over the generals, and said:

"Let the soldiers get a good night's sleep, and there will be no more harassment tonight.

"Sleep full, break the city at dawn!"

His expression was calm and composed, and he spoke with confidence, as if dawn would definitely break through the city.

Miao Youfang and Zhu Jun led five hundred cavalry to rush through the city gate and return to the base camp.

"General Bamboo, Erlang cooked cattle at the top of the city, how many drinks do you want to go up?"

Miao Youfang warmly invited.

Zhu Jun was a thin, middle-aged man, taciturn, the only fourth rank in Songshan County, responsible for guarding the North City Gate.

It was because of him that Xu Erlang dared to let the cavalry attack the enemy camp, otherwise he would be killed.

He shook his head and said lightly:

"Let Mr. Xu send you to the North City Gate, just drink."

After all, he took his subordinates and galloped away.


Miao Youfang shook his head, got off his horse, and climbed up the steps to the top of the wall.

Iron pots were set up on the bridleway, and the soldiers were sitting around the iron pots eating meat.

With happy smiles on their faces, they ate meat with great enthusiasm.

Looking at the excited faces of the soldiers, Miao Youfang remembered the conversation with Xu Erlang during the day.

Xu Erlang forcibly confiscated the cattle, dogs, chickens and ducks of the people in the county, and rewarded the guards and soldiers with a small amount of rice as compensation.

Miao Youfang felt that something was wrong at first, thinking that this was not a disguised form of plundering people's property.

But Xu Erlang told him that in times of war, the interests of soldiers should always come first, followed by the common people. The soldiers were exhausted after days of bloody battles, and eating meat could boost their morale.

As for the people, if they cannot defend the city, their fate will be even worse.

Miao Youfang now felt that what he said was indeed reasonable.

He walked straight into the Wengcheng, and saw Xu Erlang leaning over his desk to examine the map, frowning in silence.

"Erlang, according to what you said, they should withdraw their troops tomorrow."

"That would be true if there were no reinforcements."

Xu Erlang looked up:

"But I think reinforcements from the Yunzhou rebels are coming soon."

PS: 98,000 subscriptions have been made, and I am looking for a wave of genuine subscriptions, which will help people change their minds by 100,000. Come on guys.

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