Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 805: Look at each other

Other monks, two or three, scattered around the loess hills, or meditate, or communicate with each other, but attention has always been placed in the middle of a few of the masters.

Everyone has hard to kill here. If you can't find a way to fix the shackles, although it is basically a task, how can you all lose your heart and regret it.

I just don't know if a few of the masters can show their ability to complete the repair.

Among the five Fuxi masters, the most surprising thing is Sun Haosun Shen Xiang.

Ranked Jindan to accompany the funeral of the Tianxu, all the way, giving everyone the most accidents, the most impressive, except for a few top sects, there is no doubt that the mainland ranks the bottom, Sun Hao from the second ancestral gate Sun Shenxiang.

Before the Jiuqu Yellow River Array, Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang showed his outstanding rumors. From the perspective of the good life, the depth of his martial arts has already made the Tiangong dynasty Jindan convinced.

Subsequently, Sun Hao showed a powerful bow shooting technique.

Not long ago, Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang was even more powerful in the golden warfare, and it was enough to repair the body with Zhao Yi’s magical court.

Everyone has not recovered from the shock of its powerful actual combat power, but found that this guy is still a four-level master.

It can be said that no matter what level of Sun Haosun's refining Zhenyuan can be achieved, only the various capabilities demonstrated on this road are enough to become the leader among Jindan.

Ranked on the 94th, it is just a representation.

Looking at the weak-crowned juvenile monk who discussed the hero repair method together with several Masters, all the Jin Dan’s minds are filled with similar thoughts. People can’t be seen, and the mainland’s aliens are endless and can enter the funeral days. The marketer, there really is no simple role.

Under the auspices of Yilu Denghuo, everyone discussed and smeared, and gradually found a way to repair the heroes, but at the same time. The brows of the Yi Lu lights also wrinkled deeply.

Fixing the day is very difficult.

On-site monks, including his easy road lights, fear that no one can meet the harsh repair conditions.

The reason. It is also a strange environment for burying the sky, so that everyone has nowhere to make it.

After the Tianfu absorbed the blood of the monk, the monk who was exhausted by the real yuan took the real Yuandan and began to recover, but at the same time. Just like Zhenyuan Dan, there is erysipelas. The blood of different monks also has a certain poison to the runes of Tianfu.

The so-called repair of the Tianfu, in fact, is to find ways to eliminate the harmful grievances above the rune, so that the day character text is more clear.

It looks simple and it is not difficult to say.

However, if you want to fix it, it is difficult to get to the sky.

The simplest point is the ban.

The monk system must be driven by the real element, and the usage force is used as a guide to incite the heaven and earth aura for its own use. Can be refined.

However, this place is banned.

Jin Dan was sealed, and the real yuan could not overflow a half.

How to fix?

In addition to the ban, the fix is ​​also subject to several extremely demanding conditions.

It is necessary for the monk to know the runes, and to write the hero character characters in a standard way. That is to say, the most basic requirement for practicing the heroes is the four-level best character teacher.

The four-level clerk is very rare in itself and needs the best.

War Xuanyuan said: "I only have six or seven percent to grasp."

Yi Lu lights also said: "Even if you can drive the real yuan, I do not exceed 80% at most."

Ghosts look at Sun Hao, no words.

Still a good brow wrinkled: "I am far worse than the two masters."

Sun Hao indulged in a moment and did not express any opinions.

Everyone continues to discuss downwards.

There is a third difficulty in practicing the symbol.

Above the day. All are hero blood.

The blood is arrogant, violent and violent, and it tests the strength of the monk's spirit. If you don't see it, it will have a huge impact on the repair.

At last. The most important thing is that the easy road lamp said heavily: "There is only one chance. If the repair is unsuccessful, it will completely fail..."

All the difficulties are put out.

Several Fuxi masters briefly silenced and began to think about the methods of cracking against these difficulties.

Still frowning: "How is the ban?"

Yes, the problem of prohibiting the law is not broken. There is no way to talk about the repairs.

War Xuanyuan and Yi Lu lights look at each other.

Yi Lu lights slowly said: "The path of Fu Xi, broad and profound, spiritual power is not the only Fu Yin introduction, in the case of the mana is sealed, there are two ways to control, one, pen power; second, pure flesh power."

War Xuanyuan nodded: "Only the stylus has fallen into the moon, so far it can be a god. If it is a force, it can be a thousand strokes. If it is a pen, I and Yi Xiong can barely do it."

After that, War Xuanyuan looked at Sun Hao and said: "Agarwood is a giant force. If it is used well, it can be impossible to refine it."

Sun Hao nodded slightly.

Together with Fu, there are still a lot of places that I have never been involved in, and I can’t control them. Sun Hao didn’t try it before, and it was the first time I heard about it.

Although Sun Hao is diligent in practicing runes, it is also the first time that he has contacted the pen and can make a statement. He does not know that his penpower has met the requirements.

Shang Sheng's face showed a surprise look, and both palms hit: "Admire the admiration, so the biggest difficulty is overcome, we continue to go down."

War Xuanyuan continued: "My difficulty in success rate is not high, the fourth-class best product, I have only 70% less than the success rate, then, the heroic blood is intense and violent, if there is no special means, it will be extremely Big damage to my success rate, if I don't want to crack, I don't dare to do it."

Yi Lu lights also nodded and said: "Well, yes, if you don't break the blood, I don't dare to do it."

Sun Hao’s heart was moving.

Still thinking about it, I immediately reacted, and my wrists were flashing. I saw colored graphite in my hand and graphite on the top of the figure.

“Wen Cai double ink?”

Yi Lu lights at a glance to see the origin of the graphite in the hand, the eyes can not help but shine, and then sighed.

Zhan Xuanyuan said: "The collection of Tiangong is really extraordinary. It can be seen by one of the top ten famous inks in the ancient world. Xuanyuan’s trip is also a big gain, but it’s a big brother, the biggest one. The use is two-tone, that is, the best effect of reconciling two different types of blood, is the hero, but it is..."

Still looking at the heroes in the air, I immediately understood.

Among the heroes, for thousands of years, I don’t know how many monks have blood on them. Although they are good, they are suitable.

Shrugging, still a good hand, a pair of smashed ink, divided into five, said in the mouth: "Bao Jian gift hero, red powder to give a beautiful person, you friends, double 鸳鸯 ink everyone."

The hand raised the thumb-sized ink block, and the battle Xuanyuan also raised a piece of graphite and threw it to other monks: "This is a pool of spring and green ink, the effect is to enhance the power of Fu Wei, but unfortunately it is not suitable to repair the hero. symbol."

All of them are ranked Jindan in the mainland. They are all experts in the practice of refining, and it is a kind of etiquette to exchange the famous inks.

Linger threw out his collection of "Han Zheng Xuan Yu Mo"; Yi Lu lights throw out the "wind and cloud ink" that the teacher passed down.

Both are also one of the top ten ancient inks of the mainland, and their value is extraordinary.

It is a pity that, like the double ink, these famous inks have their own characteristics but are not suitable for repairing heroes.

In the end, among the five masters of the Fu, only Sun Hao did not come up with a famous ink to exchange, many people who pay attention to the monks of the Fushun masters and the other four masters of the Fu, understand this.

After all, Sun Hao was born poorly, but it was normal without a famous ink collection.

Sun Hao did not panic and put away a few famous Then he smiled and said to Yi Lu lights: "If you build a real man, if the agarwood guesses well, reconcile the hero blood with the dragon nine son ink. Can you?"

Yi Lu Deng nodded fire: "Well, the so-called Longsheng nine sons, each has its own differences, among the top ten famous inks, if it is on the reconciliation of various kinds of blood, it is the Wu Jiuchen's biography of the nine Jiuzi ink, but unfortunately this Ink has already been..."

If you haven’t finished speaking, you’ve got a bright look and look at Sun Hao.

In the hands of Sun Hao, he has taken out a piece of graphite and said in his mouth: "You friends, Aquilaria is coincidental, but you are fortunate enough to get a piece of ink from the dragon and nine, and build a military tasting to see if it is genuine, and it is a matter of repair. This ink can't be divided, Daoyou Haihan..."

The battle of Xuanyuan’s eyes is shining, and it’s still a big surprise. Linger’s eyes are shining.

Sun Hao’s hand was thrown, and Yi Luguang’s light grabbed Long Jiuzi’s ink, and he smiled a little and looked at it: “The frost hoisted the wind and the cold, let’s take a look at the ink, Shen Xiang, good, really is the dragon nine sons. Ink, hahaha, aloes good."

The ranking Jin Danmen suddenly looked at Sun Hao. (To be continued.)

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