Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 807: Shen Yan Yu Han (2)

The rank of Jindan is relatively close, and the true fire of Jindan can only support less tea.

The five ranks of Jin Dan were less than a while. The real fire was exhausted and they had to circulate from the beginning. Li Min frowned and said: "Recovery is not good, it won't last long. This is not the way. The master must make a decision." ""

All the monks looked at Zhao Zhaomo.

Continue to go deeper?

Still retreating here?

"The bow does not turn back." Zhao Wei's body is quite straight, and he said loudly: "It's not a good way to go all out, rushing, and turning back. By then, rely on the means."

Jin Dan has some means of life-saving at the bottom of the box. Zhao Yumo said this, although everyone has some guilty conscience, but it is not easy to say.

It was Xia Qingyu, and Emei said: "The distance is not close, I am afraid it is not appropriate."

On the body of Hu Gaiya, the momentum rose, but he agreed with Zhao’s decision: “I’m going to speed up, I’m going to speed up, everyone’s attention.”

Xia Qingyu looked at the Jindans with pity and no longer spoke.

Tiger Gaia is like a wind, and it slams into the air. The ice crystal mask suddenly becomes fast, and it quickly moves forward and rushes away.

Real people can't think too much, and run wild with the team.

In front, the wind whistling, the shadow of the hurricane rabbit constantly appeared, the cold current burst, spit out.

Although the speed of the ice crystal cover is fast, it is not as good as the hurricane rabbit.

Moreover, the timid rabbit saw the ice crystal hood that fled, but the courage was much bigger. More and more rabbits began to squirt the cold ice.

The real inflammation of Li Min and others is getting faster and faster, and the cycle is getting faster and faster.

Seeing the real inflammation, but in front, the hurricane is still, the ice and snow peaks are still far away.

Xia Qingyu's face is very heavy and his mood is still heavy.

The ice crystal cover is not supported by Shenyan. Can't hold back for a long time.

Once the ice crystal cover was broken, the field monks did not know how many can escape the disaster.

In front of the huge difficulties, Xia Qingyu could not help but think of Sun Hao, and remembered the scenes in the past to fill the sky. After many years, the scene of the past is still in sight.

The test that I have met in the past. It seems like a play now.

≧↖style_txt; But the performance of Sun Hao in the past still makes her unforgettable.

At that time, Sun Hao was calm and calm, wise and strong, took her step by step to the peak, and brought her life chance.

Today, I will meet again.

Sun Hao’s cultivation has fallen behind her, and her birth is far from good.

However, I don't know why. When encountering a huge problem, Xia Qingyu couldn't help but think of Sun Hao again. I don't know, can he find a way to break through the same situation as in the past?

Although I know that hope is very embarrassing, but in my heart, Xia Qingyu can not help but hope. I hope that Sun Hao can stand up and stand in front of her. Solve her problems and take her to find the legendary ice and snow peaks.

Xia Qingyu looked at Sun Hao.

At this time, Sun Hao was running at high speed, and a pair of eyes were watching the real people at the bottom of the ice crystal cover. The face was not exposed to the slightest uneasiness, and the eyes were about to be tested by the hurricane. The sparkling crystal seems to be thoughtful.

Li Min’s cold inflammation is among the real people, and he persists for the longest time.

However, still can't hold on.

There is no help in his mouth, Li Min said: "Master brother. Rainy fairy, proud of the world can not support ..."

Between the words, the bottom of the ice crystal cover, the cold swayed and swayed, completely lost the fire, and flew back to Li Min’s hands.

Xia Qingyu, with a cold and breath, said: "You friends, ice crystal cover can still hold half an hour, when I will shake the ice crystal cover, for everyone to create a windless environment for a short time, everyone Let it be by means."

All the monks, Qi Qi body shocked.

In front, it is still a hurricane.

Nowadays, everyone is already caught in the hurricane. Once the ice crystal cover loses its effect, how many people can break through except a few strengths?

Every monk had no smile on his face.

Inside the ice crystal hood, the temperature is going to be, but the colder is the heart of the Golden Danes.

Every monk is estimating how long he can go in this hurricane.

Sun Hao glanced at Zhu Ling, Wang Yuan and other friends, and his heart felt very uneasy.

Zhu Ling, they are the main direction of cultivation, refining souls and refining bodies.

Such an extreme hurricane valley is afraid that it will not go far.

Perhaps I also know my own shortcomings. Zhu Pang, who usually has the most words, has already picked up it at this time: "It’s over, this is probably going to be finished."

Gaiamo silently slammed his head.

All monks hope to have a miracle, see the ice and snow peaks before the ice crystal hood fails.

However, the reality is cruel.

Half an hour passed quickly, and the snow-capped mountains were still missing.

Li Min and other monks recovered a little bit of real inflammation, but at this time, there were no monks to let them take the real fire, because Li Min and other monks must also retain some self-protection ability.

Xia Qingyu’s heart sighed and his face was cold and merciful. He said softly in his mouth: “You, friends, I want to blew the ice crystal cover, and everyone will make a surprise attack...”

Xia Qingyu did not finish talking.

The voice of Sun Hao Qing Lang passed over: "The rain is slow and the fairy is slow, let the agarwood try it?"

The monks were surprised to see Sun Hao.

Zhao Xiaomo quickly asked: "The true fire of Agarwood can also reach the sun, and does not hurt the ice crystal cover? But even if it can, it will not last long."

The monks were disappointed and said in their hearts, yeah, even if they could, I am afraid that it will not help.

Sun Hao said with a smile: "The true fire of agarwood, to the sun to the sputum, can not do not hurt the ice crystal hood, but the agarwood has the control of fire, it is possible to control its temperature, agarwood honed, anyway, ice crystal hood How long does it take to support, why not let Aquilaria try it, if it is, how much can support it for a while..."

Zhao Weimo and Sun Hao answered this moment. Xia Qingyu looked at Sun Hao with a pair of eyes and looked at it. At the same time, he was thinking of it. At the crucial moment, Hao Ge finally stood up, just don’t know, this time, Can you show a miracle? Leading everyone through the storm?

Ranked Jindans, the hope of the rise of the silk, and Qi Qiyi, Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang means that the dead horse as a living horse doctor.

Zhao Yu’s brows are slightly wrinkled and look at Xia Qingyu.

However, he found that Xia Qingyu smiled at Sun Hao.

Although with a cold veil. However, Xia Qingyu’s smile still makes people feel like they are in the snow and ice.

Zhao Wei’s demon glimpsed, and his heart was not taken away by Xia Qingyu’s smile. The heart said, this is the real fairy. If Zhao Zhaomo can hold the beauty, it will not be this life...

At this time, Xia Qingyu had already smiled and said to Sun Hao: "Hello, let me just rain. Hao, I believe you, I believe you can lead everyone out of the storm..." I remembered the old days, Xia Qingyu The face is actually tender.

Zhao Wei’s heart is slightly sinking.

Sun Hao also remembered the past, smiled at Xia Qingyu and said: "Well, light rain. You can see my means."

Between the words, the fingers stretched out. A small white flame appeared on the fingertips.

A small bullet was attached to the bottom of the ice crystal cover.

When the mind is moving, the gods drive, Sun Hao does not dare to start adjusting the temperature of the flame.

The ancestral ancestors of the ancestors were stunned by the fire.

Let Sun Hao control the flame to the extreme.

The small flame from the sun to the sputum is attached to the ice crystal hood. On the attached side, the temperature is not too high, but a steady stream of hot air invades the ice crystal hood to resist the cold current from the Hurricane Rabbit.

In the ice crystal cover, the temperature gradually warmed up.

The monks looked into Sun Hao’s eyes. Qi Qi showed his admiration.

Anyway, even if Sun Hao Sun Shen Xiang can't support it for a long time, at least, everyone is temporarily safe.

Adjusting the temperature on the ice crystal hood, Sun Hao found that driving with his own four attributes, the small flames can only support half an hour at a time. If you go on, it will be difficult to reach the snow and ice peak.

However, since the shot, Sun Hao naturally has a small heart.

Lang said: "Gaia brother, please slow down slightly, the speed is too fast, and the agarwood is not well controlled."

In the eyes of Hu Gaiya, he flashed his silky eyes and saw Sun Hao, who had a well-thought-out chest. He couldn’t help but think of the experience of the two men squatting side by side with the real female tomb. It seems that Shen Xiang was found a way, and his heart could not help but the speed dropped slightly.

Sun Hao nodded to Hu Gaiya and then said aloud: "Jiu Ye, please help Sun Hao."

The solitary knife slammed on the shoulder and the other hand was surprised to point to his nose: "Let the nine grand help? Grandma's, the nine masters are really hot, but quite fierce, will not help you down?"

Sun Hao said in his heart, Jiuye, you are the touchstone that I let other real people give me the real fire. The face smiles lightly: "No, Jiuye, you slightly control the output rhythm of the real fire, gently point at me. Above the real fire, otherwise, I can't support it for a long time."

"Good", the knives patted the shoulders, and the fingers stretched out to force their own real fire. According to Sun Hao’s statement, a fierce finger rushed into the small flame of Sun Hao.

Sun Hao drives a small flame, and begins to absorb and digest a real fire.

Although the true fire of the single is also very strong, but the number is very small, it has not been used for a long time, has been digested by the small flame.

The small fire is booming.

All the rankings of the Golden Danes, the expression of a thoughtful expression on the face, suddenly a lot of stability in my heart.

On the face of Xia Qingyu, there was a gratifying smile. I asked the questions that everyone was extremely concerned about: "Hello, you are really hot, can you take the fire of other monks to supplement the firepower?"

The monks squinted and looked at Sun Hao.

Sun Hao smiled lightly: "It is true. As long as the friends of the road cooperate, Shen Xiang can basically maintain such firepower until all the monks are exhausted."

All the monks did not take a long breath.

In this way, the Wannian Valley is a thing of the past.

In the heart of Sun Hao, there is a surge of sneak peeks. If you can absorb the true fire of the fellow Jin Dao, the small fire will surely make great progress, that is, I don’t know if I can successfully complete the ninth turn.

It is even more difficult for monks to practice hard, especially for advanced secrets.

The real fire nine turns, let Sun Hao feel very deep.

Plus the cultivation time in the condensate tower Hao small flame has been cultivated for hundreds of years.

Moreover, it has completely digested the Nanyang Tiandi Dragon Fire, its level has reached at least the level of the level of fire, but also completely digested the black dragon's true pair of dragons, but the distance from the completion of the real fire is still far away.

During the trip to the Tianzheng, Sun Hao did not think that he had no chance to regain the chance of strengthening the real fire.

Moreover, this opportunity is still so chic.

At this moment, the outstanding arrogance of various factions in the mainland has become a source of real fire in the eyes of Sun Hao.

So many high-ranking monks line up to let themselves digest the real fire, it is really past this village, there is no such store!

Sun Hao feels that he has made a big profit.

The ranks of the Golden Dans feel that they are hard and aroma. (To be continued.)



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