Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 901: Ice and snow

Sun Hao’s performance is slightly surprising.

Then, some people in the front of the monk heard the words, Sun Haosun Shen Xiang is using his own unique real fire, attached to his own gods, and then assisted some of the magic of the real yuan, barely stood in the heel, resources The consumption is not small.

The fact is also true. Sun Hao needs to use the physical source cream every time he cultivates, and it takes a lot of supplements to the real yuan.

If Sun Hao himself refining the true Yuan Dan with high quality, he really can't insist on practicing in the hurricane all the year round.

Half a year passed by, everyone slowly.

Sun Hao has been unknowingly, and has advanced deep and deep into the depths of the hurricane.

The cultivation in the hurricane has greatly helped Sun Hao.

Some of the attributes that have just been promoted to Jindan’s perfection have been polished more and more purely. In Dantian, above the golden size of the peach, the cloud steamed Xia Wei, Didi Zhenyuan and Danhai reached a cycle through Jindan. .

Among the golden dragons, there are embryos in development, and the sound of the heartbeat jumping if there is no more.

The purple lines on the surface of Jindan began to rotate slowly, like a fish swimming in the upper reaches of Jindan.

Sun Hao can't see the changes in his own Jin Dan, but Sun Hao knows that he has already walked on the road of breaking Dan.

The golden perfection of the golden perfection will continue to develop and grow up. When the merits are completed, Yuan Ying will break out and Sun Hao can cultivate to become Yuan Ying Zhenjun.

It is not easy to break the baby. This step does not know how many talented people are as good as the sky.

Don't look at Sun Hao. Now Jin Dan is like a fetal movement. But if Sun Hao can't cultivate it, or if it is not possible, Yuan Ying will not come out for a lifetime. It is the Jin Dan monk often. The disaster that was encountered.

The gold warfare has been continuously polished and the progress has been great, however. Sun Hao’s own starting point is very high. The golden warfare has surpassed the nourishing range of the burial sky market. At this time, it has not been able to directly break through the golden battle body.

This monk. The monk is a peculiar group, almost the apex of this monk, which corresponds to the great perfection of the great monk, but it is not so easy to achieve, at least. Sun Hao can't see the signs of great consummation. He only knows that his Dacheng Golden Warfare still has a lot of room for improvement.

The hurricane of the year has helped the monk's gods a lot.

Sun Hao’s two kinds of gods were actually smelted into one after the hurricane of the hurricane, and they also brought in two characteristics of suffocating, and the spirituality was greatly increased. Even the thickness reached a full eight. Floor.

The hurricane of the year has made Sun Hao understand that there is still room for improvement in the meditation of the foundation-based monks, and it can continue to grow.

If there is enough time. Sun Hao can continue to continue to practice in the Hurricane Valley.

The hurricane of Wannian is still very helpful to Sun Hao.

But unfortunately, one year is coming.

As Xia Qingyu said, the time for repairing the ice and snow mountain came. All the monks, including Sun Hao, came back from the Hurricane Valley, returned to Taniguchi, looked up at the sky, and quietly expected the fairies to return.

Looking far away, above the ice and snow mountain peaks, seven fairies. Like seven ice crystal statues, floating on it, the ice crystal cover on the head gleams from time to time, shining on the snow-capped mountains.

A full year. The seven golden dragons have always drifted slowly on the snow-capped mountains. Every once in a while, they took a shot on the ice and snow mountain in accordance with certain rules.

It is difficult to see what specific effects are in each palm.

But within a year, the ice and snow mountains across the valley have undergone qualitative changes.

The entire ice and snow mountain is now looking, like a glass of crystal. The snow on the mountain of God melts and turns into layers of ice, making the whole mountain of God stand together. It looks like a peak of ice, standing in the burial sky, and holding up and freezing the sky that only wants to rupture.

By now, the ranks of the Golden Dan have long understood.

The standard of repairing the mountain of the Snow and Ice Palace should be to melt all the snow accumulated over the entire mountain of God for hundreds of years and then use the power of the hurricane to turn into ice, making the mountain more solid.

At this moment, one year has passed.

There is only one last point in the front of the mountain, that is, there are some snow in the mountains.

It seems that there is only one step away from the complete restoration of Mount Kinabalu.

However, there is no easy test in the funeral market.

Above the foothills, a female repairer said: "The Lord of the Palace, now, our level of repair has far exceeded the previous level, need to continue?"

Xia Qingyu said: "In the past, the monks of the Holy Palace can safely reach the mountain, but they are only three or four. After repairing the mountain, they can go back to the holy house. There is no one, and the mountain has not been completely frozen for many years. This time, It is said that the Holy Palace has been the strongest one here since the millennium. If we still can't completely melt the mountain, I am afraid..."

Xia Qingyu did not finish talking.

The female practitioners around him said with a bow: "We understand that the lesser palace owners are relieved, even if they are repaired and destroyed, we must cooperate with the Shaogong master to complete the final ice of the mountain..."

Xia Qingyu looked sad, looked at the bottom and said: "Ice and Snow Mountain is not only the pride of my ice and snow palace, but also the sadness of my ice and snow palace. The generations of the holy palace predecessors, forgetting to die, only to go to the mountain One line, personally paying tribute to the holy land and the pure land in my heart. However, several people know how much I paid for the holy snow mountain for this sacred mountain..."

The female repairers looked at the crystal-clear mountains of the ice and snow mountains, and their hearts were silent. The hearts were filled with admiration and at the same time they had an endless and tragic mood.

In the crystal mountain, every other distance, a white fairy with a flowery face is frozen.

The fairy looks calm, or sits close to the eyes, or looks into the distance, inscribed on the mountain, lifelike.

Many times, the number of women in the holy palace who arrived at the snow-capped mountains is not enough to meet the basic requirements for repairing the mountain.

At that time, they did their best. Before they finally fell down, they launched their life force to freeze themselves together with the ice and snow mountains. They lived forever, eternal life, and used their own to protect the legend. From an early age, they admired the pursuit of ice and snow.

The seven female practitioners know that the fairy-like figure in the Zunshan body is not a statue, but a predecessor of his own generation, a golden fairy who has been a generation of generations.

If they didn't see it with their own eyes, they wouldn't think of it, it would be the case.

At this moment, Xia Qingyu finally understood, and understood why Master’s expression when he mentioned the ice and snow mountain is so complicated, there are longings for nostalgia and compassion.

At this moment, Xia Qingyu’s heart is also a miscellaneous.

However, it has also strengthened her determination to completely ice the mountain.

If it is not for others, it will be a little less stressful for the later generations.

In the eyes of the Jin Dan monks, the seven fairies still hovered to the peaks covered by snow.

A female repairer said: "The Lord of the Palace, I can't support it."

Xia Qingyu said: "Okay, go on."

The woman did not say anything, and she rushed to the ice and snow mountain, and she sighed in her mouth: "Frost Wan..."

Xia Qingyu patted her back with a palm, and the cold said: "We are not weak, we don't have to be at the peak."

The female spell was interrupted, and a silver tooth bite, and a whistling in the mouth: "The Lord of the Palace does not stop me." A stream of blood spurts out, and a cold spurt out with the mouth, rushing to the ice and snow mountain.

When the peak of the mountain peaks, a large piece of snow melts and turns into a frozen mountain.

The woman repaired her mouth and spit blood, swaying down and planting it down and falling.

Xia Qingyu flashed his mercy in his eyes, and he sighed in his mouth: "Tiger brother, Hao Ge, please help the rain and rain..."

The white gauze in his hand waved the female repair who rolled up and fell, and threw it down from far away.

The female repairs the sky and shouts, and the blood spurts down, which has caused the high attention of the monks below.

When he heard Xia Qingyu, Sun Hao and Hu Gaiya did not dare to neglect, both leaped and rushed to the female repairer who was thrown down.

Gaia Yufeng, Sun Hao Yu Han, the two together, flew over the abyss of the abyss.

Sun Hao caught the female repair with one hand, and turned over in the air and landed on Gaia's wide back.

Gaia's tiger body was slightly shocked, and Sun Hao and the female monk flew back.

The big demon of the demon temple, look at me, I look at you, there are incredible expressions in my eyes, I did not expect the tiger boss to have a day standing on the back.

Sun Hao walked down with the female repair, and reached out and held the woman's wrist, and the brow wrinkled deeply.

Female repairs are in turmoil, Jindan cracks, and Xianji is damaged. If there is no special means, whether it can be saved or not, let alone continue to explore the funeral market. (To be continued.)

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