Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 904: 7 Ling Jie

Sun Hao’s influence on Xue Ruzhen is very deep. Not only Xia Qingyu has always been obsessed with it, but also, this way, Sun Hao’s performance is also remarkable.

Although Sun Hao’s mainland ranking is very low, Xue Ruzhen still patiently asked: “Agar, why teach me?”

Sun Hao looked around and said in a loud voice: "As far as Sun Hao knows, the Tiangong Huangdao Jindan is broken, and then he breaks down and casts Xianji. However, the Pluto Temple Huangquan is born with the main body of Dan, living endlessly, recasting the fairy body. I don't know if Sun Hao said yes?"

Zhao Xiaomo did not speak.

Gong Xiaozuo has said with a fragile voice: "It is true."

Linger is a blessing to Sun Hao: "The son is high."

Sun Hao said with Shen Rushui: "So, as Da Yongzheng said, the two medicinal drugs are opposite each other, and at the same time, it is counterproductive. If they are subdued, the medicinal properties will also solidify, and it is also unfavorable to repair."

Among the Jin Dan in the field, many monks have the skills of alchemy, and Sun Hao’s reason is easy to understand, and he immediately got a response from the monk.

In the white coat, Yue Dayong said quietly: "Well, Agarwood is very right. Just everyone saw it. Once you use the spirit, the consequences are unimaginable."

The smile on Shan Yan’s face converges a lot, and he also said: “It’s true that the medicine is in the same breath, and it’s like a tiger. Don’t be tempted, everyone’s long-term plan.”

Seeing a single talk, Sun Hao immediately screamed on the snake and said: "Sun Hao accidentally learned that Da Yong’s real person said that Ling Dan is the name of the Temple of the Sea God, and the name of the seven spirits solves Erdan, and its medicinal herbs are It is made up of seven rare elixir. I wonder if the main hall owner has spare time?"

The ranks of Jin Dan are looking at the single.

With a big eye, he asked, "Is there really?"

Sun Hao definitely nodded: "Really."

Single hand and a pendulum: "Unfortunately, it may be that the level of the drug is too high, too rare, this time, there is no backup."

Sun Hao frowned.

He originally had two Qi Ling Jie Er Dan, but above Nanyang, he gave Lan Guochun and Wan Hao.

At this time, the seven spirits in the hands of the Edamm is not high, and the efficacy is not good. I thought it would be a single one, but I know she never heard of it.

Quickly thought about it, Sun Hao asked again: "I don't know if your temple has not been returned to the temple owner."

Single-eyed, looking at Sun Hao, asked: "Do you know where he is?"

Sun Hao shook his head.

Shan said: "That won't be settled. He can't rely on it. If you really want the Seven Spirits to solve Erdan. You have to find a way."

Sun Hao has a slight glimpse.

Zhao Yumo said at this time: "It is not good, then it can only be taken care of. It is better to repair the source of Jindan, at least better than no repair."

Xue Ruzhen’s face stunned: "It can only be so."

Sun Hao was a little silent, and then pointed to the monk who was still fainting on the ground: "They still ruined Jin Dan, the source is damaged, I wonder if Zhao Dao's Huang Dao Jin Dan can save a few people?"

Zhao Xiaomo did not speak, but his heart did not agree.

His Zhao Momo is not a saint, ordinary Sanctuary disciple, but he is not considered.

Sun Hao stood in front of Xue Ru, and looked deeply at the monks of the Holy Palace. Then hold your hands together and succumb to Xue Ruzhen and Hail: "Two sisters, if you can, please let Shenxiang try."

Zhao Wei’s eyes flashed in disdain.

The Temple of the Sea God said that there is no spirit, what is he going to do?

Xue Ruzhen and the hail looked at each other and then slowly said: "Yes, but it must be as soon as possible. The longer the ice is sealed, the more unfavorable it is to recover from the rain and rain."

Sun Hao slightly owes: "Agarwood understands."

After that, Sun Hao turned and faced the direction of the monk in the Pluto Temple. He said: "Sanjiu brother, Linger. There are breast milk and quiet lotus..."

Ming Sanjiu said with a big sigh: "How is it possible? The milk is the baby's milk, how can I be greedy?"

Linger gave him a white look.

Waving a long whip, Ming Sanjiu said aloud: "But the gods and gods know that the breast milk and the lotus are used within the funeral market, so I picked a lot of spares, wow haha, admire my foresight. Let's go friends..."

Regardless of whether others admire or not, the meditation is reluctant, and in the eyes of Linger’s supervision, a storage bag is thrown at Sun Hao, but the heart is bleeding: “The loss is big, the loss is big, the blood loss is The girls are outgoing and the girls are outgoing..."

Sun Hao took over the storage bag with one hand, and said slightly to the meditation: "Thank you for the gods and sorrows."

Ming Sanjiu: "Should, should, who we are with!"

Sun Hao smiled lightly and turned to the direction of Hu Gaia. He said slightly: "Gaiya brother, Shen Xiang wants a few pieces of Yang Jing, a few from the fire."

Sun Hao’s repeated actions made people know that he was preparing for alchemy.

At this point, everyone has a very strange thought in mind, but also quite doubtful, the secret recipe of the sea **** temple, how to know Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang?

The monk of the sea **** temple did not come out to make alchemy, and his grandson Sun Shenxiang actually came out to make alchemy.

Moreover, the monks of the Temple of the Sea did not seem to have much surprise or disgusted expression.

The feeling is that the monks of the Sea Temple are particularly indulgent to Sun Haosun.

However, the Temple of the Sea has always been mysterious. Even if it is the Imperial Palace, it is not known where the Temple of the Sea is located. How do the monks of Qingyunmen in the district blend together with the monks of the Temple of the Sea?

See Sun Hao to ask for a cure.

Tiger Gaia was silent, hesitated a little, and after half a ring, he reluctantly raised his claws and threw a storage bag and flew to Sun Hao.

Sun Hao grabbed the storage bag with one hand, and the gods swept away, and the mind was fixed.

Fortunately, the two big brothers are the kind of local tyrants who have a lot of stocks. The most essential medicine for the seven spirits to solve Erdan is.

Slightly lingering around, Sun Hao said: "Agarwood is a coincidence. I used to learn the seven spirits to solve the ethical refining method. Now there are the temples of the Pluto and the demon temple friends. The most rare four-medicine medicine has been gathered, but There are still five elements of spirituality, and I would like to ask my friends to help me..."

In the eyes of Xue Ruzhen, the flash of light flashed, and it was also crisply said: "I also hope that you will help each other. I will remember the friends of the ice and the Holy Palace."

Then, the first to throw out a storage bag: "Agarwood, this is a water attribute, hope to be able to use."

The on-site monks are elites from the mainland and rank Jindan.

There are many resources in the body.

There are also many spiritual things.

After a while, Sun Hao received enough five attributes.

In the past, after Sun Hao refining the Seven Spirits to solve Edam, there are still some remnants of the elixir. Now, after some collection, there are a few elixir.

The imperfect monk of the Ice and Snow Palace has a total of five people together with Xia Qingyu. Sun Hao must have at least five Qi Ling Jie Erdan.

There is no loss.

After receiving the elixir, Sun Hao said a little to the surrounding: "You friends, Shen Xiang will open the alchemy, please wait..."

Seven Spirits solves Erdan. If it is true that Sun Haosun Shen Xiang said that the efficacy is above the Huang Dao Jin Dan, then it must be a fourth-level spirit.

Now, Sun Hao Sun Shen Xiang has collected the elixir in an accident and wants to have alchemy on the spot.

If he is not a nephew, then he must be a bad alchemy teacher.

A four-level alchemy teacher, placed on the mainland, even if the Tiangong is so powerful, it is a fragrant.

At this time, Sun Haozhen, the attitude of all the Jindans in the rankings was actually much better, and Qi Qizhen returned: "Agarwood, please."

Sun Hao smiled lightly, sitting cross-legged, holding his hands and holding his eyes, and began to close his eyes and meditate.

With Sun Hao's sitting down.

The atmosphere at the scene is quiet.

The ranking Jindans remembered the performance of Sun Haosun and Shen Xiang at the time of repairing Tianfu.

At that time, before the repair, Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang was also like this, sitting quietly thinking, thinking while still asking questions.

I don't know, how long does Sun Hao need to sit still, what questions need to be asked, and what monks can answer his questions at the scene.

But this time, Sun Hao’s performance is different.

Seven Spirits solved Oe Dan, Sun Hao had refining, but it is really unnecessary to ask other rankings for Jin Dan. Sun Hao closed his eyes and meditated. He only revisited the refining process of Qi Ling Jie Erdan in the Sui Ningkong Tower. Only.

Just half a day.

Sun Hao leisurely opened his eyes.

With a wave of hand, an alchemy furnace appeared in front of him.

The alchemy furnace is antique and seems to have a medicinal taste, but the grade is not very high, just barely able to reach the level of common magic.

Yue Dayong and other alchemy experts were slightly disappointed.

Such an alchemy furnace, afraid that it is not a high level of spirituality.

Isn't the seven spirits to solve Edaman not the fourth level of the peak? Just with the Huang Dao Jin Dan But the fourth grade is the best?

Sun Hao’s palm was urging, and he pointed a bullet. The small flame fell accurately under the alchemy furnace.

On the small flame, a blue flame emerged and the stove began to heat up.

The flame is a blue and blue flame, and alchemy has a bonus effect. It is still quite good. The technique of agarwood and alchemy is still quite satisfactory. Yueda Yong draws a basic judgment, and Shenxiang Alchemy has a solid foundation.

There is no fancy, Sun Hao adjusts medicine, enters medicine, seals the furnace... step by step.

Yue Dayong, Shan Yu and other alchemy experts feel that Sun Hao's alchemy technique is plain and unremarkable, but it is quite standard. Any details in any link are in place, and there is no fault.

No, it can't be said that it is plain.

Moon Dayong suddenly had a feeling that Sun Hao’s alchemy technique was too standard. To be continued.

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