Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 909: Furinkazan

Sun Hao’s status is not very good.

Indigestion plus cracking back to the soul, the recovery of God is very slow.

Continuous low-altitude continued for more than two months, although the speed is not fast, but it is also a huge test for the damaged Sun Hao.

Performance is that Sun Hao keeps up with the team and is very reluctant.

Sometimes, when Sun Hao is not enough, he has to use the shuttle to travel.

If it weren’t for the high level of Sun Hao’s law, all kinds of miscellaneous studies were in the body, and Zhao Hao’s devil had the heart to let Sun Hao stop here, lest he dragged the hind legs of the big team.

In the funeral sky market, the situation is very strange. It is very likely that I will encounter some problems that cannot be solved by strength. Sun Hao’s agarwood is an indispensable part of the team. Zhao Yumo can only close one eye. Sometimes, I have to control the speed of the team and wait for Sun Hao to drag the oil bottle.

Fortunately, there is no time limit within the funeral market.

The ranks of the Golden Danes are all resolute minds. Although the hearts of the people are slightly scornful, Sun Hao’s refining and repairing, no one has ridiculed Sun Hao.

Of course, this is also inseparable from the magical alchemy that Sun Hao showed, and the level of the refining technique. After all, the ranks of the Golden Dans did not dare to offend a guy who is a four-level master.

Many tiers of Jin Dan can even hand over Sun Hao, looking forward to one day to let Sun Hao help to refine a spirit.

The overall progress of the team is much slower.

After running for more than half a year, Sun Hao’s strength has returned to seven or eighty, but the gods are still sealed, and it is difficult to recover in a short time. The front has changed very clearly again.

After more than half a year, the environment in which everyone is located is no longer a fiery sea of ​​fire. The front is no longer bare, and trees begin to appear.

Within the ruins of the ruins, the broken mountains are everywhere, the fires are pouring over, and the floods are flooding. The trees are not lush.

But the front is different.

Appeared in front of the monks. It is a huge forest of large trees.

Under the woods, there is no dirt, only an abyss, and the giant trees grow out of the abyss of the earth. The roots rise to the sky and go straight into the sky. Do not see the canopy.

It looks like a giant tree grows taller than a burial sky.

Giant trees, very strong. But compared to their height, they are still more delicate.

The giant tree is straight and straight. There are not many branches, and they seem to be arranged in a special pattern.

According to the recommendations of Shangsheng, the big demon came forward. A little temptation, but found that the giant tree is not allowed to fly. Can not help but law.

The ranks of the Golden Danes could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

In the burial of the sky market, once the ban is banned, there is strength to play. It is the most uncomfortable.

The mundane martial arts, there is a saying, called "everything in the forest," said in the woods, often accompanied by unknown risks.

Within the burial sky market, there is such a strange forest, not in the common sense of the wood forest, Jin Danzhen people naturally did not rush into it.

Sun Hao, Shang Shenghao and other masters of the array were once again concentrated, and began to study whether the front of the giant wood forest is unknown.

The giant trees are towering and can't see the top.

The arrangement of giant trees is very regular, and it looks like a battle.

However, after the actual start of the study.

Several masters of the array, including Sun Hao, could not see the clue.

Everyone only thinks that the giant wood is awkward and suspicious, but it does not find any signs of the operation of the array, nor does it find traces of the array or the natural self-formation method.

The giant woods are neatly arranged, as if they were planted deliberately, but there is no large array of displays.

There is no big battle, but there are definitely problems, but I can't find out where the problem is. It feels very strange. Several masters of the martial arts face each other.

Sun Hao’s heart is also quite touching.

In the burial of the sky, Sun Hao once again realized that what is outside the sky, there are people outside, and realize that there is no end to learning.

In front of the giant wood, Sun Hao has a familiar and familiar feeling, as if he has seen it somewhere, but he can't think of what is going on.

Several arrays of mage can't study it.

Next to it, Zeng Xiangwu, who has been observing the giant wood, shouted: "Agarwood, good, I have a little discovery, I don't know if it is useful."

Sun Hao’s hands are arched: “Please advise.”

Zeng Xiangwu haha ​​said with a big smile: "I can't dare to teach, but the auspicious martial arts is only three levels, but the giant wood in front of you gives a feeling of familiarity with Xiangwu. You see..."

After that, Zeng Xiangwu pointed to the giant woods and began to explain: "The giant wood is a forest, towering the heavens and the earth, like a soldier with the highest standard of standing. You can see their arrangement, horizontal and vertical, and the distance is equal. Is it a big battle? Xiangwu didn't know, but Xiangwu felt that these giant trees seemed to be practicing a military array..."

Military squad?

Zeng Xiangwu’s travels came out, and the feelings of the military array, especially the military array, were the most intuitive.

The roots of the giant wood in front of him, the feeling of Zeng Xiangwu, is really a huge sergeant battle.

I don't know if my feelings helped the big-name squad. After that, Zeng Xiangwu said with a smile: "A little opinion is not mature, and it is ridiculous."

The eyes that are still good have already looked at the giant wood, as if Zeng Xiangwu gave him a huge inspiration.

In the eyes of Sun Hao, there was a flash of light, but he almost understood what it was all about. He was slightly stunned and said to Zeng Xiangwu. He said with a smile: "Auspicious Wuzhen, thank you for reminding me, if it is not a real person, Aquilaria is for a while, It’s really not going to the military, but it’s hard to recognize this strange formation...”

At this point, he was still slamming his palms and shouting loudly: "Understood, understand, Xiangwu real people, you are right, giant woods, like soldiers, the front is really a military line, just, strange, giant wood Cheng Jun, can they still move and attack?"

Sun Hao’s eyes are also cast into the forest of giant wood in front.

After carefully watching a few eyes, Sun Hao’s face smiled lightly: “It’s alive, there’s a forest here, and we’ve met the hurricane in the front of us, and there’s still a sea of ​​fire, in my mind, I’m thinking about the road to breaking through the road. Agarwood is also skeptical, isn’t we entering a big battlefield with heaven and earth as a chessboard?”

Still a good glimpse.

Then quickly reacted, took out the data for his own analysis and research, and compared the route after entering, began the planning.

After half a ring, Shang Shenghao Chong Sun Hao erected a thumb: "Agarwood is high."

Sun Hao smiled and said: "If it is not for the auspicious real person to remind, if the front giant wood is too obvious, I am really a moment, I will not think about it."

Shang Sheng nodded and said: "I still admire the agarwood, and I will pass it."

"It’s not a bit to pass through." Sun Hao laughed again: "It’s too obvious. The ancients ruled the army, paying attention to the 'wind forest volcano', smashing its disease like the wind, its Xu Rulin, invading like a fire, not moving like a Lin Mucheng, plus the winds and fires that we have experienced before, Aquilaria can naturally associate with the power of the ancient army. However, Aquilaria still admire, the ancient powers are the scenery, the world is awesome... ..."

Gong Xiaozu and several other masters of the martial arts are also a bit confusing at this time.

However, their rumors are a bit weaker, and they still have a little understanding.

Gong Xiaolu asked strangely: "The front two places, the wind, the fire, but there is no military power, what is the power of the military?"

Shangsheng laughed and explained: "The Lord of the Palace, the first two places, no soldiers, but see the generals, now want to come, snow and snow, the gods of the gods, like two generals guarding, the ice and snow mountain wind self-extinguishing, God irons the sky fire for the destruction... ”

Gong Xiaoru felt a little dizzy.

Sun Hao’s face was slightly condensed, and he said a little heavy: “If it’s a wind forest volcano and a military array, then, in front of the giant I’m afraid there will be an infinite sergeant.”

Zeng Xiangwu, who was not far away, said at the meeting: "That is certain. Just agarwood talked about Fenglin volcano. Xiangwu suddenly understood where the strong familiarity came from. In front, there are enemy troops waiting for me if I If you step into the forest and wait for us, it will be a thousand horses..."

Zeng Xiangwu’s familiarity is engraved in the bones, and the two armies are facing each other, and the familiarity of the war is about to open.

The giant wood array, but looking into the giant wood, there is no abnormality, or even no life.

Where did the army start?

However, the funeral sky market is unpredictable, and now there is no abnormality. Once you enter it, fear is two things.

Zhao Xiaomo opened his mouth and went straight to the core: "How is this burst?"

Still a bitter smile: "No solution."

Sun Hao thought for a moment and slowly said: "The method of breaking the line, one will be; the second line, no matter which one, but it will inevitably be killed." (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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