Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 902: Free and easy

The big demon was broken by the armor, and angered and blew himself.

Let everyone understand some of the horrible abilities of hyperthyroidism. Hyperthyroidism can proliferate quickly and will bleed, and then the hyperthyroidism after bloodsucking will have a huge explosive power.

Very difficult, extremely horrible hyperthyroidism.

Among the giant woods, there are countless.

Ranked Jindans, feeling heavy.

The situation is not optimistic.

The giant woods still can't reach the end.

Although everyone can kill a batch of hyperthyroidism, but there is no fundamental way to eliminate hyperthyroidism.

If you can't always kill the end of the giant woods, then waiting for everyone, must be endless pursuit, until everyone is exhausted.

The big demon is not repaired enough, only to be close to the gold line armor, fallen on the spot.

Similar to the big demon, the repair is a slightly insufficient ranking of Jin Dan, there are many.

Among them are Sun Hao, and two friends of Sun Hao, Jian Bai Forging and Duo.

Sun Hao has four attributes of real-life rotation, although it seems to be in jeopardy, but the ability to continue to fight is still strong, and each is able to defend against the attack of the armor.

It is noticed that Sun Hao’s strength is insufficient. Xia Qingyu, Gong Xiaozu and other monks are intentionally or unintentionally moving around Sun Hao in case of emergency.

While Sun Hao was moved in the dark, he was secretly smiling.

I don't know when God can liberate, when will the meridians be fully restored.

In the burial of the market, the strength is damaged, it is so terrible.

The big demon blew himself up, and after three days, the situation reappeared among the teams.

The cautious monk did not dare to let the armor jump to his body. In the three days, he was careful and did not appear again.

However, when the monk became accustomed to the attacking style of the armor, it was reborn.

every time. After the attack of the armor, there are always some hyperthyroidism that break through the battle of the monks and attack the monks.

This time is no exception.

Sun Hao waved a wide blade in his hand, the giant sword with a groove in the middle, the sword played the standard Qingyun four style and the Shura Mongwang sword, and the body was covered with a fierce aegis and bodyguards, and moved with Zeng Xiangwu's battle. One by one, the armor that came to attack himself.

Under normal circumstances, there should be no problem.

However, around Sun Hao, the original five or six hyperthyroidism suddenly changed, and one of the larger hyperthyroids suddenly opened his mouth and bite to the side of the armor, three to five and two. I swallowed the armor around me, and then suddenly became bigger and became a golden armor.

Six ordinary armor, turned into a three-powered gold-line armor.

Sun Hao was caught off guard.

Sun Hao shoulders, the small fire did not respond.

The golden thread armor has already bitten Sun Hao’s blazing fire shield and drilled in.

Sun Hao is dancing bloodthirsty sword. Quickly intercept one of the armor and quickly recede.

However, the performance of the small fire was slower than half a beat.

She only shivered and disgusted, and Sun Hao suddenly suffered a change. She did not respond at the moment.

Seeing that Sun Hao is going to be attacked by a golden thread, the last defense is deflated.

Sun Hao’s recent singer’s mouth screamed: “Agarwood, be careful, go.”

In the hands of the scabbard, the Qinglong big knife flew out of the air, flying the golden thread armor, cracking the danger of Sun Hao.

Qinglong broke through the air and rushed.

But this is the time. Regeneration.

After being alone, suddenly, seven or eight hyperthyroidisms swallowed each other into golden lines. Attacked the big knife has been removed, fully rescue Sun Hao's singularity.

Zeng Xiangwu screamed: "Be careful."

Battle the traction. Launch the power of battle to help defend.

However, among the surrounding space, the hyperthyroidism that originally surrounded everyone began to swallow each other on a large scale.

Instant work, dense, full body gold line, surrounded by battle groups, broke out.

Even Sun Hao, who had just been out of trouble, rushed to the four gold lines in front of him.

In the meantime, the situation is most unsatisfactory. At the same time, he suffered a fierce attack from the Golden Line. He did not attack the six gold thread armor at the same time. The Qinglong knife flew back quickly. He laughed happily: "Nai Nai Although Lao Tzu is embarrassed, it is not a long scorpion..."

Qinglong roared, brought a snow white knife shadow, a strong armor in front of the body, and then fluttered in the air, sweeping the past with the thunder of the thunder.

The Qinglong knife is in one go, the knife is like a drizzle, the air is not airtight, and a few armor behind it should fall.

At this point, the laughter of the singer has not fallen, and the singer can't afford to laugh at once.

Just as the knife was full and the strength was a break, a gold thread armor did not know when, broke through the military array defense, attacked from the side of the alone, only fluttering the waist.

The dark passage was awful.

Said alone: ​​"It’s miserable, it’s in the middle..."

In the ear, I suddenly heard the sword and forged a fierce drink: "Nine is careful."

Then, with a bang, a shadow of the sword flashed in the eye, and there was also a burst of fragrance.

A wooden sword, in an instant, a sword pierced the golden thread of the sneak attack.

One hundred forging two goods, actually at a critical moment, saved the life of Laozi, and thought in his own heart, in the future, he had to count on him.

Was rescued by the sword hundred forging, the unique mind must be, a big knife, is preparing to thank the sword hundred forging, but suddenly heard that Sun Hao violently screamed: "100 forging carefully..."

Then, the sword hundred forging around, burst out of the sharp sword edge, which is also mixed with the sword hundred forging a soft sigh.

The gods will look at the sword and the forging, and the single and the grandson will not be able to sink in the heart.

A look of perseverance, like the sword of the sword, the hundred hundred forging has disappeared.

On his body, now a huge group of scorpions are beating, and the sword forging has become a monk.

"Hundreds of forgings", in the heart of the singularity, suddenly seemed to be stuffed with a lead block, which was extremely uncomfortable, and the big knife swayed forward and rushed forward.

"Jiu Ye, don't come over," Jian Bai forged a roar, then, not waiting for the close alone, the body like a sword, suddenly plucked out, the body of the little scorpion was shaken into the air.

Holding a wooden sword, the sword is one, the sword is forging and shouting, with a blood, vacated, and his mouth whispered: "Jiuye, Baiding, I can't stop it sooner or later, I can change your life." It is also worth it."

The blood sprinkled the sky, the sword hundred forging dragged a shadow, the single sword, into the armor array: "I am one of the life, the only heart of the sword, the armor to see the sword."

"Hundreds of forgings, you have two goods", the only one who wants to revive the Qinglong big knife, wants to follow the sword hundred forgings, and suddenly feels only a shoulder, looking at the side, seeing Sun Hao a pair of bright stars Eyes.

Among Sun Hao’s eyes, there are regrets and regrets, but more is Qingming and sincerity: "Jiu Ye, Bai Forging was attacked by the armor, let him go..."

The body of the singer suddenly trembled.

Holding a blue dragon knife, shivering, and then shouting in the direction of Jianbai Forging: "Ah..."

At this moment, he felt that he could not be free from it.

Involuntarily, he remembered the sacredness of Sun Haosun and Shen Xiang, sorrow, but he is, is sorrow just faint? How can there be a general pain?

In the sky, it is like a fireworks, and it is like the star of the star.

The sword hundred forged body, broke out thousands of swords.

A layer of Jianguang, with his own as the core, comes out all around, Jianguang passes, and the armor is broken.

The sound is still calm, in the sword light, the sword hundred forging sounds said: "You friends, speed back."

Zeng Xiangwu’s eyes flashed in admiration, and the silk was sad and calmly said: “The connection, the speed, the movement is like the wind...”

The solo screaming exhausted, rushing the sword and forging a loud voice: "Hundreds of forging, you are the one that is a second goods..."

The sound of the sword hundred forging, passed lightly: "Jiu Ye, you want to talk about your mother's conscience, tell you, I don't have no price, a big business, I will save you a life, change How do you and Shen Xiang protect me from Wan Jian? Can’t pick up?”

In the eyes of the tiger, there is a tear: "Take your sister..."

While Sun Hao dragged his singularly and quickly moved with the battle, he said with a deep voice: "A hundred forging is assured, and Aquilaria is picked up."

"It's still a fragrant incense." Sword 100 forging laughed: "My generation is a sword repair, fighting in the sky, the head can be broken, the blood can flow, the sword... no... can... fold..."

One word and one word, spit out four words.

Then, holding a hundred forged wooden swords, standing upright in the air, the sword refers to the sky, and does not move.

After being swept away by Jianguang, a large piece of air, the sword and the forged swords and the sky, surrounded by armor and madly rushed over.

Then in the sky, blooms white and brilliance.

A hundred forged wooden sword, along with the sword of the hundred forging, instantly exploded.

In the bang, the space was flat.

One knee and one knee, and said in his mouth: "Hundred forging, you have two goods..."

Zeng Xiangwu sighed on one knee and said with aloud: "You friends, be a hero."

Ranked Jindans Qi Qi kneeling in the air, facing the direction of the sword hundred forging ~ ~ hanging down.

Sun Hao stood in the air and asked in his heart: "Master, can you accept a hundred forging?"

The sound of Qingla’s plain and plain voice came over: “No, it’s impossible to drive the empty tower.”

Sun Hao’s heart glimpsed, and the sorrow rushed into his heart, and he couldn’t help but think of the scene when he saw Jianbai Forging.

At that time, Jianbai was forged as the pride of Wan Jianzong, with a strong spirit, a childlike heart, and a sincere treat.

In the group battle, after taking a black pot for himself, he still chose to cooperate sincerely with himself.

After becoming a friend, I will never be vain, treat others sincerely, and say the same.

The voice and smile seem to be in front of you.

However, people have been sleeping in the burial sky market, and they themselves want to collect him as a tower, and they can't do it.

Uncontrollable grief rushed into my heart, as if I was alone, Sun Hao was also sorrowful in the sky: "Ah..." To be continued~^~Enable new URL

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