Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 901: Killing horror

The battle boat looks at the sky market, and it is hard to find a red wave.

Jin Dan on the rankings, Xia Guang Ming or can be awkward.

On the list of the heavens, the name of the rider has not returned, and the name is completely bleak.

The monks behind him are chasing them up.

Among them, the performance is the most outstanding, most out of the mainland's top strength unexpected, but it is the emergence of the South China's monks, the performance is unusual.

First, after the Wan Jianzong monk sword hundred forging points suddenly rose, the name blew down.

On the battle of Wan Jian, a tragic battle song of Wan Jian was heard.

The node of the demon temple should have been repaired, and the score of the mouse Xiaoyu surpassed Zhao Yumo in one fell swoop, ranking first.

Then the southern land of Qi Tianzong alone, the establishment of Qi Gong, points soared, and, safe and sound, the name is still shining.

In the next year or two, the ranks of the Golden Dans should break into a very dangerous area. From time to time, the name of Jin Dan is faint.

And it is such a dangerous scene, Sun Hao, Qingyunmen, Southland.

Originally, the points have not been moving very much. Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang, who relied on the pass to get points, began to shine. For two consecutive years, the points are bullish, unconsciously, and have surpassed Luo Peng, surpassing Li Min and surpassing the single. Not only ranked the highest in the South China, but also surpassed many top-ranking Jindan, and it has entered the top ten.

The change in points means that in the past two years, Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang has contributed a lot to the special scene.

Looking at Sun Hao's name is high, hanging on the list of the heavens, above the Qingyun battle boat, the monks are full of pride and pride.

Their own agarwood adults have finally begun to take off, even if the mainland is a gathering of elites, Shen Xiang adults can stand out from the crowd and become famous in the country.

This is the heroic attitude of adults. The pride of Qingyunmen.

However, Xuanyuan Yaqin is secretly happy, and at the same time, he is also worried about it. He hopes that Shenxiang will be more intelligent. Don't be too hard.

The funeral sky market is too dangerous. Every time Sun Hao is bullish, she is frightened.

Xuanyuan Yaqin did not expect that at this moment, in the burial of the sky, Sun Hao and the Poseidon squad, together, are desperate.

Do not be fatal, bold style_txt;, under the leadership of Soul. The team targeted the horror.

The wilderness of the wilderness is shining, and the wind is raging and violent.

Easy road lights, soil dogs and animal husbandry extremely towed the squad, began to travel in the area of ​​violent haunts.

The soul is insane and calm, and the calculation is very small. The team can always take a dangerous and dangerous route to avoid the violent attack.

The habit of trespassing, the special ability of horror gradually became clear, and the team was convened to carefully and repeatedly scrutinize the action plan.

then. It took another two months to complete the relevant arrangements. Expand the action.

A huge canyon, horror occasionally passes by.

Deep in the canyon, Yi Lu lights and Yue Dayong sit cross-legged and scatter the secret technique of covering up the blood.

A moment later, on the edge of the canyon, there was a bark.

Easy road lights and Yue Dayong look at each other. When it floats up, it can't fly too high in the burial sky market. If it is too high, it will probably encounter a cracked space. Once the Jindan monk breaks in, it will be torn into pieces in an instant. But the space inside the canyon is relatively stable.

At the same time as the two men flew up, there was already a hill in the valley of the valley.

The violent and burly horror appeared in Taniguchi, and instantly locked the easy road lights and the moon.

Hey, his feet are staggering on the ground, the speed is getting faster and faster, the terror is shaking his tail from side to side, and fiercely rushing up.

The earth trembled, and the ground seemed to be shaking with horror.

The trepidation has not yet arrived, and the whistling sound of its huge impact has already been blown up like a typhoon.

"Gang Ang...", screaming and screaming, a few hundred feet away, the horror has already been a gimmick, and the giant mouth rushed to the easy road lights and the moon.

So far away, the feelings of being unable to escape, poor breathing, cold hands and feet, and being shocked by the moon and the road.

The two had already prepared in their hearts, and they screamed and screamed, and the real yuan swayed. The sense of restraint was light, and the circle flew up and flew over to the canyon.

The treacherous giant is so high that it is almost flush with the canyon peaks, sweeping from left to right, and the road lights on the left side of the mountain are about to be swept away.

Hey, a loud noise, a trepidation on the ground, the ground collapsed instantly, a huge trap appeared in the middle of the canyon, violently stepping on the foot, the huge body could not help but rush forward, the giant could not reach the easy road lights, I am going down.

In order to trap the horror, the trap was dug very deep, but it was a masterpiece of the Jindan monks after several months.

The monks who used to go to combat with high and high altitudes were affected by the special environment of the burial sky market. In order to deal with the horror, they had to think of the oldest hunting methods and traps.

The huge body of trepidation, unable to withstand the rushing momentum, violent, violent roar, rushed into the trap.

Sure enough, on the mountain, the monk felt a sigh of relief, but immediately, the fierce horror raised the hearts of the monks.

Without waiting for the body to completely fall into the trap, the violent giant tail slammed heavily on the ground, and then, with the giant tail as the support, the giant raised high and slammed.

Gang Ang grows.

The horror giant slammed into the peak of the canyon.

Several monks were like a frightening bird, flying fast and fleeing, but the mountain peak could not withstand the violent impact, crashed and fell into the trap.

In the giant tail, the horror was driven by its own huge impact, and continued to slide forward, and the bang was in the trap.

Gang An was another roar, trap, and the horror violently slammed his head and slammed into the trap wall.

The walls of the traps that the monks used to consolidate with the soil attribute spells could not withstand the impact of trepidation. Under the attack, the signs of collapse had already appeared. The wall of the trap was like a spider web, and the silk was split.

The ferocity of trepidation is more than the imagination of the soul and the imagination of the monks.

Although the trap is deep enough to be relatively large in terms of the size of the horror, the four walls of the trap simply cannot stop the violent impact.

There were two bangs, and the trap had been collided and collapsed. The trepidation stepped on the collapsed wall and snorted.

Looking around, the little ants who were stared at themselves had fled to the valley and escaped into the depths of the valley.

And his ability to sense the blood is also rapidly dimming.

The violent anger of the sky, the violent tears open the steps, madly chasing.

In the wild fear wilderness, it is the absolute hegemon, even if it is the big guy who can fly in the air, if you meet it, it will also shun.

Nowadays it is actually being provoked by several small ants, and naturally it is necessary to pursue it.

And in the blood, it seems that there are still self-directed guidance, trepidation knows that if you can kill the few small ants that give them special blood induction, then there will be a good harvest.

In the snoring, the horror caught up again.

The mountains on both sides of the canyon were hit by horror from time to time, dusty and collapsed.

Running for a few miles, the horror is a "squeaky" sound, one foot on the air.

There was another huge trap in front of the canyon.

The horror still couldn’t hold the momentum and rushed in.

As usual, the raging horror of the raging smashed the peaks on both sides of the gorge, and slammed into the trap.

Compared to the first trap, this trap is deeper, and there is a layer of soft mud in the trap. The huge body of horror is squatting in the mud and splashing a dark mud.

In the anger, the horror swept over the tail, and the mud was swept away, which did not have much influence on it.

The strength has reached the limit, and the ordinary **** is not enough for the horror, but it is simply not trapped.

Ragingly smashed the trap wall and trampled on it.

This time, the horror no longer chased the canyon along the 咚咚 ,, directly stepped on the right mountain, the huge body jumped up, several jumps, already standing on the right canyon Above the peak, the sky roared, two degenerate feet slap their own strong, swaying giant tail, violently chasing a few monks rushing to the right mountain.

Although it is thought that riots will be very powerful.

Zhichi also made a full plan and rehearsal, but when the real battle was violent, everyone had an intuitive feeling about the hegemon of the giant fear wilderness.

The body is huge, the power is huge, and if it is willing, it can push the earth in general, and push down the peaks on both sides of the canyon.

The defense is even more powerful, the huge power of the slamming force, the huge impact force, it seems to be drizzling for it, and the means of restraint that everyone puts in the trap is not worth mentioning.

The only shortcoming of trepidation may be that it cannot fly. (To be continued.)



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