Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1038: Baodan is difficult to refining

What is the origin of the mysterious island of the Soul, why only the Temple of the Sea represents the Wanshou Mountain on the mainland, and Sun Hao is not known.

I believe that as soon as I reach the height, I will get back to the answer.

Moreover, Sun Hao also vaguely knows that the island of the Soul has its own procedures and methods for cultivating disciples. Listening to the tone of the voice, it is very likely that they will not choose to have a baby on the platform.

Then, Sun Hao’s heart is also thinking, after you refine your baby, do you want to give your friends a baby?

In the end, Sun Hao was dumbfounded, and he did not refine the baby. He was thinking about how to divide.

I was sent away, and I didn’t wait for Sun Hao to start alchemy. It was very unexpected.

Looking left and right, confirming that Sun Hao will not let A ugly and Xuanyuan red evade, Yi Lu lights a mysteriously took out a storage bag and handed it to Sun Hao, and said with a candid smile: "Agarwood, I, unfortunately I have collected some mother grasses, but there are not many verses, but there are quite a few verses and verses. I will give them to you now. But can I ask for two small requests?"

Sun Hao ingested the storage bag thrown by the lights of the road, and the gods swept away. It was very unexpected to find that there were quite a few peculiar medicines in the storage bag, and the guy with the light of the road had a feeling of falling out. .

Indifferently, Sun Hao said slowly: "Thank you for your trust in Jianxiang's brother-in-law, and what do you think of Jianjun brother? Everyone exchanges, but if Shenxiang can do it, it will not refuse."

"Well, let's say," Yi Luguang smiled with a smile on his face: "This is the first thing, I don't need to say, you know what I am thinking. If you can become a success, you will pass it on, and the army will hand it over; this second, but I hope that after the agarwood refining and raising the baby, I can give the Jianjun a taste."

Sun Hao smiled slightly and swept A ugly and Xuanyuanhong, then said: "The first thing. I promise you verbally, but this matter is a big thing, and it takes a lot of time. We can slowly think about it. As for the second thing, Shen Xiang guarantees that as long as Shen Xiang has a baby, Dan Jianjun will certainly have it."

Easy road light fire eyebrows open smile.

He also expressed his full trust in Sun Hao, and talked with Sun Hao for a while, after burying the market. Quite simply throwing the secrets of the sect of the sacred ancestor to Sun Hao, and left.

Looking at the back of the easy road lights, Sun Hao could not help but secretly nod.

Easy road lights are very simple, Sun Hao is just a verbal promise, and all his things are given to Sun Hao without reservation.

He is also a person who looks at Sun Hao and believes in Sun Hao's character.

But at the same time, he is also the smartest way to become one of Sun Hao’s true friends after the funeral of the Tianzheng.

This guy is a wonderful person.

Didn’t Sun Hao receive an eight-section mother grass?

Simply, he took the years that he collected himself. However, some of the elixirs of great value were all packaged and given to Sun Hao.

In particular, it is likely to be related to the experience of his beast. Sun Hao found that the mother grass he collected and produced on the body of the beast was surprisingly much.

There is one in the ninth festival, but there are a lot of seven or eight festivals and five or six festivals.

The storage bag of the easy-light lamp is filled with the condensed air tower. The ancient clouds in the tower are busy, and these extraordinary medicines must be transplanted one by one and carefully served.

This is the opportunity for the monks around Sun Hao to advance in the future.

Even the white 绢 who likes Sun Hao. Seeing these elixir, it is also the eyes of the light, directly praised Sun Hao finally did a "good thing."

Sending away friends, settled in A ugly, Sun Hao began to really ponder the law of raising baby and refining.

Sheng Ying Dan, can enhance the monk's peerless ability to break the baby's chances.

Among the world. In addition to a very small number of five-level spirits, the difficulty of refining the baby is almost the same: "Xiaohao, the road to repairing the road, the first foundation, but, unfortunately, I think you are alchemy now, besides impetuousness and eagerness Outside, I don’t see any merits, Xiaohao, you let me down."

After that, the voice of the old man disappeared.

In the spirit room, unconsciously, the old man crossed the word "shangzhi" on the floor.

Within the refining room, Sun Hao was sweating and stood up. After a long time, he was deeply embarrassed and said with a compliment: "Master, the disciple understands." To be continued.


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