Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1041: Guru treatment

Li Ying Dan Cheng, Ping Bian Qing.

Different cultivations, different statuses, and different treatments.

Different abilities, different statuses, and different treatments.

Qingyunmen, came out to be an alchemy master who was able to refine the baby in the burial sky.

The Qingyunmen monks found that the monks of other sects were invisible and much polite to themselves.

I thought that when I first arrived at the Tianzheng, the Qingyun Battleship was the bottom of many battleships, the most inconspicuous ordinary battleship.

The funeral sky was just opened for a few years, and the incense of the incense was not made, and the Qingyun battle was cold and the car was thin.

However, with the rise of the incense, the Qingyun monk also found his position to be bullish at the same time as his morale rose and his glory.

A rise and then rise.

At the end of the burial of the Tianxu, Shen Xiang adults won the top spot.

The power of Qingyunmen is no longer there.

Originally thought that it was the end, Qingyunmen monk was very satisfied and very satisfied, and was very flattered by the smiling faces of mainland monks.

However, after the incense of adults, they became a baby.

They suddenly discovered that other monks have a better attitude towards themselves and have taken it to the next level.

You will never think of it, and you will never imagine it. The other people on the other boat, Jin Dan, have deliberately handed in the scene of the Qingyun battle boat to build a base disciple.

Under the burial of the Heavenly Market, the Golden Dan Party, if you can invite the Qingyun Warship to build a base monk to attend, that is the face, especially if you can go to Qingyunmen Caiyunfeng, Qimen Peak, Haoranfeng Sanfeng Zhuji disciples to attend, then It is a big face.

Of course, Qingyunmen monk knows what this is because.

Not how strong Qingyunmen is.

But because Qingyunmen has Shenxiang adults.

These are the peripheral treatments of the alchemists.

A true alchemy master who can successfully raise the baby in the environment under the burial sky.

It is extremely deadly attraction for Jindan people.

I got the mainland giants like Tiangong and Pluto.

Sun Hao, an alchemy master, is also a strategic talent, and all Zongmen must be vigorously cultivated, and there is a tribute-like existence.

Qingyunmen Yaqin's ancestors, while at the same time proud of their hearts, but also have a trace of embarrassment.

Agarwood is so good, Qingyunmen is a bit small. I am afraid that this true dragon cannot be tolerated.

Sun Hao succeeded in refining the baby.

The Tiangong master Zhao Yumo personally sent a note to invite Sun Hao into the Tiangong and said: "Tiangong master, please Shen Xiang to go to the Syrian. Exchange the experience of alchemy."

Xuanyuan Yaqin is a bit skeptical. After the burial of the Tianzheng, Tiangong will not directly accept the agarwood.

The so-called people go to the heights, when the time, Qingyunmen may get a lot of resources. But Aquilaria, but will become a disciple of Tiangong.

This is also no way.

It’s not a good thing that a disciple is too good.

And the agarwood has grown too fast, and this is only a hundred years old, and she already has the feeling that she also needs to look up.

Unexpectedly, Xuanyuan Yaqin still looked confused, a little dazed Xuanyuan red, my heart secretly sighed, I hope Xiaohong can keep up with the pace of aloes, otherwise, a heaven. One underground.

One is like a star, and the other is like a mortal. The status is too far apart, but in the end it will gradually drift away.

Fortunately, Xiao Hong seems to have gotten a chance in the funeral market. Looking at his situation, it is more calm than before going in. It should not be too far away in a short time.

In the Tiangong, Sun Hao stayed for more than ten days, and witnessed the Tiangong Grand Master's Palace, the rabbit refining and raising the baby.

Legendary. There are jade rabbits in ancient times, the most good at picking up drugs, the chief alchemist of Tiangong, but they usually use the name "Tiantu".

Gong Tiantu alchemy. There is no special environmental bonus, but Sun Hao found that many of his alchemy links have some special alchemy techniques that make Sun Hao a jealous. Improve the success rate of alchemy.

After ten days, Gong Tiantu, after Sun Hao, refines the baby.

Looking at the three rising infants in the hands of Gong Sirius, Sun Hao is very heart-felt, very admire, and can't help but sincerely, he said: "The rabbits are so brilliant and alchemy, Shen Xiang admire."

Different from Sun Hao, Gong Tiantu is probably the first time to refine the baby, and there is no need to condense the environment like an empty tower to familiarize him with the process of alchemy.

However, he did it all at once, and there was no feeling of oysters.

Sun Hao can't help but admire.

Changed to Sun Haolai, so alchemy, the possibility of refining will reach more than 80%.

In this world, heroes come forth in large numbers, and Sun Hao discovers that he can't be too proud at any time. If you don't have to condense the empty tower, your alchemy is better than the palace.

Sun Hao did not pretend to admire the palace and the rabbit feels better. However, looking at the hand of the Dan, he is in front of Sun Hao, but he is not afraid to support the big, slightly smiled and said: "Hey, hey. However, it is not as good as agarwood to directly produce the spirit of the above products, self-sighing, such as self-sighing.

Sun Hao said with a smile: "The predecessor's first potion medicine can successfully refine the spirit, but it is also commendable. The agarwood is directly blown twice. This is how lucky it is to become a furnace. How dare to compare it with its predecessors."

Looking at the sincere Sun Hao, Gong Tiantu said with a smile: "Agarwood is not knowing, I can guarantee that under this funeral market, except for the agarwood, no other monk can refine the Chinese product to raise the baby. Dan, even the old Yan of the Pluto Temple, he still can't."

Sun Hao has a slight glimpse.

Gong Tiantu just smiled, did not explain more, and said: "Agarwood, perhaps you can consider joining the Temple of Heaven, in that case, a Xianban monk, can not run."

He had a very good impression of Sun Hao. In Sun Hao, he did not see even a little bit of ambition, but what he saw was real, from the heart of modesty and prudence.

The monks have arrogance, especially the ranks of the Golden Danes, and they are even more engraved into the bones.

Alchemy Grand Master is also a person with distinct personality.

However, Sun Hao, as the first name of the funeral market, has just refining the baby.

A few days later, Sun Hao, who he saw, was sincere and respectful, and he was not anxious. Watching alchemy was also a gathering of people, very eager to learn.

It is really rare to be able to do Sun Hao like this, young and promising, leading Jin Dan, and being able to be honored and humiliated, modest and cautious.

Of course, from the perspective of Sun Hao, the ideas are different.

Sun Hao himself, in the Sui Ning empty tower, using the mirror medicine, how many times to drill, just double the time to consume a huge amount of psionic power.

At the time of alchemy, the two furnaces were still blown up first.

Now watching the palace of the rabbit, but found that the palace rabbits in one go, refining the spirit, the heart suddenly shocked as a heaven, but there is a heartfelt admiration.

However, although Gong Tiantu is optimistic, but Sun Hao can not give up Qingyunmen, and then, Sun Hao has also vaguely guessed his position in the Wanshen Mountain, but it is not suitable to join the Heavenly Palace.

Therefore, after Gong Tiantu’s comments, Sun Hao could only understand and confuse, and respectfully said: “The monk of Xianban, for the agarwood, is a glory, and may also be a huge responsibility. It’s gratifying, but it’s not sad. The focus and center of Aquilaria is always how to improve one’s cultivation. Other things are not particularly important.”

Gong Tiantu slightly stunned, his face showed a trace of regret, and then said leisurely: "The demon will be in a month or so, breaking Dan baby, when, I am looking forward to your performance, I hope that you can re-enact the dragon A wonderful scene of the tiger showdown."

Sun Hao said slightly, and said with a smile: "The masters are highly educated and accumulated, but the agarwood is extremely inferior. I hope that the seniors will not be too disappointed."

Gong Tiantu nodded and said: "Sirius asked me to tell you something."

Sun Hao’s heart couldn’t help but think of Sirius Zhenjun. When he was in Nanyang, he was ignorant and fearless. He also suppressed him with a squirting tower. Now he wants to come, but fortunately he was a little raccoon himself, or else I may not be too good.

Gong Tiantu learned the voice of Sirius Zhenjun: "You can join the Temple of Heaven, the little raccoon that gimmicks, this seat is the master."

Sun Hao gave a slight glimpse, and then a little bitter smile on his face, said: "Agarwood understands, not to mention the Tianzhu predecessors, the lesser palace masters, the Shenxiang heart admire is good, but the ugly has always been Aquilaria's little brother."

Gong Tiantu did not expect it would be such a wonderful answer ~ ~ is also a slight glimpse.

Coming back from Tiangong, Sun Hao received the worship of the Pluto Temple and the Ice Palace.

Because of the special way of breaking the ruins of the Tianzheng, the two sides of the Continental Road have eased a lot. Moreover, in the burial of the sky, Sun Hao is the link between the monks and the monks, and it is normal to receive the prayers from the Temple of the King.

Linger and Minglu personally came to pick up, Sun Hao did not have a guest, and Xuanyuan Yaqin gave a speech, went to the Temple of Pluto.

Who knows that in the Temple of Pluto, Sun Hao really saw what is called the Alchemy Grand Master.

The grand performances of Master Yan Da, the enthusiasm of Sun Hao, who has always been calm, feel a bit overwhelmed. After returning to Qingyun, Zhou Hao still feels deeply that the style of the magic is really simple and rude.

If it weren't for Linger and He, he was almost robbed of his relatives and almost stayed in the Temple of Pluto. To be continued.


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