Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1043: 诛魔结婴

Aloes and alchemy, fast and good.

Agarwood alchemy, can be called the crown of the mainland.

Moreover, Shen Xiang is still very modest, his face is lightly smiling, always saying that his alchemy is not very good, Cheng Dan rate is just the result of repeated practice, tempered.

Every sect found Sun Hao, Sun Hao is always courteous, laughing and helping, never standing on the shelf, not asking for price.

Basically, each of the sects went to the door, but there were few cases where they did not become Dan.

Because of Sun Hao, but also because Sun Hao is helpful.

This burial of the Tianxu Market can be said to be the trip to the ruins of the Tianzheng, the largest increase in the refining of the Dan, and the largest in Chengdu.

Perhaps, as recorded in the history books, the generations of the wind and cloud will often have a generation of Tianjiao.

The emergence of the celestial arrogance will affect the monk pattern of an era, and some of the celestial arrogance will make the entire monk world a big injury, many contemporary monks become his advanced sacrifices or stepping stones.

But there are also some generations of arrogance that will allow the monks of the entire era to leap forward and create a monk.

The emergence of Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang has this trend.

This year's funeral sky market, with Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang, Sheng Dan Dan's rate of Cheng Dan, at least two to 30% higher than before.

This means that there will be more monks who will be able to get a chance to get on the platform.

The reason why Dengtiantai is called "Dengtian", in addition to being able to enter the funeral market, but also because Jindan monk has a great opportunity to climb the sky to step into the sky, breaking Dansheng baby.

Many Jindan began to prepare for the baby, and Sun Hao did the same.

The pre-preparation and the stability after the baby is not required to be on the platform. The role of the platform is to help the monks resist the burglary. Therefore, it is only at the critical moment of the birth of the baby.

Everyone is gaining momentum, waiting for the first monk, that is, Zhao Yumo, who has already set a date for the baby, has broken the Dan baby.

If Zhao Wei’s first baby is successful, it’s not a good idea.

Many disciples cultivated in the core of Zongmen. There have been some harvests through various channels.

The day of the baby’s agreement with Zhao’s devil is here.

On this day, under the burial of the sky, the core of the monk’s attention is no longer the Qingyun Battle.

God knows. Looking at the eyes, Qi Qi voted for the Palace of Heaven.

The palace of Tiangong is silent.

At noon, several Tiangong female monks blew up Xianle, above the Tiangong. The monks appeared in Qi, and they were on both sides.

In the sound of Xianle, the body of Zhao Wei’s magical shore slowly lifted off.

At this time, Zhao Yumo, wearing a white dress, wearing a hero scarf, a hero, Yang Tian haha ​​laughed, striding. Take the mountain to catch up with the moon and descend on the platform.

The Heavenly Palace monk said in a loud voice: "I wish the master brother to break the Dansheng baby, Dengtian Avenue, and go further."

If there is no one next to Zhao Wei, he laughs happily: "You witnessed the Taoist friends. Today, I am Zhao Zhaomo, and I am robbing the heavens. I am going to win the opportunity of Yuan Ying."

Finished, standing on the platform. Do not meditate, laughed loudly, the whole body glittered, and his arms were on display. I screamed: "Hey."

Ming Ming, Zhao Yumo's Yuan Ying, fear that the level will not be too bad.

As a master of the Tiangong, Zhao Yu's accumulation of thick, but when formed a peerless baby, or else, he will not take the initiative to propose a baby-level comparison with Sun Hao.

The robbery of the skyfire is coming.

The intensity and difficulty are exactly ten times that of Jin Dan.

Zhao Yumo still attracted the four-nine red lotus.

Forty-nine red lotuses are different gods. Usually, it is difficult to offset the attack, but it is a test of the mind of the monk.

Zhao Wei's devil laughs and laughs: "The devil's life, the demon demon, what is difficult, the innocent fire, it is difficult to stop my heart, give me a broken"

A broken exit, a white snow fluttered on his wrist, under the illumination of the Dengtian list, crystal clear, ice and jade, falling lightly on his forehead.

The red lotus industry on the body is like a fire that meets the cold water and quickly dissipates.

The fire of heaven is over.

The Jindans looked at each other, but they understood that this was the blessing that was obtained after the restoration of the snow-capped mountains. It was a great help at the time of the robbery.

Many monks have a faint smile on their faces. With this, the most unpredictable red lotus fire is a big drop in difficulty. Undoubtedly, everyone has a little more power.

Zhao Zhaomo there, eventually ushered in the hurricane of the forty-nine, the hurricane turned into a big bird, it is necessary to destroy the Zhao Yi Mou Dan Dan baby.

When the hurricane came to the forefront, Zhao Hao’s face showed a dignified look, and all the means were displayed.

The star-picking hand is in front, the outer lion is in the middle of the seal, and finally it is a golden glimpse of the konjac, and Qi Qi should be in the air.

The star-picking hand was blown out by the hurricane, and the outer lion print was swallowed by the hurricane.

The golden net that was formed by the sorcerer's whirlwind was also under the hurricane, and the layers melted.

At the last moment, Zhao Wei's flesh was vacated, and he jumped up. He raised his fists and rushed to the sky. The golden fist was very strange and he looked at the ostrich eyes.

In the bang, Zhao’s body was under the hurricane, like a piece of meat, and bursts of blood, but the ostrich was also broken by Then, Dengtian The flash of light on the list shines on Zhao Weimo.

The dark clouds of the sky dissipated, but Zhao Xiaomo laughed in the golden light. In the laughter, a small man with a full-fledged appearance appeared on his heavenly cover, as if it was a little stunned, the villain was slightly stunned, and then, tied up. After entering the brain of Zhao Yu, he disappeared.

Tiangong monk, Qi Qi said: "Congratulations to the master brother, He Xi master brother, the robbery of the heavens, the broken Dansheng baby, Dengtian Avenue, and then the upper floor"

The other monks reacted and expressed their congratulations.

Above the sky, a beam of joy.

Zhao Yumo, Tiangong Master, experienced three disasters and twelve difficulties, breaking Dansheng baby.

The Yuan Ying Wu Guan is clear, although it has just been condensed and formed, it can already give the monk a courtesy, and its high grade is the crown of the mainland.

congratulations. To be continued.


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