Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1055: Xianban dispute

Although the dust has been attacked by Sun Hao, the momentum is very strong, but there is not much murder.

In the hall, although there were monks drinking, no one stopped it, but let Sun Hao face the dust.

Everyone is a human being. At this time, I understand why the dust will be attacked by the problem. Without him, I can beat and beat the agarwood.

The rise of the agarwood is too fast, so that the dusty people feel the threat.

Moreover, with the rise of Aquilaria, the status of the right to speak in the South China and the status of the South China will inevitably be greatly challenged.

At this moment, when Aquilaria was involved in the important proceedings for the first time, the return of the dust came out, but it was warning Aquilaria.

Even if Sun Hao accumulates, he can kill Yuan Ying Zhenjun in the Jindan period, but it is only the early monk of Yuan Ying.

Even though Sun Hao has been repeatedly seized in the funeral market, his strength has greatly improved, and eventually he has broken the baby. But it is undeniable that his strength still has a big gap with the monks.

The Aegis of Fire is destroyed by a brush.

The guardian gods did not stop for a long time, and they were all scattered. Sun Hao’s back was swept away by white light, and the golden light flashed. Sun Hao’s air turned over and rubbed back a few steps, which made his legs sink slightly. Standing steadily in the hall.

The face was slightly red, the blood was a bit unstable, and I took a deep breath. The eyes flashed, and Sun Hao looked at the dust. The mouth said: "The master is not a big monk, it is amazing, and Shen Xiang admire."

The monk, the honorary name of the monk in the late Yuan Ying.

In the early days of Yuan Ying, the monks themselves had their own strengths and differences. On the Yuan Ying, there was a small difference in strength, and the difference in strength was even more different.

Although Sun Hao is confident, he is not arrogant to challenge the big monks. Of course, if you want to work hard, then it is two.

Like other monks, Sun Hao has already wanted to understand that returning to the dust is not really a revenge for Luo Peng. He just wants to know his power and give himself a warning.

Dust on the dusty people.

But did not wait for him to speak. Gong Tianwo suddenly opened his eyes and said: "Go to the dust, Luo Peng's business, this seat will tell you. Now, stop here."

Sun Hao received a little damage from the big and the small, and the purpose of returning to the dust has been reached. Gong Sirius made a speech and naturally said, "I also ask the Sirius adults to be the master."

Finished. Slowly sat back to his position.

Gong Tianwo looked at Sun Hao and said faintly: "Agarwood, you go back and sit."

Sun Hao was slightly squatted, not to mention that the ground was light and fluttering, sitting back in his seat and closing his eyes.

Just breaking the Dansheng baby, Sun Hao’s heart is a bit proud, it is the time when the spirit is high.

I didn't think about it, and I haven't come yet to reveal the great power of the monarch. But it has been returned to the dust to give a lesson.

It seems that he was splashed with a cold water. Sun Hao was awakened. He couldn’t be too happy now, and his own road to repairing the road had a long and long way to go.

Moreover, just now, Sun Hao also suddenly understood.

The world of monks has always been the world of monks, and the key moments can only be relied upon by their own cultivation.

At the crucial moment, it is still the strength to speak.

Sun Hao was taken to the fore. The heart is not too depressed, but instead, Sun Hao firmly remembers the return of the dust.

This is the second monk to let Sun Hao rise to the need to report a revenge in the future.

The first one is the big mouse. Sun Hao is tempted to kick it off one day.

Now it seems that this idea can only be deeply buried in the bottom of my heart.

In fact, it is not far from defeating the dust, but it is difficult to think about playing the big mouse ass!

The monk's life. But not complacent!

Sun Hao’s heart, deep feelings, monks, only the cultivation is up, the realm is here, the identity is here, will know that there are more powerful monks in front, there are higher goals, let yourself climb and go beyond.

It is perhaps one of the most important achievements and one of the most important opportunities in the life of oneself.

But in the end, it was just a small station on the road.

If you stop here and wait for yourself, you will stop and not see the more beautiful scenery behind you.

Silently sitting in the same place, Sun Hao’s heart, a little bit of being unclean, but more, but more determined to seek their own way.

Since then, Sun Hao has been sitting close to his eyes and has not commented on anything.

In fact, the opinions of other monks are not too many, and many of them are only minor repairs.

The proceedings in the hall, because of the early preparations, took into account the interests of all parties and passed quickly.

Soon, the proceedings are nearing the end.

It is also at a critical moment.

The sub-continental title is sealed.

Even the seals that can be recognized by the entire continent are also in place.

There were two monks who received the seals recognized by the entire mainland, namely "Xueshen" Xia Qingyu and "Swallowing Heaven" Rat Xiaoyu.

Of course, who is the mouse Xiaoyu, so far, there is still no conclusion.

Some people suspect that it is Sun Hao's little fire rat, but the little fire mouse is blew up, but the mouse Xiaoyu is still there, so who is the mouse Xiaoyu has become one of the nine mysteries of Shenxiang.

In the end, two monks did not receive the title, and one of the sects was not announced.

Qingyunmen, I do not know how to reward.

The title of Zhao Yumo and Sun Hao has not yet come down.

If there is no accident, the title of the two of them should continue in the past, and at least it will be the common title of the whole continent.

The key difference is that Zhao Zhaomo and Sun Hao can enter the mainland Xianban.

The mainland Xianban is the decision-making layer that truly determines the fate and trend of the mainland.

It is such a great thing to repair the ruins of the Tianzheng, but after all, it is only the matter of the monks of the Jindan. The mainland Xianban only sent a monk of the immortal monk "Silang Zhenjun" to host, which shows the Jingui of the monks of Xianban.

If you can get into the fairy class in the early days of Yuan Ying, there is no doubt that the monks will have great help in all aspects of the use of resources, the collection of intelligence and so on.

On the surface, Sun Hao ranks first in the list of Deng Tian, ​​and should be ranked before Zhao Hao, with an undisputed advantage.

But what is the actual situation? It’s really only God knows.

The importance of the monk of Xianban is the most crucial for Tiangong’s power. Now there is a chance. Zhao’s points are so terrifying that he is only a little worse than Sun Hao, but he will try his best.

To tell the truth, Sun Hao is not particularly familiar with the monks of Xianban. He was not very concerned about whether he could enter Xianban.

But just before Gong Tianwo threw the last question, the calm voice of Qinglao rang from the heart of Sun Hao: "There are Xianban in this world. Then, the monk of Xianban is the end of this air transport, although the air transport is illusory. But it does exist, but it needs to fight hard."

Sun Hao heard the words and shook his body slightly.

This thing is definitely not accessible to Master Qingla. It is probably the memory of the spirit of the empty tower.

Sun Hao felt that he could not easily let go of what he wanted to argue for.

Monk monk, in the air transport station.

There must be a fight.

The monks, at this time, have spirited.

Zhao Yumo even looked at Sun Hao with a smile.

At this time, the main hallkeeper picked up a piece of plain paper and smiled. He said: "The last issue today is the question of the affiliation of the monks in this class. To be honest, our five top sects It is not particularly consistent. Agarwood and Demon have their own supporters. Now, let's discuss it."

Within the hall, suddenly the needle can be heard.

Inconsistent opinions indicate that there are supporters.

That is to say, although the agarwood is expensive for the new section, the possibility of entering the Xianban is relatively small.

With the influence of Yumo's network, what is Sun Haosun Shenxiang taking?

Sun Hao’s heart is slightly sinking.

Others can think of it, Sun Hao can naturally think of it, and, Sun Hao consciously knows that Sirius really does not want to see himself too much. After all, he suppressed him once.

After half a ring, the first thing to go back to the dust is to slowly open: "I support the sorrowful Taoist friend. Tiangong is the leader of my right path. The sorcerer and the Taoist friend are both the strength and the people, but they are the best choices for the monks."

After he finished, he smiled and said to Sun Hao: "Agarwood, although the Xianban is beneficial to the South China, but I am afraid that Qingyunmen may not be able to withstand it. You may also have a small horse-drawn carriage, run away. Move!"

Sun Hao said with a smile: "The good person is kind, Shenxiang understands, thank you."

After that, Sun Hao gently took a sip of tea and still sat quietly on the futon. He quietly watched the other monks speak, but did not take the initiative to abstain and handed over to Zhao.

It is not important whether the competition will be won or not. What is important is its own attitude. (To be continued.)

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