Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1061: Famous in the mainland

Above the sky, the flag flutters.

In the middle of the boat, the monks stood tall and cheered loudly: "Congratulations to the demon, you are in the fairy class."

Thousands of monks, congratulations.

Even Sun Hao, who is surrounded by Zhao Yu's demon, has slightly retreated a bit, letting him stand in the middle, and also slightly sighed: "Congratulations to the devil, really in the fairy class."

Zhao Xiaomo laughed and laughed around. "Thank you for your friends, and you are happy with you."

The fairy music is played, and the spell blooms like a firework.

Celebrate, for a long time.

A lot of monks, especially the monks who came closer to Sun Hao, looked at Zhao Zhimo, who was full of ambitions in the field, and raised regrets in his heart.

As usual, at the top of a funeral market, there is one monk who can rank in Xianban. Otherwise, Xianban monks will not be so expensive.

This time, Zhao Xiaomo has already entered.

In other words, Sun Hao was elected.

The situation in which the monks met and decided to ventilate only in a small area. Many monks did not know that Sun Hao had already set up a fairy class. He could not help but regret that Sun Hao’s first place in the funeral market was actually unsuccessful.

More monks, but also a full understanding of this.

In the identity of Zhao Yumo, such an ending, but it is also unexpected, reasonable.

Even the little raccoon, I can't know the inside story, but my heart is also swearing: "Uncle Sirius is really selfish, as always, I don't know if Xiaohao is very good with me? Actually give Xianban Master brother..."

Linger and He looked at each other with a faint sensation in their hearts. The two dragons insisted on supporting Zhao Yumo. They were helpless, but they were against Sun Hao.

The clouds are tumbling and the birds are humming.

The butterflies are flying, and Wan Xiu cheers.

After a long time, the single lord of the main hall single-handedly, indicating that everyone is quiet, and then. Loudly said: "You friends. You know, who is the next turn? Please tell me loudly."

Compared with the dignity at the beginning of the canonization, the single main hall at this time is a lot of random, talking voice. Also full of passion.

On the Qingyun battle boat, the long-awaited monks first reacted.

Xuanyuan Yaqin is old and disrespectful. Actually, the first one shouted out loud: "Agarwood, agarwood..."

Sun Hao is her disciple, although the real combat power may be far more than her own. But the disciple is prosperous, but she is boundless. At this moment, actually the first to answer.

On top of the colorful clouds, Xuan Hong, who looks like a confused cloud, couldn’t help but shake his head. My grandmother completely forgot to hold it, this way. It’s really reassuring, and it’s no wonder that for the grandson of Sun Hao, my grandmother was stunned with the five elements of the genius.

Follow Xuanyuan Yaqin. Warships, airships, tens of thousands of monks cheered and cheered: "Agarwood, agarwood..."

The mountain is like a tsunami. The word "Agarwood" is above the sky and reverberates for a long time.

On the list of the heavens, Sun Hao’s name seems to have heard everyone’s call, and the golden light is like a star, shining brightly.

The voice of the main hall of the main hall, in the cheers of everyone, is still clear into the ear: "Liu Zangyan, cloud leaking day; cold full carving jade food. Wind roll, water shaking the sky; fish dragon 挟 color boat. Tianbian people, Upstream of the cloud; mainland Wanxiu Tongle. Funeral market, count Jindan; who is the champion of the sky? He is, the South China, Qingyunmen, Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang, please Shen Xiang..."

Zhao Wei's body retreats and stands in the top ten team.

In the middle of the colorful clouds, Sun Hao hit a green shirt and highlighted it.

The face is still a faint smile, hands clasped, the body around a slight glimpse, Sun Hao's clear voice spread throughout the audience: "Agarwood has seen you friends."

At this time, Sun Hao, above the clouds, floated out, and the dust was like a star, in the clear night sky, blooming glory.

Don't worry, don't panic, smile but laugh.

Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang, a good Yuan Zhenzhen.

Looking at the air in the air like a young man, many monks, especially the monks who are familiar with Sun Hao, have such a thought: "Unconsciously, has he reached such a height?"

Gong Xiaorui and Shan Yu looked at each other and looked at the Xuan Hong, who seemed to be confused. At the same time, he remembered Xuan Honghong’s words "Looking at the stars."

If you don't work hard, maybe you wait for someone, and one day, you will look at Sun Hao, like the nine-day star, like the monks who look up to yourself.

After giving a gift to the neighbors, Sun Hao turned to the top and gave a slight glimpse. He said: "Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang has seen you really."

The main hall of the main hall said with a light smile: "Agarwood is blessed, and there is a brief introduction to the holy house without a frost."

Compared with Zhao Yumo, the book of Sun Hao is even more an agenda for introduction.

The other ranks of Jin Dan are directly accepting the canon, and Sun Hao here, but first announced his biography.

Of course, these are the materials on the bright side, and some special hidden information is not included here.

The on-site monk calmed down instantly, and the ice frosted smiled at Sun Hao. His wrist stretched out and a plain paper appeared in his hand. The soothing and pleasant voice began to echo above the sky: "Sun Hao, the South China Qingyunmen belong to Guonan County At the age of eight, he entered the mountain and practiced Aoki; he did not have a weak crown, and he was called the Dragon Dragon Bird. He became a member of Qingyun, and he studied under Ziyan; the Battle of Gan Valley, the King of World War I..."

"A decade of hard work, defeating Jin Dan... famous Nanyang, scored heroes... Southern narration, ranked fourth..."

The ice-free, four-word sentence, simple and clear description of Sun Hao's record.

Below, a lot of monks know Sun Hao's past, at this time want to come, can not help but also swaying, Shen Xiang life, warfare, how many hard battles, often every king.

Whether it is Gan Guling's first battle to the king, or the foundation war Jin Dan, the late Jin Dao, and the glorious record in the South Ocean, are famous.

More monks feel that it is no wonder that Sun Haosun’s ability to sink the singer’s ability to slay the head of the market, but it’s not accidental, but after a hundred battles, it’s step by step, and it’s accumulated step by step. After the storm, I saw the rainbow.

Many monks heard the ice-free frost and announced Sun Hao’s deeds of deeds. I still couldn’t help thinking about it. So grandly introduce Sun Hao, isn’t it that means that Aquilaria will have a higher reward than Zhao’s demon?

Many monks have this speculation, and their hearts are full of expectations.

I hope that this black horse of Aquilaria can get home black and black.

The ice-free frost finally said: "Take the heavens, the flowers fall aloes. The perfect complements the sky, its merits are high, when the world is rumored; its merits are high, when the EMI is remembered; its merits are high, when the heavens celebrate..."

Three consecutive words, once again ignited the enthusiasm of the monks on the scene, cheers, the celebration of all kinds of gorgeous magic, vented from the battle boat; for a long time.

Sun Hao is not only the first name of the burial sky market.

At this moment, Sun Hao also represents the glory of this generation of monks, inscribed the traces of this generation of monks in the history of the mainland.

The burial sky market is perfectly restored, and the mainland has remembered this generation of monks for generations.

Everyone in the mind of the scene has a strong sense of pride.

Sun Hao, the glory and pride of an era.

In the cheers of everyone, the ice-free sound gradually disappeared.

The voice of the main hallkeeper rose again: "In the end, there is a monk in the mainland, a monk in the Tiangong Palace, and a grandson in the book."

The monks were quiet and looked at the middle of the sky.

In the middle, Gong Sirius is still closing his eyes and standing.

It seems that I did not hear the general.

After the opening of today's book, Miyazawa has been closing his eyes and standing in the middle of the colorful clouds, without saying a word, like a stone carving.

Even if Zhao Hao was enshrined in the immortal class, he did not have a little bit of movement.

Now, the grand ceremony hosted the single-seat master and asked him after the agenda.

He still seems to have not heard the general, standing in the air, not moving.

All the monks looked at to talk to him, in the sky, quiet down, the needle can be heard.

Diligence, two interest, three, four interest, no movement.

However, the momentum on his body was rising at the festival. There were thousands of monks on the scene. There was a mountain in the heart, and the feeling of pressure increased. It was a bit of breathing. It seemed that Sirius was staring at himself.

The monks did not dare to breathe.

At the feet of Zhu Ling, the dog grazing involuntarily said: "Cool, it's so cool!"

Zhu Ling gently kicked it and made it quiet.

At this time, Sirius Zhenjun suddenly slammed openly. The monks were light, and the heart was relieved. At the same time, they heard that the voice of Sirius Zhenjun had already sounded in the air: "I only said one sentence. Words, four words: 'Sun Hao's title is Shen Xiang, ranked Xianban'!"

The dog yelled at the side of the dog: "Wang Wangwang, you are wrong, this is two sentences, ten words..."

Zhu Ling licked it again and said in a sentence: "You are smart..." (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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