Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1064: Boiling Qingyun

Advancing to Yuan Ying, Sun Hao suddenly found out that he needed something to cultivate and became more.

Xuanyuan has the inheritance of Xiong's ancestors, "Sanweiyuan Baby Fire", which is also completely digested in the sea of ​​knowledge. The change is for a period of cultivation, suggesting that Sun Hao can cultivate.

The grade of Sanweiyuan baby fire is very high, and the minimum cultivation conditions are difficult to achieve. In the Yuan Ying period, the basis of the real fire is the basic cultivation conditions.

Not only that, but the method of cultivation also makes Sun Hao feel incredible, and it is not easy to consciously cultivate a successful Sanweiyuan baby fire.

According to the classical records, there is a sacred fire in ancient times, and the "three sacred fires", and the three flavors of the baby fire, is precisely the predecessor of the three sacred fires, just like the gods and the law, one is the foundation, one is the advanced After the product.

The ancient monks refined the essence, the spirit, and the **** into three scorpions, and raised the essence, and achieved the "three 昧 true fire". The real fire is ready, the violent and uncast, the nothing is not burning, but it is the legendary magic in many far-reaching classical books.

The ancient "Feng Shen Yan Yi" records: "This fire is not the same fire, sprayed out from the eyes, nose, mouth... How can this fairy be able to withstand it!"

Xuanyuan has the "three-flavored baby fire" left by Xiong's. It can start from the Yuan Ying period and lay the foundation for Sanzhen Real Fire. However, it is really ingenious and quite worthy, so Sun Hao has to admire.

However, when he got such a magical technique, Sun Hao was mixed. In fact, the "three flavors of baby fire" was not good practice.

Inheritance description, to be trained into Sanweiyuan baby fire, Sun Hao needs refining three flavors of medicine, igniting three flavors.

The three fires refer to the "Heaven and Earth people", which can also be called "wood fire, stone fire and aerial fire."

This is not difficult to understand, there are also standards and steps for cultivation and igniting, but the difficulty is the "three-flavored medicine", and Sun Hao sees a headache.

The first taste: "human flavor", after refining, igniting the Yuan Yingren fire, but also smashing the air fire, the effect is to make the monk's Yuan Ying more flexible. The strength of Yuan Ying is even stronger.

The second taste: "not the second taste", after refining, igniting the Yuan Ying fire, but also the meteorite fire. The effect is to expand the content of Yuan Ying, that is, the saturation of the real yuan, to achieve the purpose of strengthening Yuan Ying.

The third flavor: "Tian flavor", after refining, igniting Yuan Ying Tianhuo. Also the fire in the coffin, the effect is to enhance the power of the monk's Yuan Ying.

Sanwei medicine, Sun Hao has never heard of it, and, I feel that there is no way to refine.

However, from the literal analysis, the first taste of medicine, but let Sun Hao to experience the world, the world's human feelings, into the Yuan Ying, forming a heart fire.

The temperament is dragon and tiger. Read it as a true fire, and use the heart to refine it as a fire...

Sun Hao looks a bit like understanding.

I feel that this first flavor is not so good.

However, seeing this first flavor, and then recalling the cultivation status of Xuanyuan Yaqin, Sun Hao suddenly understood that, in the Yuan Ying period, in fact, the requirements for refining the heart have been very important.

In the early stage of Yuan Ying's early Yuan Ying, there may be many changes in mentality. It is necessary that Yuan Ying is more flexible before he can reach the basic requirements for promotion. It’s not just that as long as the refining is done, it will be promoted.

The first taste medicine is actually a refining heart fire.

Compared with Xuanyuan Yaqin, Sun Hao instantly understood his own advantages.

Xuanyuan Yaqin practice, there should be no rules to follow. It can only be in this direction, thorns and thorns, no goals, and a little hard to explore.

The "Sanweiyuan Baby Fire" is a trace of a road that has been found in the thorns. If you follow this trace, you will eventually achieve the goal.

I don’t know if Master Yaqin’s real fire is nine turns. If she fails to turn nine times, even if Sun Hao teaches her secrets to her, she can't try to practice.

Relative to the "human fire", the second taste, the third taste medicine is obviously a lot, the medicine is not the same, but the stone fire, is the flame born in the earth, but since the meaning is different, In other words, Sun Hao can only refine and refine the fire.

In this way, the quality of the ground fire, as well as the number of ground fires, are all very important.

In the end, the "Tianhuo" should be the real need for refining the world, and according to its own cultivation, it is necessary to have a heavenly spirit.

However, this level of heaven and earth fire, fear that at least the top ten in the list of the fire fire.

Sun Hao does not feel so easy.

Sitting in the Qingyun battle boat, Sun Hao based on his own situation, slashing and smashing, and gradually clarifying his cultivation ideas.

There are many things to cultivate, and there are many things that need to be handled.

In addition to the five secrets of the five-line round of Lingbi and Sanweiyuan baby fire, Sun Hao's several attribute exercises need to be re-selected. The previous four attribute exercises can only be cultivated to the Yuan Ying period. The advanced exercise method is selected, and the water attribute exercise method is also put on the cultivation schedule.

Then there are a few specific things. The recovery of the small fire and the intellectual idiot is the most important thing. You need to find the enchantment and seek ways to let them recover quickly.

You still have to practice some spells, and the offensive and defensive means can't be too single.

I have to sort out my knowledge of alchemy, refining, and formation. In the burial of the market, these abilities have been improved and improved, and it takes a little time to digest and stabilize.

Still have to practice "Sword Huayu", Shen Xiang has always been Sun Hao's most important standing attack means, the more difficult the skill of the sword, after the completion of cultivation, the power is undoubtedly stronger, Jianhua Yu, do not know After the refining, what effect will it have.

In the end, it seems that the condensing empty tower can also start the second layer of refining. The old man passed a long list of materials. Sun Hao looked big and many materials were unheard of.

Qing Lao calmly told Sun Hao: "Xiao Hao, the second layer of repair, it is estimated that you need to go to the upper bounds before you can start."

Sun Hao suddenly stunned.

Advance to Yuan Ying, a long life, but Sun Hao still feels a thousand things, time is not enough, can not be discouraged at all times.

Of course, before the intense cultivation, Sun Hao still has a few things to do.

One, naturally, go back to Qingyunmen to check some information, pick some exercises, and arrange a good way for your next cultivation.

The other is to go back to Xia Guo and go back to Nan County to see it.

I have been away from hometown for decades. I don’t know if my brother and sister are still there, and I don’t know how the Qingmu sect has developed.

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The accident met the ancestors and touched Sun Hao’s thoughts on his parents. He did not know whether his parents’ tombs were still safe and whether they were cleaned.

It’s time to go back and have a look.

Sun Hao himself knows that when he once again set foot on the road of Yuan Ying cultivation, there will be less and less time to go back to his hometown. I don’t know, after a few years, will he be like a lonely fish in the middle of the ocean. In general, I can't find my way home, I can't find my loved ones, I can only wander alone.

Sun Hao was quiet, and the Qingyun battle boat was under the control of the Qingyun monk, who was eager to follow the heart, and returned to the South China.

Pass through the demon mountain.

The rats did not hungry unexpectedly and did not come out to make trouble. The southern continent was unimpeded.

Cross the snowy mountains, cross the grass, and fly across the sea.

I saw the long river, saw the hills, saw the green and lush green, familiar green hills and green water.

The monks knew that they had returned and returned to their long-lost hometown.

On the border of the South China continent, the warships parted ways, and the monks simply said goodbye to each other. Of course, Qi Xiaoai once again looked at the Qingyun battle boat with tears, condensed his own boat head and waved his hand.

Qingyun Qingshi can't wait to drive the battle boat and return to Qingyun Xianshan, which has been away for more than ten years.

Nine-story Xianshan, floating in the air, white clouds fluttering, Yunxia transpiration.

The battle boat crashed and flew over the mountains of Xianshan, stopping and not moving.

Above the main peak of Qingyun, the melodious bell rings, 咚, 咚, 咚 钟 钟 钟 钟 钟 钟 钟 钟 钟 钟 钟 钟 钟 钟 钟 钟 钟 钟 钟 钟 钟 钟 钟

All the monks in Xianshan appeared in the mountains. After the bells, on the top of Xianshan, the fireworks rushed into the air, and they were turned into four big characters in the air, "Welcome Home", and they will not be scattered for a long time.

Then, between the mountains, in the air, in the clouds, in the mountains and down the hills, the cheers of the mountains and the seas came out: "Welcome to the agarwood, return to victory; welcome the incense win back..."

The accurate news of the burial of the market has not yet been transmitted to all parts of the mainland. However, the Qingyunmen monk has already known in advance that his own family, Shenxiang adults, has won the title of the burial sky.

A grand welcoming ceremony was organized, and the whole sect was completed. The ceremonies were celebrated, and Sun Hao was greeted.

The peak monks such as the Hammer Peak and the Haoran Peak were even thrown on the ground by the five bodies and excitedly shouted.

In the tsunami-like cheers of the mountains, Sun Hao fully felt the enthusiasm and worship of Qingyunmen disciples, and felt the warmth of his hometown and the enthusiasm after a long reunion.

Standing calmly on the boat, looking at the weather, thousands of miles, the joyful days of Qingyun Xianshan, Sun Hao could not help but recall when he first came to Qingyun, then himself, like a countryman into the city, the Qingyunmen weather was deeply shocked.

Once upon a time, I have already floated in the air and accepted the martial arts.

Return of agarwood.

The clouds are boiling. (To be continued.)

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