Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1076: Get back a small fire

Tears wet Sun Hao's vestments, arms clinging to Sun Hao's waist, Wang Qiong smiled and cried. `

In Sun Hao’s heart, there are also memories of the year.

At that time, I was seriously injured and could not move in bed for a year.

It is the younger sister Wang Qiong, who wipes his body every day and makes his body clear and refreshed all the time.

Sun Hao clearly remembers that at that time, the doctor said that he could not move and needed massage. Wang Qiong slowly squeezed his muscles from time to time.

At that time, the family was poor, and the savings were all for their own treatment. The ones they ate were the best at home, and the younger sister, often silently watching the things in their bowls, but never stole their own food. Even if she deliberately kept not eating, she also kept herself with her heart.

Sun Hao remembers that when he first cultivated the Leifa refining body, Wang Qiong was too scared to say to himself: "Brother, don't you cultivate?" I am afraid!"

Sun Hao remembers that on the eve of his decision to participate in the Zongmen Soul Test, Wang Qiong was afraid that he could not choose, comforted himself, and sent himself to participate in the selection with his mother. In fact, he was afraid that he could not choose to open.

Sun Hao still remembers that when he was successfully selected into the Hall of the Souls, his sister Wang Qiong was proud, but he did not have much happiness. What she hoped was that she could stay, like a mortal, plain and ordinary, after a lifetime.

She doesn't want to be a leader, she just wants to be safe.

She said that she would wait for her to come back. The result is to remember myself every day, for decades.

She is very ordinary, looks ordinary, slightly fat, and has two big front teeth.

However, this kind of ordinary, accumulated together for decades, let Sun Hao see the greatness and extraordinaryness among them.

Real, care for your loved ones; true, expectation and blessing for your loved ones.

mortal. Sometimes it is possible to make something extraordinary for the monk to do.

Sun Hao thinks that his sister Wang Qiong has let himself sigh. `

In the past few years, Sun Hao has occasionally thought of Wang Qiong, but in fact. Sun Hao should be able to take time to come back, but Sun Hao did not.

Perhaps, that would drag down the degree of Sun Hao's cultivation.

Perhaps the most important thing for a monk is to cultivate, what is the world. It should not be awkward.

However, in the face of Wang Qiong’s moment, Sun Hao’s heart has a faint sigh.

Slowly, Wang Qiong, who embraced Sun Hao, gradually recovered his calmness, but his arms were still holding Sun Hao tightly, but his mouth said: "Brother, you are finally back."

Sun Hao touched her show and said with apologetic: "Joan, my brother is back. Sorry, these years have kept you waiting."

The head smashed on Sun Hao's body. Wang Qiong said softly: "Brother, you will be back soon. Xiaoqiong will be willing to stay for a long time, but only, the mother has already left many years ago."

Sun Hao sighed: "Joan, these years. I have suffered you."

Wang Qiong came from the middle and once again embraced Sun Hao and cried out.

Sun Hao raised his hand and let Wang Qiong fall asleep and gently placed it on the bed. Then, as Wang Qiong guarded the injured himself, he sat quietly in front of the bed, waiting for her to wake up.

Outside the house, Xia Chuan has been puzzling, according to Sun Hao’s instructions. I found a room to stay.

He was very puzzled. Master is obviously a 6-person from NTU, but why is there a stranger who has waited for him for a long time.

I wondered that Xia Chuan didn't ask much, and he settled down in Wangcun.

Xia Chuan did not expect that in Wangcun, he would live for more than a year, and Master arranged the wonderful content of cultivation to the extreme. He was forced into the Thunder Valley every day and suffered from thunder. It’s a bit dirty and it’s miserable.

Leifa refining, first refining.

Because Xiachuan has not yet condensed the scorpio scorpion, although it has been praised for its arrogance, it is not as good as Sun Hao, but it is not a little bit worse than Sun Hao’s death. `

Sun Hao An An heart, leisurely, accompanied by his sister Wang Qiong.

Although Wang Qiong hopes that Sun Hao will accompany himself in his life, he knows that it is impossible. Therefore, he especially cherishes the time with Sun Hao.

With Wang Qiong’s remarks, her years of experience have also made Sun Haoshu feel bad.

Soon after Sun Hao left, his mother was seriously ill. After two years of bed rest, he died. At that time, Wang Qiong, unrecognizable, and helpless, was forced to marry Huang Feng, a fisherman who was ten years older than himself.

Huang Feng wanders around the sea all the year round, fishing and raising a family, and the couple are intensified.

More than 20 years ago, Huang Feng went old. When he was fishing, he was buried in the sea. Wang Qiong, who had no children, was so lonely and lonely. He sat alone in the fishing village and looked at the sea, waiting for his brother to return.

However, even if she is married to the Huang family, the coffin in her hand is still a daily moment, never interrupted.

She always believes that her brother will come back.

Sure enough, in the end, I still waited for my brother to come back.

Wang Qiong’s experience is ordinary and simple. She has never had a trip to Thunder Island.

However, Wang Qiong’s life, in the ordinary, let Sun Hao see the flash.

Her deep feelings of her brothers and sisters, her deepest thoughts on her own, let Sun Hao Yuan Ying heart fire, unconsciously, rose up and high.

Moreover, he has lived with Wang Qiong for more than a year.

Sun Hao has the feeling of being like an ordinary fisherman, knowing the neighbors around him and learning to communicate with ordinary people.

There is always a touch of warmth in my heart.

A lot of cultivation has been put down, everything goes with the flow, Sun Hao simply accompanied Wang Qiong, and his heart completely calmed down.

It seems that when Hanging with his parents, Sun Hao’s heart is once again washed, and in this ordinary small fishing village, it is very peaceful and peaceful.

Accompanied by Wang Qiong, he spoke and taught Zhou Xixi to learn the words and supervise Xia Chuan's refining. The days were plain and peaceful.

Even, Sun Hao did not deliberately pay attention to what changes in his Yuan Ying heart fire.

At this moment, among the Wangcun, Sun Hao’s only thing to do is to accompany his sister.

On Wang Qiong’s face, the smile increased.

Some wrinkled skin stretched out again, just as Sun Hao had recovered from the injury, Wang Qiong, who had no spiritual burden, finally recovered his smile.

She likes to laugh, but halfway through it, she often picks up her hands to avoid exposing her own pair of conspicuous big front teeth.

About half a year, Sun Hao was born with something unexpected.

Among the gods, the small fire that had been sleeping, actually woke up again, and appeared on Sun Hao’s shoulder.

The small fire that wakes up, the memory is still broken, like a new student, I don’t know anything.

It was Wang Qiong, who saw quite a bit of enthusiasm when he saw that the small fire was still alive.

The two of them were good friends that year.

She thought that the fire had long since died. She remembered that the fire was very old.

Now, the appearance of a small fire surprised her unexpectedly.

Naturally, Wang Qiong took a small fire from Sun Hao’s shoulder.

To be honest, when Wang Qiong took a small fire, Sun Hao had subconsciously wanted to stop, but the hand that stretched out was taken back.

Inadvertently, watching Wang Qiong, who was holding a small fire while helping the little fire to remember the past, Sun Hao’s face showed a faint smile.

The character of the small fire was deeply influenced by Wang Qiong.

In the burial of the market, the strong mouse has no heart. It used to make Sun Hao very angry. Sometimes, he even had to be distracted to take care of the small fire.

Therefore, when Wang Qiong once again picked up a small fire, Sun Hao’s first reaction was to stop it.

Small fire now, like white paper.

Perhaps she can take this opportunity to change her character and make her stronger.

However, I saw the light on Wang Qiong’s face.

See a ignorant little fire.

In Sun Hao’s heart, a thought suddenly rushed, a small fire changed, or a small fire?

Although there are many shortcomings in the small fire, the small fire is a small fire.

Now that she is ill, she should do it, just like Wang Qiong, help her find the memories of her past and let her recover.

If she was to be shaped according to her own ideas, then the ultimate rebirth is only the shell of the small fire, and its core, its soul, is truly degraded.

Thinking of this truth, Sun Hao’s face showed a faint smile.

At this time, Wang Qiong has gone to the yard with a small fire, pointing to a stone pier smiled and said: "Small fire, remember not, that year, here, you overturned me Oil lamp..."

The small fire is leaning on the small head, as if thinking carefully.

After half a ring, the body jumped, jumped up, and made a move forward, flying over the stone block.

Wang Qiong clap his hands and smiled: "The fire is really smart, right, right, that's it. That's it. You used to be so fierce and knocked over my oil lamp..."

"Small fire, when it was here, you stole the conch that I gave to my brother..."

The small paw of the small fire caught a small face.

Wang Qiong clap his hands and smiled: "Yes, yes, you were the same expression that year..."

Sun Hao looked at it quietly.

At this moment, what Sun Hao did not know is that in his dantian, Yuan Ying’s heart is shining and shining. (To be continued.)


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