Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1079: Go back to the soul

Full of ambiguity, long and arrogant, said that it must be officially

Duan Dayong had a deep understanding of the gluten of the two scorpions and said that he was completely speechless.

Very speechless, Duan Dayong waved his hand to Sun Hao.

Sun Hao couldn't help but think back to the past of Wanshen Mountain, and his face showed a faint smile.

Full of two sighs and said: "So, we should be fair and equitable, do things well..."

At this point, Sun Hao suddenly looked over the airship and came up with a sentence: "Thanks to the sun, thank you for the sunshine."

Can you see the sun in the airship?

All the monks are together.

Then, what happened to them that they couldn’t understand for a lifetime happened.

In a full-fledged two-year-old, Lang Lang said: "I don't care about my affair. Therefore, I am in a public service attitude. I feel that a monk like Xia Chuan, if you can't join me, is simply a natural disaster. Don't miss it! What are the second-core and three-core behind, all of which are free for me."

Duan Dayong is completely konjac.

Unknown, many monks are in the same way as Duan Dayong. They are surprised to see the full two, and the heart said, what is this guy?

God turns.

Everyone didn't respond at all.

Then, Manchu was very dissatisfied and asked: "Da Yong brother, do you think I have no reason to say?"

Duan Dayong reacted and immediately said loudly: "It makes sense. It is too reasonable. I found out today. Second, you are too talented."

Full of two squints rolled his eyes, the heart said, Lao Tzu is not talented, but almost the same year to Xiaohao accompanied a pool of herbs.

The monks of the Wanshen Mountain are confused.

Xia Chuan is also dizzy.

I joined the Hall of the Soul in this way?

I really didn't expect it!

It’s been a few years since I’ve been to Thunder Island, and I’ve been deeply shocked by the magic of Thunder Island.

The study in the Soul Institute was stunned by the legend of the Hundred Soul Hall. He thought that his master's esteem could be a great deal with the Dean of the Soul Institute. But now, he found that the Master is still more powerful behind. He vaguely understood. The position of his own master in the temple of the soul is not low.

At this moment, the monks in the Hall of the Souls finally recovered from the name of Duan Dayong and Manchu, and gradually recalled the origins of Sun Hao.

Wanshou Mountain. For thousands of years, the only magical black collar that has broken the soul of the twelfth house, Zhong Xiaohao.

About Zhong Xiaohao, Wanshen Mountain has various legends.

Especially the whereabouts of Zhong Xiaohao, the monks of Wanshenshan are also speculative.

only. No one knows the answer.

Unexpectedly, I was lucky enough to meet this legendary figure on this island of Ryuh.

Moreover, he still appears so embarrassed.

Actually, he quietly sneaked into the Wanshen airship.

Looking at each other, the monks finally said, "I have seen Xiaohao brother."

They can't see the realm of Sun Hao, they can only feel that Sun Hao's means are extraordinary. It is not wrong to want to follow Duan Dayong's screaming brother.

Sun Hao smiled lightly, then slightly owed himself, and said with aloud: "You brothers are excused."

Full two screamed loudly: "Lights, bells..."

on the ground. Large and small sea boats are waiting for you.

I don't know how the core of the soul is going.

Wang Qiong’s slightly fat face has expectations and fears. At the same time, he also has concerns and disappointments.

The strange thing is that this nucleus of the soul is different from the results of previous years.

After the monks went up, they did not see the movement.

Neither a light was on, nor a monk was expelled.

I don't know what happened. The monks below are talking about it, in the sky, on the soulship airship. A melodious bell rang.

The bell rang twelve.

Then, at the waist of the airship, a red light was lit.

The whole sky is shining.

On the sea below. The monks were in great spirits, and the cheers rose to the sky: "Congratulations to the Temple of the Soul, Congratulations to the Temple of the Soul..."

On the ground, the head of Cai, who led Xiachuan to participate in the nuclear of the soul, was full of red light.

The owner of the Wang family was shocked. Can't help but regret it.

I remember that in the past, the old master was so eager to let him be kind to Wang Qiong. Although he also gave Wang Qiong some life care, she was able to eat and drink, but this kind of care gradually became weak with the passage of time.

Wang Qiong also knows when he has a relative.

I also sent people to investigate, but I could not find too many abnormalities.

But now, he understands that he has gone.

Wang Qiongjia, there is a 10,000 soul disciple, and it is recommended by the Soul Institute!

What makes him feel good?

Looking at the red light on the airship, I heard the melodious bell.

Wang Qiong’s eyes were filled with fog in an instant.

How is this similar to that of the year?

In the same year, after that, my brother and Ermao went away from here, from then on.

Above her shoulders, Zhou Yuxi's eyes are shining, and the crisp voice is heard in Wang Qiong's ear: "Qiong Po, Chuanchuan Dad passed the nuclear of the soul?"

Wang Qiong nodded his eyes.

Zhou Yuxi pinched his fist and went up. He said loudly: "Chuanchuan dad, grandfather, Xiaoxi Xi will go to find you, I will, I will swear in the name of Li Bar, I will..."

Grandpa told her that she must remember Li Bar.

She felt that Li Bar must be great.

So swearing is usually in the name of Li Bar.

Behind him, the smiling director Cai said loudly: "Good, Xiaoxi is really good, I believe you, you are definitely the next Chuanchuan dad..."

Xiaohao this is to buy one get two!

Sending out two 10,000 soul disciples in succession, the treatment of the Thunder Theater, then use it?

Dean Cai feels that he should consider the fourth house wife.

Above the airship, a monk said loudly: "With the same hi, the friends of the Tao, the core of the soul of the soul is over, the soul forest is open to success, everyone's merits are complete, they are scattered!"

In the middle of the talk, on the soul of the airship, the light shines.

In the thunder, the airship gradually rose.

But I don’t plan to stay more, I am going to return to the Wanshou Island.

Below, Wang Qiong finally could not help but tears.

With his hands on his lips, Wang Qiong, regardless of whether Sun Hao could hear it, shouted: "Brother, I will wait for you to come back, no matter how many years, I will wait for you to come back, I will wait for you, I will wait for you..."

Within the soul of the airship, Sun Hao’s face was slightly stiff and his body shook slightly.

Then, the face once again showed a faint smile.

In my heart, I also said: "Joan, I will come back to see you."

With a bang, the battle boat suddenly accelerated, passing through the clouds and escaping.

Almost at the same time, Sun Hao only felt that there was a sound of "bang" in his ear, and Dan Tian shook.

Under the internal view, it is discovered that the Yuan Ying heart fire that has not been noticed for a long time, at this moment, is burning and burning.

Deep parting in the mood.

A touch of meditation is sad.

Sun Hao’s Yuan Ying’s heart burned fiercely.

Sanweiyuan baby fire, the first taste drug, human taste, finally Xiaocheng.

Now, Sun Hao only needs to refine this first taste medicine, and should be able to complete the first step of the secret surgery Sanwei Yuan baby fire.

The so-called refining and chemicalization is actually to completely refine the Yuan Ying heart fire into the small flames of the flesh.

Let the small flames be both the physical fire of Sun Hao and the Yuan Ying heart fire of Dantian.

The first drug is produced.

However, in the heart of Sun Hao, it is a mixture of five flavors.

This kind of medicine, accumulated in the jade mother, sprouted in front of the Qingming parents' grave, until Wang Qiong's voice, I am waiting for you, Fang Shi Xiaocheng.

This kind of medicine, from the moment of germination, let Sun Hao have a very ordinary life experience.

This kind of medicine made Sun Hao clearly perceive that the monks have lost a lot while they have gained a lot of life.

This kind of medicine, let Sun Hao know that while the glory of the monk is also full of bitterness.

Behind the faint smile, it buried a faint sorrow.

Sun Hao always smiles and laughs at the souls of the souls.

After the March of the Wanshen airship flew in a hurry, the two squatted and walked to the side of Sun Hao, and deeply stunned Sun Hao, and then sincerely said: "Xiao Hao brother, I don't know what your identity is in the soul temple. Wanshoushan has a big body. If it is not a family member, but can't go in, Xiaohao brother, if you don't have the status of Wanshen Mountain, it doesn't matter, you can wait here, I will go back..."

Sun Hao smiled lightly, reaching out and showing the order of the soul: "This is my identity token, can you know?"

Full of two 佬定定定 Take a closer look at the token, slammed, remembered something, and snorted in the mouth "it was so", then pushed Jinshan down the jade column and stumbled in front of Sun Hao In the mouth, he said loudly: "The Temple of War, the two of them have seen the unsuccessful Lord..."

The sound is loud enough to alarm the entire soulship airship.

The monks were alarmed by his voice and appeared.

Then, like him, all the monks fell in front of Sun Hao and shouted: "I have seen the Lord who has not returned to the temple, and have seen the Lord who has not returned to the Lord..."

Full Erzhen thought with satisfaction: "I am stunned, you have to swear, wow hahaha."

Xia Chuan, who stood incredulously in the distance, looked at the monks who had fallen in front of Sun Hao in front of him. The mind kept thinking: "How is it possible? How is it possible? How can Master be the Hall of the Souls?" What about the young master? Isn’t Master a Nanxian person? I am dizzy..."

Sun Hao smiled lightly: "The younger brothers please."

In the voice of the voice, the air slammed into the air, and the soul-stricken airship passed through the ripples of the hustle and bustle, appearing on the towering Wanshou Mountain. (To be continued.)

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