Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1082: Disaster group of 4 people

People often say that there is no time for comprehension, and there is no child in the mountains.

This state is exactly the best description of Sun Hao.

Sinking into the cold forging of Shen Xiangjian, Sun Hao has no sadness and no joy in his heart. Only the rhythm, only the rhythm, the forge, always stays in the same way from his courtyard.

Ten years as one day.

Cold forged agarwood, a forging ten years.

In the past ten years, Sun Hao has never heard of the window and soul, and he has never moved his position.

Although Wanshen Mountain was spotless and clean, but Sun Hao’s shoulders still had thick dust.

His thrilling hammer, every hit is strong, but the power is extremely restrained, the hammer falls, no wind and no sound, can not afford the slightest dust.

Trajectory, trajectory, or trajectory, several specific forging points, several specific forging trajectories, in the hands of Sun Hao, the hammer is in place.

It is precisely this decade of unchanging forging that Sun Hao’s heart has completely calmed down.

And Sun Hao’s four attributes, the real element, are thoroughly condensed and thoroughly rounded up.

A little damage to God's knowledge is also completely restored.

Ten years, like a day, it has passed.

For Sun Hao, this decade is a ten-year period, a quiet and peaceful decade.

Ten years of leisure, beating for ten years.

However, for Wanshou Mountain, in recent years, it has been a few years of chicken flying.

The four major disasters, the troubles of the mountains can not be opened.

The first big disaster: a little mouse, a seemingly innocent, red-hot mouse.

The catastrophe of his majesty is difficult.

The second major disaster: a beautiful woman, a beautiful, but no big taboo, like a voyeuristic big beauty, people are fascinated.

The third major disaster: the pink doll, the little mouse's follow-up, wearing a flower autumn trousers, dragging a pair of chaotic sandals, everything has his share.

The fourth major disaster: Xiachuan. Ok, in fact, he is quite normal, very honest, not a disaster. However, the first three major disasters are inseparable from him. After the disaster, he needs to finish the game. Also glorious status is the fourth scourge.

Sun Hao did not expect that, in order to make the map simple, the small fire chapter and the Luo charm released the scented empty tower, actually directly caused the soul of the pheasant to fly the dog.

When Sun Hao forged the sword for the fifth year, there was a civil strife in the condensed air tower, making a big noise, making a big fight, and making Sun Hao uneasy, and had to put a few of the charms.

Speaking of the cause of the incident, even when Sun Hao knew the four points. Also almost did not affect the forged sword.

In the air tower, the strength of Luo is the strongest, the height is high, the place can go, and the **** is her hobby.

But if that's the case, no one knows, that's fine.

But this stupid big sister actually showed the postures of Gu Yun and Bai Juan on the small leather rafts of their own refining, and was seen by the eight-armed small octopus.

Then, things are big.

Bai Juan was in a hurry, and he gathered Xia Jing Xia’s sisters and Xuanyuan Hong and others. I chased after the fight and went on with the charm of Luo.

Xia Wei has pushed himself and others, considering that he and Sun Hao may also encounter such treatment in the future, very positive.

Deviated. The world view, the outlook on life is a little bit normal. Luo Mei refused to admit mistakes, refused to hand over his peerless vestments that he had worked hard and hard, and made a big fight.

Ever since, it is a battle in the air tower. It’s impossible to make a fuss.

In the end, it affected Sun Hao forging sword.

The grandiose figure of the one-hearted forged sword is simple, and the vestment of the enchanting charm is confiscated, and the enchantment of the enchantment is temporarily expelled from the sacred air tower.

Of course, in order to prevent Luo Mei from doing nothing in the Wanshen Mountain, Sun Hao was very careful to throw out the small fire and the eight-armed Bao Ketu.

I informed Xiachuan and asked them to go to the Xiachuan report, and then they continued to forge their swords.

Then, Xiachuan fell into a deep water, and Wanshou Mountain was a chicken-flying dog.

It’s less than a month.

Xia Chuan went to the physical source pool to refine the body.

The fire was very curious to accompany.

Then, standing by the pool, the small fire opened his mouth.

Good guy, the physical source pool has gone down more than twenty feet.

Xia Chuan was dumbfounded, ready to sneak with a small fire, and was caught by a full fox.

Xia Chuan’s death does not recognize that he is doing a good job.

The full fox is also very doubtful about the huge consumption of physical fluid.

When the two are tangled, the good guy, there is an eight-claw octopus in the pool of physical strength.

The huge octopus fills the pool and looks very comfortable.

The sacred fox was so horrified that when he was preparing to take the octopus, a shadow came out, and the big octopus and the little mouse disappeared without a trace.

Then, Xia Chuan shrugged innocently, saying that I didn't know anything.

Of course, in the end, Xia Chuan was still dejected and returned to his residence with a huge debt of 300,000 credits.

One person, one mouse, one boy, no, it’s one person, one mouse, one fish, one fish, all of whom are handed over by the master, and Xia Chuan can clearly perceive that the strength of these three guys is terrifying, and they are everything. Not their opponents.

Can only be slightly dissatisfied, then knocked down the teeth and swallowed in the belly, endured.

I only hope that these three guys will not be too outrageous.

Who knows, it hasn't been two days since it was settled.

The trio is out again.

On the other side of the Soul Pond, the little mouse swallowed a lot of wind sources, the big octopus blocked the eyes, the beauty was even more, and the striptease danced in public.

Wanshen Mountain is another chicken flying dog.

The bitter Lord, the Washing Soul Pool guarding the elders failed to seize the three culprit, Xia Chuan did not dare to approach, pretending not to know.

After the three guys had a lot of trouble in the Washing Soul, they went away.

The Washing Soul Pool stopped working, and it took more than a month to regain its vitality.

Washing the soul pool to guard the elders, ran to the deacon to discuss the statement, who knows that the deacons do not know, want to promulgate the task of the three major troublemakers, but also refused by the deacon, the elders almost vomited blood three liters.

Finally, I was told that there is a way to try to find a full elder.

As a result, Xia Chuan found that he had another huge debt of 300,000 credits.

However, at this time, Xia Chuan is already a lot of debts, and it doesn't itch.

Simply, I also ran to find the full fox fox to borrow another 200,000 credits. Anyway, there are three disasters. At that time, no one knows how the debt came from?

For five years, Xia Chuan has been ruining the three evils everywhere.

The high amount of credits has completely numbed Xiachuan.

Xia Chuan often laughs at himself: "To say that in the history of Wanshen Mountain, who owes the most credits, who is it?"

The small fire went to the Battle of the Soul Palace. The result was that the three layers of soul beasts in the Battle of the Soul were swallowed up by her. For a long time, the younger disciples who had been late were not able to earn credits.

The disciples complained!

The Luo singer sneaked into the mountains of Wanshou, and was very interested in the Ten Enlightenment Walls. After stunned the little old man, he did not pay a credit, and actually realized three of them.

Then, if you don’t do it, you want to take away some of the stone walls that you didn’t realize.

The result was inexplicably sent back to Xiachuan residence.

The unrequited love of the heart, the small fire and the small chapter once again came to the mountains of the soul.

Still stunned to see the little old man of the mountain, one person, one mouse and one chapter began to enlighten in the mountains.

The small fire realized two stone walls, and Xiao Zhang realized a piece, and Luo Mei realized another piece.

Then, after the three guys totaled for a while, the small fire opened their mouths and swallowed, no results.

The small chapter changed back to the body, and the eight arms grabbed a stone wall and used it to pull it.

Finally, on the top of the mountain, there was a quiet sigh: "You, enough."

Then, they slept in the room of Xiachuan for three days and three nights before they woke up.

Being scared, the three guys finally settled for a few months.

But then, they found that as long as they didn't go to the wall, they wouldn't care if they didn't make too much trouble, so they re-energized.

One person, one mouse and one chapter.

Among them, only the eight-arm pack chart is slightly normal, and it is vaguely guessed what is going on, but some of the cultivation resources of Wanshen Mountain make him drool, naturally it is often the first two bosses to do things.

The small fire is incomplete, and after the rebirth, the personality also changes slightly.

Luo charm is simply three views, how to play, how to play, Wanshen Mountain is not lively.

Small fires are mainly stolen.

What to eat and what to eat.

Not only often steal the physical source pool and the soul wash pool, but also often steal the various refining materials of the instrument hall.

A small mouth, Xia Chuan is a debt of hundreds of thousands of credits.

Luo charm is mainly **** catch what voyeur.

The monk took a shower and peeked at both men and women. The monk lost his underwear and underwear, and he was right.

The small chapter is mainly about stealing music.

With the two bosses in front, savory and spicy, secretly happy.

In the atmosphere of the chicken-flying dog jumping, a special sound, a very rhythmic sound, gradually spreads in the mountains.

The sound is not big, but it is clear in the ear, the sound is peaceful, and it does not disturb the soul. On the contrary, it can make people's temperament calm and quick.

This is a very rhythmic hammering sound.

When, when, when...

Many monks found that, in fact, every day, the three great disasters will gather on the roof of a yard and stay for a while before they will go out to do evil. (To be continued.)

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