Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1085: Teacher

The entrance to the Temple of War is at the top of the Temple of God of War.

After entering, there is no scenery.

Rich to the ultimate aura, mixed with soul power, let people into the spring rain.

This is a huge little space and the terrain is the prairie.

Among the endless prairie, a golden temple with the word "God of War".

Zhuang Dadian expressed great welcome to Sun Hao’s naturalization of the Temple of War and led the elders of the Temple of War to warmly welcome each other.

In the Temple of War, Sun Hao once again felt the great potential of the Wanshen Temple. Among the monks who came to welcome Sun Hao, there were two Yuan Ying mid-term true monarchs, three Yuan Ying early Zhenjun, and the strength of Zhuang Dadian. It is also inscrutable, and Sun Hao feels that when he is not returning to the dust.

The Temple of War is only one of the four temples of the soul.

Of course, Sun Hao’s cultivation is a battle force, and the Temple of War is also secretly secreted. Two Yuan Ying’s mid-term Zhenjun feels that he does not have any advantage in facing Sun Hao. Although Sun Hao only cultivated in the early days of Yuan Ying, However, the momentum is not weak.

Secretly sigh, the young master is not the mainland seal, the true monarch, the immortal monk, only in the early days of the Yuan Ying has such a combat power, once in the future, if it is promoted, then it is still worth it?

Zhuang Dadian’s main eyebrows smiled.

Giving Sun Hao the right to freely move in the Temple of War.

Of course, Sun Hao itself is the lord of the Great Hall of the Soul. Even if he does not join the Temple of War, if he really wants to come in and go shopping, the owner of Zhuang Dadao can only let go.

After joining, you get the right, and the right of the younger body itself, that is two things, at least, Zhuang Da Dianzhu feels more than a face.

The huge Temple of War is tens of thousands of acres, and the splendid palace is shining in the prairie.

After entering, Sun Hao discovered that there is more than one building here, but all kinds of cultivation facilities are available.

Gas refining site, refining dojo, and spell square. Alchemy room, refining room, inheritance dojo, Tibetan Classical Pavilion. All of them are full of enthusiasm, and they are full of enthusiasm for Sun Hao. They gave Sun Hao a detailed introduction to the usage of various facilities of the Temple of War.

Seeing these facilities, Sun Hao gradually understood his companion's black collar. Why is it going to make rapid progress and catch up with your own realm?

Without him, the cultivation of cultivation resources of the Wanshen Temple is not the same as Qingyunmen.

Of course, Sun Hao did not regret it at this time. Although Sun Hao’s path of cultivation was even more difficult, it was Sun Hao’s step by step, and the foundation was extremely firm, maybe. Better than practicing in the Hall of the Soul.

In the Ares Palace, Sun Hao found the Tibetan Classics in accordance with his own plan, and then rushed in and hungrily threw himself into the collection of the Temple of War.

For a whole year, Sun Hao did not hear anything about it, and he was relieved to learn all kinds of knowledge in the Temple of War. He finally selected a soil attribute cultivation method as an alternative to his next cultivation.

Sun Hao currently has four attributes, but the practice of cultivation is strictly only three. One is the fire, the dragon is nine stacks, and the cultivation to the broken Dan baby reaches the limit; the second is the metal spirit of Zhongzheng Pinghe, "Jianqiyu"; the third is the Qingdi Mudan stone, the longevity of the baby, is the wood and stone The mutated exercises of the attributes of the true yuan fellow initiates.

From Xiachuan, Sun Hao unexpectedly got the follow-up exercises of the Qing Emperor's longevity. You can cultivate to the apex of this world and turn the realm of God.

This is also the fundamental reason why Sun Hao accepted Xia Chuan as a disciple.

In the Temple of War, one year, Sun Hao read a large number of classics, but also saw a soil attribute method "the land is flooded."

The characteristics of this method are somewhat similar to those of the stone tires, paying attention to the body of the monk as the placenta. Develop the land of floods, cultivate the ultimate, you can stand on the ground, the truth is continuous.

There are two reasons for choosing this method. One is that the level of practice is very high, and it can also be cultivated to the realm of the gods. The second is that it has the characteristics of stone tires. Sun Hao wants to try to make it grow up with the Qing Emperor. Integrate fellow initiates to maintain the strong advantages of spontaneous cultivation of Mudan stone.

With the optimization of Sun Hao's various spiritual roots, at present, the unoptimized wood property Linggen is starting to be unable to keep up with the progress of cultivation. If it is not the exception of Mudan, it may drag the late legs of Sun Hao’s cultivation. .

By practicing the Mudan stone **** exercises, you can maximize the role of Mudan's powerful scorpion and ensure the effectiveness of Sun Hao's cultivation.

Sun Hao chose the practice method and quietly left the Temple of War.

Three days later, in front of a crystal palace under the sea, the main hall of the main hall excitedly pulled out a roster of flowers. Jiao Xiao said again and again: "Xiao Hao, but unfortunately, the baby went to the small world, and you came to visit her. How, join me at the Temple of the Sea, wait for you to come back..."

Sun Hao quickly wrote his name on the list of the Temple of the Sea.

Then, as a matter of course, Sun Hao has a huge crystal palace in the sea **** temple on the head. After reading the book for a few months, he chose the temple practice of the sea temple: "King of the Sea King" Practice to the heavenly level of the realm of the realm of the gods.

It is the water attribute method that Sun Hao prepared for his own five-line rituals.

A few days later, Sun Hao entered the cloud from the side of the Yundian Temple, looming like a flying feather temple in the palace of the cloud.

Just saying that I came to visit the Suzaku War.

Regrettably, the Suzaku War will also break through the realm in the small world.

Then, at the invitation of the enthusiastic Feifei Dianzhu, Sun Hao was gloriously enrolled in the Feiyu Hall.

His Taikoo Lei Beast is indeed a flying feather!

Moreover, it is still the kind of flying feathers that fly high and old, and can fly into the void. Naturally, there are plenty of reasons for naturalization.

Then, Sun Hao took the opportunity to pick up the practice of the town hall of Feiyu Hall, metal, "thousands of swords."

The level of the martial arts has reached the level of the heavens, and it can be cultivated to the realm of the gods.

Moreover, it is very suitable for Sun Hao's swordsmanship.

In the end, Sun Hao was arrogant and ran to the sword room to thank Master Cheng Luo.

Luo Xuanbing suddenly burst into tears and praised Xiaohao for not forgetting the book. Then, under the leadership of Master Luo Xuanbing, Sun Hao entered a huge sword room like a tomb.

This is where the temple of the Spirit of the Soul is located.

Master Luo Xuanbing, strictly speaking, is actually an adult of Luo Xuanbing, and personally introduces Sun Hao to the Hall of Fame.

Sun Hao has sincerely become a disciple of the instrumental temple, and he has studied in the instrumental hall for more than two years. He has learned a lot of alchemy techniques and refining techniques.

On that day, Sun Hao showed his magical cold forging technique. When he repaired the Shenxiang sword, the selection master was shocked to be a man of heaven. After Sun Hao once again demonstrated the strength of the alchemist's double master, Luo Xuanbing had a direct appointment of Sun Hao. The impulse of the Lord of the Temple of the Spirit.

If Sun Hao is the soulless master, he will not let Sun Hao's.

After Sun Hao learned to go through all the techniques of the airship forging core technology, he was deeply embarrassed, and it was very rare to leave the cold forging 36 hammer in the temple.

Then, in the voice of Luo Xingbing’s grateful Dade, he chose the “Golden Wuyan Firepower”, which is the attribute of the temple’s fire, and it can be cultivated to the realm of the realm of the gods.

When Sun Hao smiled and came out from the instrument hall, the purpose of his coming to the island of the soul has been basically achieved. Finally, he has found all the attributes of the practice, and they are very good, although it is hard to say that they are all in this world. The exercises, but they are definitely not too bad.

Not drunk old people said well, the four halls of the soul, each has the treasure of the town hall, Sun Hao every temple has gone, but it is the wish.

I stayed at the Yundian for a few months and checked a lot of information.

Sun Hao feels that his cultivation in the Hall of the Souls should come to an end.

Once again came to the wall of Enlightenment, Sun Hao quietly stunned the whole night in front of the intoxicated old man. When the sun rose on the second day, Sun Hao said: "Master, the disciple is going out, seeking opportunities. Not drunk the old man turned over and said a word: "Go early and return early. ”

Sun Hao said a good, backwards, flew away from the wall of enlightenment, and then shouted: "Small fire, Xiaozhang, charm, gone..."

One person, one mouse and one boy quickly smashed out.

Sun Hao Yang Sheng said: "You are a good friend, you are offended, Xiaohao will come to Japan, there will be a thank you."

Then, take out the soul of the soul, and make a virtual look. There seems to be a hole in the air. Sun Hao’s whistling sound is gone, but he is leaving Wanshou Mountain again, going to the mainland to make his own three-flavored baby fire and round water. Looking for a chance to go.

The four main hall owners have expressed great importance to the departure of Sun Hao and personally sent off, standing in the gap, high-profile.

When you are finished, the four main halls have big eyes and small eyes. You look at me. I look at you. Zhuang Dadian is very impatient to wave his hand in the roster and say out loud: "What to send, see, see, small Hao has joined my war temple..."

... (to be continued.)

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