Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1113: Various magical powers

I heard the conversation between the two great powers in the air. Below, many of the monks in the Fengyun fleet are ashamed.

To be honest, they really didn't think so much.

But the agarwood adult thought of it, and it seems that it is already prepared for thought.

However, the agarwood adults who have just been in contact for less than a few months, the understanding of the red tide is certainly not as good as the truth, that is, I do not know whether the agarwood adults can block the so-called "situation".

Another hundred self-destructing spacecraft without monks drove out from the Bone Dragon Boat.

But this time, the Fengyun fleet stood in the sea and did not evade, because the targets of the self-destructing spacecraft were not the fleet, but they all shot in the waters around the fleet.

It was shot into the sea and exploded.

Then, on the sea, the red tide, the relatively calm red tide seems to be awakened by the explosion, and survived.

Above the sea, a large number of red tides seem to be greatly attracted, and they rushed to the sea. In the sea, it seems like a line of red waves.

"Agarwood, I hope that you can be safe and sound", the dragon can not stand above the white clouds, laughing.

Red tides are not good for attacking metallic seagoing ships, but sometimes they can take advantage of the situation and take some measures to make these horrible but instinctual algae attack their intended targets according to their own intentions.

The red tide in the Black Dragon Sea seems to be a **** shark, staring at the Fengyun fleet, surrounded by all sides, bursting into a burst of red tide, surrounded by.

When I think of less than two hours, I will become a huge sea beast with a skeleton. Many monks face like earth.

Qingguang is centered on the Fengyun, spreading over and covering the entire fleet.

The red tide is attached to the blue light, and it continues to spread along the blue light cover.

Not half an hour later, the entire fleet seemed to have become a huge red pie, flat on the surface of the sea.

The dragon is laughing and laughing.

Sun Hao’s ship’s fleet is even worse. Can not withstand the endless consumption of red tide. The entire fleet has been overwhelmed by the red tide. If Sun Hao can't find a response, once the ship's energy is exhausted. Waiting for the entire fleet is about to be a disaster.

The dragon is not in front of you. It seems to have seen the sea boat above, a red bone with a sensation, and a red light in the eyes.

Can escape the entanglement of the red tide. The monk who broke out from the red tide, except for Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang. How many?

There is a flush around.

The ship’s array was completely caught in the red tide, and a large number of monks had a strong fear in their hearts.

Involuntarily, Qi Qi looked at Sun Hao above the mast.

Sun Hao is at this time. The pressure is the biggest, and he is just above the sky. More and more red tides are accumulating, as if they were going to crush the glaucoma hood on his head.

On the Fengyun, a monk shouted: "Agarwood adults. You break out and show your power and revenge for me."

Many monks echoed loudly: "The adults broke through and avenged me."

Of course, there are more monks, watching Sun Hao with enthusiasm, waiting for Sun Hao to decide his own destiny.

As long as Sun Hao disperses the control of the ship's array, then waiting for everyone is naturally a disaster.

On the mast, Sun Hao smiled lightly, and said something in his mouth: "Everyone is a little bit safe, the area is red tide, can you help me?"

If there is no way and response to the red tide, Sun Hao will not easily enter the Black Dragon Sea.

Between the words, Sun Hao’s foot, a layer of dark red light began to spread out along the blue light.

Less than a scent of Kung Fu, the ship's array of blue light, covered with a layer of strange water like rust, dark red, rusty.

Rust water isolates the ship's array against the blue light and red tide, forming a separation zone in the middle.

The red tide, after crouching on the rust water, comforted a lot, and there was no instinct desire to rush into the ship.

On the contrary, the rust water seems to have a huge amount of gram production for the red tide. If the red tide behind is coming in continuously, the red tide close to the rust water is likely to be automatically avoided.

Above the mast, I felt the pressure of the ship's array was light, and Sun Hao's face could not help but reveal a smile.

Sure enough.

Sun Hao’s judgment is correct, and the facts are similar to Sun Hao’s expectations.

Perhaps the Dragon family has a way to anger the red tide and let the red tide attack the established target.

However, the red tide is an aquatic wood algae. It is natural, and the wood is made of metal. The imposing red tide meets Sun Hao’s right lung metal rust water and is greatly suppressed, but it is no longer difficult for the fleet. Form too much energy consumption.

This level of energy consumption, to tell the truth, has little effect on Sun Hao, and Sun Hao can lead the fleet for a long time.

As a result, the situation that the dragon could not expect was not presented.

To eliminate a huge sea beast, the red tide only takes two hours.

Soon, two hours passed.

The huge fleet of cakes was still flat on the sea, and there was no break.

On the far side of the sea, the red tide continues to continue to accumulate here.

The huge fleet of cakes has been a few big laps, like a huge island, standing not far from Long Island.

The location of the red tide can isolate the exploration of the monk's knowledge. The dragon is not very curious, how Sun Sun Sun Shenxiang resisted.

The Fengyun No. monks have already admired the five-body investment in the endless means of the family.

A few hours later, the imposing red tide completely obscured the ship's array.

I have only seen a flush in the eyes.

But the adults stood in the air, not seeing the slightest gasps, the face always has a faint smile, confident and calm, the ship array is more stable and abnormal, there is no sign of the slightest collapse.

Good means for adults.

Sun Hao’s face has a smile, but his heart is also thinking: “What do you need to do to eliminate this horrible red tide?”

Although the rust water makes the red tide shape not kill.

However, it is undeniable that the red tide has trapped everyone in the same place and cannot move.

If you can't find an effective way to eliminate the red tide, then everyone is always besieged.

There are several points in the red tide. One is that the individual is very small and particularly tough. If the individual is small, it is difficult to be destroyed. The red tide is very tough, and the force of the sea beast can not be broken. The power of the great power is a forbidden place.

In a sense, the red tide siege is equivalent to an extra-large spell "Aoki Cage."

Originally, the wood is more afraid of fire.

But the red tide is not here.

The red tide is born, the red tide itself is more like a tide, and the effect of the flame spell is really not good for it.

This is the second great thing about the red tide.

Of course, the most powerful red tide is actually its reproduction and quantity.

As long as there is nutrients, the red tide will breed wildly, and the number will be more than enough to move the mountains and reclamation. In less than four or five hours, Sun Hao’s ship battle again feels pressure. This pressure is not from the horror of the red tide or It is the ability to eat, these things are isolated by the magical rust water of Sun Hao.

The pressure that Sun Hao feels now is because the number of red tides is too much. It is accumulated on the ship's array. The weight alone has already made the ship's array feel tremendous pressure.

At this time, the dragon is not standing on the mast of the white clouds, and looks at the huge red-red island that is higher than the mast.

This agarwood, it is a good repair, persisted for so long, the red tide has accumulated to such a height, has been even more embarrassed than the Long Island, actually still can not be so fragrant, powerful.

A few hours later, Sun Hao thought about it, but found several ways to eliminate the red tide.

After thinking about it, Sun Hao reached out and touched the small head of his shoulder and said: "Small fire, can you do me a favor?"

The sound of the small fire came from the mind: "Brother ~ What should I do?"

Sun Hao: "We are so, like this..."

Xiaohuo: "Brother, your way, how do I feel so familiar, have I done this before?"

Sun Hao couldn't help but think of the scene in the burial sky market. After meeting the hyperthyroidism, his heart was slightly warm, and then said: "Yes, when my brother met the difficulty, it was a small fire to help his brother through the storm."

There was a nausea in the heart of the small fire, and there was a picture of his own scorpion in his mind.

When the small fire was unable to sink, and was preparing to reject Sun Hao’s proposal, he felt a warmth in his heart. In his mind, he emerged that he kept smashing out his throat, and then Sun Hao gently helped himself to destroy the picture one by one.

A warm heart, a word involuntarily blurted out: "Come on, brother, we swallow these red tides, oh yeah, oh yeah, brother, itchy, itchy, scorpion, scorpion..."

Sun Hao gave a slight smile, and a bright smile appeared on his face. He held a small fire in one hand and began to kill her. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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