Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1116: Play with fire self-immolation

Take over Sun Hao’s unparalleled spear.

The black dragon disk is a shock of the heart. The so-called singer is not stunned for three days. However, it has not been seen for a long time. How did Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang grow to such a degree?

The last time I met, killing Sun Hao was easy and simple.

Sun Hao and his companions tried every means, and several Jin Dan blew themselves to break their good deeds.

But now, two fights, Sun Hao showed the control of the ship's array, and just this blow, they let themselves sigh, but know that it may be difficult for them to easily take this abominable Terran kid.

I felt the unparalleled spear of Sun Hao’s full force. On the mast, the dragon’s face was very gloomy.

Although he did not want to admit it, he clearly realized that he was fighting Sun Hao.

This is the truth.

It is no accident that the solid class was killed on the spot. The comprehensive combat power of Sun Haosun and Shen Xiang is indeed much higher than himself.

If you face this unparalleled spear of Sun Hao's full-fledged spear, the result may not be too good.

Maybe it will be hit hard.

What makes the dragon unthinkable is that even if he himself invites the black dragon ancestor, although the ancestor seems to occupy a certain advantage, but it can not destroy the fleet of Sun Hao, but do not want to win easily.

At this moment, the heart of the dragon is not in the heart, there is a trace of luck and a strong unwillingness.

Fortunately, I asked my ancestors in time, otherwise I might have been defeated by Sun Hao at this time.

Unwillingly, the dragon family has so many excellent reserve blood sacrifices, please come out of the ancestors, but still can not defeat the enemy in one fell swoop.

One head smashed Sun Hao’s unparalleled spear.

The black dragon disk does not wait for Sun Hao to launch again, and Yang Tian is a "Gangang" dragon.

Longwei was overwhelming and once again pressed against the ship’s fleet led by Sun Hao.

The ship's monk was not affected, and it was shaken a few times, but it was much stronger than the first time. After all, with psychological preparation, many monks have a lot of anti-pressure ability.

The ship’s array was stabilized again. The reason is naturally that the four-image skeleton monks of the ship’s array are all Sun Haota. Sun Hao is not afraid of Longwei now, and their influence is not much.

The Black Dragon Pan is knowing that his Longwei may not be able to crush the ship's array, so after Longwei, a huge faucet is placed. The faucet is in the middle of the double corner, and the dark light flashes. Just like a bright light, the bright light shines, and it makes a stinging eye, even the gods feel the heat.

A pendulum. Long Yan Aurora shot from the black dragon's forehead and attacked the enchantment of the first dragon boat.

Where the aurora passes. Everything that obstructs is instantly turned into nothingness, white clouds, and sea water. The red tide is also good, and it evaporates instantly. The cyan film above the ship's array is directly under the aurora and is pierced through a small hole.

Luo charm stood on the bow of the boat and smirked, his body swaying continuously. Every time it sways, there is a Luo charm, and the Longyan Aurora that has come to it rushes over.

However, no matter how many illusion of the illusion of the enchantment, it was consistently passed by the aurora and dissipated in the air.

In the end, the aurora slammed into the enchantment, shot from the forehead of Luo Mei, and quickly passed through the body of Luo Mei, rushing over the dragon boat, directly smashing the dragon boat into a large bowl. Straight hole, straight to the sea.

Xiaozhang Bao Ketu slammed cold sweat, and quickly sealed the hole with the wrist to prevent the dragon boat from pouring into the sea.

The rust water of Sun Hao also spread quietly, and isolated the number of red tides under the dragon boat that are already difficult to form a threat.

Moreover, inadvertently, Sun Hao also directed the rust water quietly, along the sea, to the direction of the Bone Dragon Boat.

The rust water is very close to the color of the red tide. Sun Hao is deliberately hiding. Other monks, including the dragons, are nervously paying attention to the monks and the black dragons. But the rust water of Sun Hao has quietly arrived at the dragon home. Near the Bone Dragon Boat.

The words of the dragon's lawlessness reminded Sun Hao.

According to the nature of the red tide, the Bone Dragon Boat should be a metal refining, at least a feat with a large number of metals.

Since the white bone battle boat has a low metal content, then Sun Hao feels that his rust water may receive a magical effect.

Perhaps this time the altar of white clouds is still a tofu, not necessarily.

The bow of the dragon boat, the head of Luo charm was always worn by Aurora, the black dragon dish laughed, and the girl actually compared herself to a local dog. It was really dead.

Aurora passed, the whole body of Luo Mei slammed, blasted in the bow, flesh and blood, turned into a **** rain.

Didn't wait for the black dragon to laugh a few times, the dragon couldn't whisper on the mast: "The ancestors can't care, this woman is a descendant of the Gorefiend, can be bloodied and turned into blood."

Among the blood in the bow, there has been a giggling of Luo’s charm: “The big reptile, the strong aurora, but, huh, huh, can you help me?”

In the big laughter, the blood gradually accumulated in the bow, and the charm was slightly swayed. The whole person was intact, and the silk appeared again in the bow of Fengyun.

Even the black hole whose forehead was penetrated by the aurora has completely recovered.

The black dragon plate glimpsed a little, and the heart felt a sense of incredulity.

This level of blood ability, his black dragon disk is also unheard of, the ordinary Gorefiend, but it is also difficult to do, what is the origin of this Luo charm?

Why does this existence follow Sun Haosun?

The dragon of the black dragon plate is extremely powerful, and there is nothing in it. Even Sun Hao is not sure that he will be able to get it.

Not waiting for the black dragon to emit aurora again, Sun Hao has already shaken his wrist and took out the stick of the sky. He couldn’t help but say that he brushed two golden lights toward the front.

Two golden beams of light were instantly formed in the air, and in the whirring, the black dragon rushed into the white clouds.

With the stick in his hand, Sun Hao’s body suddenly rises to the boundless fighting spirit.

At the bottom of the Fengyun number, the monks suddenly felt a loose heart. Suddenly, the black dragon was everywhere, and the huge pressure on his own body, Longwei, seemed to retreat after the Sun Haodou’s stick.

Or, Sun Hao’s ambitions directly offset the black dragon’s Longwei in the air.

While the monks were light, they could not help but shout: "God of War, God of War..."

At this time, Sun Hao, the portable stick, is really like a war god.

Two golden lights hula, and the momentum of the black dragon plate rushed over.

The black dragon has a big wave and a loud bang.

The tail was pumped in two golden lights, the golden light was directly scattered in the air, and the black dragon disk was also squeaky, the tail flew back quickly, and there was a burst of blue smoke in the air.

The attack of the stickman, which was issued by the hand, was slightly weaker than the most incomparable stateless spear, and was directly defeated by the Black Dragon, but it was also reasonable.

However, this is also the first time that Sun Haodou’s stick was wiped out of the golden light column by his opponent, but his heart was slightly awkward. The strength of this black dragon was really strong.

Sun Hao’s heart is stunned, and the black dragon is in the heart.

The golden stick in the hands of Sun Hao gave him the feeling of boundless horror. What kind of stick actually made him feel scared.

In addition, the two golden lights that Sun Hao attacked seem to be easily wiped out, but in fact, his black dragon body is not so good, it hurts and hurts, and it has pains from the depths of the soul. .

As soon as the eyeballs turned, the black dragon disk said loudly: "I’m listening to the audience, I’m still far from the peak state, and I’m still a lot worse. It’s not enough strength to kill the human race boy.”

These words are that the black dragon passed through the blood, but Sun Hao and other foreign monks did not hear it.

Seeing the black dragon sweeping away his two golden pillars, Sun Hao once again brushed and waved a stick.

Black Dragon's display of Longyan Aurora needs a little time to accumulate. Sun Hao is now attacking the stick, but he wants him to make a decision.

The black dragon plate puts a faucet and hits the gold column.

Among the minds, the dragon has already asked: "Once, what do we need to do, you can fully recover."

"Send your blood", the black dragon disk smashed the golden column: "Then, I can really regenerate this world, even if it is the thunder in the sky, it is just to reshape my body. At that time, my strength. Great increase, when you kill God, you can avenge you and reinvigorate my Dragon family."

The dragon’s body was slightly shocked, and the heart asked: “What does the old ances mean?”

"Your three brothers have gone through the annihilation of Yuan Ying." The black dragon disk hovered among the white clouds, and quickly said: "The blood level jumps, if you are willing to sacrifice blood, the ancestors will be able to prosper."

The dragon is not in the heart of the three people.

The black dragon plate once again hit a golden pillar of Sun Hao, and quickly said: "You have to make a decision as soon as possible. This kid is gaining momentum. I feel that his stick has more powerful tricks. If my ancestor is not strong, At most, I can only tie this kid with me. For a long time, my ancestors will come out when I am born. At that time, you want to have a blood sacrifice too late..." (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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