Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1128: Do not want to have desire

Yu does not want to just feel the eyes, and then set the god, has seen a face of a smile, Sun Hao.

Not by his hands, he bowed to Sun Hao and said: "Agarwood, you are here."

Sun Hao nodded: "Well, I am going to travel, see the Fengyun, see if you don't want to, come and see."

Yu does not want to have a grateful look on his face. He said in his mouth: "Agarwood has a heart. If you don't want to join Qingyun twice, Agarwood still cares about it, but you don't want it."

Sun Hao said with a smile: "There are many unsatisfactory monks in their lives. There are many last resorts. Agarwood knows that there is no reason to join Qingyunmen. This does not affect you and me. In fact, do not want Aquilaria is preparing to use Fengyun as the place where his pro-disciples will grow up. In the future, Daewoo, Dezheng, Cicang, and Xiachuan will continue to experience the Fengyun, and please do not want to take care of them."

Yu did not want to give a slight glimpse, and then nodded and said: "If you want to do it, don't dare to ask for it. Aquilaria is so arranged, but it can guarantee that Fengyun can traverse the South Sea without fading, set a permanent battle flag, Aquilaria, I am assured, I Will let the Aquilaria Battle Flag continue to sway the South Sea and gallop the sea."

Sun Hao nodded and said: "Well, thank you for not wanting, don't want to stick to the wind, but Shen Xiang has to go around, I don't know if I will come back again. Is this Qingyun Port still up and down?"

On the face of Yu's unsatisfied face, there is a fascinating look, and the mouth whispers: "A new generation of old people has changed the old man. On the Fengyun, there have been a few waves of people. This is nothing to do."

Sun Hao smiled and said: "I just said this, but I know that it is like the ebb and flow of the tide, the moon and the moon are dark, all are natural inevitable laws, but they are forced to come, I don’t want it, I have to go. I hope to see you next time. You can go one step further..."

Finished. Sun Haoyan throws a jade bottle, but in the jade bottle, it is a rising baby.

If you don't want to join Qingyunmen, Sun Hao will give him a chance.

now. Yu did not want to join, Sun Hao still gave him a chance. After all, it is rare to see a monk who does not want to give Sun Hao a good impression. The cultivation of the unspoken, always inseparable from Sun Hao. Before Sun Hao left, he decided to help him.

Yu does not want to pick up the jade bottle. The spirit of the jade bottle was swept away, and the body was slightly shocked. Sun Hao, who couldn’t help but look into the air, said in a loud voice: "Agarwood is slow and slow, and you don't want to have a confession. You need help with Aloes."

Sun Hao felt a little surprised in his heart. He paused and looked at the metaphor. He said with a smile: "Ask, don't want, within the scope of Agarwood's ability, never hide."

Yu does not want to stand in the bow, look at the sea, the face of the look of memories, the body is a breath of inexplicable breath, contemplative and half-sound, as if brewing for a while, this is a long time to say.

When I was born, my father gave me a name for it. He often told me that the monk needs to restrain his desires and overcome his desires. If he can do nothing, he will certainly make great progress.

It is just for no desire.

When I heard that Yu did not want this passage, Sun Hao’s heart suddenly slammed.

Although Yu did not want to ask anything, but Sun Hao's feelings are very peculiar and subtle, Sun Hao has the feeling that he should answer the question of not asking for it.

And Yu does not want this expression, this kind of expression gives Sun Hao a vaguely familiar feeling.

It seems that a long time ago, Sun Hao had seen and felt somewhere.

Looking back carefully, Sun Hao quickly found the answer.

That year, the first time I went to Nanyang.

Sun Hao once met Xiaojia’s hometown, the depths of the Zasman Trench, and met an earth-shattering big fish.

Lonely fish, the fish is not alone.

Think of the fish is not alone, Sun Hao heart can not help but surge.

Why do you not want to face yourself with the feeling of being fish?

Can it be said that Yu does not want to be similar to a fish that is not alone?

However, he is obviously not like, remember that when Sun Hao first saw the unwillingness, he almost died in the foundation of the building.

At that time, Sun Hao gave him the chance to bear Dan.

Sun Hao clearly remembers that the metaphor of the time, the expression of grateful Dade, is not false, to say that the metaphor is not a monk, Sun Hao feels that it really subverts his own cognition.

I remember that if you don’t want to be grateful to Dade’s three deductions and nine worships, will the monks be like this?

When Sun Hao’s heart was very shocking, Yu did not want to have a long time, and he said it from the ground up.

I told me that the practice of monks needs to be done: nothing, nothing, no desire. Father often said that from love to sorrow, from love to horror.

Therefore, after Shen Xiang, after entering the way of practice, I follow my father's teachings to control my own lusts. I hope that I can really do what my father said, "Being free from love and sorrow, where is there horror?"

It’s just agarwood. When I really started to restrain myself and gradually realized nothing, I found myself losing my goal.

I don't know what I should pursue. I don't know what I should do after I lose my desire.

I don't know what to do, and repairing is even more difficult, because without desire, there is no motivation to cultivate.

I totally don't understand, I am completely confused.

Agarwood, you are talking about the monk practice, what is the desire? Still not wanting to be good?

Is it good? Still not wanting to be good?

A seemingly simple alternative.

Moreover, many of the cultivating classics have given the unquestionable answer proposition, which is difficult to live without.

Yu does not want to understand, now come out and ask Sun Hao.

Sun Hao found that he really never thought about this problem.

Sun Hao is also in deep thought.

The person who cultivates the Tao, often cultivates the heart, and often has the trouble of destroying the desires and eliminating the desires.

However, Sun Hao feels that what he does not want to say is also very reasonable. The monk has destroyed his own desires and may have destroyed the motivation of his own practice. Can he still make progress?

For example, Sun Hao is now struggling for hardships, hardships and hardships. If he does not resign, enter the market, and go to Nanyang, what is the motivation and what is the motivation, that is Sun Hao’s strong desire to pursue.

If Sun Hao does not have a strong pursuit, then now, Sun Hao really does not have the need to go to the bitter cold of the North.

Sun Hao once again evoked the feeling of meeting the fish in the past.

Can't find the answer.

In the past, the fish was not alone, struggling, and practicing hard.

Be a good friend and be a stranger.

After the vicissitudes of life, only loneliness, into the confusion of why the monasticism, can not find the answer.

Today, if you don’t want to, you will fall into the argument of no desire and desire.

How similar are the two.

Then, Sun Hao’s mind is thinking about whether he wants to be good or not. At the same time, there is a desire for it. At the same time, there is a very clear assumption in his heart. Is it true that the monk is not a master?

With such reasoning, Sun Hao suddenly discovered that if he did not want to be a great monk, in fact, some strange phenomena around Fengyun can find the answer.

For example, the unscrupulous Jin Dan's robbery, such as the unpredictable speed of promotion, such as Yu does not want to add people to the clouds, but also, for example, Fengyun number several times, inexplicably the unknown help.

If you don't want to be substituted into the position of peerless power, then these things can be explained.

Thinking about it, Sun Hao’s face once again showed a faint smile.

If Yu does not want to be a peerless power, then his question, even if Sun Hao wants to break his head, it is estimated that he does not understand.

In this case, Sun Hao thought in his heart, why not answer the fish in the same year, give him an answer that is not the answer.

With a smile, Sun Hao recovered the lightness of the clouds, and pointed his hand at the sky. He said: "There are people who have joys and sorrows, and there are glooms and glooms in the moon. It is difficult to do this..."

This is left by the bear ancestors, it is estimated to be a bit useful.

Who knows, Yu does not want to give a slight glimpse, and then said: "Well, the lack of way, contains the road to rationality, do not want to hear, but unfortunately can not solve the fundamental problem."

Sun Hao suddenly sweated, and immediately understood that Yu did not want to go to Jiufeng Peak, but he was not confused.

But immediately, Sun Hao’s heart was moving, and he said quietly: “Don’t worry, you listen to me.”

Then, Sun Hao tried to think back to the expression of the fish, and the whole person showed a sense of loneliness. He slowly said I am a fish, a lonely fish.

Lying in the trench, I felt my loneliness.

I don't have a companion, I feel lonely; I don't have a partner, no children, I feel lonely; I don't know where my roots are, I feel lonely...

I am a fish, a lonely fish.

I am afraid of being alone, afraid that I will become the mud in the sea without knowing it.

I am afraid of being alone, afraid that after I became a mud, no one small fish remembered my existence.

I am struggling to find out and practice hard.

Be a good friend and be a stranger.

After the vicissitudes of life, only lonely...

Yu does not want the body to violently shake, the eyes are sparkling, and there is a feeling. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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