Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1130: Come again

A whistle, the little donkey has been squatting on the ground, burying his head and pulling the car, and the hooves are constantly slamming on the ground and creaking.

There was a clear mouth in the mouth of the masses: "Stupid, stunned, got... driving..."

The little donkeys are elated and fierce, and the streets are squatting, and the more they run along the road, the faster they run, the more they go.

When crossing the corner of the street, the carriage was once again elegant. The inside of the carriage, the bodies of the monks were slightly tilted, and they felt a little dizzy.

This blind man is really speechless.

Many monks in Wangji Town looked at the smashing car, but the heart was sighing. I don’t know the five monks who went out this time. When they return, there will be several safe and sound.

The unscrupulous professional ethics is very good, and it is good to never hang on to its own customers. However, many of his customers are extremely northern places with special purposes. They often go out on their own, looking for special resources, some special ones. In the lot, there is no shortage of cars, but it will only stay for a while, and it will not expire.

Every time you enter the north, even if there is a huge number of cars with a sign of gold, the number of monks who can return is less than half.

Within the boundless car, the environment is very good, better than Sun Hao's imagination, there are six small coffee tables inside, six futons are placed on the side of the coffee table, and there is a scent in the carriage.

Sun Hao observed it, this car is not simple, the wall of the carriage is full of arrays, the level is not low, at least it is more than three levels, some of which are joints, Sun Hao does not have a glance at it, it should be a very A strange and unique array of techniques.

It should have a good array of effects such as driving, acceleration, and defense. It is very likely that this is the root of the unscrupulous long-distance to walk north.

Of course, Sun Hao, who did not intend to glimpse the secrets of the people, did not deliberately study the formation, but hurriedly swept away.

Together with Sun Hao, there are a total of five monks in the infinite number of cars, and five of them sit in them, not too crowded.

Above the carriage, the monks looked at each other.

And introduce themselves. Although they don't know each other. But in any case, everyone will go together and walk in the north, which is also a fate.

Multiple friends have multiple roads.

Sun Hao smiled. But my heart is also secretly lamenting, the four companions on the carriage. It’s really not easy, it’s also a hidden dragon.

The name of the monk who entered the infinite number of cars at the first bid was called Juliufeng, and the young man looked like it. Dressed in a white gown, double eyelids. The finger is slender, and strangely, he has a folding fan in his hand. In this extremely bitter cold, there is a monk who shakes the fan. The feeling is quite awkward.

If Sun Hao did not make a mistake, the monk should be from the Northern Continent. Among the Fengjia family's masters of cultivation and cultivation, the most powerful thing is the fire. After cultivation to the advanced level, it is a kind of elixir that often needs the attributes of ice, but it must go deep into the north.

This is why he is willing to come up with two million huge stones.

Moreover, as far as Sun Hao knows, some of the fire resources unique to Fengjia are of high value in the northern part of the land. He will not necessarily lose money when he travels this time.

The repair of the gathering wind is not low, Jindan mid-term.

On behalf of the wind home, entering the north, and dare to show their financial resources, repairing can be low is the real strange thing.

The second bidding monk named Wei Bing, a slightly familiar monk who made Sun Hao strange, this monk is slightly fat, slightly short, a smile, amiable, claiming to be a "loving person", the most loved flowers and plants, Claiming that this is not the other for the North, it is to watch the legendary iceberg snow lotus in the North.

Sun Hao did not know where his familiarity with Wei Bing came from, and he was sure that he was the first time to see the monk. Of course, it is also very likely that the monk’s familiar personality made Sun Hao’s Familiar illusion.

Seeing Sun Hao, Wei Bing is always playing drums in his heart.

Sun Hao didn't know him, but he recognized Sun Hao, but his heart was thinking, damn, how did he meet this comet, old Wei, I have to be careful and cautious this time, don't touch the iceberg beauty. It was cut off by the hero of this kid.

While thinking, my heart, Wei Xinbing is still complaining: "I said ease and ease, you let me come to this extremely northern place, saying that the most northern ice woman has the most taste, but you can see, look, Laozi hit a star like Sun Haosun and Shen Xiang..."

In the past few years, Sun Hao’s reputation in the Southland has been so high, like the thunder and the ears, the five elements of the Mozong up and down, met such a strong neighbor, it is the atmosphere can not breathe, for fear of Sun Hao to find their own troubles.

Wei Xinbing, the newly-funded Jindan Moxiu, got Hao Anyi's favor, and the development was very good soon. However, he did not dare to challenge Sun Hao, and he ran to the north. In fact, he also secretly developed and avoided Sun Hao. Intention.

But he did not die, but he ran into Sun Hao.

Fortunately, Sun Hao has not seen him before, but there are not many exceptions.

However, Wei Xinbing said in his heart: "Hao Anyi, you said that when Sun Hao met you and knew how you existed, then you must hide well, I don't want to be wiped out by him."

Hao Anyi’s innocuous voice came out: "Oh, OK, what am I doing? Are you still worried? You are here, let me tell you, recruits, your main task now, actually give I hooked up two ice women, so that I would repair it faster. When I was, Sun Haosun and Shen Xiang were not afraid of him. Right, Sun Hao had a mirror and helped me a lot. I have the opportunity to help. I am flicking over..."

Even if Sun Haozhi is going through the sky, he will never think that Hao Anyi, who escaped from the ruins of the former market, is actually in the wrong place. He once again lived with himself in a car, and he did not expect that he would still feel familiar. Wei Bing two words, in the same year, Wei Xinbing ranked one of the five demons, because it did not appear in the battlefield of Gangu Ridge and remained.

However, Sun Hao did not think that the monks of the Five Elements of the Demon Sect would appear on the edge of this extremely northern land, and naturally they would not think of Wei Xinbing.

Sun Hao actually perceives Wei Xinbing's cultivation, and it is not low. Like the gathering wind, it is also the mid-term repair of Jin Dan.

At present, Sun Hao’s evaluation of Wei Xinbing is actually good. One is very telling: “Lovers”.

The third-largest bidder, named Gona Long, the whole person is not screaming, slightly cold, more reserved, looks like a high-ranking person, but in fact, its true cultivation is the lowest among the infinite cars. Only the foundation is perfect.

Fruit repair is likely to be a real trader who travels to the north, with a large number of large and small storage bags hanging on his body. It is likely to be a real businessman who can use the power of infinite driving to resell resources and earn the difference.

The last monk named by the unscrupulous leader was called Sword Musou.

A sword repair.

Carrying a sword on his back, a quiet sword repair.

Seeing the sword is unparalleled, Sun Hao has such an illusion of a moment, as if he saw the sword of the past.

The shape is almost the same as the sword hundred forging.

The difference is that the sword is unparalleled and quieter than the sword, and the face always has a kind smile, but the character of the sword and the forging is not the same.

If Sun Hao does not perceive mistakes, the sword is unparalleled, but it is the highest among several companions. It is very likely that it has reached the beginning of Yuan Ying.

It is comparable to oneself.

Of course, the real combat power is not known for the time being.

In a word, a few of the companions in the infinite number of cars, the feeling of giving Sun Hao is unique, go to the north of the land, may also have their own goals.

These companions, together with an unscrupulous leader, Sun Hao felt that his trip to the extreme north must be very interesting.

This unscrupulous little donkey is definitely a very rare beast. After running, it seems to be tireless and excited.

In addition to the ingenuity seems to be a bit unreliable, the strength should not be weak.

The infinite number of cars rushed in the endless wilderness, fast and steady, familiar with the road, quickly and safely rushed into the polar north.

Even after entering the extreme north in the car, the temperature suddenly dropped a lot.

Sun Hao can also feel the coolness of the cold.

At this time, the unscrupulous road opened the curtain of the brakes and walked in with a smile. Zhang mouth said: "You friends, welcome to the infinite number of cars, your trip to the North is officially started, I am your driving. Wu Liang, you can call me a long way, I am very glad to meet you. Below, I am very honored to introduce you, the first stop we are going through, the North North Xuanbing Cliff, here, the infinite number of cars will stay two I hope you don't miss the time of departure..."

In Sun Hao’s mind, he quickly remembered the relevant information of the North North Xuanbing Cliff. The first stop of the Northern Territory is also one of the peripheral trading places of the North China.

Wu Liang has continued to say there: "Below, according to your cultivation, I will give you a reasonable suggestion for the northernmost land. I hope that you can do it with energy, return safely, gather in the wind, and in the early days of Jindan, the following is recommended... Wei Bing, Jin Dan early, suggested the following... Guo Nalong, we are old acquaintances, you know what to do, I will not say more... Zhong Xiaohao, Jin Dan early, suggest the following... Sword Musou, Jin Dan Later, wait, your repair is higher than me, what to do, you can do it yourself." (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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