Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1133: Heavy water trail

Reading thousands of books is not as good as traveling thousands of miles.

Although this sentence is not all right, it definitely has its truth.

If Sun Hao is not going deep into the Arctic Icefield, and encountering this very different frozen soil, how can he not think that his own soil needs to absorb the origin of different soils, and evolve different soils in the condensate tower.

Sun Hao remembers that when he practiced earthworms, he had a talented predecessor who classified the world of the earth in a very detailed way. Then, Sun Hao felt that if he had enough time, he might wish to go around and let The soil absorbs more soil and diversifies the growth environment of the empty tower.

Along the riverbed, the three people went all the way and met a lot of ice-winged mosquitoes.

Intentionally or unintentionally, Sun Hao was always surrounded by ice-winged mosquitoes, and a lot of them were stunned. In the dark, Sun Hao also collected a lot of white mist from the ice-winged mosquitoes.

Qingla once mentioned it to Sun Hao slightly. There are several special conditions on the second floor of the refining and condensing empty tower. One of them is that the level of the creature in the tower must reach a certain height.

Because the refining of the second layer of the condensed air tower may have to go to the upper bound to complete, so in the past, Sun Hao did not deliberately pursue.

But now, when the soil absorbs the cold wind and forms a frozen land in the tower, Sun Hao suddenly feels that the height of the dark blue in the tower may not be so easy to meet the requirements. Maybe, it needs the tower. The living environment is first achieved.

Therefore, since the soil can absorb the origin of the ice, then Sun Hao is not in a hurry, the ice-winged mosquito, you will scream at me.

Sun Hao’s approach has inadvertently caused two more unexpected effects.

Sword Wu Wu believes that the strength of Zhong Xiaohao is indeed weak, and the ability of the ice-winged mosquito to break the defense can not stop. Such a repair, if you continue to deep into the ice, it may be very dangerous!

Wei Xinbing said: "Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang is too loaded. I don't know who he is going to look at. Rely, I thought you gave a sheepskin, I can't recognize you as a wolf?"

In the condensate tower, the permafrost area gradually expanded with the increase of the source of cold ice collected by Sun Hao. However, this is quite slow. However, Sun Hao knows that if he wants to generate a variety of soils in the future, it is not difficult.

Because of Sun Hao’s relationship. The speed of the three people is not very fast.

After half a day, when they killed the land. When the riverbed disappeared in front, it suddenly became clear that the gathering wind did not know when. Already ran to their front, and is where the riverbed disappeared. Look carefully.

This direction is the northeast direction, which is slightly different from the direction in which the wind is flowing.

See the arrival of three people. The gathering wind is very natural to say: "My sense is also here, I did not expect that we are the same."

Then, looking at Sun Hao a little unexpectedly said: "Xiaohao Daoyou, I did not expect your induction to be more accurate than me, right, Xiaohao Daoyou, what is wrong with you, seems to have been attacked."

At this time, Sun Hao, the state is slightly embarrassing, it is no wonder that the wind is asking questions.

Sun Hao smiled and said: "Well, I met the ice-winged mosquito, which is fast, and it will spray a frozen white mist, which is a bit difficult."

"Oh", the wind said: "In the ice sheet, all kinds of dangers are endless, Xiaohaodaoyou, but need to be cautious, the ice wing mosquito is not strong, the toxicity is not too strong, but the problem is not big, really want It’s hard to get a chance to meet a powerful ice-skin beast."

Sun Hao nodded and said: "Thank you for the concern of Daoyou, Xiaohao has a number of hearts." I don't want to be entangled in this issue. Sun Hao asked: "The flow of wind friends first came here, I wonder if there is any discovery?"

There are no traces of fighting on the scene, and there is no elixir, but I don’t want to be caught up by the wind.

The gathering wind hand pointed to the front and said: "This river has penetrated into the underground and became a Yin River. However, it should have dried up now. There is some spiritual induction inside, but the estimated distance is not enough. I am afraid there is no time for us. Digging for the ground."

Where the riverbed disappears, there is a flat oblique hole that is inclined downwards, like a slope. However, the hole has been completely deposited by sediment, and it is completely frozen for hard frozen soil. It is unlikely that it will be possible to enter. Unless everyone has enough time, it is possible to break through the hard frozen soil and explore the riverbed that may have penetrated the ground.

Yin River? Sun Hao couldn’t help but move.

The formation of heavy water requires water first.

According to Li Yuncong, Sun Hao needs to find a "glacial river" in the northernmost place, that is, a river in the ice, and then search along the river to have the opportunity to find heavy water.

Li Yuncong inferred that the area most likely to have heavy water happened to be the “yin glacial” terrain.

The so-called Yinbing River is the underground glaciers.

The underground glaciers have two major conditions for the formation of heavy water. One is that there is ample water for ice water; the other is the addition of pressure from the earth and mountains.

Although the underground glaciers are dry, it is hard to say whether the river will have formed heavy water before it is dried up.

Moreover, the dry underground glaciers are also likely to have ice water water masses in that part of the river, and this water mass is the place where it is easier to generate heavy water.

Standing at the entrance of the underground glaciers, Sun Hao thought thoughtfully.

However, when it comes to this place, the dark blue induction has gradually become clear, and it has been able to roughly perceive the type of heavenly treasure.

Xiao Huo said to Sun Hao: "Brother, the strange cat said that this underground, there may be an ice-licensed elixir, good grade."

Sun Hao "hmm", said in his heart: "Ask deep blue, see if he can sense the breath of heavy water."

The small fire said "good" and then ran to communicate with the dark blue.

At this time, after the sword unparalleled to survey the terrain, he said a little helplessly: "This place does have a spiritual atmosphere, but it is buried deep under the frozen soil, but it is not worth the big move. Xiaohao, I think The possibility of heavy water in this terrain is also very small..."

Sun Hao nodded.

Sword Musou once again said: "Of course, there is no possibility that Wannian Xuanbing will be produced here. Now we can have two choices. One is to explore this underground glaciers, maybe we can find something; the second is Return to the infinite number of cars, then rush to the last destination and continue from there to the outer world of the ice world..."

The gathering wind swept Sun Hao and said: "If you explore from here, it is estimated that it is difficult to gain. This piece of ice sheet should have been searched by other monks, and it is hard to get it. However, relatively speaking, here It is safer, and Xiaohaodao friends can barely explore."

Wei Bing’s face showed a strange expression, opened his mouth and did not speak.

Sun Hao said as usual: "There is no brother, we still rush to the last point, the old town of Bingshan, and then consider it."

Look at Sun Hao and gather his head slightly, feeling that Sun Hao is self-reliant.

The sword is unparalleled, it is a calm state, nodded and said, a line of four people, vacated and returned to the ice.

The path of the unscrupulous road is roughly the same as the flow of ice on the ground. Moreover, the discovery of the riverbed makes Sun Hao infer from the various sources that the last station of the unscrupulous road, "Ice and Snow Town", is likely to be found. , "Gubeihai" Haikou.

According to legend, the northernmost land was not a perennial frozen land.

In ancient times, there used to be a sea of ​​ice and water, known as the North Sea.

Later generations, climate change, the climate of the Beihai area gradually became chilly, and the hurricane blew, and the vast North Sea gradually became frozen and evolved into today's extremely northern bitter cold.

In the ancient times, some once prosperous ports have now withered and drowned in history.

However, some of the information can still find some records of scales and half claws.

In ancient times, the ancient Beihai and Haikou were the prosperous places of Haikou, where several large rivers gathered in the sea.

Sun Hao's access to the information Wanshen Mountain has predecessors speculation, today's old town of ice and snow, is the ancient North Sea Haikou.

The riverbed is now found on this road. This speculation is not completely true, but it is not far behind.

As a result, as long as the old town of ice and snow, Sun Hao found the entrance to the ancient North Sea.

I found a huge icy ocean, and the possibility of heavy water is even higher.

However, according to the terrain, the North Sea ice ocean may be located under the ice and snow world. Sun Hao went in to find opportunities, but it is very likely that he will meet the disciples of the Holy Palace.

The mind kept trying to figure out how to act. Several people had already returned to the infinite number of cars, and saw the slightly embarrassed Sun Hao. The unscrupulous leader could not help but shook his head slightly.

However, what the guests do, he only has the right to make suggestions, but he can't interfere. He said, "You can't let me lose a generous customer..."

Then, according to the requirements of everyone, driving infinitely, and quickly rushed to the old town of ice and snow. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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