Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1141: Extreme North Ice Bear

Unscrupulous and long, the pits are abducted and stolen, but, if you don't think about it, you have a bad day.

The face is bitter, and the unscrupulous mouth screams: "White elders, can I not go? You know, I am a serious businessman, I have received the customer's Lingshi, I have to be responsible to the customer. ......"

The white elders smiled and said: "Nothing, they go together." After she said, she asked her voice in the infinite speed. "Don't you know if you can help the Holy Palace?"

The wind converges and says: "The wind is unbearable..."

Wei Xingbing also said quickly: "The Star Soldier has a lot of research on insects, but the original intention is slightly thin."

Sword Musou said honestly: "The original intention."

Sun Hao nodded to the fruit dragon, and the dragon was slightly surprised, and then said: "The remaining two are willing, but we may not be able to help."

The white elder smiled and said: "You and Zhong Xiaohao stay in the infinite speed, don't just come out, safety should be worry-free."

(Five for help: rich to give a reward, a ticket to give a recommendation, have a heart to give a book review)

Guo Nalong seems to be relieved, and then added: "The small fruit will be in the snow and snow in the future, and please take care of the Holy Palace."

The white elders were very casual, and then they waved their hands and said to the unscrupulous leader: "Dao, look, they all agree, you are withdrawing at this time, afraid it is not good?"

The unscrupulous long touched his head, very speechless, and said that your holy palace is open to people, do they dare not stay? The mouth quickly said: "No, how can I withdraw and retreat? The customer's needs are my first service. Well, I need to do what I do. I fully cooperate with it. That is a question, I originally only I want to stay in the old town of ice and snow for half a month. Now I need to stay for so long, this lost time, living expenses, stupid food costs..."

Since it can't go away. Then take a sum.

White elder smiled: "This is a good thing to say, and the Dao will be satisfied afterwards."

The unscrupulous long-term smile suddenly: "That's good, that's good, what should we do now?"

The white elder looked at Xia Qingyu behind him, revealing an inquiring look.

Xia Qingyu nodded. Then he said: "That is the way to lead the way."

The length of the road was slightly stunned, and then the face showed a bitter smile. He lifted his leg and kicked the infinite amount of flying feet. He shouted loudly in his mouth: "Stupid, get up, work up, and the lesser family will let you lead the way. Did you arrive?"

The infinite flying scorpion slammed from the ground, and the "oh" in his mouth screamed, then pulled the speeding car. Slap the legs and run wild.

Looking at the direction of the speeding of the car, Xue Ru man opened his mouth to speak, and the white elder shook his head slightly.

Xia Qingyu has already said: "Everyone keeps up."

A white dress, floating up, flying at low altitude, followed by the flying dragonfly, galloping away into the world of ice and snow.

Sun Hao discovered that the direction of the infinite flying scorpion is suddenly the place where the gods of the ancient silkworms retreat.

It seems. This flying dragonfly really has some magical features, and just as the summer rain and rain knows some of its characteristics, the ice and snow shrine will naturally be unscrupulous and long.

Flying cockroaches are extremely fast and fast. The team entered the world of snow and ice.

In the squally winds, the goose feathers and snow are flying all over the sky, and the ordinary repairs are slightly weaker monks.

Most of the disciples of the Holy Palace are elite, and at least they are above Jindan, but they are extremely fast. Keep up with the infinite speed.

The infinite flying dragonfly showed its extremely magical side, the steps looked powerful and the speed was extremely fast, but there was no trace of snow, leaving no trace on the snow.

Moreover, the route chosen was also very subtle, running for a long time, without encountering a dead body attack, and Sun Hao's knowledge once explored the snow, where the mask monk controlled by the mutant ice silkworm appeared.

The innumerable flying dragonfly can take everyone all the way to the accuracy and speed, and can also take advantage of everyone to avoid disadvantages, quite a lot of magic.

It is no wonder that unscrupulous long-term bad things are done, and they can still walk in the northernmost places for many years.

After a long time of rushing, the front, the infinite flying brakes, the two hooves slammed on the snow, and then, on the snow, there was a hoof print that swiftly swung forward, plopping, unable to hold the momentum, falling On the snow, a few tumbling, rolling in the snow, into a big snow group.

The unscrupulous road screamed, and the infinitely speeding car steadily parked on the snow, jumping down from the speeding car and slamming on the buttocks of the cornice: "Stupid, get up."

The flying dragonfly rolled on the snow, then smashed his eyes, but he was on the ground, not up.

The unscrupulous long straight body, the character on the lips began to sway gently, and the mouth said: "Lai 驴 rolling, the front is dangerous, passengers, oh no, you are careful, the fruit that dragon, Zhong Xiaohao, please do not get off ......"

Hearing the words of Zhong Xiaohao, Xia Qingyu’s heart moved slightly, and then thought that it might just be a coincidence, it should not be Haoge.

Then, her attention has been drawn to the front of the team.

Not far from the snow, there is a snowy hill, the middle of the snowy hill, revealing a pair of black big eyes, looked at the monks, the eyes, showing the silk is not good, then, the whole ground trembles, it seems The avalanche is generally swaying.

Huge snowflakes splashed around and sprinkled everyone.

The monks retired and looked at the front, only to find that the entire snowy hill had become a huge white bear.

This white bear is very tall. It is the biggest land-based beast that Sun Hao has seen on the mainland. His height is more than ten feet, and his body length is more than twenty feet. The four giant feet are like pillars. On the ground, the whole beast is like a hill.

This type of body is enough to match the giant fears in the Tianzheng.

At this point, the white bear seems to be awakened by everyone's dreams, his eyes are very bad, his teeth are grinning, and he screams at the monks.

Unscrupulously, he said quickly: "You friends, this is a very northern ice bear, very powerful, careful, stupid, get up, ready to run."

The infinite flying cockroach lying on the ground quickly climbed up, swaying the tail and standing before the infinite speed.

The white elders look at Xia Qingyu.

Xia Qingyu shook his head slightly, and then his body fluttered gently. He had stood in front of the hill-like polar bear. He said in a froth: "Daoyou, I have to wait from here, and ask the friends to let go."

Xue Rujie and Xue Ru’s men’s faces are full of admiration. The Shaogong main body has the best ice roots and is the body of ice muscles. It is the real **** of the ice and snow world, the love of ice and snow, the world of ice and snow. Among them, most of the beasts will have an instinctive closeness to Xia Qingyu.

Perhaps this extreme North Ice Bear should not be an exception.

The polar bears looked at Xia Qingyu, and the eyes flashed softly in their eyes. However, after a red light flashed through the eyes, the polar bears couldn’t help but scream at the low rain. “Hey, oh...”

Xia Qingyu sneaked a little, then slowly retreated: "Since the Taoist friends are not willing to give way, then the rain is bypassing, but the Taoist friends do not have to anger..."

The unscrupulous long said in the back: "The younger lord, stupid, since he met the polar bear, it shows that this bear has blocked the only way."

Xia Qingyu’s face was awkward, and he turned to look at the North Ice Bear. He said: “Daoyou, sunny today, you have to go, please ask your friends to give way.”

The red light flashed in the eyes of the polar bear.

The frost-free elders exclaimed: "Small rain is careful, this ice bear is afraid of it."

The polar bear has risen upright and raised a huge forefoot, and hula swept through Xia Qingyu.

Xia Qingyu's face flashed helplessly, and his mouth whispered: "Daoyou, why are you?"

In the voice, her body is like a white snow, with the sweep of the polar north ice bear, fluttering with the wind.

The polar bears swept away in the air, and the ground was swept up by the deep pits of three or four feet. The white snow fluttered like cotton wool, and only a snowflake was seen in the air.

With a palm sweeping, the polar ice bear roared in the sky and opened his mouth to Xia Qingyu in the air.

A cold and extremely radiant air spurted out and quickly formed a spur in the air, rushing to the summer rain.

The white elders screamed crisply: "The Shaogong Lord was careful", and then jumped out with the ice elders, rushing into the air, standing on the side of Xia Qingyu, one by one, while reaching out, the palm of his hand spit out a real yuan, rushing Ice thorns into the air.

In the ice, the beast actually took the initiative to attack himself. Xia Qingyu’s heart was a little lost. He quickly returned to the team and said softly: “There are two elders, but it is better to leave it a life. After all, it is not easy to practice.” to be continued.)

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