Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1151: So handsome and cool

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At that moment, Xia Qingyu watched a transparent invisible big mouth biting at himself, but his body was stabbed by the ice cold, and he was helpless. [Top [point [small [say, x.

A cold heart in my heart, a sadness: "Little Hao, goodbye in the afterlife..."

In front of you, the golden light flashed.

A golden stick came up from his side.

The bang of "When", the invisible big mouth was topped by the golden sticks on top of his head.

Then, the sky and the sky will pass by, and the sticks will rise to the sky.

Among the eyes of the ancient blue silkworm, the blue eyes flashed, and then they were smashed by the thin sticks.

The whistling of the nightmare came from the air, and the little Hao Ge heard the sound from the air: "Roll!"

The blue eyes and the invisible giant mouth were turned over by the students, and they turned over in the air and rolled into the glaciers.

Still standing on the shoulders of the two sisters, in the eyes of Xia Qingyu, the instant tears rolled.

When I was in the most dangerous time, when I was most helpless, Xiaohaoge fell from the sky.

Time seems to be fixed here, Xia Qingyu's heart, in the eyes, in addition to Sun Hao, no more, no tears, tearful eyes, obsessively watching the sky, if the **** of war is in the world, holding the stick and standing on the heart.

As soon as the fighting weather came out, the pressure exerted by the ancient silkworms on the monks was offset, and the disciples of the Holy Palace recovered.

The glacial war situation has also undergone tremendous changes.

The sound of Shen Xiangjian smashed the ice silk rope wrapped around the waist of the white elders, blocking the sound of the great white shark. The white elder turned over and was safe and sound, and floated in the air.

The red dragonfly ice gun defeated the attack of the great white shark, and it flew back. The ice elders finally broke the ice silk rope and were safe and sound. Standing side by side with the white elders, the two were very surprised to see the teenager in the air.

At this moment, there were a lot of changes, and the monks of the Holy Palace did not react much.

Quickly set God, but found that there is already a mighty boy in the air.

This boy, like a crown jade, a green shirt floating, a light smile. It was full of ambitions, and he was shining in the golden light. In the glaciers of the earth, it was like the sun above nine days, emitting endless heat.

The chilly is retreating, masculine and bodybuilding.

Xue Rujie’s face showed a faint blush, and he murmured: "Who is he? So handsome!"

Xue Ru male’s eyes flashed in admiration, and sincerely said: “Cool. It’s really cool.”

The infinite speed of the car did not know when to pull up the curtain, Wei Bing thief thief poked his head. I stunned and said: "Sao Bao, it’s really a slogan..."

Guo Nalong poked his head and said with amazement: "That is Zhong Xiaohao? What did he run out for? Hey? Hey dead!"

Wei Bing said: "That may not be."

The gathering wind added a sentence: "Just Xiaohao has repelled the ancient silkworm."

Everyone looked at the blue eyes.

But I found that these eyes are in the glaciers, full of taboos, looking up at the golden light of the bell Zhonghaohao.

Holding a stick. Sun Hao slowly pointed to the ancient silkworm, and said: "Light rain, don't come innocent."

Xia Qingyu’s tears rushed out again, and whispered in his mouth: “Don’t come innocent, don’t come innocent...”

Below her. Xue Runan said softly: "Xiao Jie, the handsome guy knows the lesser palace."

Xue Rujie said: "The state of the Shaogong master seems to be somewhat wrong."

Xue Runan: "Well, it seems to be very excited. It is a bit like meeting a loved one. I met my father with a virtue."

Xue Rujie reached out and twisted her: "Stupid, I think I know who it is."

At this time, the red dragonfly ice gun flew back, Xia Qingyu instinctively reached out and caught the ice gun.

Five great white sharks rushed to the two elders, and the two elders stepped back, but were stopped by the huge silkworm silk screen.

Sun Hao said in his heart: "Small fire."

A small fire on the shoulder pointed at the silkworm silk screen and slammed a mouth.

The monks of the Holy Palace only felt that the top of the head was bright, and the overwhelming screen disappeared without a trace.

The two elders quickly returned to their homes, and the five great white sharks were shocked by this sudden change. The dorsal fins sneaked into the glaciers.

"Swallowing the squirrels?", Xue Runan quickly said: "Yeah, I remembered, it turned out that he is the legend of the mainland, the name of the ruins of the Tianxu, the lesser of the palace, ... Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang!"

Xue Rujie said another sentence: "All said that Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang is the dragon among the monks of this generation. The contemporary people have not believed much before. Now, at first glance, it is really deserved..."

Xue Runan said a bit strangely: "Xiao Jie, the information records, his agarwood sword is not very ugly? But you see now, his sword, streamlined sword, blue light, is simply with His people are as handsome..."

Five great white sharks dive quickly, but Sun Hao will not let them better, and brush a few sticks in the air.

The rumbling rumbling, several huge golden beams of light rushed out with the stick, and the glacial river below was suddenly split into a deep ditch.

In the river, there was a burst of bright red water.

A white shark's belly was floated on the river, and the ice silkworm swooped up quickly.

Xue Rujie grabbed the small mouth and said: "It's so handsome, it's so handsome. It's a little boy. His sword should be recast. The information is not said. He is a master-level refiner. Teacher."

A few sticks have killed a great white shark?

Guo Nalong is a bit dumbfounded, which is a bit different from what he expected.

The companion who owns the same car seems to have only the companion who was originally cultivated by Jin Dan. It is too fierce. He could not help but ask: "Bing brother, who is he? So powerful!"

Wei Bing shook his head and said: "If I judge well, he should be the famous Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang."

Guo Nalong was not heard at all, and could not help but ask: "Who is Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang?"

Wei Bing: "The summer insects can't be written with ice!"

The gathering wind gives the answer: "The boss of the legend of the ten heroes."

The dragon's eyeballs are all smashed out: "No, is the legend of the ten heroes really true? Their boss actually appeared in front of me, brother brother, brother brother, relying on your shoulders, I want to faint a while……"

"This piece of ancient silkworm", in the glaciers, there is no fluctuation, it seems that the sound of the cold and the extreme sounds: "Kids, we met again."

It is not surprising that the ancient silkworms can talk. The evil spirits merged with the ancient silkworms, but they were consciously no longer the ice silkworms, but the ancient silkworms.

Sun Hao’s momentum gradually climbed up, and his fighting spirit was high. The stick in his hand kept swallowing Jinmang, and his mouth screamed: “This grandson Sun Sun is incense, I didn’t expect you to run out of the ancient tomb, but it failed in the past. Today, I can't let you go."

The sound of icy cold said unceremoniously: "To each other, you will be the first one to control the best after I am born in this world."

After that, the blue eyes slowly sink into the glaciers.

On the ice, more ice silk emerges like a tidal wave. In the glaciers, it turns into the ocean of ice silkworms. It is dense and semi-circular, encircling the monks in the middle.

Sun Hao’s heart was moved and he called: “Small fire.”

The small fire will be willing to open a small mouth to the front.

In front of the void, a slight shock, a large number of ice silkworms disappeared without a trace, was swallowed by a small fire.

The little body turned in one direction on Sun Hao’s shoulder, and the small fire opened his mouth again.

The rustling sands suddenly remembered.

In the direction of the small fire, the ice silkworms seem to have been frightened by the fish, and they threw themselves into the glaciers.

On Sun Hao’s face, there is a faint I reached out and touched the small head of the small fire. With a small fire, any opponent who tried to rely on the number to win would be quite helpless.

At this point, Xia Qingyu was finally restored. The strong emotion that saw Sun Hao in his heart was slightly calm, and his mouth screamed: "Little Hao."

Sun Hao looked back at him and smiled: "Light rain."

Xia Qingyu's face, pear flowers with rain, smiled: "I'm sorry."

Sun Hao stunned and said: "Nothing."

Xia Qingyu's eyes rolled out again, but his face burst into a bright smile, and his heart even put down a big stone.

Although the scarf was masked, her smile from the heart suddenly made people feel like spring breeze, and the cold glaciers seemed to warm up a lot.

Wei Bing looked at the white summer rain on the shoulders of the two holy shrine disciples, and then looked at Sun Hao, who was holding the golden stick in the air, and could not help but think of an idiom.

Golden boy and girl, nothing more. (To be continued.)

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