Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1152: Frosty heavy water

On the golden bucket stick, there is a kind of fighting spirit.

The existence of this fighting spirit can offset its own cold will.

The descendants of Sun Hao’s shoulders can swallow a large number of silkworms of their own imperial concubine. It is estimated that the weaker spirits come over and the same is the end.

For a moment, the silkworms of the ancient days have sprouted.

The underground glacier is allowed to walk through itself, and as long as he retreats, his opponent will never catch up with himself.

However, the blue eyes of the ancient silkworms are in front of them, but they are not going to retreat.

On-site monks are good parasites. Once they can succeed, their strength will increase.

More importantly, from the mulberry leaves, the ancient silkworms feel the breath of their original owner.

For the cultivation of their own masters, the ancient silkworm has a fear from the heart, but it is also well known that once the day is missed, the original owner can fully recover, or spend a little time, maybe you can find changes to deal with your own variants.

It is very likely that in the future, he will fall into his control again, lose his freedom and be ruthlessly labored.

The ancient silkworm, which is worried about the heart, finally decides not to do it, and completely eliminates the danger in the bud. It has found the general place of the original owner's breath, although the breath is covered by layers of heaven, but there is no way.

With the stick in his hand, Sun Hao slowly turns his body in the air, and the gods explore the glaciers to pay attention to the movement.

Sun Hao can perceive that Wan Gutian silkworm has not been repulsed by himself. He still led a large number of ice silkworms, hiding in the glaciers in front of them, and may have a fatal blow at any time.

After thinking about it, Sun Hao said in the air: "Wei brother, please come back with a mulberry leaf."

Although the promotion of Yuan Ying, the strength of the advance, but the consumption of the stick is still not very small, the time of birth was subject to certain restrictions, unfavorable stalemate, Sun Hao thought of the mulberry leaf.

Wei Bing nodded and his wrists rose. A mulberry leaf was thrown over.

Sun Hao is trying to catch the time of Fu. On the ice surface of the sanctuary monk, it began to collapse in vain, and a bang, the mysterious ice fell into the glaciers. Within the glaciers, there is a huge vortex that looks like a black hole.

The sanctuary monk had to fly. Floating in the air.

And among the entire glacier world, all the ice faces that the monks can stand on. At this time, they were cracked one by one and fell into the glaciers.

The cornice that lay down on the ice and climbed up. Pulling the speeding car, standing on the glaciers, standing on the surface of the river. Did not sink into the glaciers.

The mysterious ice of the entire glacier world is less than half an hour. Completely disappeared, the underground glaciers became a sea supported by an icicle.

Looking up, I saw a blue sea. I feel a lot of empty space.

And the blue eyes of Wan Gutian silkworm are completely hidden in the sea, and I don’t know where to go.

The monks did not have the foothold ice, but the monks who were outside the monks were all golden spirits, and they all fled in the flesh and stood on the ice sea to watch the changes.

In the deep blue sea, there is a huge whirlpool, and the sea is constantly flowing, pouring back into the whirlpool.

Monks, look at me, I look at you, I don't know the purpose of the ancient silkworms to devour a lot of sea water.

The vortex is getting bigger and bigger, and the more and more urgent, the more gradually spread on the sea.

Then, among the whirlpools, a strip of ice silkworm flew out, but instead of attacking the monk, it plunged onto the icicle of the underground glacier.

Just in the eyes of the monk, the icicles are rustling, like the sound of small silkworms eating mulberry leaves, huge thick icicles, under the foraging of hundreds of millions of ice silkworms, the waistline is rapidly thinning.

Sun Hao couldn't help but narrow his eyes, and his heart was not good.

Wan Gutian silkworm wisdom is a bit, at this time not ready to fight with the monks, do not want to face Sun Hao's fighting stick.

Its intention is to directly destroy the world of underground glaciers, and then use the weight of the ice above the sky to kill their enemies.

Wan Gutian silkworm is the true darling of ice. Xuan Bing can come and go freely. He is not afraid of the heavy pressure of Wan Xuan, but Sun Hao and other monks are not good, even if it is a Yuan Ying, Under the Wanzhang Xuanbing, the underground glaciers, but also have no ability to break the ice.

Even if Sun Hao’s fighting stick is full of fighting, it’s hard to make it happen.

Buried in the bottom of the ice is too deep.

If it weren't for the birth of the ancient silkworm, the monk would not be able to reach this place.

Once it was smashed down by the Wan Xuan Bing, buried deep in the ground, even if it was not killed, the waiting for the monk was also killed by life, or was sneaked into death by Wan Gutian.

The destructive power of the ancient silkworm is enormous.

Ice silkworms, like chewing ice and sand, quickly smashed the icicles, and the swirling force of the vortex is accelerating the collapse of the icicles. Many of the icicles with a thin waist are already slamming and collapsed in the ice sea. , splashing the old high cold sea water.

Sun Hao’s knowledge has penetrated into the deep sea, and the cold and biting sea water is extremely massive. As Sun Hao expected, the heavy water in the sea is particularly heavy, but at this time, Sun Hao’s heart is not much excited, but instead Because of the pressure of heavy water, Sun Hao could not penetrate too deep, and could not find the ancient silkworm hidden in the deep sea.

Wan Gutian silkworm is transparent and lurking in the deep sea. Sun Hao really can't find it.

If you can't find it, then you can't start.

It is also impossible to direct small fires to engulf ice silkworms. The ice silkworms are attached to the icicles. The small fires swallow, and the result can only be to speed up the collapse of the glaciers.

In the bang, there are icicles falling into the sea.

The monks of the Holy Palace are also good, and the monks watching in the infinite speed are also a ruin.

Even the unscrupulous, long shouted: "Oops, bad, to be buried, to be buried, fast, get on the train, wind tight, scream..."

Sun Hao’s heart screamed and shouted: “Light rain, let everyone get on the bus.”

Xia Qingyu’s heart glimpsed and looked at the infinite speed.

Sun Hao said loudly: "I have already talked to you about the fare. You first get on the bus, then make up the ticket, go on, it really collapses."

Xia Qingyu reacted violently and said crisply: "Let's go up..."

The white clothes fluttered, and the monks of the Holy Palace, under the leadership of Xia Qingyu, quickly rushed to the infinite speed.

Among Wei Bing’s eyes, there was an inexplicable excitement. In a desperate situation, he did not take the desperate situation seriously. Instead, he kept saying: "Okay, okay, come in, come in, the car can't squeeze, It is best to let the old Wei and I hold the right and hold..."

Hao Anyi said in his heart that he said: "You want more."

Then, Wei Bing stunned and found that after the Holy Palace fairys came in, they stood one by one in the speeding car. Although they were slightly crowded, it seemed that they did not need to hold them.

In the end, Sun Hao rushed in. Naturally, without Sun Hao’s own actions, his body has already appeared on the futon that belonged to him. It seems that the door of the infinitely flying car is directly in this position.

The monks in the temple were slightly surprised and said that the magical speed of the car.

Sun Hao came in, and there was a whistling sound from the unscrupulous road outside: "Stupid, tight, screaming, and fleeing."

The infinite speed of the car speeded up, and the monks leaned back.

The unscrupulous road grows up and appears on the futon that belongs to him. With a smile on his face, he said: "You are a big customer, now, starting to sell tickets, Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang said, your fare is one person three. Millions of top grade Lingshi, I will count, a total of 18 people, calculate, how much this should be..."

Xue Ru's eyes are a glimpse: "Dao, how do you count, my holy house is only eleven."

Unscrupulously long touched the nose: "Is it ah? I will count it again... well, you are right, there are only eleven people..."

Xue Rujie’s eyes turned, and Jiao Xiao said to Xia Qingyu: “The Lord Palace, remember that our Holy Palace usually collects some travel expenses, is there any?”

Xia Qingyu said softly: "This can be."

Xue Rujie continued: "Only one thousand liters of stone is counted in one day. How much should I count for more than ten years!"

Unscrupulous long: "Hey, hello, girl, don't be so dark..."

If you haven't finished talking, the body of the infinite flying car is slightly shocked.

When the unscrupulous long words stopped, then knocked on the wall of the car, and the ears were attached to the wall. After listening to it, there was no cynical smile on his face. He cried his face and put his hands together: "Well, stupid dragged us into the ages." The silkworm's belly is gone."

Everyone is sinking in the heart.

Xia Qingyu looked at Sun Hao.

Sun Hao said with a deep voice: "The road is long, what is the situation outside? Is there any problem with the speed?"

"The speeding and flying rafts are no problem, but our problems are big." The unscrupulous swaying hand, a little helplessly said: "We are trapped in the body of the ancient silkworm, can not get out, the outside is full of ancient silkworm In the body of the binary more than the variegated frost heavy water, even if it is Yuan Ying Zhen Jun, go out can not resist a moment..." (to be continued.) Enable new URL

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