Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1161: Killing the silkworm (2)

Sun Hao currently has three souls.

One is the Taikoo Lei Beast, which is the Thunder, but one of Sun Hao's strongest fighting forms. After the incarnation, he can control the Thunder and be powerful.

The second is the incense sword, it is for the sword, the agarwood accompanied Sun Hao has gone through many ups and downs, the sword is also the offensive means of Sun Hao, but because Shen Xiang is the place where the grandmother is, so Sun Hao Never tried to transform into a sword.

The body of the three ghosts is a sneaky, that is, Sun Hao is in this state. This is the time when Sun Hao was looking for the elixir in the nine secluded to the purple smoke master. Weak, in fact, there are many magical uses.

For example, now that Sun Hao has become a ghost, he can cross obstacles. In the absence of awakening the ancient silkworm, Sun Hao has appeared directly in its back.

Of course, the biggest advantage of Sun Hao’s ghosts is actually assisting cultivation.

At present, Sun Hao has already strengthened the spiritual roots of fire, earth and gold, and the cultivation speed is extremely fast. Correspondingly, the roots of wood and water are relatively weak, but Sun Hao uses ghosts.魄 can assist the effect of cultivation, and tilt it to the practice of the two attributes of wood and water, keeping the five attributes of the real elements go hand in hand.

Silently, Sun Hao sneaked into the back of the worms of Wan Gutian, but Sun Hao did not destroy the back vessels and destroy them as Wei Bing said, but continued to maintain his own ghost form.

Follow the back of the vascular tube and quickly move forward.

In the back of the veins of the ancient silkworm, the flowing liquid is also the blue liquid, which should be the essence of its blood, such as chills.

However, these liquids could not freeze Sun Hao, and they could not stop Sun Hao from moving forward.

The faint shadows move forward quickly in the dorsal vasculature and sneak away.

For more than two hours, Sun Hao felt that the front was suddenly open.

Then I drifted into a huge space like a cave.

There are different pipes at the bottom of the cave, leading to the various lines of defense. The flowing blue liquid tears flow into the channels. Sun Hao has just one of the largest main roads.

The top of the cave is thick like a sarcophagus. Many thin pipes pass through. The flowing blue liquid slowly flows into the cave and then flows to various parts of the body.

And let Sun Hao see it at a glance, the huge spar described by Wei Bing is suspended in the cave.

The color of this spar is a bit out of Sun Hao's surprise.

Sun Hao originally thought. The spar of the ancient silkworm is not white or blue.

However, the huge spar with a half-foot square in front of the eye is actually black in black.

Like a huge black pearl. High hanging in the cave.

The gods quickly swept away from the spar, but Sun Hao instantly understood why the Wanshen silkworm would be like this.

Under the glimpse of the gods, the spar is complete.

Sun Hao is among the dark gems. Found a white crystal cluster, only the size of the fist. Shrinking in the corner of the spar.

Among the crystal clusters, there is a silkworm baby that is less than half an inch and is almost transparent. As soon as he was dying, Sun Hao’s knowledge was swept away. Among the weak eyes of the silkworm baby, the expression of surprise was revealed.

Among the dark crystal clusters, Sun Hao also discovered a black worm.

This bug is more than a foot long. Rough as a baby's arm, four eyes, eight feet, with a pair of seemingly powerful front paws.

At this point, the worm's forehead, with a peach leaf that is as if nothing, is screaming in the dark crystals.

After sweeping the crystal, Sun Hao judged a little and immediately understood the basic state of the silkworm.

Undoubtedly, the silkworm baby in the white crystal cluster is the soul of the ancient silkworm itself. After being attacked by the evil spirits, it is now extremely badly wounded and keeps its position.

The black bug in the dark crystal is undoubtedly the body of the evil spirit.

I didn't expect Wei Bing's Fu Xi to be so magical, but it can directly act on the evil spirits, let it sleep, or else, Sun Hao feels that he will not be too relaxed.

Undoubtedly, the evil spirits have an absolute advantage in the battle with the ancient silkworm, and have a huge dominance. If it is not letting it fall asleep, with its power, Sun Hao is likely to be directly submerged. Frost is among the heavy waters.

After finding out the situation, Sun Hao’s body shape gradually became realized within the cave.

Then the wrists vibrate, a jade bottle appeared in the hand, and God recognized the movement, and Sun Hao drove the sorcerer.

Among the white crystal clusters, the "ice silkworm" less than half an inch trembled fiercely, and the thin feet of the body were even clinging to the crystal cluster, trying to resist the technique of sucking souls.

However, its state itself is not good, and the evil spirits have been dying. Now, Sun Hao, who is stunned by the spirits, drives the sorcerer to forcibly **** the soul. Finally, it is also unsettled, and the heart is extremely unwilling, the transparent ice silkworm is Sun Hao drew it out of the spar.

In the heart, a slight joy, Sun Hao knows a move, a law in his mouth is pinched, and the soul of the ancient silkworm is completely turned into a white soul, falling into the hands of Sun Hao.

Then, after a little rest, Sun Hao’s hands were pinched and the soul of the evil spirits began to show his soul.

To the surprise of Sun Hao, the resistance of the evil spirits to the sorcerer is not very strong, almost no effort, and Sun Hao has smoothly pulled the sleeping evil spirits out.

However, Sun Hao discovered that although the evil spirits have been sucked out, no matter how they exert their mouths, they can never make the evil spirits a soul.

Without thinking of a better way, Sun Hao had to put the evil spirits into a huge vessel, and then threw it into the spiritual chamber of the sapphire tower, placed under the golden "town" .

Even if Sun Hao toss, even if it is into the utensils, the evil spirits are still sleeping.

This makes Sun Hao sigh again, the world's monks can not be small, this Wei Bing is some means.

Amazing peach leaf.

What Sun Hao does not know is that the evil spirits themselves are the refining of Hao Anyi in the past, which is specially designed to give trouble to the real female world. The peach leaf symbol itself is a professional symbol for the evil spirits, comprehensive restraint, and suppression of evil spirits. seal.

Although many years later, the evil spirits are still firmly restrained by it, otherwise, Sun Hao can not collect the evil spirits after the change.

Once again, I sighed Wei Weitao's leafy character, and sighed that there was a specialization in the industry. After the monk could not be underestimated, Sun Hao exhaled a long breath and began to look at the huge spar in front of him.

The evil spirits and the souls of the ancient silkworms have been taken up by Sun Hao. Strictly speaking, the Wan Gu Tian silkworm at this time has become an empty shell, allowing Sun Hao to divide the harvest.

However, when Sun Hao’s gods poured into the dark spar, it produced a very strange feeling.

It seems that at this moment, I have countless pairs of eyes, many senses, and saw a lot of scenery.

With so much information, Sun Hao is one of them. Then, Sun Hao puts his head in his head and quickly understands what he sees. It is really a scene of various places in the world of ice and snow.

And their own vision is most likely the vision of the mask monks who are controlled by the evil spirits.

That is to say, the dark spar is equivalent to the control hub of the evil spirits. Through the spar, the evil spirits can remotely command the remote silkworm.

The first encounter with such a strange spar, Sun Hao's heart, a little curious, a sensation of movement, quickly looking for something that might be useful to himself in these visions.

First of all, Sun Hao found the position of the ancient silkworm. At this time, the ancient silkworm was in the depths of an ice cave, and it was straight and stiff at the bottom. There were many ice silkworms around.

Then, Sun Hao was surprised to see a scene of a big battle.

The old town of ice and snow is in a fierce battle.

A few huge polar bears, a large number of masked monks controlled by silkworms, are storming the old town of ice and snow, and have already broken the defensive array of the old town and broke out.

Sun Hao’s vision just saw the polar north ice bear attacking the ice without frost.

The huge bear's paw waved the hail from the sky, and the four-headed polar bears rushed up.

In the hands of ice without frost, a white flying sword, the illusionary ice cone attacked four ice bears.

After the ice is frost-free, is a monk who has been shocked by the great North Bing Xiong.

Sun Hao thought to the heart, can I solve the hardship of the old town through this black crystal?

At this time, among the angles of view, the ice was frost-free and was shot in the palm of the North Polar Bear. The mouth spit blood and flew up. The other three polar bears rushed up and bite away.

For a moment, Sun Hao thought of some past events, and he sighed in his heart: "No frosty elders, you are going all the way..."

In the line of sight, the ice-free frost was defeated by four polar bears, and it was torn apart.

In the sight, the old town monk was panicked.

Sun Hao has a message: "Retreat..."

Then, among the sights, there were all kinds of strange expressions of the old town monks who were pleasantly surprised and confused.

Sun Hao sighed leisurely, then stood up and took the black spar into the squirting tower. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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