Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1164: Thank you, Agarwood

The real fire beads are pressed in the abdomen, and the layers of hot air are transmitted in. The intense pain finally disappears. Of course, there is still some discomfort. However, it is relatively easier than the current year’s round of gold, but it is against Sun Hao. Shape does not affect.

Nodded to Xia Qingyu, Sun Hao said sincerely: "Thank you for the rain."

Xia Qingyu asked with concern: "How do you feel now?"

Sun Hao smiled and said: "I feel much better, it is no big deal."

Xia Qingyu took a long sigh of relief and said, "That's good, that's good." When talking, the eyebrows were worried: "I don't know how the old town is doing now."

Sun Hao comforted: "It will be fine, and the rain will be relieved."

Then, Sun Hao looked at both sides and saw that he was watching his own monks with concern, and his heart could not help but warm up.

A wrist, a storage bag appeared in the hands, throwing a hand thrown, thrown to the sword unparalleled, Sun Hao said: "Unparalleled friends, this is some million ice, you look enough?"

Sword unparalleled knowledge of the storage bag, the spirit of a vibrate, blink of an eye, the fist said: "Thanks to Shen Xiang, more than enough."

Sun Hao remembered the sword's unguarded love for his fame, Zhong Xiaohao. He smiled and said: "The unparalleled friends have favored Xiaohao, and this is what it should be,"

Sword unparalleled face reddish: "But it is a blind eye, not knowing the true Buddha, hehe", after finishing, waiting for Sun Hao to finish the words, he continued: "But agarwood, just Wei Daoyou said well If you want to completely eradicate the root cause, the best way is to complement each other with yin and yang, and reach Yin and Yang."

Sun Hao’s heart is moving, the sword is unparalleled, and it’s also the Yuan Ying Zhenjun, and it’s a sword repair with outstanding combat power. It’s the same as the original true monarch. The strength is not under the monastic monk. If you want to come, he will also go to the south and see the knowledgeable generation. Maybe give yourself some tips.

Not to be handed over. Sun Hao said sincerely: "Please also ask the unparalleled friends."

Swords unparalleled pendulum: "Don't dare to teach, but since Shenxiang is sick because of the cold, then my opinion. It should be able to absorb the heat into the body, of course. Ordinary heat is definitely not good, but it is undoubted, the big desert Among them, there are often different waters and weak waters. This water is heated all the year round and steamed in the air, floating like light water. It may help to sink the fragrance and get cold."

Weak water? desert?

Sun Hao couldn't help but smile, and a bright smile appeared on his face: "Thank you for the unparalleled friend. This is a thing, but Shen Xiang is ready to go to the big desert and find the weak water. Buffering the cold, Yin and Yang Shengke, Yin and Yang Jiaotai ""

Wei Bing rolled his eyes and tried to stop.

In my heart, he said to Hao Anyi: "Boss, this kid is smart, confused, misunderstood the yin and yang to pay Thai, do you want to remind one or two?"

Hao Anyi’s unsatisfactory voice came out: “Understanding the mistake is you, Xiaobing, the yin and yang are broad and profound, you can’t take this avenue as the thing to see. I’m doing it for you, and people’s agarwood is Avenue Famen, just, hey, hehe..."

Wei Bing: "Boss, you are secretly secret, what, share and share, or, who are you counting?"

Hao Anyi ignored him.

Sun Hao had already seen Wei Bing at this time, and he was also a smile on his face. He said: "This trip to the North, thank you Wei Daoyou for helping me many times, and the Taoist friends came to the north, for the ice water snow lotus, just right, Agarwood also found several strains, giving."

Wei Bing reached for a handful, and the storage bag was caught in the hands. The gods swept away, and accidentally found the storage bag, and placed the flowers and plants of the big and small ice sheets. The heart suddenly felt a bitter smile, the heart said, I knew early. In this way, Laozi said directly to Shen Xiang that he needs the sister-in-law of the Holy Palace. Maybe he can make a friendship with the Holy Palace.

There was a bright smile on his face, and Wei Bing said loudly: "Agarwood has a heart, but it is the life of Wei Bing who loves flowers."

Xia Qingyu said on the side: "Wei Daoyou made all the plans and made a lot of credit for the clearing of the ancient silkworms, but it was indispensable."

Wei Bing has not spoken yet.

Hao Anyi in the heart has already said aloud: "Quickly, playing snakes on the stick..."

Wei Bing whispered to Xia Qingyu, his eyes gently swept Xue Ru, and said in his mouth: "The Shaogong master has a reputation. Wei Bing has limited ability and is really sturdy. However, as Shen Xiang knows, Wei Bing is alive. Sexual love flowers, people travel all over the world, see the world, only the northern world of ice and snow, have not been involved, if the palace is allowed to give permission, please also send a guide to Wei Bing, with Wei Bing a list of northern scenery Please."

After that, it was very obvious to glance at Xue Ru.

Xia Qingyu stayed for a while, then said: "That's good, so, Ru Man, Wei Daoyou will hand it over to you."

Wei Bing opened his eyes and smiled, and Xue Rujie also grinned, but it was Xue Ru, who slammed his feet.

I don't know why, in Sun Hao's heart, there is a fierce jealousy against Wei Bing. This Wei Bing seems to be not high, but it looks very strange. In many places, Sun Hao can't see through, and he can't guess his position. And attitude, but only, this Wei Bing has helped Sun Hao a lot, and Sun Hao can not try to tempted, only secretly guarded.

Hao Anyi said in Wei Bing's heart at this time: "The small soldier, the timing is almost mature, open to Sun Hao, want the mirror."

Wei Bing quickly said in his heart: "Boss, you believe it or not, I am open now, Aquilaria can definitely guess that you are on me, then, what do you think?"

Hao Anyi said: "It is possible."

Wei Bing: "It's not possible, but it's ten percent. I don't dare to provoke him. Let's talk about it later."

Hao Anyi said: "Well, that's all, but fortunately, I am not in desperate need..."

The words didn't finish, the infinite speed, suddenly slammed, stopped the rapid Mercedes-Benz, the outside, the unscrupulous long Qing Lang's voice came out: "Dear friends, dear passengers, the old town of ice and snow."

It’s already a mess from the speeding car and the old town.

The eyes are full of broken walls, broken ice sprinkles everywhere, snow, sprinkled with some dark red blood.

In many places, I saw a monk crying and crying, crying into the ear with the cold wind, don't add a bleak.

But fortunately, the old town did not see the battlefield, and those who attacked the old town and the mask monk actually did not see it.

The monasteries of the Holy Palace greeted them quickly, and met with Xia Qingyu for a long while: "Welcome to the Lord of the Palace and see your friends."

Xia Qingyu asked with a dignified look: "What happened to the elders?"

The monk's monk bowed his head and said a little sobbing: "It has already converge and is ready to be buried."

Xia Qingyu said softly: "Let's go."

The sword is unparalleled and sighed and said: "Let's go, let's go and see her off."

The old town square has been piled up with a wooden platform. The remains of the elders have been put together on the high platform and placed flat on the high platform.

The female disciples of the Holy Palace devoutly fell down under the high platform. When they saw the arrival of Xia Qingyu, they saw the ceremony on the spot: "Welcome to the Lord of the Palace and see the friends..."

Xia Qingyu asked the war a little, and then looked at Sun Hao in an unintentional way. He said, "Sisters of the Holy Palace, this seat is fortunate not to be insulted. With the help of friends such as Aquilaria and Unparalleled, the ancient silkworms have been removed. I have maintained the peace of my world of ice and snow, but what I never expected was that the frost-free elders were on the spot when they defended the old town..."

Xia Qingyu's voice is low and gentle, giving people a strong appeal. The female disciples of the Holy Palace seem to have seen the Xia Qingyu team to kill the heroic posture of the ancient silkworm, and it seems that they saw the heroic death of the great elders. The sorrow became strong, and the news of victory also dispelled the frustration of the elders, and the morale gradually spurred.

Xia Qingyu finally said: "This snow and ice old town is in a dilemma. Fortunately, Shen Xiang adults took timely shots to get rid of all the hardships and killed the ancient silkworms. Those spirit beasts and masks were only able to retreat..."

Speaking of this, Xia Qingyu faced Sun Hao, slightly stunned, and said: "Thank you for incense."

The female disciples of the Holy Palace said with a crisp voice: "Thank you for the incense."

It’s just that is not a girl disciple on the ground, but it is to take the eyes or take the gods to sweep over Sun Hao.

Unexpectedly, the famous Aquilaria, the legendary name of the Tianzheng, and the people of the Shaogong Lord also came to the north.

Wow, still a handsome boy.

It’s really a good match with the Lord’s Palace!

Sun Hao stood on the incense sword, his hands gently arched forward, and said with aloud: "Agarwood, failed to kill the silkworm in time, the frost-free elders unfortunately fell, hehe..."

White elders said with a voice: "Agarwood does not have to care. At that time, we were thousands of miles away, deep in the glaciers, but I don’t know that the master sister was being besieged. The agarwood can kill the silkworms in time and save the old towns. These monks are already Yaotian. The virtue is..."

Ice long heart said, Shen Xiang at that time, really can not save the master sister? Maybe only God knows, but in her mouth, she still said sincerely: "Bai Shijie can say that it is, the Holy Palace up and down, thank you for the incense."

The disciples of the Holy Palace once again said with a fragile voice: "Thank you for the incense..." (To be continued.) Enable the new URL

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