Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1172: Strong repression

A teenager, with his hands on his shoulders, with a faint smile, stands at the tip of Qitiansha City.

Among the long yellow sands, the boy’s face was looming, but the on-site monks passed through Huangsha and saw the boy’s face.

Most people have the same thought in their hearts, so a handsome boy.

But at the same time, most people also have the same question. Who is this boy?

Qi Tianzong’s monk is even more strange. Within this sect, how suddenly one such person appeared, actually defeated the flying sword to He Zhenjun and saved the real tiger.

Many people are even thinking, is this the hermit of this sect?

In the room, I heard the sound of the air in the air, and the three foundations of the monks face each other.

Mu Qiang squinted his eyes and said softly: "It’s really the voice of Xiaohao. When did he go up? How come up? Just here."

Mu Yusha said: "I didn't pay attention. I just watched the big battle. In fact, it doesn't matter how he went up. What is important is who he is? Maybe he really has something to discuss with the lord..."

Wood is strong and then nods: "Well, that is, maybe he can really have something to do with the sovereign."

Xiaoyu Chemical Library wants to see how Zhong Xiaohao in the air pulls the wind out, but Xi Xiaohao is standing at the tip of the tower. He can only hear the sound and can't see anyone.

Nowadays, I think carefully about the bit by bit. Xiaoyu Huaku finally slammed his thigh: "His mother, Kuye knows who he is."

Wood is strong and curious to ask: "Who is he?"

Xiaoyu Huaku’s eyes flashed with excitement: “There are Qitianlings, come to Qitianzong, and save the second grandfather. I think he should be the big idol I once worshipped, the good brother of my grandfather, Sun Haosun, Shen Xiangxiang. ......"

Mu Qiangqiang said: "No..."

Outside, in the sky, Qi Tian has already whispered: "This friend, thank you for helping. Just the Taoist friends don't know when to drive me Qi Tianzong? Why come from?"

Sun Hao smiled slightly: "This seat has just arrived in Qitian for less than ten days. It is for the marriage of Missy."

Another is to ask for a kiss!

In the sky, it is quiet.

Returning to the face of the crane, the face was dark and uncertain, and the body could not help but retreat a little later, the moment when Sun Hao appeared. He has basically judged the identity of Sun Hao according to the description of the person who went to the dust. Now Sun Hao said that it was for Missy.

There was a strong uneasiness in his heart, and he remembered the words of the masters who went to the sects in the Zongmen with a heavy heart to say to the teachers and brothers: "If you meet Sun Haosun, you should avoid it."

to be frank. He is not convinced that he will fight Sun Haosun Shen Xiang, but just Sun Haolu's two hands. In the words of the master brother, let him have a little drumming.

Xiaoyu Feitian heard Sun Hao’s speech and couldn’t help but look at Qi Xiaoai in the air.

I found the face of Qi Xiaoai. There is a surprise expression in the eyes. Even more tears, this expression is like seeing a big savior.

Sun Hao said that after the marriage of Missy. Qi Xiaoai’s face is even more faint.

The Xiaoyu Tiger, who led the burial of the Tianxu Market, finally stabilized his mind from the rescued shock. He recognized Sun Hao and remembered the greatness of Sun Hao. He was very determined and faced Sun Hao. When I was worshipped, I said, "The tiger has seen Shenxiang adults, thank you for your help."

Qi Xiaoai also reacted, Yingyingyibai: "Little love has seen, I have seen Shenxiang adults."

Agarwood adults?

The on-site monk finally realized it in an instant.

The young monk in front of him is in the legend, and this generation of peerless arrogance with the monk mourning the ruins of the sky, Qingyunmen Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang, which is a rapid rise in the plan that is currently being planned in advance and wants to contain it. The younger generation is really great.

Unexpectedly, when Qi Tianzong was reunited and Baihua joined forces to suppress it, he rushed over.

Sun Hao smiled slightly, and his hands were bright and radiant: "Agarwood came to Guizong a few days ago. I want to meet with Qitian, and discuss the relationship between Xiao Ai and his disciples to Daewoo, but the Qitian lord is on the agenda. Delayed..."

Qi Tianzhen suddenly sweated a bit, and said: "How do I know that it will be you? The only thing below is that there is a Zhuji monk holding Qi Tianling to see this seat, but how can you think of you?"

Xiaoyu flew in the sky to see the true people.

Qi Tianzheng responded quickly and said: "I am very sorry, I did not expect that Shen Xiang will come to the sword, but it is sloppy, but fortunately nothing wrong..."

There is no end to this. On the other hand, the Yinhua Zhenjun, who is watching, laughs happily: "Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang, long time and longitude, hahaha, you are coming right today, just to witness the witness of Baihua and Qitian Good."

When speaking, the air, the silver-white Baihua Guangmen, violently shines, Yinhua Zhenjun moves forward, Baihuamen rises and rises, instantly turns into a high mountain, and it is pressed to the three people. It’s down.

The real people of Yuhua moved with their hands, and a black hole appeared in the air, like a whirlpool, turning, and rolling to the three true monarchs of Qi Tianzong.

Returning to the crane, the reaction was slightly slower, but it also quickly launched the offensive. A white cold rushed out of the cold, only attacked Xiaoyu, and kicked a foot, and the huge footboard also flew over.

If they still have to keep their hands in front of them, then at the moment when Sun Hao appeared, they knew that they must see a real chapter on this matter. It was almost an instant, and the three great monarchs launched a powerful blow.

"I am coming", the top of the tower, Sun Hao whispered, said: "I am coming."

Under the soles of the foot, the body flicked out from the top of the tower.

The golden brilliance of the blooms, like a bomb, Sun Hao’s body flew out.

As soon as it was, Sun Hao’s legs sank and fell on the Baihua Gate accurately.

However, Baihuamen, who rushed to the three Qizhengjunjuns, seemed to be suppressed by the powerful force of Wanli, and he could not help but sink to the bottom.

A lion roared and rushed to the cold, and the incense was swept by an arc, directly cutting off the giant feet and piercing the vortex black hole.

Sun Hao is a horse step, standing on the Baihua Gate of Yinhua Zhenjun, with his hands on his back, laughing and laughing: "Xiaoyu, Earth Tiger, please retreat, let Shenxiang see and see their power, hahaha, nor Knowing that Yinhua Zhenjun can still make your life magic weapon fly."

Yinhua Zhenjun never imagined that in this world, there are actually monks who can stand on their own Baihua door in the flesh, and not only stand, the huge amount of pressure on the town seems to freeze their own knowledge, and it seems to be a bit The imperial concubine does not move the magic weapon.

We must know that Baihuamen Guanghua itself is extremely hot, and it can melt everything in the world. The power of magic weapon is even greater. Sun Haosun Shen Xiang actually has nothing to do.

Also, the grandson of Sun Hao, who is as usual, is a great force. If he is not desperate, he may be forced to suppress it.

Once Bai Huamen was pressurelessly suppressed by Sun Hao’s flesh, his Yinhua Zhenjun still had a fart.

The heart is very incomparable, but it is even more blue-faced. I said in my heart: "How is it possible?"

Yinhua Zhenjun is really driven by the whole body, and strives to maintain Baihuamen’s life without being crushed and crushed by Sun Hao.

The big sweaty beads of the beans fell from the face.

Yinhua Zhenjun really has more strength with himself. It is really the imperial court that makes his magical Baihua Gate fight with his own heavy water. Sun Hao’s heart is laughing, and his face is still smirking and still boasted: "Yinhua Zhenjun is really good at repairing, and the ability to resist the agarwood and gravity can barely protect the magic of this life, but it is rare."

When I spoke, my legs were slightly hard, sinking down, and shouting in my mouth: "But, can you stop it? Drink..."

In the loud drink, Baihuamen was not controlled by Yinhua Zhenjun, and the tall door was pressed into the sand shield to protect Qitianshacheng. Yinhua Zhenjun worked hard to make it ~www.wuxiaspot. Com~ is the slightest untouchable of Shacheng.

Sun Hao stood up straight and stood on the threshold of Baihuamen. He laughed: "This is just the case. Yinhua Taoyou, what else can you afford, you can take it out, this is the time to press it."

The three true monks also shot at the same time, and they were all directly defeated by Sun Hao.

The leader came, the Yinhua monk, whose strength is vaguely the crown of the three, was directly suppressed by the magic weapon, his face was white and white, and he was ashamed.

The three great monarchs couldn’t help but look at each other and saw the horror in each other’s eyes.

And Qi Tianzong monks, all cheers loudly, morale suddenly reached the apex, Xiaoyu Feitian's heart, finally a long breath.

Under the prestigious name, there is no vain, Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang is really powerful.

The three Zhuji monks in the room saw the smirk, and the young monk who stood on the door frame if nothing happened, could not help but face each other.

It’s really Zhong Xiaohao’s. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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