Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1177: Liwei World (4)

"There is still a trick to allow self-destruction." Among the mushrooms, the sound of Sun Hao’s clear voice came out.

Shen Xiangjian carried Sun Hao and appeared directly above the mushroom cloud.

At this time, Sun Hao, in addition to a slightly messy clothes, there is no trace of scars on his body, and there is no fluctuation in his breath.

If nothing happens.

Actually, nothing happened.

Kang Lejia blew his life magic weapon, but the opponent actually did nothing.

how is this possible?

Leisure suddenly felt that the world’s affairs were extremely ridiculous.

Baihuamen may not be able to reinvent Sun Haosun and Shenxiang, but it should definitely not be nothing, why?

Floating on the mushroom sand cloud, Sun Hao mouth screamed and screamed: "Give me down."

The golden brilliance of the foot flashed, and a real dragon rushed down. It was pressed against the mushroom sand cloud rising from the sky. The self-destructing gas wave, the mushroom cloud of the sky is ragingly hitting Qitiansha City, but it was pressed by the real dragon. The momentum is suddenly reduced.

Sun Hao drove the incense sword and pressed the high mushroom sand cloud to life.

However, Sun Hao’s body is also sinking with the incense sword because of its enormous strength.

Kang Lejia looked at Sun Hao with a stunned look, and he laughed again after he was scared. "Ha ha ha, ha ha ha, Sun Hao Sun Shen Xiang, you really are powerful, this is self-confessed, but you really are not flying. Get up, hahaha, this seat is here, come, you cut me..."

"You still have a chance to make a move, don't waste it," Sun Hao, who slowly sinks with the incense sword, said: "Don't worry that I can't reach you, Xiaozhang..."

After that, the toes slammed on the incense sword.

Shen Xiangjian made a sharp rush and boasted Sun Hao high.

Sun Hao jumped up and leaped to a height higher than the mushroom sand cloud, and his arms showed up and fell forward.

At his feet, the yellow sand surged and gathered. Spiritual. Padded under his feet.

Sun Hao stepped on the yellow sand, and the yellow sand seemed to have withstood tremendous pressure. He sank downwards and a boy’s voice came out: "Boss. You are so heavy."

Sun Hao’s face showed a faint smile: “It’s a hard chapter.”

When Sun Hao stood, the monk discovered it. The sand cloud at his feet is actually a huge strange fish, and the fish has eight feet. Four of them were wrapped around the sand city and flew up. Put Sun Hao in the air.

Within the room, Xiaoyu Chemical Library said loudly: "The Eight-legged Deformation Overlord Zhang, the documentary record of the Big King Bajiao Bawangzhang. God, I finally saw the Big King. The dream of a lifetime, finally realized today..."

Mu Qiang said sincerely: "Cao Ye is even aware of the sea creatures. I really admire it."

Xiao Yuhua's old face is slightly red. To be honest, he knows a hammer, but in the record of Sun Haosun and Shen Xiang, there is only such a sea creature. At that time, he paid attention to it.

I think that Qi Tianzong is a vast desert, but to be precise, each is a dry duck. Most people fail to recognize this strange fish.

In the air, the yellow sand rolled again, and a sand flowed out to the side of Sun Hao. After standing completely, it turned into a enchanting charm, and looked like a smile. "The master is mighty."

Sun Hao smiled and whispered: "Thank you for the charm, thank you for the charm of the leather."

Luo charm giggling, but the heart is very useful, I feel that following Sun Hao is a good choice.

Xiaozhang Bao Ketu is thinking: "This silly big sister, when the boss is a word, he does not know the southeast and northwest..."

Sun Hao is not a fool of the charm, this thank you is also from the heart.

The reason why Sun Hao can get out of the big bang of Baihuamen without any trouble, in addition to the golden warfare, the magical law, but also the strength of the temperament vestment that Luo Mei gave him to sew.

This vestment, spent more than four years before and after the enchantment, is to use the fear of the wilderness in the wilderness, Sun Hao into the sacred silkworm inside the sacred hollow tower, with her special memory The refining method is refining.

The effect of the vestment is very strange, and it can be stretched freely. Even if Sun Hao is transformed into a Taikoo beast, it is not necessary to change clothes.

The most powerful, but unparalleled defense.

The characteristics of the anti-law of the giant fear group were blessed to the maximum.

There is also the preservation of the stealth ability of the ancient silkworm.

Once Sun Hao is fully driven, the fear of the vestment can even make Sun Hao achieve a short stealth.

The vestment itself can be turned into invisible, and it is always attached to the body of Sun Hao at any time, giving Sun Hao the most solid protection.

Originally, Sun Hao felt that he had to defend himself with the physical body of his golden warfare. He did not know where the vestments were.

However, after the battle against Yinhua Zhenjun, Yinhua suddenly detonated the life of the magic weapon, Sun Hao found that if there is no defensive blessing of the horror skin, then even if he can take the Baihuamen blast, it will never be so easy, no It is said that it has been hit hard, and it is inevitable that it will be a minor injury.

A thank you is from the heart, at the same time, Sun Hao also knows that the leather refining technique mastered by Luo Mei should also be a very good inheritance. As long as she gives her a strong enough cortex, she can refine her power. Stronger leather, this is an unexpected joy.

Simply exchanged with Luo Mei, Sun Hao once again looked at the opposite Kang Lejia, his face still light, his attitude is still very firm and said: "Yinhua Taoyou, you have the last chance to shoot, please."

Yinhua Zhenjun stared blankly at Sun Hao, who stood on the back of Xiaozhang, and there was a strong uneasiness in his heart.

Sun Hao can't fly well, but his spiritual pet, the strange eight-legged octopus that can mimic the yellow sand, has been cultivated to the meta-infant shape, which can definitely be vacated.

In other words, Sun Hao is completely able to stand on the spirit of the pet, in this yellow sand big battle to start chasing himself.

Yinhua Zhenjun felt the true fall of danger.

What makes him even more frustrated is that even if he blew himself on the spot, he might be able to destroy the Huangsha big array and pull a large number of Qitian monks back, but he could never find Sun Haosun.

Yuan Ying's self-destructive power is stronger than the life magic weapon, but from the performance of Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang, I am afraid that I can only cause a certain amount of damage to him.

The eyes are flickering, and the light on the body of Kang Lejia is getting brighter and brighter. The huge real yuan continues to converge in the body.

Nowadays, it is no help to regret more, and I can only fight for life. I hope that my strange method can survive Sun Haosun and Shen Xiang, and I can get a chance from the dying death.

It must be made flying, and there is a mortal ambition in the heart. Kang Lejia screams: "Sun Hao Sun Shen Xiang, today is your forced me, the monk of Qi Tianzong's fallen, all have to remember on your grandson's head, who dares to stop me, ah ......"

In the sound of the long whistle, Kang Lejia is like a meteor in the sky. He is burning and burning. From the sky, he flies away, bypassing Sun Hao, and slamming straight into Qitiansha.

The burning flame, like the little sun, with the confidence that Conga will die, unwillingly grievances, slamming into Qitiansha, but as he said, knowing that he is not good at Sun Hao, but he has to pull a few monks back. Go straight to Qitianshacheng.

The direction of the impact, bypassing Sun Hao, is not the whistling of the sky, but the direction of those who are weaker Jindan real people.

Xiaoyu Feitian and other three Yuan Zhenzhenjun may not be able to die, but these Jindan real people, but absolutely can not stop their own self-destructive power.

Holding the idea of ​​killing a capital preservation and killing two, Kang Lejia rushed.

Although Sun Hao did not agree with Kang Lejia’s self-destruction in his mouth, he was prepared in his heart.

Moreover, to promote others, Sun Hao has long expected that the focus of the attack will be on the Jindan real people.

Just as the Kangle was turned into a meteor, when he arrived, Sun Hao showed the agarwood sword at the toe. The tip of the sword rose upwards, the toes slammed, and the body suddenly vacated, while his waist, Xiaozhang four wrists It was just right, entangled him, and slammed hard.

Like a bomb, is also like a crash to return to the crane, Sun Hao's body, very fast, from the side quickly slammed into the meteor that Kangkajia rushed.

Qi Tianzhen violently screamed: "Retreat."

Jindanzhen people, trained in the same way as birds into the forest, quickly escaped into the Qitiansha city.

Jindan real people are not far from Shacheng, not far from Concord.

Kang Lejia has long been clear, under normal circumstances, he can definitely rush to the side of Jin Dan's real person before the interception of Sun Hao, blasting himself, pulling more monks to accompany.

But when he rushed halfway through the speed, the stocks of the stocks flowed out in the air, wrapped in traps.

In the violent shock, the scent of Luo Ling came out in the quicksand: "Oh, oh yeah, it’s hot, I can’t stand it anymore..."

Wrapped around, the sand was bursting with blue smoke, and then quickly flew upwards and diagonally. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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