Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1191: Yin and Yang Jiaotai

Weak and not dead, weak and not dead.

Weak and warm, this is weak water.

Sun Hao's turn to the water root, you need to strengthen your left kidney, that is, you need a lot of heat that can resist the right kidney cold energy.

Originally, most of the spiritual things, the more the number in this refining, the better.

But weak water is not.

The heat energy of weak water is actually as little as possible.

In the refining and refining of Sun Hao, Sun Hao gradually felt the pure and singular heat from the small and weak water that could not be small.

This kind of heat comes from the same drop of water, nature, energy, and is pure to the extreme, but it is Sun Hao profoundly understand why the weak water will be as small as possible.

Because the less the weak water refining, the more heat is obtained.

I don't know how long it has been. In the continuous and persistent refining of Sun Hao, the left kidney began to show different general changes.

If the right kidney is a piece of mysterious ice at this time, then Sun Hao’s left kidney will become a piece of Wenyu at this time.

The whole left kidney is also a big circle, and it becomes an almost transparent shape. There are some blood vessels on it. It is like a bright pattern, orderly and not messy, so that the whole left kidney looks crystal clear and rich in connotation.

The two kidneys, one cold and one hot, are on the left and right sides of Sun Hao, and they are relatively distant.

After a while, the warmth of the left kidney radiated a warm current, which made Sun Hao hot and dry.

For a while, the ice of the right kidney came out with a cold current, and Sun Hao was cold.

Sun Hao’s body is covered with frost and will be steaming for a while.

There is no sadness and no joy in Sun Hao’s heart, but he is sinking into cultivation, but he knows that his own rotation is about to become a success.

The opposition and confrontation between the two kidneys gradually began to be evenly matched.

The two forces of cold and heat attacked each other and wanted to compete for the site. However, in the battle, they always struggled with each other and were comparable.

Moreover, in this battle, Sun Hao was also surprised to discover another special nature of weak water, passive.

The so-called passive type means that weak water is very tough, and it does not decline when it is strong or weak. However, he does not take the initiative to defeat or suppress each other.

In the practice of cultivation, when the heat energy of the left kidney is almost the same as that of the right kidney, and soon arrives at the oppression of the right kidney cold energy, Sun Hao finds that no matter how much he refines the stubborn weak water, he can no longer get the slightest heat. It is.

The weak water strike without a strong opponent.

I really want to see how much the weak water can really be weak, and I am a little dumbfounded.

In general, refining this step, Sun Hao's reincarnation has been basically completed.

The stick of the earth has returned to the sea, and the cold energy of the two kidneys has reached saturation. In theory, Sun Hao can start the round water and start to rotate his own water root.

But the reality is somewhat wrong.

The two kinds of energy, cold and hot, are at the same time, and they are constantly fighting for the land. They are not as clear and distinct as the lungs.

Moreover, the left and right kidneys did not have the same kind of abnormal water species in advance as the lungs, and the five elements of the wheeled spirits did not appear to be able to rotate.

That is to say, the chance of the turn of the water is still a little worse and has not yet arrived.

This opportunity, Sun Hao is expected.

Undoubtedly, as Wei Bing said, as the sword is unpredictable, he now needs to reconcile the cold and hot waters of the kidneys, which are manifested in the specific cultivation, that is, to cultivate the second layer of the yin and yang. Yin and Yang Jiaotai.

The movement of God and the yin and yang of Da Bing came into the mind. Sun Hao began to understand the essence of yin and yang.

The two elements of the cold and hot water are also gradually trying to compete from each other to each other.

There is a cloud in the yin and yang combination law: "The rivers fall, the weather, the earth, the traffic."

He also said: "To the sinister Susie, to the yang of the sun. Susie out of the sky, Hehe is the land, the two traffic and the mixture of things."

According to the theory of yin and yang, the law of the yin and yang, the yin and the yang, the qi and the qi, and the yin and yang interaction, the interaction can be harmonious, otherwise it will be lonely, not alone, or the yin and yang, change Become a sigh of gas.

However, Sun Hao’s practice of refining the round water and completing the right kidney rotation is actually a kind of yin and yin. Sun Hao’s body is Yuan Zhen’s body, and he still can’t help the pain of the biting bone. This kind of incomparable arrogance caused by strong invasion.

Now, Sun Hao has used the weak water to remove the cold crystal on the surface of the right kidney, but the cold energy contained in the cold crystal still condenses in the right kidney.

If Sun Hao can't do yin and yang to pay for Thai, the left and right kidneys are each in power. The biggest possibility is that the kidneys and the kidneys are different, and eventually Sun Hao is suffering.

Sun Hao’s knowledge is released, and the two kidneys, the two kings of energy, are printed into their minds.

Slowly, from the two kidneys, Sun Hao each extracted a piece of cold energy or heat, and wrapped it with a five-line round of spirits, and quietly sent it into the other's territory.

After the completion of the first layer of yin and yang integration, the second layer will be entered.

The key to the second layer of cultivation is the step that Sun Hao has completed now. The name is: "Yuyin, Yingen is in the sun."

Or it is said that the yin and yang are roots.

The difficulty and the point is that we need to plant a seed in the other side's territory and plant one.

Wei Xinbing’s progress in practicing yin and yang Dafa was stuck in this place.

However, when Sun Hao was practicing, because there was a relationship between the five elements, this step was not difficult. Unconsciously, Sun Hao had laid a cold source in the left kidney and laid down in the right kidney. A heat source.

Completed the yin and yang mutual roots.

Driven by the gods, the two true elements of yin and yang began to confront each other fiercely. At the same time as they met, the two sources of the kidneys began to start.

According to the truth, Yin and Yang Jiaotai is not very easy to cultivate.

Even if the yin and yang are rooted, but this kind of mutual root is weak because it is usually easy to be extinguished.

According to Hao Anyi's calculation, Sun Hao wants to cultivate yin and yang to pay for Thai, to at least half the time of the armor, that is, more than 30 years.

Although Hao Anyi does not count the meaning of Sun Hao, there is also a little bit of caution for Sun Hao to eat a little bit of pain.

However, what he never expected was.

Because Sun Hao is condensing the relationship between weak water.

The peculiar nature of the weak water makes Sun Hao's yin and yang confession become a natural one, and there is no obstacle.

The reason is still two aspects, passive and resilient.

Among the right kidneys, the weak heat source of the past exerted the toughness of the weak water to the fullest extent. Even if the coldness of the right kidney continued to erode, it still stubbornly held the position and waited for the arrival of the reinforcements.

Among the left kidneys, passive weak water, but the heat source in its own camp, but turned a blind eye, all can not oppress their own heat source, is not an enemy, so the heat source in the left kidney is also constantly growing.

The source of this yin and yang mutual roots grows up, and the process of cultivation that Wei Xinbing died and died. In the process of cultivation, Sun Hao did not have much effort, and it was a matter of course.

If Wei Xinbing saw Sun Hao’s progress, he would definitely scream at Tianli.

If Hao Anyyi sees Sun Hao’s cultivation, he will also scream: "His mother, hell."

There is no comparability. I don’t know how big the yin and yang are tough in Taihao. At this time, all the way to triumph, not too much difficulty, the left and right kidneys seem to reach the critical point at the same time, and they are mixed.

With a bang, Sun Hao seems to have heard the right and left kidneys at the same time.

The whole body is slightly better.

Yin and Yang Jiaotai, completed in an instant.

Among the two kidneys, the two elements of yin and yang are no longer fighting each other, but they are intertwined with each other. The yang is attached to the yin and the yin is attached to the yang. They breed and interdependent and closely blend.

Sun Hao's body first felt a slight sink, it seems that the boundless heavy water is applied to the body, and then, slightly light, as if to turn into water vapor, want to fly in the air.

Both feelings came to mind at the same time. In the end, they all subsided. Sun Hao felt that his body was completely restored to normal.

The right half of the body was cold, the left half of the body was hot, and quickly penetrated to the opposite side, and instantly returned to normal.

Yin and Yang Jiaotai.

Just as Sun Hao completely completed the integration of the two water properties in the body, Yin and Yang were at the same time.

The five-line round of the spirits reminds Sun Hao that it is possible to take turns.

When the opportunity comes, Sun Hao knows what to do and starts to rotate.

Civil fire, three attributes of real yuan, Qiqi gathered together, just formed by the Yin and Yang Jiaotai formed by the sea king Zhenyuan seems to be a bridge, between the left and right kidneys, forming a strong real Yuan field, against the strength of other attributes of the real yuan Oppression, left and right kidneys are also under tremendous pressure, and the pulse is getting faster and faster. (To be continued~^~.)

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