Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1194: Yuan Ying is not easy

End the funeral of the sky market, and smash out the blue clouds; the Wan drums smash the Nanyang, the thousand flags are hot and windy; the round water is in the frost, and the sun is hanging over the desert.

Wanli will not hesitate to die, and he will succeed in one.

Although it is said that Sun Hao’s promotion from Yuan Ying’s junior stage is not long, the experience is quite a lot.

Starting from the funeral sky, Sun Hao went out of the Qingyun, entered the secular world, realized the world, then went to the South Sea, battled the Black Dragon Pan, and fought for thousands of miles, looking for heavy water, the northernmost land, after the hardships and dangers, was swallowed by the ancient silkworms, only to get the chance.

After thousands of hardships and turns of heavy water, Frost Crystal stationed in the right kidney, had to come to the desert, and finally, after a turning point, Wanli did not hesitate to die, only succeeded.

Standing on the sand dunes of the desert, Sun Hao smiled.

Among the laughter, there is the joy after the promotion, but also the hardships and sighs after reaching the promotion.

Going a step further, Dengtian Avenue has taken a solid step.

After a long time, Sun Hao was only smiling, and said to Bao Ketu standing aside: "Thank you for the small bag."

Sun Hao is promoted, one is more than half a year. Over the past six months, the eight-armed small chapter has been inseparable from the sand dunes. Sun Hao is watching in the mind and remembering it in his heart.

Bao Ketuhaha smiled and said: "Boss, this is what the small bag should do, and it is also willing."

Sun Hao nodded slightly and smiled and said: "Now I have successfully advanced, you still have to go back to the air tower, or else your skin will be cracked."

On the face of Packer's picture, a bright smile appeared, facing Sun Hao's slight glimpse: "Boss, please see."

After that, I swayed and turned into a small octopus, screaming at the big eyes of Meng Meng and jumping on the shoulders of Sun Hao.

Sun Hao was surprised to touch the head of the small octopus, then smiled and asked: "Isn't the small chapter actually hot?"

Xiao Zhang laughed at Sun Hao’s heart: "I still have the chance that the boss brought me."

Sun Hao gave a slight glimpse and instantly understood it. He smiled and said: "Is that weak water?"

Bao Ketu said with a smile: "Yes, I got into the weak water, when I drowned the boss, I didn't expect that there was a nine-point weak water that automatically entered my body. Hey, Xiaozhang I understand that it is a scoop of the small chapter, oh, the scoop of the boss, but it is followed."

Sun Hao could not help but laugh.

After the Bao Ketu finished, he said a little embarrassedly: "I don't know if we are two scoops. Will this scoop affect the effect of your boss?"

Sun Hao touched its head and said: "Three thousand weak waters, only one drink, that means one person and one scoop, hahaha, we are two individuals, naturally each counts, hahaha, I was then Just thinking that maybe more people can get the chance, and sure enough..."

Bao Ketu’s voice came out in surprise: “No, boss, you shouldn’t be deliberate?”

Sun Hao laughed happily: "Can't say, can't say..."

At this time, in the Shahemen, the gods and the dragons around Changtian are still screaming: "How do I feel wrong? What is wrong? What is wrong? Why don't you understand? Forget it, don't want to, I don't want to, I feel sincere, I feel eternal, more important than anything, more important than anything..."

I didn’t ask how Xiaozhang realized the use of weak water. Sun Hao, who refines the weak water, naturally knows.

The small chapter should be aware of the use of weak water. I am afraid that it has also experienced a lot of suffering. The biggest possibility is that Xiao Zhang can't stand the weather in the desert. The water in his body is constantly evaporating. The weak water is weakening and weakening. Finally, Xiao Zhang discovered the magical effect of weakened weak water.

With Sun Hao’s understanding of Xiaozhang, once he is involved in his promotion, this guy will not fight hard.

Sun Hao estimates that in order to develop the magical effect of weak water, this kid is estimated to have suffered a lot in the past six months, otherwise it will not be kept in the clouds.

It can be said that the refinery of the weak water chapter, from then on, should no longer belong to the category of the sea and the ocean, because the current chapter, even in the desert, after the sun's exposure, still can live very It is moisturized.

Have you seen the ocean spirit beast like this?

I didn’t ask how Xiaozhang spent the hard time. Sun Hao asked: “Is the ability in the sea still able to survive?”

Xiao Zhang said with a smile: "Keep it, and it has been strengthened."

Sun Hao laughed and said: "Okay."

Sun Hao said: "If this is the case, then the trouble chapter will continue to give me protection here. I still have some cultivation and I need to complete it with a bang."

Xiaozhangba is a little bit on Sun Hao's body. He jumps up and changes in the air. He turns into a boy's baggage figure. His legs sink and fall on the sand dunes. The mouth says: "The boss is assured, the Bao Ketu definitely does not let Any desert beasts disturb the boss."

Sun Hao nodded and said: "hard work", once again sitting cross-legged, ready to make persistent efforts to complete the two long-planned cultivation.

Since the promotion of Yuan Yingzheng Jun, the focus of Sun Hao's cultivation is the five elements of the wheel and the three flavors of baby fire, of which, the water is decided to become a big success today.

The second taste of the three-dimensional baby fire, the cultivation of the same taste, is also placed on Sun Hao's cultivation agenda.

This one.

Second, Sun Hao went to the northern part of the land, and the second purpose is to find the best ice attribute beast, prepare the fourth soul of the soul, hail.

By chance, it has been the soul of the ancient silkworm, and the opportunity to transform the soul has matured.

Among the worlds, if the ice attribute is a beast, the ancient silkworm and the ice phoenix are almost at the same level. They are slightly different and each has its own focus.

Single-attack ability, the first push ice dragon; if the speed, it is ice phoenix.

However, whether it is ice phoenix or ice dragon, such as the purity of ice properties, it is not as good as ice silkworm.

Ice silkworm is a purely pure ice attribute, very pure, and strength is the strength of ice.

For Sun Hao who needs to make a hail, there is no doubt that the ice silkworm is more practical than the ice phoenix on the tall.

What's more, the heavy water of Sun Hao's right kidney itself has been derived from the ancient silkworm. It is conceivable that once Sun Hao turns out the hail, there is no doubt that it will be extremely beneficial to him to make heavy water.

The use of hail and heavy water will be maximized at the same time.

Sitting cross-legged, Sun Hao thought about the two kinds of cultivation exercises while exploring the situation in the body.

After thinking, Sun Hao decided to first smash and then refine the "not the second."

Resolving phlegm can quickly stabilize heavy water, and perhaps develop the ability of heavy water, which is equivalent to hot iron, not the same, but when can practice.

Sun Hao slowly sinks his heart and begins to mobilize the five attributes of the body, and look inside the soul, ready to smash.

When he was really ready to go, Sun Hao was very serious about his progress as a repair.

The five attributes of the real element broke through and entered the middle of the Yuan Ying.

However, it did not as much as Sun Hao expected, and went straight into a big cut.

Under the internal view, Sun Hao discovered that his five-element true element, after digesting the huge cold energy and heat energy, is indeed firmly stable, but it is really only stable in the mid-inflation of Yuan Ying. There is no sign of entering the middle section.

Originally, Sun Hao thought that he could rely on the huge energy of the water to make his own mid-infant training directly into the middle or even the latter stage, and began to struggle for the promotion of the big monk.

But now it seems that he overestimated the effect of the round water decision, but underestimated the difficulty of the promotion of Yuan Yingzhen.

Although slightly disappointed, but Sun Hao has quickly stabilized his emotions.

I also understand that I don’t just need Yuan Zhenzhen to have a huge amount of real energy, but also the five attributes of the real yuan go hand in hand, and the cultivation is a skill that requires a lot of If this process is too easy That is really not normal.

No sadness and no joy, Sun Hao sat down and slowly adjusted himself. After half an hour, Sun Hao’s wrists rose, a bead appeared in the hand, a bang, the beads were pinched, and the squirting moment was driven. .

The mind was slightly shocked, and a white giant ice silkworm appeared in Sun Hao’s knowledge of the sea, and looked around with a blank look.

Above the sky, the shining fourth scorpion, bursting with hot rays, slid down and cast on the body of the ice silkworm.

The ice silkworm eyes flashed through the horror, struggling fiercely in the light.

Sun Hao’s knowledge of the sea, a turbulent turmoil, the icy air flow frantically spattered from the ice silkworm, trying to completely freeze Sun Hao’s knowledge and live for himself.

Sun Hao’s heart is cold and cold.

Above the sky, the ancient Thunder beast flew down, and the incense sword came across the sky. (To be continued~^~.)

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