Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1198: Sumi

Among the Qitiansha city, Sun Hao stayed for more than two months.

Qi Tianzong held a grand ceremony for Daewoo and Qi Xiaoai. The surrounding sects came to congratulate. In fact, many sects had already arrived at Qitiansha City before Sun Hao returned, preparing to witness Qi Tianzong and Qingyunmen.

Sun Hao’s great demeanor and strength in the two Yuan Ying’s mid-term Zhen Jun shocked many monks and made many Zongmen realize that the South China’s pattern is likely to undergo fundamental changes.

Take Sun Hao's cultivation, take Sun Hao's grade, and use Sun Hao's combat power.

Undoubtedly, in the next one or two thousand years, Qingyunmen is afraid that with the rise of Sun Hao, he will dominate the South China.

The silentness of the categorization seems to be silently admitting, silently surrendering the hegemony in the hands, and began to consciously share with Sun Haosun and share some privileges with Qingyunmen.

Under this circumstance, Qingyun and Qitian were married, and the marriage was still a grandson of Sun Hao. Naturally, many sects of the Southland came to congratulate.

Even Baihuamen, Baihuamen, who had just been killed by Sun Haosun and Shen Xiang, killed two Yuan Yingzhen, also took the ceremony and came to the door.

The bustling and bustling, Qitiansha city ushered in a huge celebration.

Qi Xiaoai and the Daewoo Fengguangguang became a Taoist.

Occasionally, when Yuan Zhen’s true monarchy arrived, he said hello, and Sun Hao’s time was later repaired in Shacheng.

In the two months, the guy from Xiaoyu Chemical Library came to ask for security every day, quite a kind of perseverance.

Sun Hao never promised, and did not refuse. He came to ask Ann, and he was not impatient. He always treated with friends, smiled and laughed.

I often come to visit, and Sun Hao’s old friend Yi Lu lights and builds Jun Jun.

There are two purposes for Jianjun Zhenjun to visit. One is to communicate with Sun Hao about some of the ways to behave. Both of them are characters at the Grand Master level. Many places can learn from each other and learn from each other. This kind of communication is extremely beneficial to the progress of both sides.

The two people's tactics are also unique.

The system of the road is full of lights and the system is more complete. From the most basic blanks of Fuxi, the basic strokes and so on, there are very detailed cultivation steps and cultivation standards.

Moreover, the sacred monk also cultivated the sacred charm, which is also very magical. Especially after the Yuan Ying period, you can actually use the Yuan Ying refining, and there are many magical uses.

In general, the two people's tactics, on the basis of the road, the easy road lights are more dominant, in the application, easy road lights are also more advantageous.

It seems that it is the way of the road to the light of the road, slightly higher than the grandson.

but. In contrast, Sun Hao also has some places that are easily admired and unmatched by the lights.

If the two refining the same kind of symbol, it is often that Sun Hao's refining speed is faster, and the refined quality is better.

In other words, although the easy road lights have theoretically occupied the upper hand, when they actually started, they could not catch up with Sun Hao.

Just like the repair of the Tianfu in the burial sky market, the analysis of the symbol is naturally the main road light, but the repair of the day. Still only Sun Hao is out.

Easy road lights know their own home affairs, if they are their own shots, a few mistakes are inevitable, but the agaric is the probability of being able to make mistakes is far from easy.

In addition to the practical ability. Some of the strange refining techniques mastered by Sun Hao, such as the refining method such as the washing of the soul, also make the Yilu lights very envious.

In the past, Sun Hao did not know what level of refining the soul of his refining, but knowing that the washing of the soul must be magical.

Its magical performance is in two aspects. One is that the refining of the Soul Wrap does not require mastering spells. It can produce magical effects by itself, and Sun Hao does not use spells on the symbol.

The second is that the minimum requirements for the refining of the soul-washing soul itself are above the best. However, there are still good and bad points for refining the good soul-washing symbols.

In the exchange with Yi Lu lights, Sun Hao got the exact name of the symbol of the washing of the soul: "True symbol."

The meaning is very understandable, it is the meaning of the real symbol.

The basic introduction of the real symbol is the best symbol, which is the best symbol of the neat rune writing, which is the lowest level of the true symbol, the symbol of the easy road light, also the two Kind of true symbol.

In the process of discussing the path of Fu Xi, the two are very candid, knowing everything, and benefiting a lot from their own merits.

In particular, Sun Hao has once again supplemented many of the small knowledge in Fu Li's refining system, and further standardized his refining standards for various grades.

In addition to the way of communication, the important purpose of Yi Luguang to find Sun Hao is to remember the giant fears in the hands of Sun Hao.

Because of the relationship between storage space, the number of giant fear eggs obtained by the easy road lights has been greatly limited.

Although he was mixed up, the big and small giants had collected a lot of eggs, but after they came out to bury the market, they have been consumed under the cultivation of decades of failure.

Now, if he wants to continue his research and cultivate a huge fear, there is not much horrible consumption.

It’s easy to know that if there are any monks on the mainland who still cherish the giant terror, there is no doubt that the agarwood is the most.

After the burial of the Tianxu market, there are many unsolved mysteries around Shenxiang, but the Yilu lights that have been fighting alongside Sun Hao have seen some clues.

He can basically analyze the instinct of Sun Hao as an incarnation. Then, according to some trends and performances of Zhichi, Sun Hao should have a very large storage space.

Among the giants of the wilderness, the disappearing giants of flesh and blood, those giant terrors that disappeared, no doubt fell into the aloes pocket.

How can I get some more?

The easy road lights finally twisted and said: "Agarwood, you know, my biggest hobby in life, that is to cultivate a variety of spirit beasts, you said that it is hard to cultivate a violent fear, actually than in the cloister of the Pluto Those of the parallel riots are not as good as they are, but they still learn to call the puppy. Are you depressed and depressed?"

Sun Hao said with a smile: "Jianjun brothers can extrude ancient times, and the giant fears that should not appear on the mainland have been born, which is quite a rare achievement, Shen Xiang admire."

Yi Luguang said with a sigh of relief: "You don't have to admire it. Actually, if there are more giant threats that can make me ponder, maybe I can really cultivate those fierce ancient behemoths."

After that, in the eyes, the light of the hope, to see Sun Hao.

Sun Hao smiled and asked: "Agarwood still doesn't know what achievements and experience he has gained in building a military giant's giant fear. Jianjun brother may wish to talk about it, I will refer to the reference..."

It is not impossible to give some light to the easy road, but if the easy road light is pure waste, and did not find some useful things, Sun Hao does not intend to give him too much fear to let him squander.

Yi Lu lights immediately understood the meaning of Sun Hao. The tone was very sincere and said: "The greatest difficulty in the cultivation of the giant fear group is mainly reflected in two aspects. One is the harsh incubation conditions... The second is the fighting power to stimulate..."

Sun Hao is not moving, listening to the easy road lights to explain slowly.

After a half-sound, Sun Hao said: "So to say, to build your military brother, your ability, at present, is only in the stage of pondering the birth of its birth, from the fighting power, but there is not much."

The road light on the road is a bitter smile: "The temperature in the mainland is very different from the period of the giant terror life. Let's say that the desert is warm, the temperature and sunshine here are more suitable, but there is a big difference~www.wuxiaspot .com~ can cultivate a little terror, which is the result of many years of experiments and research."

Looking at the hope of the face, but at the same time, there is a sense of frustration. Sun Hao laughed and suddenly said: "If there is such a vast grassland, there is a temperature that can be adjusted, then will it? Is it much faster to cultivate giant fears?"

Easy road lights and eyes are shining: "That is certain, it is certain, Shenxiang will quickly show the army to see and see..."

Sun Hao’s face is positive: “Is it really going to be a military brother? Once you get in, you have to think about it, but it’s not too easy.”

Easy road lights screamed and laughed: "I am a sinister sect, it is a single pass. If there is such a good place that Shen Xiang said, it will be willing to build a military for a lifetime."

Sun Hao smiled and said: "Build a military brother, please relax, I will take you to a place..."

After three days. In the huge tower of Sun Hao’s Sumiyuki tower, a huge wooden sign was erected on the road, and the book: “Shou Mi Ranch, idlers are free...”

Sun Hao’s Sumiyuki Air Tower has a wonderful guest. (~^~)

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