Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1200: Peak

Qingyun Xianshan, a party of joy.

The flying sword shuttled, and the Qingyun disciple who went high and high, was elated and excited and excited.

Disciples who perform various sacred missions will always look at the main peak of Qingyun from time to time. Their eyes are full of admiration and expectation, with some hopes and dreams.

Shen Xiang adults are back.

The main peak of Qingyun is twelve rings, welcoming the return of adults.

What's more interesting is that the gossip news, when Shen Xiang adults came back, actually did not know him, Hao Ranfeng disciple Ma Xiaoyu was stopped outside the big array.

It is said that, fortunately, Ma Xiaoyu’s master, Bowen, and Shen Xiang’s adults are old-fashioned, and there are a large number of adults, and there is no suspicion of Ma Xiaoyu’s ignorance.

After many friends heard the news, they went to visit the Xiaoyu monk who was banned from Haoranfeng.

Xiaoyu said that he did not expect that Shen Xiang adults looked so young, and if they were not careful, they would look away.

When asked him how old Shenxiang adults were, he said, "I look much more tender than you and me. Now it looks like a teenager..."

Shen Xiang adults return to the mountains, Xianshan suddenly unprecedented passion, unprecedentedly lively.

Many high-ranking monks who have performed their duties abroad have returned. On the main peak of Qingyun, from time to time, the melodious bells welcoming the elders of the present are heard.

The peak of the Qingyun Jiufeng, one by one.

The Yaqin ancestor who personally guarded Nanyang came back.

The ancestors who guarded the Qingyun battle boat returned.

There is also a mysterious, chubby ancestral ancestor who also came to the main peak of Qingyun.

Few monks recognize who this ancestor is, but many monks recognize the maids who look like motherhood and gentle face around her. Memories, it seems that the year, the incense ancestor During the foundation period, one of the more famous Caiyun Erjuan.

Unexpectedly, this person has now achieved Jindan real person.

I don’t know her former sisters, and the white-looking Bai Juan is now. Will it be old or yellow, or simply fall on the road of Xiu Dao.

At that time, the generation of talented monks who were brilliant in the past, can now have several Jin Jindans, and the face is still the same?

and also. Qingyun Qingshi saw that many of the great monks returned to Qingyun, but they knew that Zongmen was afraid of another big move.

These monks should be summoned after the return of the incense and adults.

After meeting the adults of Aquilaria, these great monks waited in the Qingyunmen. It seems to be waiting for the continued command of Qingyun adults.

So, what is the agarwood adult brewing?

Everyone is waiting for it.

After the peaks and peaks have arrived, the main peak of Qingyun, the bells are melodious, and the summit begins.

At the same time, the deacon's office also sent the latest news: "The summit has only one issue and negotiates the issue."

Peak discussion peak?

The Qingyunmen monk suddenly burst into cheers.

Qingyunmen, finally to the ten peaks of the world, and then show the ZTE grand event.

Don't look at Qingyunmen, now Jiufeng is alive. But in the end, this mountain is not so easy to stand up.

When the funeral Tianxu came back, Sun Hao never mentioned this because the timing was not mature.

Nowadays, Sun Hao finally decided to set up Qingyun Shifeng.

This time, this summit was organized, and there was only one goal. There was only one topic: “Lifeng”. All the monks and masters of Qingyunmen gathered together and began to discuss.

Within the hall, Sun Hao sat on the first knee. Binocular closed.

Behind him, stood a man and a woman, a short and a high, but it is Luo charm and eight arms.

The two were very low-key. At this time, it is quiet and quiet to listen to everyone's summit.

Sun Hao’s left and right sides are seated by Xuanyuan Yaqin and Jin Xiaolan.

Later, in turn, there are also Shuguang Zhenjun, the peaks of the main, true women, Zizhen Zhenjun and Zhizhenjun.

Most unexpectedly, even the people who don’t understand it. What is Zhizheng Jun Shen Changfu?

At that time, Shuguang Zhenjun saw Sun Hao killing Shen Changfu, but nowadays, the wisdom of the monarchy reappears, and the strength is not weak, and the atmosphere is very calm.

Twilight really stunned, I don’t know what to say.

The other peaks did not have much reaction, only a little strange.

In addition to watching the heroine of the impermanent peak, He Xiongjie, all the monks who arrived there have basically arrived. The lord Xuanyuan Hongjun slowly began to speak: "Dear friends, according to the order of the ancestors of Shenxiang, today everyone will discuss the peak of the peak. Things, that is, re-establishing the tenth peak of Qingyun, becoming the Qingyun Dojo, ZTE Qingyun..."

Inside the hall, it was quiet.

finally coming? Qingyunmen Zhongxing is a lifelong dream of many monks, especially the lifelong dream of the Xuanyuan family. Is it finally going to start now?

How can a ZTE of Zongmen judge? There is no doubt that the Taoist world is the most typical representative.

The dojo can pass through sermons and can have some special effects.

The Taoist world is established, the crown is gathered, and the handsome day is the center.

Xuanyuan Hongjun paused a bit and then continued: "Hongjun thinks that ZTE is a great thing for generations. You, my ancestors, there is no objection to the peaks. I don’t know which friends have friends. Objections can be raised in person."

Inside the hall, all the monks said in a loud voice: "Agarwood is wise, I have no objection."

Today's Qingyunmen is completely different from the past.

If the former Qingyunmen is the only one of the Xuanyuan family, then the current Qingyunmen is Sun Haosun and Shen Xiang’s words. Since it is the opinion of Shenxiang adults, who else has to say? Moreover, this is still a long-awaited event.

Xuanyuan Hongjun’s face showed a bright smile and said loudly: “Well, then this time we will set it down. Now, what we need to discuss is when we set the tenth peak and set the tenth peak, and we choose what to generate. What kind of dojo, what kind of dojo, and how to generate this field, do you need to find other sects to help and discuss specific matters, this is a preliminary opinion that Hongjun received after receiving the insults of Shenxiang adults. Friends, please."

The boy who served on the side of the morning gave a preliminary opinion to the monks present.

The chief of the peak noticed that the great beauty and the little boy who stood behind Sun Hao had received preliminary opinions, and Chen Juan, who stood behind the gold lord, also got preliminary opinions.

That is to say, in their capacity, they can also participate in the discussion.

Behind Sun Hao, two monks with distinct features are undoubtedly Sun Hao’s right arm, blood magic charm and eight-legged warlord chapter, all of which are Yuan Yingzhenjun’s power, can participate in the deliberation, it’s not surprising, I did not expect Qian The two monks of Mou Zong are also qualified, and Jin Xiaolan's rank is above the ancestors of Yaqin, only under the agarwood, and a proposition that surprised many monks.

Dispelling some of the conjectures in my heart, everyone began to look at the initial opinions.

The discussion on the summit will not be sloppy, although Xuanyuan Hongxiu is not strong, but the management of Zongmen is dedicated, the initial opinions in the hands are very detailed, summarizing all aspects, the arrangements are very thoughtful and careful, no less, no less More than 30,000 words.

Among them, there is a choice about the peak time, Zongmen suggestion, after one year, Bu Dingji Day, announce the world, invite the world to visit the ceremony.

This arrangement is to make the preparation time more abundant. Secondly, more Zongmen can be seen to enhance the influence of Qingyunmen.

Among them, there is a choice of time for the Taoist world, and it is recommended to establish the Qingyun Dojo immediately after the peak.

Among them, there are suggestions on dojo specifications.

This is the most important arrangement for the monks present and carefully reviewed.

There are many types of dojos. According to their functions, the range of influences varies from time to time, and the specifications will naturally differ.

Of course, the level of the specification is absolutely different, and the difficulty of standing up is also different.

Dojo specifications are reflected in many aspects, but if you let go of its magical use, there are two aspects that best reflect the dojo specifications.

The first is the coverage of the dojo; the second is the time of the dojo.

It is difficult to make a living on the road.

There is a huge difference in the size of the coverage. Today, there are three types of dojos in the mainland, from the scope of coverage, one to measure the dojo; the second to the dojo; the three to the dojo.

Measuring the dojo: Take thezhang as the unit ~ ~ the minimum dojo, at least six feet or more, can be a device, that is, the smallest dojo, it also needs more than six squares.

Lido Dojo: In the unit of the inside, the minimum dojo needs a square.

No amount of dojo: There is no unit of measurement, but at the very least, it takes more than ten miles.

The difference in the time of action of the dojo also has a watershed-like difference. Usually, it is divided into three categories.

A century-old dojo: a dojo that can survive for at least a hundred years, with a daily action time of no less than three hours;

Two thousand years of dojo: at least for more than a thousand years, the daily action time is not less than six hours;

Sancha Wannian Dojo: A dojo that can survive for more than 10,000 years and can run all day.

Among the preliminary opinions put forward by Xuanyuan Hongjun, the suggestion is to establish a "100-year measurement of the dojo."

This is also the initial specification that most of the new leg roads usually choose. (~^~)

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