Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1209: 10 Peak Grand Ceremony (3)

All the monks in the Quartet were in place, and above the main peak of Qingyun, there were still six futons.

And Qingyunmen’s own Yuanying Zhenjun, but still did not come up.

Ten thousand Qingyun disciples, nearly two thousand monks and priests look up, want to see what Qingyunmen now have the qualifications of Yuan Ying, sitting high on the top of the pyramid.

Xuanyuan Hongyi once again thanked Shifang’s Quartet Yingjie for a little silence.

The audience was silent, waiting for him to ask for the last six true monarchs of Qingyunmen.

Xuanyuan Hong’s hand was raised, and a chapter of white jade appeared in his hand. The voice increased in a few points: “Qingyun Dadian, alarming Quartet, more Zongmen, sent a congratulatory letter, and this door specially selected five. Sharing with the world..."

After that, the hand shook and the jade flew into the air.

The white jade is slowly stretching in the air like a picture.

On top of the jade, Juanjuan's writing is very delicate.

The content of the congratulatory letter is nothing more than the love of the 10th peak of the Guimen, the mainland event, special letter to congratulations and so on.

The content is not important.

The important thing is the person who sent the congratulatory letter.

Congratulations on the letter, the Ice Palace, Xia Qingyu.

It is actually a congratulatory letter from the top five strengths of the mainland, and it is a congratulatory letter from the Shaogong master who is the real principal of the Holy Palace today. Under the Qingyunmen, the face has risen!

But it’s just the beginning of the surprise of the monk.

After the congratulatory message was launched, Xuanyuan Hongjun was on the futon and said again: "Let us use the warm applause, please ask the ice and snow ambassador..."

A white fluttering, like a fairy of the nine-day mysterious woman, came to the top of one of the six futons in the highest air, facing the thousands of monks, slightly squatting, and said crisply: "The Ice and Snow Palace is too far away. Far away, the Shaogong Master could not catch up with the Qingyun Lifeng Grand Ceremony, and the special commissioner sent her to congratulate Qingyun Shifeng on behalf of her, and the Daochang Dacheng..."

It is actually a snow and ice palace fairy.

The monk of the ceremony and the monk of Qingyun are all enthusiastic. Applause is like thunder.

Sit on the second sequence. The enthusiasm applauded, the eyes of the world at the beginning of the world, there are not many complaints at this time, watching the five futons still vacant in the sky, my heart speculation. No, the top five Zongmen sent representatives to come to the ceremony. If this is the case, then my old Song can only sit in the second sequence.

He did not guess wrong.

After the ice and snow sacred seat, Xuanyuan Hongjun invited a second congratulatory letter.

Actually, it is the head of the magic road. Congratulatory letter to the Temple of Pluto!

An arrogant sensation, like a general congratulatory letter from Pluto. The withdrawal is suddenly the main priest of the temple.

The representative of the Temple of the Pluto, but also the ghost of the Lord, such as the spirit of the body.

In the Zhengdao Zongmen Lifeng Grand Ceremony, the demon leader first came to watch the ceremony. These monks who are watching the ceremony are not looking at me by you, I look at you. Face to face, I feel the face of Qingyunmen, a bit too much.

It’s still the Lord of the Pluto.

Although it is a scarf mask. But it looks pitiful and should not be bad.

Is she not afraid of being demonized by the righteous monk to the local demon?

The applause was not very warm and the atmosphere was a bit strange.

Then, the third congratulatory letter appeared.

Unsurprisingly, from the Temple of the Sea.

Moreover, it is actually a small temple owner personally coming, the mermaid princess is single, and the manners are thousands, and the futon is seated.

This time, the applause thundered.

The mainland rumors, Shen Xiang adults and the sea temple is inextricably linked, the mermaid princess is one of the confidantes of the incense, and now personally present, naturally a warm welcome.

The demon temple is also here.

Duobao Zhenjun, personally came to congratulate.

She is not coming, her son’s whereabouts are unknown, and she is suspected of being abducted by agarwood.

At the Qingyun Grand Ceremony, the ancestors were extraordinarily generous and opened the net. They did not charge the tolls and pointed her to a clear road: "To see the son, go to the incense..."

She did not want to take her son back. As long as she saw her, she could be assured that she could not help her mother. She had a deep understanding.

The five major forces have come four.

The last two futons on the top of the pyramid, no doubt, belong to the representatives of the incense and the Tiangong.

At this moment, the beginning of the world, the real king has completely lost his temper, saying that in this situation, he Song really can only sit in the second sequence.

Going to Muzhenjun is completely devoid of looking for a sly mind. It’s the same to find 茬 and find death. He still doesn’t want to add trouble to the blame.

After Duo Baojun was seated.

Xuanyuan Hongjun paused a bit and waited for the audience to be quiet. The voice came up in vain and said loudly: "Finally, let us warmly applaud, please come to our two adults in today's ceremony, Xianban monk, Shen Xiangzhen Jun, Sirius is really..."

Tiangong actually came directly to the palace Sirius!

Known as the first man under the five minor monks!

The warm applause, deafening, long-lasting.

In the sky, two monks came together.

In front of the person, eyes closed, eyes looking at the sky, arrogant.

Later, the jade tree is facing the wind, facing the smile, handsome and extraordinary.

"Agarwood, agarwood... Sirius, Sirius..."

Cheers, a wave is higher than a wave.

The minds of the monks in the ceremony are known. Now it seems that the Qingyunmen Lifeng Grand Ceremony has been recognized by the top forces of the mainland, and it has also been highly valued by Xianban. It must be known that the monks of Xianban have never seen the tail of the dragon. The mainland is rare to see.

Now, personally, it is a full explanation of the problem.

Going to the heart of Mu Zhenjun, I was deeply sinking when I saw the moment of the Sirius.

Undoubtedly, in the minds of the monks of Xianban, in the eyes of the five major forces, today's southern continent, Qingyunmen is more important than one.

Even if the current comprehensive power is still far above Qingyunmen.

But there is no doubt that people are more valued, and even more optimistic is Qingyunmen.

This is a very obvious signal.

At present, there is no decline, and there are still more than a thousand years of life, and within the Zongmen, it is even more talented.

However, the general trend of returning to one is no longer.

Although there is no decline in the categorization, the strong neighbor Qingyunmen has strengthened its position.

Sirius really closed his eyes and sat silently on the futon.

Sun Hao smiled, and the slow wolf really sat down half a step.

Xuanyuan Hongjun looked at the Sirius Zhenjun around Sun Hao. He felt that he saw a big mountain, and he couldn’t breathe himself. Then he looked at Sun Hao around him and immediately felt like a spring breeze.

Looking at Xuanyuan Hongjun to himself, Sun Hao smiled slightly above, gently nodded, and said three words in his mouth: "Get started."

Although Sun Hao’s tone is very light, the entire Yunhai venue is clearly audible.

At the scene, the tsunami-like cheers of the mountains and the warm applause seemed to be invisible.

Shen Xiang adults speak, the ten peak ceremony, officially started.

Qingyunmen prepared such a large battle.

The sect of Zongmen, who came to observe the ceremony, was so neat, and in a sense, it was also a huge test for Qingyunmen.

If there is any leak in the Lifeng Gate of Qingyunmen, or if the built dojo does not achieve the expected results, then it will be ridiculous and generous, sweeping the ground in front of the entire facade.

To be honest, even Xuanyuan Hongjun, who presided over the Lifeng Grand Ceremony, was involuntarily a little nervous at this time, only hoped that everything would go well.

The voice was a little trembling, and Xuanyuan Hongjun presided over the Lifeng ceremony according to the pre-arranged agenda.

After the agenda of worshipping the heavens, praying for blessings, worshipping the ancestors, etc., the Yunhai venue ushered in a real highlight. Xuanyuan Hongjun’s voice trembled and said: “Qingyun’s handing down, the ten peaks stand side by side, is the image of the prosperous world, the state of Dazhi, Nowadays, adhering to the will of Qingyun's generations of ancestors, my sects under the leadership of Shenxiang adults, want to establish the tenth peak, want to build Qingyun Dojo, below, the Ten Peaks Grand Ceremony, the first stand, have the leisurely real people to set the tenth peak ......"

The monks in the ceremony looked at the middle of the sea of ​​clouds.

However, it was discovered that a monk with a sly smile on his face was in the middle of the sea of ​​clouds, spit out his own golden Many monks were in awe, Qingyunmen was a trouble Which one is out?

Can't you find a decent Golden Dan?

Actually let such a melon cracking jujube first show up, choose the tenth peak.

This guy is not a normal number of roads at first glance. If the selected 10th peak of Qingyun is not enough, wouldn’t it be shameful for Qingyunmen?

Many monks and monks frowned slightly.

Many Qingyun monks are also upset, not knowing whether the real people will lose their ugliness to Qingyunmen.

Shen Xiang adults have three disciples, the big disciples to Daewoo, the second disciple Zhu Dezheng are Qingyun Fengzhu, according to the truth, his three disciples Wu Xian Lang should also be the peak owner.

However, as everyone knows, the leisurely real person hangs up all day, not doing business, not a formal, and doing things is extremely unreliable. At this time, Qingyunmen actually released him to open the head cannon, and many of the monks suddenly felt the bottom of his heart. (To be continued.) Please search for "" or enter the URL:

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