Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1213: Yuan Ying shot

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The tip of the gold tower, the ice snow saint made a sigh: "Five behavior base, nine palaces one, tens of thousands of tributaries, pull up the mountain, powerful, agarwood is really the top warriors in the mainland, using the array method, stirring the Qingyun The power of the people, complete the mountain feat, admire."

Sun Hao smiled slightly: "The Holy Ghost has been acclaimed, and speculation is just a matter of chance."

The ghost is weak and weak: "The son does not have to be self-effacing, so opportunistic, there are not a few monks in the world can do it."

Sun Hao smiled slightly.

Underneath, violently shocked, the air, Xuanyuan Hongjun's voice passed over: "Agarwood adults, fortunately do not insult, Qingyun up and down, all the hearts, pull the mountain thirty, return home."

Sun Hao laughed happily: "Congratulations to all of you, your friends have worked hard."

Hundreds of thousands of monks shouted loudly: "Fortunately, don't insult, thank you adults..."

Indeed, if there is a blessing of the tactics taught by Sun Hao, if it is not a blue cloud, it seems to be a whole, and it is basically difficult to complete the peak of 30 feet.

Don't look at the Qingyun Xianshan original high ninety, but now only pulled out thirty, but you must know that the more you pull the peak, the more difficult it is.

Qingyun up and down, can pull out the peak thirty, but it is far beyond the psychological expectations of the monks.

Shan Hao, Rat Duobao also handed a hand to congratulate: "Congratulations to the incense, successful mountain climbing, the Millennium Dojo, no longer difficult."

Sun Hao smiled slightly: "With the same hi."

The height of the floating of Xianshan determines the scale and grade of the dojo.

The height of Baizhang can build the lowest level of the dojo, that is, the dojo in the past 100 years.

For every 10 feet increase in the height of Xianshan, the level of the dojo will automatically increase by one level.

For example, the 110-foot Xianshan can be built in a hundred years to measure the dojo, or to build a thousand-year dojo.

And to the one hundred and twenty feet of Xianshan. It has already been built for thousands of years.

The one hundred and twenty feet of Xianshan is a rather strange height.

In theory, such a high level of Xianshan can also build a century-old boundless dojo or a million-dollar dojo.

However, except for some very special dojos, most of the sects are usually at this height. Most of the dojos that were chosen to be established are in the millennium.

The reason is naturally that there is no limit to the dojo in the past 100 years. It is not very useful to measure the dojo in the past ten years. The former requires high resources, but the period of use is too short. Too uneconomical, the scope of the latter's role is too small, it is not worthwhile.

Of course, for some special occasions, measuring the dojo in the past ten years should also have great value.

For example, the physical source pool, the soul-washing pool, etc. of Wanshen Mountain are particularly advantageous for the unilateral practice of monks. In fact, it should be this kind of measurement of the dojo.

Below, after the fifty real people showed their strength, they recovered Jin Dan. Xuanyuan Hongjun said: "The hard work of all the friends", fifty real people have returned to their peaks.

Xuanyuan Hongjun continued to stand on the futon and walked into the next step of the Ten Peaks ceremony.

"Ten Feng Li Shi, pull the peak thirty", Xuanyuan Hongjun's voice is very passionate: "My Qingyunmen, has completed the key two steps of the Ten Peaks ceremony, then now. We are looking forward to, long-awaited The Daochang Building is about to meet with us."

Speaking of it. Xuanyuan Hongjun paused a little, and then said again: "To tell the truth. I am also very curious now. I really want to know what kind of dojo I am going to build in Qingyunmen. What kind of level will the dojo and what kind of it will be?" The effect, we will wait and see, then, first of all, let us use the greatest enthusiasm, with the warmest applause, the highest cheers, welcome my ancestors of Qingyunmen, they are, Xiaolan Zhenjun, Yaqinzhen Jun, Shuguang Zhenjun, true female adult, Luo Meizheng, Ketuzhenjun, Zhizhenjun, Rakshazhenjun..."

When Xuanyuan Hongjun spoke, Sun Hao’s shoulders were slightly sinking.

The little fire screamed at the eyes of Sun Hao, and looked around, as if he was curious about such a lively scene.

Then, the small head arched the neck of Sun Hao.

Sun Hao reached out and touched the small head of the small fire. In his eyes, a soft expression appeared.

Rat Duobao took a finger and counted it, and praised it in his mouth: "Good guy, actually has ten true princes, agarwood, admire admiration, Qingyunmen's development, it is really not bad, this real lineup, get the mainland, Can be ranked first."

Sun Hao smiled slightly: "The true king has a good reputation. The roots of Qingyunmen are not deep. There are a few true monarchs who are not fake, but they are all early, but the combat power is not strong. Compared with the strength of the demon god, it is a far cry. I don’t dare to compare them. Even the first-class sects of several continents are not the ones that Qingyunmen can compete with now."

Below, in the second sequence, those who rank first in the mainland are looking at the main peak of Qingyun.

Looking at those rising Yuan Ying Zhenjun, my mind was filled with incredible thoughts.

A sect, it is often very difficult to train a Yuan Yingzhen.

Some Zongmen, even for a few hundred years, do not have a true monarch to come out, and some Zongmen often have to use the millennium accumulation to cultivate in order not to let the real king extinction.

However, Qingyunmen is doing well. In these hundreds of years, it’s not just the birth of Sun Hao’s agar, such a powerful force, but also the emergence of so many monks.

The number of true monarchs is no worse than the mainland’s first-ranked sect.

For example, on the strength of Zhenjun, there is a Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang, who ranks first on the mainland, and who dares to say that they are winning?

Going to Mu Zhenjun’s heart for a while, the face is even more gloomy.

The emergence of such a strong neighbor in the South Chinaland is difficult to protect.

Eight-digit baby Zhenjun Qiqi lifted off, and 100,000 monks squatted in one air, shouting: "I have seen your ancestors."

Twilight Zhenjun laughed: "Small, excuses and excuses, get up."

The 100,000 monks were neat and uniform and stood up straight.

Under the leadership of Shuguang Zhenjun, the eight true monarchs faced the monks who came to observe the ceremony and made a slight sigh. They said, "I have seen you."

On the pyramid, the monks returned to the ceremony, and the monks who came from the attached Zongmen were consciously squatting on the futon and said in unison: "I have seen you really."

Shuguang Zhenjun is the monk who used to be the master of Qingyunmen. Although his status is down, but in this occasion, Sun Hao is letting him come forward, and he is given a few faces.

It’s the first time that I’m in the air to see what is called a rising ship.

In the past, although Xuan Xuanguang was the first in Qingyun, the true monarchs sitting in front of him were absolutely not looking at themselves. Wherever they would be like this, they would treat each other with respect and peace.

Especially the top five strengths of the real king, in the past, he has never seen one.

Nowadays, Qingyunmen is strong, and these high-ranking guys are pleasing to each other.

His mother, who is not strong, cultivates a strong disciple, and can follow suit as a blessing.

Seeing the same way, enjoying the scenery of Qingyun, Shuguang Zhenjun with a sense of silk, looking at the top of the pyramid, Sun Hao sitting side by side with the Sirius, and slightly screaming, called: "Agarwood."

Sun Hao also fainted and smiled and said: "Twilight ancestors, heavy responsibility, please."

Shuguang Zhenjun took a deep breath and said with a smile: "Agarwood is relieved, and the dawn is bound to live up to it."

Then, Shuguang Zhenjun turned and said: "Let's get started."

Among the clouds, eight true monarchs return to all directions.

With Qi hands stretched out, there were sixteen huge palms in the air. From eight directions, they rushed into the 100,000 mountains under the clouds.

The mountain is booming, like an earthquake. The surface is greatly attracted by the palm of the eight hands and begins to rise.

Xuanyuanguang screamed: "Get up."

The surface and the flowers and trees on it blasted and slowly drifted upwards.

"Zhendong, against the West, from the south, Kanbei, this Quartet", Xuanyuan Guanglang said: "Dry northwest, Kunxi southwest, northeastern Yunnan, southeastern Yunnan, this four miles, the earth of the four squares Help me to Qingyun Daochang, return to place."

The ghost is weak and weakly said: "The land of the eight heavens is the foundation of the dojo, but it is ingenuity. Now, I really want to see, Qingyun Dojo, what function will be in the end."

The land of the eight parties, under the control of the eight-digit baby Zhenjun, took off.

There are not many differences in the size of the eight groups of soil. Among them, the hidden parts of the monks can be seen hidden. I want to come. This is also the well-built dojo component that Qingyunmen has built. It is not a random debris.

Eight groups of mud flying in the air, under the control of the eight-bit baby Zhenjun, flew over to the main peak of Qingyun, slowly spinning, and did not enter the sea of ​​clouds.

[Immediately 515, I hope to continue to impact the 515 red envelope list, until May 15th, the red envelope rain can give back to readers plus promotional works. One piece is also love, definitely better! 】(To be continued~^~)

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